National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Conference "Growth and Development: Micro and Macro Approaches"

Conference "Growth and Development: Micro and Macro Approaches"

From: Michele Tertilt <>
Date: Thu, 26 Feb 2009 17:04:40 -0800
Dear NBER Family,

The Stanford Institute for Theoretical Economics is hosting a workshop this Summer (August 13-15)
on "Growth and Development: Micro and Macro Approaches." 
The deadline for submitting papers is this Sunday, March 1.

The conference is organized by Michele Tertilt, Seema Jayachandran, Aprajit Mahajan, Pete Klenow and Ran Abramitzky, Stanford University and Matthias Doepke, Northwestern University and Chris Udry, Yale University.

A brief description of the conference is as follows: This session will bring together micro and macro economists working on topics in growth and development.  A special emphasis will be put on topics around health and family.  This includes, but is not limited to, issues related to the demographic transition, family institutions, female empowerment, policies to limit infectious diseases (such as HIV), and the role that diseases play for (the lack of) development in some parts of the world.  We encourage both papers on developing countries today, and those that aim to understand the historical development process in today’s developed countries.

To apply, please send an email with your paper attached as a PDF file (along with the workshop title "Growth and Development") to Rafal Klopotowski:
Additional conference details can be found here:

Michele Tertilt

Michele Tertilt, Assistant Professor
Department of Economics
Stanford University
phone: (650) 724-4903

*************************************** Received on Thu Feb 26 2009 - 20:04:40 EST