Who Profits from Amateurism? Rent-sharing in Modern College Sports (Online Appendix)

By: Craig Garthwaite, Jordan Keener, Matthew Notowidigdo and Nicole Holz)

This page contains each data set used in the main analysis. Please see the full paper and the online appendix for more details on each data set.

School-Sport Data from Athletic Department Data

finances_analysis_school_processed.dta. This file contains the school-sport data used in the rent-sharing analysis.

Student-Athlete Data from Complete Rosters

data_description.xlsx. This file contains variable descriptions for the variables in the dataset below.

player_demo_race.dta. This file contains student-athlete demographics based on matching students' high school to the set of ceneus tracts in the high school's catchment area.

Please contact Matt Notowidigdo with any questions (noto at chicagobooth).