_dta: 1. by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 1 Dec 2015 obs: 715 vars: 68 1 Dec 2015 08:46 size: 66,495 (_dta has notes) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- state byte %8.0g state number st_case long %12.0g consecutive number ve_forms byte %8.0g number of vehicle forms submitted for mv in transport veh_no byte %8.0g vehicle number per_no byte %8.0g person number str_veh byte %8.0g number of motor vehicle striking non-motorist county byte %8.0g county day byte %8.0g crash date (day) month byte %8.0g crash date (month) hour byte %8.0g crash time (hour) minute byte %8.0g crash time (minute) road_fnc byte %8.0g roadway function class harm_ev byte %8.0g first harmful event man_coll byte %8.0g manner of collision sch_bus byte %8.0g school bus related make byte %8.0g vehicle make mak_mod long %12.0g make model combined body_typ byte %8.0g body type mod_year int %8.0g vehicle model year tow_veh byte %8.0g vehicle trailing spec_use byte %8.0g special use emer_use byte %8.0g emergency use rollover byte %8.0g rollover type impact1 byte %8.0g areas of impact - initial contact point fire_exp byte %8.0g fire occurrence age int %8.0g age sex byte %8.0g sex per_typ byte %8.0g person type inj_sev byte %8.0g injury severity seat_pos byte %8.0g seating position rest_use byte %8.0g restraint system/helmet use rest_mis byte %8.0g any indication of mis-use of restraint system/helmet use air_bag byte %8.0g air bag deployed ejection byte %8.0g ejection ej_path byte %8.0g ejection path extricat byte %8.0g extrication drinking byte %8.0g police reported alcohol involvement alc_det byte %8.0g method of alcohol determination by police alc_status byte %8.0g alcohol test- status atst_typ byte %8.0g alcohol test- type alc_res byte %8.0g alcohol test- result drugs byte %8.0g police reported drug involvement drug_det byte %8.0g method of drug determination by police dstatus byte %8.0g drug test -status drugtst1 byte %8.0g drug test -type (1) drugtst2 byte %8.0g drug test -type (2) drugtst3 byte %8.0g drug test -type (3) drugres1 int %8.0g drug test- result (1) drugres2 int %8.0g drug test- result (2) drugres3 int %8.0g drug test- result (3) hospital byte %8.0g transported to medical facility by doa byte %8.0g died at scene/en route death_da byte %8.0g death date (day) death_mo byte %8.0g death date (month) death_yr int %8.0g death date (year) death_hr byte %8.0g death time (hour) death_mn byte %8.0g death time (minutes) death_tm int %8.0g death time lag_hrs int %8.0g crash to death time (hours) lag_mins byte %8.0g crash to death minutes (minutes) p_sf1 byte %8.0g related factors (1) p_sf2 byte %8.0g related factors (2) p_sf3 byte %8.0g related factors (3) cert_no str12 %12s death certificate number work_inj byte %8.0g fatal injury at work hispanic byte %8.0g hispanic origin race byte %8.0g race location byte %8.0g non-motorist location at time of crash --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: st_case veh_no per_no