Finland became an autonomous Grand Duchy connected with Russia "in 1809, and declared independence from Russia on December 6," "1917. Finland had its own monetary system from 1860, and was" on the gold standard from 1877 to 1914. The unit of currency "was the Finnmark (Finnish markka), equivalent to one French" gold franc. Finland returned to the gold standard on January "1, 1926, and remained on the gold standard until October 1931." GDP: "GDP data from 1860 to 1944 from Hjerppe (1989, T. 3A1, col." "1, pp. 201-203), market prices, thousands of FIM. " Capital Formation: "Capital formation data from 1860 to 1938 from Hjerppe (1989, " "T. 3A1, col. 5, pp. 201-203), gross fixed capital expenditure," "market prices, thousands of FIM. Changes in stocks data from" "1860 to 1938 from Hjerppe (1989, T. 3A1, col. 7, pp." "201-203), increase in stocks + statistical discrepancy, market" "prices, thousands of FIM. " Current Account: "Current account data from 1860 to 1938 from Hjerppe (1989, T." "3A1, cols. 2 and 6, pp. 201-203), imports of goods and exports" "of goods, market prices, thousands of FIM. The statistical" discrepancy includes data on net exports of services. Since these are not reported separately by Hjerppe we exclude them "from our current account data for Finland. According to the League of Nations (1927, p. 104), Finnish merchandise trade statistics include gold specie and bullion movements in the" "data for manufactured gold and unwrought gold, respectively." Gold: "Net Exports of gold from 1860 to 1909 from Pihkala (1970, T." "2, pp. 80-91), value of exports, 43: Raha (coinage), less " "Pihkala (1970, T. 7, pp. 112-123), value of imports, 1252:" "Hopea, kulta, platina (silver, gold, platinum). These data" include some silver and platinum trade. Net exports of gold from 1910 to 1930 are from the League of Nations Memorandum on "the Balance of Payments (1924, 1927, 1931, 1932), gold" bullion and specie export less gold bullion and specie import. Net exports of gold from 1931 to 1944 are from Ulkomaankauppa "Vuosijulkaisu (various years), item numbers 951-953, precious" "metal imports: Kultaa: valmistamatonta ja jatteita, lankaa ja" "levya, teoksia muunlaisia, rahaa, muita (gold, manufactured" "and unmanufactured, coin), then from 1939 items 61-005, 61-102" "to 61-014, and 62-001. Exports data are given in series 61-002" (Kultaa: valmistamaton seka jatteet ja romu) and 62-001 [Kutaraha (gold coin)]. Data on the monetary gold stock from 1871 to 1944 are taken from Suomen Tilastollinen Vuosikirja (Statistical "Yearbook of Finland), various years, gold assets of the Bank" of Finland. The change in the monetary gold stock is calculated as the first difference of the gold assets of the Bank of Finland. Data on the current account excluding gold are calculated by subtracting net gold exports (which include some silver and platinum) from the current account data. Refs: "Hjerppe, Riitta (1989) The Finnish Economy 1860-1985 Growth and Structural" "Change, Bank of Finland Government Printing Centre, Helsinki." "Oksanen, Heikki and Pihkala, Erkki (1975) Suomen ulkomaankauppa 1917-1949," "Suomen Pankki Julkaisuja, Kasvututkimuksia VI, (Bank of Finland Publications," "Studies of Finland's Economic Growth VI), Helsinki." "Pihkala, Erkki (1970), Suomen ulkomaankauppa 1860-1917, " "Suomen Pankin Taloustieteellisen Tutkimuslaitoksen Julkaisuja, " "Kasvututkimuksia II, (Bank of Finland Institute for Economic Research," "Publications, Studies of Finland's Economic Growth II), Helsinki." "Ulkomaankauppa Vuosijulkaisu (Foreign Trade Yearbook) (various years), " "Suomen Virallinen Tilasto, (Finland's official statistics), Helsinki." "Finland. Tilastollinen paatoimisto, " Suomen tilastollinen vuosikirja (Statistical yearbook of Finland) Refs: "Oksanen, Heikki and Pihkala, Erkki (1975), Suomen ulkomaankauppa 1917-1949," "Suomen Pankin Julkaisuja, Kasvututkimuksia VI, Helsinki." "Finlands Foreign Trade, 1917-1949, Bank of Finland Publications, " Studies on Finland's Economic Growth VI. "Tudeer, A. E. (1940), ""The Bank of Finland 1912-1936"", Helsinki."