FAQ for the AHA Survey Data

How can the funit records be matched to the survey?

The inclusion of Units as a separate Excel file with the ASDB began in FY2010. That particular year there is not an ID for the unit hospital, but the Parent_ID field is present and corresponds to ID on the Database file.

What is the deal with Parent_ID?

There is some inconsistency on whether the Parent_ID field in the Units file has leading zeros.

What about hospitals in systems?

These hospital systems are filling out the AHA survey for the whole group, and therefore we do not have any responses at all for them that are hospital-specific in the AHA data.

Is there a way to at least identify the hospitals that might be part of a system.

What drives the classification of hospitals into systems?

The following fields may be beneficialand it is important to understand that AHAs definition of System is ownership driven.