Frequencies for shortdesc variable in icd9sg2002 dataset : Short Description | Freq. Percent Cum. -------------------------+----------------------------------- & C For Preg Terminat | 1 0.02 0.02 & C Nec | 1 0.02 0.05 & C Post Delivery | 1 0.02 0.07 & D Palmar/Thenar Spac | 1 0.02 0.09 & S Nec | 1 0.02 0.12 & S Nos | 1 0.02 0.14 & S-Bili/Pancreas | 1 0.02 0.16 & S-Blood | 1 0.02 0.19 & S-Endocrine | 1 0.02 0.21 & S-Ent/Larynx | 1 0.02 0.23 & S-Eye | 1 0.02 0.26 & S-Female Genital | 1 0.02 0.28 & S-Integument | 1 0.02 0.30 & S-Lower Gi | 1 0.02 0.33 & S-Lower Resp | 1 0.02 0.35 & S-Lower Urinary | 1 0.02 0.37 & S-Lymph System | 1 0.02 0.40 & S-Musculoskeletal | 1 0.02 0.42 & S-Nervous Syst | 1 0.02 0.44 & S-Op Wound | 1 0.02 0.47 & S-Peritoneum | 1 0.02 0.49 & S-Spleen/Marrow | 1 0.02 0.51 & S-Upper Gi | 1 0.02 0.54 & S-Upper Urinary | 1 0.02 0.56 Extraoc Muscl Advance | 1 0.02 0.58 Extraoc Muscl Resect | 1 0.02 0.60 Int Mam-Cor Art Bypass | 2 0.05 0.65 Xtraoc Mus Op W Detach* | 1 0.02 0.67 -Luc Exc Max Sinus Les | 1 0.02 0.70 -Ray Nec And Nos | 1 0.02 0.72 -Ray Of Gravid Uterus | 1 0.02 0.74 -Ray Of Spine* | 1 0.02 0.77 -Ray Of Urinary System* | 1 0.02 0.79 -Ray Study Of Eye | 1 0.02 0.81 -Section/Removal Fetus* | 1 0.02 0.84 -Vasc Scan/Isotop Funct | 1 0.02 0.86 .A.T. Scan Of Abdomen | 1 0.02 0.88 .A.T. Scan Of Head | 1 0.02 0.91 .A.T. Scan Of Kidney | 1 0.02 0.93 .A.T. Scan Of Thorax | 1 0.02 0.95 32 & Eye Tracer Nec | 1 0.02 0.98 Abial Frenotomy | 1 0.02 1.00 Abial Frenumectomy | 1 0.02 1.02 Abies Vaccination | 1 0.02 1.05 Ac Canaliculi Incision | 1 0.02 1.07 Ac Canaliculi Probe | 1 0.02 1.09 Ac Passage Manip Nec | 1 0.02 1.12 Ac Passage Manipulation* | 1 0.02 1.14 Ac Punctum Incision | 1 0.02 1.16 Ac Punctum Obliteration | 1 0.02 1.19 Accination Nec | 1 0.02 1.21 Accination/Innocula Nec | 1 0.02 1.23 Acemaker Impedance Chck | 1 0.02 1.26 Acemaker Rate Check | 1 0.02 1.28 Acemaker Volt Threshold | 1 0.02 1.30 Acemaker Wave Form Chck | 1 0.02 1.33 Acemkr/Card Stress Test* | 1 0.02 1.35 Acial Bone & Joint Ops* | 1 0.02 1.37 Acial Bone Biopsy | 1 0.02 1.40 Acial Bone Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 1.42 Acial Bone Exc & Recons* | 1 0.02 1.44 Acial Bone Incision Nec | 1 0.02 1.47 Acial Bone Incision* | 1 0.02 1.49 Acial Bone Reconstr Nec | 1 0.02 1.51 Acial Bone Repair Nec | 1 0.02 1.54 Acial Bone Sequestrect | 1 0.02 1.56 Acial Bone X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 1.58 Acial Bone/Jnt Op Nec | 1 0.02 1.61 Acial Rhytidectomy | 1 0.02 1.63 Acilit Intraoc Circ Nec | 1 0.02 1.65 Ack Ext Auditory Canal | 1 0.02 1.67 Acked Cell Transfusion | 1 0.02 1.70 Acrim Passage Incis Nec | 1 0.02 1.72 Acrim Sac/Passage Excis | 1 0.02 1.74 Acrimal Gland Biopsy | 1 0.02 1.77 Acrimal Gland Excision* | 1 0.02 1.79 Acrimal Gland Incision | 1 0.02 1.81 Acrimal Punctum Probe | 1 0.02 1.84 Acrimal Sac Biopsy | 1 0.02 1.86 Acrimal Sac Incision | 1 0.02 1.88 Acrimal Sys Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 1.91 Acrimal Sys Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 1.93 Acrimal System Op Nec | 1 0.02 1.95 Acrimal System Op* | 1 0.02 1.98 Acryocystorhinostomy | 1 0.02 2.00 Act Smear Nec | 1 0.02 2.02 Act Smear Nos | 1 0.02 2.05 Act Smear-Bili/Pancreas | 1 0.02 2.07 Act Smear-Blood | 1 0.02 2.09 Act Smear-Endocrine | 1 0.02 2.12 Act Smear-Ent/Larynx | 1 0.02 2.14 Act Smear-Eye | 1 0.02 2.16 Act Smear-Female Genit | 1 0.02 2.19 Act Smear-Integument | 1 0.02 2.21 Act Smear-Lower Gi | 1 0.02 2.23 Act Smear-Lower Resp | 1 0.02 2.26 Act Smear-Lower Urinary | 1 0.02 2.28 Act Smear-Lymph System | 1 0.02 2.30 Act Smear-Musculoskel | 1 0.02 2.33 Act Smear-Nervous Syst | 1 0.02 2.35 Act Smear-Op Wound | 1 0.02 2.37 Act Smear-Peritoneum | 1 0.02 2.40 Act Smear-Spleen/Marrow | 1 0.02 2.42 Act Smear-Upper Gi | 1 0.02 2.44 Act Smear-Upper Urinary | 1 0.02 2.47 Acuum Ext Del W Episiot | 1 0.02 2.49 Acuum Extract Del Nec | 1 0.02 2.51 Acuum Extraction Deliv* | 1 0.02 2.54 Ad Cervical Node Excis* | 1 0.02 2.56 Ad Dissec Axillary Node | 1 0.02 2.58 Ad Dissec Periaort Node | 1 0.02 2.61 Ad Dissec Thorac Struct | 1 0.02 2.63 Ad Dissect Iliac Nodes | 1 0.02 2.65 Ad Electrocoag-Rect Les | 1 0.02 2.68 Ad Excis Ext Ear Les | 1 0.02 2.70 Ad Neck Dissection Nos | 1 0.02 2.72 Ad Node Dissection Nec | 1 0.02 2.74 Ad Node Dissection Nos | 1 0.02 2.77 Ad Pancreaticoduodenect | 1 0.02 2.79 Ad Subtot Pancreatectom | 1 0.02 2.81 Adial Keratotomy | 1 0.02 2.84 Adical Abd Hysterectomy | 1 0.02 2.86 Adical Cystectomy | 1 0.02 2.88 Adical Excis Skin Les | 1 0.02 2.91 Adical Glossectomy | 1 0.02 2.93 Adical Groin Dissection | 1 0.02 2.95 Adical Laryngectomy | 1 0.02 2.98 Adical Mastoidectomy | 1 0.02 3.00 Adical Maxillary Antrot | 1 0.02 3.02 Adical Orbitomaxillect | 1 0.02 3.05 Adical Prostatectomy | 1 0.02 3.07 Adical Vag Hysterectomy | 1 0.02 3.09 Adical Vulvectomy | 1 0.02 3.12 Adioactive Elem Implant | 1 0.02 3.14 Adioisot Teleradiother | 1 0.02 3.16 Adiotherapeut Proc Nec | 1 0.02 3.19 Adius & Ulna Biopsy | 1 0.02 3.21 Adius & Ulna Sequestrec | 1 0.02 3.23 Adius/Ulna Division Nec | 1 0.02 3.26 Adius/Ulna Inj Op Nos | 1 0.02 3.28 Adius/Ulna Wedg Osteoto | 1 0.02 3.30 Ag Construc/Reconstruc* | 1 0.02 3.33 Ag Diaphragm Insertion | 1 0.02 3.35 Ag Repair Invers Uterus | 1 0.02 3.37 Agin/Cul-De-Sac Dx Nec | 1 0.02 3.40 Agin/Cul-De-Sac Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 3.42 Agina & Cul-De-Sac Ops* | 1 0.02 3.44 Aginal Biopsy | 1 0.02 3.47 Aginal Construction | 1 0.02 3.49 Aginal Douche | 1 0.02 3.51 Aginal Hysterectomy* | 1 0.02 3.54 Aginal Mold Insertion | 1 0.02 3.56 Aginal Obliteration | 1 0.02 3.58 Aginal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 3.61 Aginal Packing | 1 0.02 3.63 Aginal Reconstruction | 1 0.02 3.65 Aginal Repair Nec | 1 0.02 3.68 Aginal Suspens & Fixat | 1 0.02 3.70 Aginal Vault Obliterat | 1 0.02 3.72 Aginoscopy | 1 0.02 3.75 Aginotomy Nec | 1 0.02 3.77 Agnet Remov Ant Seg Fb | 1 0.02 3.79 Agnet Remov Post Seg Fb | 1 0.02 3.81 Agnet Removal Cornea Fb | 1 0.02 3.84 Agnet Remove Fb Lens | 1 0.02 3.86 Agnetic Res Image Unsp | 1 0.02 3.88 Agotomy Nos | 1 0.02 3.91 Agotomy* | 1 0.02 3.93 Ail Removal | 1 0.02 3.95 Ailed Forceps | 1 0.02 3.98 Air Transplant | 1 0.02 4.00 Alatoplasty* | 1 0.02 4.02 Ale Genital Op Nec | 1 0.02 4.05 Ale Genital X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 4.07 Ale Genital X-Ray* | 1 0.02 4.09 Ale Sterilization Nos | 1 0.02 4.12 Aliv Glnd & Duct Repair* | 1 0.02 4.14 Aliv Glnd Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 4.16 Aliv Lesion Excis Nec | 1 0.02 4.19 Alivary Cyst Marsupial | 1 0.02 4.21 Alivary Diagnostic Proc* | 1 0.02 4.23 Alivary Duct Probing | 1 0.02 4.26 Alivary Fistula Closure | 1 0.02 4.28 Alivary Gland Operation* | 1 0.02 4.30 Alivary Operation Nec | 1 0.02 4.33 Alivary Repair Nec | 1 0.02 4.35 Allbladder Anastom Nec | 1 0.02 4.37 Allbladder Incision* | 1 0.02 4.40 Allop Tube Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 4.42 Allop Tube Repair Nec | 1 0.02 4.44 Allopian Tube Aspirat | 1 0.02 4.47 Allopian Tube Biopsy | 1 0.02 4.49 Allopian Tube Dilation | 1 0.02 4.51 Allopian Tube Dx Procs* | 1 0.02 4.54 Allopian Tube Insufflat | 1 0.02 4.56 Allopian Tube Op Nec | 1 0.02 4.58 Allopian Tube Operation* | 1 0.02 4.61 Alpingo-Oophorostomy | 1 0.02 4.63 Alpingo-Salpingostomy | 1 0.02 4.65 Alpingo-Uterostomy | 1 0.02 4.68 Alpingostomy | 1 0.02 4.70 Alpingotomy | 1 0.02 4.72 Alpingotomy* | 1 0.02 4.75 Alves & Septa Ops Nec* | 1 0.02 4.77 Am Keratplast W Autgrft | 1 0.02 4.79 Amellar Keratoplast Nec | 1 0.02 4.82 Amily Therapy | 1 0.02 4.84 Ammography Nec | 1 0.02 4.86 Ammoplasty Nec | 1 0.02 4.88 An Replac Invert Uterus | 1 0.02 4.91 An Replace Invert Uter | 1 0.02 4.93 Analiculus Repair | 1 0.02 4.95 Analiculus/Punctum Rep* | 1 0.02 4.98 Ancreat Cyst Marsupiali | 1 0.02 5.00 Ancreat Sphincteroplas | 1 0.02 5.02 Ancreat Sphincterotom | 1 0.02 5.05 Ancreat Transplant Nos | 1 0.02 5.07 Ancreatic Anastomosis | 1 0.02 5.09 Ancreatic Diagnost Proc* | 1 0.02 5.12 Ancreatic Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 5.14 Ancreatic Heterotranspl | 1 0.02 5.16 Ancreatic Homotransplan | 1 0.02 5.19 Ancreatic Operation Nec | 1 0.02 5.21 Ancreatic Repair Nec | 1 0.02 5.23 Ancreatic Tube Irrigat | 1 0.02 5.26 Ancreatotomy Nec | 1 0.02 5.28 Ancreatotomy* | 1 0.02 5.30 And & Finger Arthroscop | 1 0.02 5.33 And Fasciectomy Nec | 1 0.02 5.35 And Joint Struct Divis | 1 0.02 5.37 And Mus/Ten/Fas/Ops Nec | 1 0.02 5.40 And Musc/Tend Transplan* | 1 0.02 5.42 And Muscl/Tend/Fasc Ops* | 1 0.02 5.44 And Muscle Reattachment | 1 0.02 5.47 And Orthognathic Op Nec | 1 0.02 5.49 And Plastic Op Nec | 1 0.02 5.51 And Sft Tissu Injec Nec | 1 0.02 5.54 And Skin Graft Nec | 1 0.02 5.56 And Soft Tissue Exc Nec | 1 0.02 5.58 And Synovectomy | 1 0.02 5.61 And Tend Pulley Reconst | 1 0.02 5.63 And Tendon Advancement | 1 0.02 5.65 And Tendon Reattachment | 1 0.02 5.68 And Tendon Recession | 1 0.02 5.70 And Tenonectomy Nec | 1 0.02 5.72 And/Finger Joint Biopsy | 1 0.02 5.75 Andibular Reconst Nec | 1 0.02 5.77 Ange Of Motion Testing | 1 0.02 5.79 Anl Reduct Stoma Prolap | 1 0.02 5.82 Annulation Pancrea Duc | 1 0.02 5.84 Anthotomy | 1 0.02 5.86 Anual & Mechan Traction | 1 0.02 5.89 Anual Assist Deliv Nec | 1 0.02 5.91 Anual Exam Of Breast | 1 0.02 5.93 Anual Explor Uterus P/P | 1 0.02 5.95 Anual Muscle Funct Test | 1 0.02 5.98 Anual Reduc Rect Prolap | 1 0.02 6.00 Anual Reduction Hernia | 1 0.02 6.02 Anual Removal-Placenta | 1 0.02 6.05 Anual Rotat Fetal Head | 1 0.02 6.07 Anual Rupt Joint Adhes | 1 0.02 6.09 Anual Rupt Ovarian Cyst | 1 0.02 6.12 Anually Assisted Deliv* | 1 0.02 6.14 Ap Adhesiolys Ova/Tube | 1 0.02 6.16 Ap Appendectomy | 1 0.02 6.19 Ap Ast Vag Hysterectomy | 1 0.02 6.21 Ap Biopsy Of Ovary | 1 0.02 6.23 Ap Incid Appendectomy | 1 0.02 6.26 Ap Lys Periren/Uret Adh | 1 0.02 6.28 Ap Lys Perivesureth Adh | 1 0.02 6.30 Ap Marsup Ovarian Cyst | 1 0.02 6.33 Ap Part Cholecystectomy | 1 0.02 6.35 Ap Periton Adhesiolysis | 1 0.02 6.37 Ap Reimplant Of Ovary | 1 0.02 6.40 Ap Remove Both Ovaries | 1 0.02 6.42 Ap Remove Ovaries/Tubes | 1 0.02 6.44 Ap Remove Rem Ova/Tube | 1 0.02 6.47 Ap Remove Remain Ovary | 1 0.02 6.49 Ap Salpingo-Oophoroplas | 1 0.02 6.51 Ap Simple Suture Ovary | 1 0.02 6.54 Ap Uni Salpingo-Oophor | 1 0.02 6.56 Ap Unilat Oophorectomy | 1 0.02 6.58 Ap Wedge Resect Ovary | 1 0.02 6.61 Aparoscopic Cholecystec | 1 0.02 6.63 Aparoscopic Oophorotomy | 1 0.02 6.65 Aparoscopy | 1 0.02 6.68 Aparotomy Nec | 1 0.02 6.70 Aparotomy* | 1 0.02 6.72 Apillary Muscle Ops | 1 0.02 6.75 Aracerv Uterine Denerv | 1 0.02 6.77 Arasitlolgy-Lower Urin | 1 0.02 6.79 Arasitol-Spleen/Marrow | 1 0.02 6.82 Arasitology Nec | 1 0.02 6.84 Arasitology Nos | 1 0.02 6.86 Arasitology-Bili/Pancr | 1 0.02 6.89 Arasitology-Blood | 1 0.02 6.91 Arasitology-Endocrine | 1 0.02 6.93 Arasitology-Ent/Larynx | 1 0.02 6.96 Arasitology-Eye | 1 0.02 6.98 Arasitology-Female Gen | 1 0.02 7.00 Arasitology-Integument | 1 0.02 7.02 Arasitology-Lower Gi | 1 0.02 7.05 Arasitology-Lower Resp | 1 0.02 7.07 Arasitology-Lymph Sys | 1 0.02 7.09 Arasitology-Musculoskel | 1 0.02 7.12 Arasitology-Nerv Syst | 1 0.02 7.14 Arasitology-Op Wound | 1 0.02 7.16 Arasitology-Peritoneum | 1 0.02 7.19 Arasitology-Upper Gi | 1 0.02 7.21 Arasitology-Upper Urin | 1 0.02 7.23 Arastern Hernia Repair | 1 0.02 7.26 Arathyroid Biopsy | 1 0.02 7.28 Arathyroid Reimplant | 1 0.02 7.30 Arathyroid Scan | 1 0.02 7.33 Arathyroidectomy* | 1 0.02 7.35 Araurethral Suspension | 1 0.02 7.37 Arcoanalysis | 1 0.02 7.40 Ardiac Biopsy | 1 0.02 7.42 Ardiac Electrophy Stim | 1 0.02 7.44 Ardiac Mapping | 1 0.02 7.47 Ardiac Retraining | 1 0.02 7.49 Ardiac Rhyth Conversion* | 1 0.02 7.51 Ardiac Rhythm Conv Nec | 1 0.02 7.54 Ardiac Stress Test Nec | 1 0.02 7.56 Ardioplegia | 1 0.02 7.58 Ardiopulm Resuscita Nos | 1 0.02 7.61 Ardiotomy | 1 0.02 7.63 Ardiotomy & Pericardiot* | 1 0.02 7.65 Arent Infus Nutrit Sub | 1 0.02 7.68 Arge Bowel Fixation Nec | 1 0.02 7.70 Arge Bowel Incision | 1 0.02 7.72 Aricose Ligat & Strip* | 1 0.02 7.75 Aricose V Lig-Strip Nos | 1 0.02 7.77 Arium Swallow | 1 0.02 7.79 Ark Adaptation Study | 1 0.02 7.82 Arotid Pulse Tracing | 1 0.02 7.84 Arotid Sinus Stiumlat | 1 0.02 7.86 Arpal Tunnel Release | 1 0.02 7.89 Arporadial Fusion | 1 0.02 7.91 Arrow & Spleen Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 7.93 Arrow Diagnost Proc Nec | 1 0.02 7.96 Arsal Tunnel Release | 1 0.02 7.98 Arsometatarsal Fusion | 1 0.02 8.00 Arsupializat Liver Les | 1 0.02 8.03 Art Adrenalectomy Nec | 1 0.02 8.05 Art Brch Extrac W Forcp | 1 0.02 8.07 Art Breech Extract Nec | 1 0.02 8.09 Art Dacryoadenect Nec | 1 0.02 8.12 Art Excis Pituitary Nos | 1 0.02 8.14 Art Excision Of Thymus | 1 0.02 8.16 Art Facial Ostectom Nec | 1 0.02 8.19 Art Gast W Jej Transpos | 1 0.02 8.21 Art Gastrec W Jej Anast | 1 0.02 8.23 Art Lg Bowel Excis Nec | 1 0.02 8.26 Art Lg Bowel Excision* | 1 0.02 8.28 Art Ostect-Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 8.30 Art Ostect-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 8.33 Art Ostect-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 8.35 Art Ostect-Tibia/Fibula | 1 0.02 8.37 Art Ostectomy-Femur | 1 0.02 8.40 Art Sm Bowel Resect Nec | 1 0.02 8.42 Art Substern Thyroidect | 1 0.02 8.44 Art Thyroidectomy Nec | 1 0.02 8.47 Artholin Gland Marsup | 1 0.02 8.49 Artholin'S Gland Op Nec | 1 0.02 8.51 Artholin'S Gland Ops* | 1 0.02 8.54 Artial Adrenalectomy* | 1 0.02 8.56 Artial Cystectomy | 1 0.02 8.58 Artial Esophagectomy | 1 0.02 8.61 Artial Facial Ostectomy* | 1 0.02 8.63 Artial Gastrectomy Nec | 1 0.02 8.65 Artial Glossectomy | 1 0.02 8.68 Artial Hepatectomy | 1 0.02 8.70 Artial Hip Replacement | 1 0.02 8.72 Artial Humerectomy Nec | 1 0.02 8.75 Artial Laryngectomy Nec* | 1 0.02 8.77 Artial Mandibulectomy | 1 0.02 8.79 Artial Nephrectomy | 1 0.02 8.82 Artial Ostectomy Nec | 1 0.02 8.84 Artial Pancreatect Nec | 1 0.02 8.86 Artial Pancreatectomy* | 1 0.02 8.89 Artial Patellectomy | 1 0.02 8.91 Artial Pinealectomy | 1 0.02 8.93 Artial Salpingectom Nec | 1 0.02 8.96 Artial Shoulder Replace | 1 0.02 8.98 Artial Sialoadenectomy | 1 0.02 9.00 Artial Splenectomy | 1 0.02 9.03 Artial Ureterectomy | 1 0.02 9.05 Artial Ventriculectomy | 1 0.02 9.07 Articul Teleradioth Nec | 1 0.02 9.10 Articulate Radiosurgery | 1 0.02 9.12 Arygnoscopy/Tracheoscop | 1 0.02 9.14 Aryngeal Fistula Clos | 1 0.02 9.16 Aryngeal Fx Repair | 1 0.02 9.19 Aryngeal Nerv Division | 1 0.02 9.21 Aryngostomy Revision | 1 0.02 9.23 Arynx Cyst Marsupializ | 1 0.02 9.26 Arynx Trachea Dx Procs* | 1 0.02 9.28 Arynx Trachea Ops Nec* | 2 0.05 9.33 As & Epididy Repair Nec | 1 0.02 9.35 As & Epididymis Repair* | 1 0.02 9.37 As Hysterosalpingogram | 1 0.02 9.40 Asal Biopsy | 1 0.02 9.42 Asal Diagnostic Proced* | 1 0.02 9.44 Asal Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 9.47 Asal Fistula Closure | 1 0.02 9.49 Asal Fracture Reduction* | 1 0.02 9.51 Asal Function Study | 1 0.02 9.54 Asal Laceration Suture | 1 0.02 9.56 Asal Les Destruct Nec | 1 0.02 9.58 Asal Lesion Destruction* | 1 0.02 9.61 Asal Lesion Excis Nos | 1 0.02 9.63 Asal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 9.65 Asal Repair & Plastic* | 1 0.02 9.68 Asal Repair Nec | 1 0.02 9.70 Asal Sept Grft-Epistax | 1 0.02 9.72 Asal Sinus Aspir/Lavage* | 1 0.02 9.75 Asal Sinus Diagnos Proc* | 1 0.02 9.77 Asal Sinus Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 9.79 Asal Sinus Fistula Clos | 1 0.02 9.82 Asal Sinus Operations* | 1 0.02 9.84 Asal Sinus Repair Nec | 1 0.02 9.86 Asal Sinus Repair* | 1 0.02 9.89 Asal Sinus Transillumin | 1 0.02 9.91 Asc Proc Revision Nec | 1 0.02 9.93 Asc Procedure Revision* | 1 0.02 9.96 Asc Shunt & Bypass Nec | 1 0.02 9.98 Asciotomy | 1 0.02 10.00 Asciotomy Of Hand | 1 0.02 10.03 Ascular Body Operations | 1 0.02 10.05 Ascular Cath Irrigation | 1 0.02 10.07 Asectomy | 1 0.02 10.10 Asectomy & Vas Ligation* | 1 0.02 10.12 Aser Destruc Rectal Les | 1 0.02 10.14 Aso-Lacrimal Fistulizat* | 1 0.02 10.17 Asolac Duct Intubat | 1 0.02 10.19 Asolacrimal Duct Probe | 1 0.02 10.21 Asophary Contrast X-Ray | 1 0.02 10.23 Asotomy | 1 0.02 10.26 Ass Musculosk Exer Nec | 1 0.02 10.28 Asserian Ganglionectomy | 1 0.02 10.30 Astectomy* | 1 0.02 10.33 Asters' 2-Step Test | 1 0.02 10.35 Astoid & Mid Ear Incis* | 1 0.02 10.37 Astoid Incision | 1 0.02 10.40 Astoidectomy Nec | 1 0.02 10.42 Astoidectomy Revision | 1 0.02 10.44 Astoidectomy* | 1 0.02 10.47 Astopexy | 1 0.02 10.49 Astotomy | 1 0.02 10.51 Astric Cooling | 1 0.02 10.54 Astric Diagnos Proc Nec | 1 0.02 10.56 Astric Diagnost Proced* | 1 0.02 10.58 Astric Freezing | 1 0.02 10.61 Astric Gavage | 1 0.02 10.63 Astric Incision/Excis* | 1 0.02 10.65 Astric Lavage | 1 0.02 10.68 Astric Operation Nec | 1 0.02 10.70 Astric Repair Nec | 1 0.02 10.72 Astric Tube Irrigat Nec | 1 0.02 10.75 Astroenterostomy Nec | 1 0.02 10.77 Astroenterostomy* | 1 0.02 10.79 Astropexy | 1 0.02 10.82 Astroscopy Nec | 1 0.02 10.84 Astroscopy Thru Stoma | 1 0.02 10.86 Astrostomy Closure | 1 0.02 10.89 Astrostomy* | 1 0.02 10.91 Astrotomy | 1 0.02 10.93 Atarac Phacoemuls/Aspir | 1 0.02 10.96 Ataract Extraction Nec | 1 0.02 10.98 Ataract Frag/Aspir Nec | 1 0.02 11.00 Ate Repair Per Nerv Inj | 1 0.02 11.03 Atellar Biopsy | 1 0.02 11.05 Atellar Division Nec | 1 0.02 11.07 Atellar Sequestrectomy | 1 0.02 11.10 Atellar Stabilization | 1 0.02 11.12 Atellar Wedge Osteotomy | 1 0.02 11.14 Ath Ablation Les Heart | 1 0.02 11.17 Ath Drain-Pancreat Cyst | 1 0.02 11.19 Autery To Stop Epistax | 1 0.02 11.21 Aval-Pulmon Art Anastom | 1 0.02 11.24 Ax Art Lig For Epistax | 1 0.02 11.26 B Tamponade Uterus/Vag | 1 0.02 11.28 B-To-Hepat Duct Anast | 1 0.02 11.30 B-To-Intestine Anastom | 1 0.02 11.33 B-To-Pancreas Anastom | 1 0.02 11.35 B-To-Stomach Anastomos | 1 0.02 11.37 Bd Artery Resec W Repla | 1 0.02 11.40 Bd Contr Phlebogram Nec | 1 0.02 11.42 Bd Hern Repair-Grft Nec | 1 0.02 11.44 Bd Region Diagnos Procs* | 1 0.02 11.47 Bd Region Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 11.49 Bd Repair-Diaphr Hernia | 1 0.02 11.51 Bd Varicos V Liga-Strip | 1 0.02 11.54 Bd Vein Resect & Anast | 1 0.02 11.56 Bd Vein Resect W Replac | 1 0.02 11.58 Bd Vessel Resect/Anast | 1 0.02 11.61 Bd Wall Hern Repair Nec | 1 0.02 11.63 Bd Wall Periton Suture* | 1 0.02 11.65 Bd Wall Suture Nec | 1 0.02 11.68 Bd-Coron Artery Bypass | 1 0.02 11.70 Bd-Perineal Rect Resect | 1 0.02 11.72 Bdomen Artery Incision | 1 0.02 11.75 Bdomen Region Ops Nec | 1 0.02 11.77 Bdomen Wall Repair Nec | 1 0.02 11.79 Bdominal Artery Excis | 1 0.02 11.82 Bdominal Endarterectomy | 1 0.02 11.84 Bdominal Lymphangiogram | 1 0.02 11.86 Bdominal Proctopexy | 1 0.02 11.89 Bdominal Tomography Nec | 1 0.02 11.91 Bdominal Vein Excision | 1 0.02 11.93 Bdominal Vein Incision | 1 0.02 11.96 Bdominal Wall Biopsy | 1 0.02 11.98 Bdominal Wall Incision | 1 0.02 12.00 Bdominal Wall Sinogram | 1 0.02 12.03 Bdominal Wall X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 12.05 Bdominal X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 12.07 Bjectv Funct Eye Tests* | 1 0.02 12.10 Bove Knee Amputation | 1 0.02 12.12 Bstetric Operation Nec | 1 0.02 12.14 Can Of Other Sites | 1 0.02 12.17 Carification Of Pleura | 1 0.02 12.19 Ccess-Hypogloss Anastom | 1 0.02 12.21 Ccessory-Facial Anastom | 1 0.02 12.24 Cclude Abd Artery Nec | 1 0.02 12.26 Cclude Abd Vein Nec | 1 0.02 12.28 Cclude Aorta Nec | 1 0.02 12.31 Cclude Arm Vessel Nec | 1 0.02 12.33 Cclude Leg Artery Nec | 1 0.02 12.35 Cclude Leg Vein Nec | 1 0.02 12.37 Cclude Thoracic Ves Nec | 1 0.02 12.40 Cclus Head/Neck Ves Nec | 1 0.02 12.42 Cclus Intracran Ves Nec | 1 0.02 12.44 Ccupational Therapy | 1 0.02 12.47 Chillotenotomy | 1 0.02 12.49 Cler Fistuliz W Iridect | 1 0.02 12.51 Cler Fistulizing Op Nec | 1 0.02 12.54 Clera Reinforcement Nec | 1 0.02 12.56 Cleral Buckle W Implant | 1 0.02 12.58 Cleral Buckling Nec | 1 0.02 12.61 Cleral Fistula Repair | 1 0.02 12.63 Cleral Fistulization* | 1 0.02 12.65 Cleral Operation Nec | 1 0.02 12.68 Crot/Tunica Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 12.70 Crotal Fistula Repair | 1 0.02 12.72 Crotal Les Destruction | 1 0.02 12.75 Crotum & Tunica Biopsy | 1 0.02 12.77 Crotum & Tunica Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 12.79 Crotum & Tunica I & D | 1 0.02 12.82 Crotum & Tunica Op Nec | 1 0.02 12.84 Crotum & Tunica Repair* | 1 0.02 12.86 Crotum & Tunica Vag Ops* | 1 0.02 12.89 Crotum/Tunic Repair Nec | 1 0.02 12.91 Ctiv Musculosk Exer Nec | 1 0.02 12.93 Cul-Orbit Implant Remov* | 1 0.02 12.96 Cular Motility Study | 1 0.02 12.98 Cular Prosthetics | 1 0.02 13.00 Cular Thermography | 1 0.02 13.03 Dductor Tenotomy Of Hip | 1 0.02 13.05 De For Calculus Remov | 1 0.02 13.07 De For Obstruction Nec | 1 0.02 13.10 Denoidectomy | 1 0.02 13.12 Dhesiolysis Mus/Ten/Fas | 1 0.02 13.14 Dhesiolysis Ovary/Tube | 1 0.02 13.17 Djust Lid Position Nec | 1 0.02 13.19 Dm Neuroprotective Agnt | 1 0.02 13.21 Drenal Exploration Nos | 1 0.02 13.24 Drenal Field Explor* | 1 0.02 13.26 Drenal Incision | 1 0.02 13.28 Drenal Lesion Excision | 1 0.02 13.31 Drenal Nerve Division | 1 0.02 13.33 Drenal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 13.35 Drenal Reimplantation | 1 0.02 13.38 Drenal Repair | 1 0.02 13.40 Drenal Vessel Ligation | 1 0.02 13.42 Ducational Therapy | 1 0.02 13.44 E-Entry Operation | 1 0.02 13.47 Ead & Neck Endarter Nec | 1 0.02 13.49 Ead Scan Nec | 1 0.02 13.51 Ead Soft Tiss X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 13.54 Ead Tomography Nec | 1 0.02 13.56 Ead/Neck Soft Tiss Xray* | 1 0.02 13.58 Ead/Neck Var V Lig-Str | 1 0.02 13.61 Ead/Neck Ves Incis Nec | 1 0.02 13.63 Ead/Neck Ves Resec-Anas | 1 0.02 13.65 Ead/Neck Ves Resec-Repl | 1 0.02 13.68 Ead/Neck Vessel Excis | 1 0.02 13.70 Earing Examination Nos | 1 0.02 13.72 Eart & Pericard Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 13.75 Eart & Pericard Ops Nec* | 1 0.02 13.77 Eart & Pericard Repair | 1 0.02 13.79 Eart Aneurysm Excision | 1 0.02 13.82 Eart Countershock Nec | 1 0.02 13.84 Eart Repair Revision | 1 0.02 13.86 Eart Revasc Bypass Anas* | 1 0.02 13.89 Eart Revascularizat Nec* | 1 0.02 13.91 Eart Septa Repair Nec* | 1 0.02 13.93 Eart Septa Repair Nos | 1 0.02 13.96 Eart Transplantation | 1 0.02 13.98 Eart Valve Replacement* | 1 0.02 14.00 Eart Valves & Septa Ops* | 1 0.02 14.03 Eart Vessel Op Nec | 1 0.02 14.05 Easles Vaccination | 1 0.02 14.07 Eattach Amputated Ear | 1 0.02 14.10 Eattachment Nec | 1 0.02 14.12 Ebrid Open Fx-Humerus | 1 0.02 14.14 Ebrid Opn Fx-Femur | 1 0.02 14.17 Ebrid Opn Fx-Finger | 1 0.02 14.19 Ebrid Opn Fx-Metac/Car | 1 0.02 14.21 Ebrid Opn Fx-Metat/Tar | 1 0.02 14.24 Ebrid Opn Fx-Radius/Uln | 1 0.02 14.26 Ebrid Opn Fx-Tibia/Fib | 1 0.02 14.28 Ebrid Opn Fx-Toe | 1 0.02 14.31 Ebridement Of Nail | 1 0.02 14.33 Ebulizer Therapy | 1 0.02 14.35 Ecectomy | 1 0.02 14.38 Ech Remov Cornea Epith | 1 0.02 14.40 Ech Vitrectomy Nec | 1 0.02 14.42 Eciduous Tooth Extract | 1 0.02 14.45 Eck Support Application | 1 0.02 14.47 Eclose Post Op Disrupt | 1 0.02 14.49 Ecompress Trigem Root | 1 0.02 14.52 Ecompression Chamber | 1 0.02 14.54 Econdary Insert Lens | 1 0.02 14.56 Econstruction Of Penis | 1 0.02 14.58 Econstruction Of Thumb* | 1 0.02 14.61 Ecortication Of Lung | 1 0.02 14.63 Ecreational Therapy | 1 0.02 14.65 Ect/Perirect Dx Op Nec | 1 0.02 14.68 Ectal & Perirectal Ops* | 1 0.02 14.70 Ectal Massage | 1 0.02 14.72 Ectal Packing | 1 0.02 14.75 Ectal Perirect Op Nec | 1 0.02 14.77 Ectal Resection Nec | 1 0.02 14.79 Ectal/Perirect Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 14.82 Ectocele Repair | 1 0.02 14.84 Ectorcardiogram | 1 0.02 14.86 Ectorectostomy | 1 0.02 14.89 Ectus Deformity Repair | 1 0.02 14.91 Ed Mammopl/Subq Mammect* | 1 0.02 14.93 Edg Resec Entropion Rep | 1 0.02 14.96 Edge Osteotomy Nec | 1 0.02 14.98 Edge Osteotomy Nos | 1 0.02 15.00 Edge Osteotomy* | 1 0.02 15.03 Ediastinal Pneumogram | 1 0.02 15.05 Ediastinal Tracheostomy | 1 0.02 15.07 Ediastinoscopy | 1 0.02 15.10 Edical Induction Labor | 1 0.02 15.12 Edicle Attach To Mouth | 1 0.02 15.14 Edicle Graft Advancemen | 1 0.02 15.17 Edicle Graft/Flap Nos | 1 0.02 15.19 Edicle Grafts Or Flaps* | 1 0.02 15.21 Educ Overcorrect Ptosis | 1 0.02 15.24 Educe Renal Pedicl Tors | 1 0.02 15.26 Educt Intuss Ali Tract | 1 0.02 15.28 Eduction Anal Prolapse | 1 0.02 15.31 Eduction Facial Fx Nos | 1 0.02 15.33 Eduction Fx/Dislocation* | 1 0.02 15.35 Eduction Genioplasty | 1 0.02 15.38 Eduction Of Facial Fx* | 1 0.02 15.40 Eduction Torsion Testes | 1 0.02 15.42 Eferral Alcohol Rehab | 1 0.02 15.45 Eferral For Drug Rehab | 1 0.02 15.47 Eferral For Psychother | 1 0.02 15.49 Eferral Psych Aftercare | 1 0.02 15.52 Eferral Psych Rehab Nec | 1 0.02 15.54 Eferral Vocation Rehab | 1 0.02 15.56 Eft Heart Cardiac Cath | 1 0.02 15.59 Eft Hemicolectomy | 1 0.02 15.61 Eft Lat Sphincterotomy | 1 0.02 15.63 Efus Of Oth Cerv Post | 1 0.02 15.65 Efusion Of Atlas-Axis | 1 0.02 15.68 Efusion Of Dorsal Ant | 1 0.02 15.70 Efusion Of Dorsal Post | 1 0.02 15.72 Efusion Of Lumbar Ant | 1 0.02 15.75 Efusion Of Lumbar Lat | 1 0.02 15.77 Efusion Of Lumbar Post | 1 0.02 15.79 Efusion Of Oth Cerv Ant | 1 0.02 15.82 Efusion Of Spine Nec | 1 0.02 15.84 Eg Artery Excision | 1 0.02 15.86 Eg Artery Resec W Repla | 1 0.02 15.89 Eg Artery Resect/Anast | 1 0.02 15.91 Eg Osteoplasty Maxilla | 1 0.02 15.93 Eg Varicos V Liga-Strip | 1 0.02 15.96 Eg Vein Excision | 1 0.02 15.98 Eg Vein Resect W Replac | 1 0.02 16.00 Eg Vein Resect/Anastom | 1 0.02 16.03 Egatve-Contr Cardiogram | 1 0.02 16.05 Egional Lymph Node Exc | 1 0.02 16.07 Egmental Lung Resection | 1 0.02 16.10 Ehab For The Blind Nec | 1 0.02 16.12 Ehabilitation Nec | 1 0.02 16.14 Ehavior Therapy | 1 0.02 16.17 Eimplan Aberr Renal Ves | 1 0.02 16.19 Eimplant Pancreatic Tis | 1 0.02 16.21 Ein Inject-Scleros Agnt | 1 0.02 16.24 Ejected Kidney Nephrect | 1 0.02 16.26 Elaxation Of Scar | 1 0.02 16.28 Elay Opening Colostomy | 1 0.02 16.31 Elay Opening Enterostom | 1 0.02 16.33 Elay Opening Ileostomy | 1 0.02 16.35 Elay Sut Flex Tend Hand | 1 0.02 16.38 Elay Sut Hand Tend Nec | 1 0.02 16.40 Elayed Clos Abd Wound | 1 0.02 16.42 Elayed Tendon Suture | 1 0.02 16.45 Elease Of Chordee | 1 0.02 16.47 Elective Vagotomy Nec | 1 0.02 16.49 Eleradio Using Photons | 1 0.02 16.52 Ell Blk/Pap Nec | 1 0.02 16.54 Ell Blk/Pap Nos | 1 0.02 16.56 Ell Blk/Pap-Bili/Pancre | 1 0.02 16.59 Ell Blk/Pap-Female Gen | 1 0.02 16.61 Ell Blk/Pap-Integument | 1 0.02 16.63 Ell Blk/Pap-Lower Gi | 1 0.02 16.66 Ell Blk/Pap-Lower Urin | 1 0.02 16.68 Ell Blk/Pap-Lymph Sys | 1 0.02 16.70 Ell Blk/Pap-Musculoskel | 1 0.02 16.72 Ell Blk/Pap-Nervous Sys | 1 0.02 16.75 Ell Blk/Pap-Op Wound | 1 0.02 16.77 Ell Blk/Pap-Peritoneum | 1 0.02 16.79 Ell Blk/Pap-Spleen/Marr | 1 0.02 16.82 Ell Blk/Pap-Upper Gi | 1 0.02 16.84 Ell Blk/Pap-Upper Urin | 1 0.02 16.86 Ell Block/Pap-Blood | 1 0.02 16.89 Ell Block/Pap-Endocrine | 1 0.02 16.91 Ell Block/Pap-Ent/Laryn | 1 0.02 16.93 Ell Block/Pap-Eye | 1 0.02 16.96 Ell Block/Pap-Lowr Resp | 1 0.02 16.98 Ellow Fever Vaccination | 1 0.02 17.00 Elow Knee Amputat Nec | 1 0.02 17.03 Elvic Dye Contrast Xray | 1 0.02 17.05 Elvic Evisceration | 1 0.02 17.07 Elvic Gas Contrast Xray | 1 0.02 17.10 Elvimetry | 1 0.02 17.12 Em Extratub Ectop Preg | 1 0.02 17.14 Em Of Cor Art Obstr Nec | 1 0.02 17.17 Emale Genital X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 17.19 Emale Genital X-Ray* | 1 0.02 17.21 Emilaryngectomy | 1 0.02 17.24 Emin Ves Dx Proced Nec | 1 0.02 17.26 Eminal Vesicle Excision | 1 0.02 17.28 Eminal Vesicle Incision | 1 0.02 17.31 Eminal Vesicle Op Nec | 1 0.02 17.33 Eminal Vesicle Ops* | 1 0.02 17.35 Emispherectomy | 1 0.02 17.38 Emodialysis | 1 0.02 17.40 Emoral Biopsy | 1 0.02 17.42 Emoral Division Nec | 1 0.02 17.45 Emoral Sequestrectomy | 1 0.02 17.47 Emoral Wedge Osteotomy | 1 0.02 17.49 Emorr Contrl Post T & A | 1 0.02 17.52 Emorrhage Control Nos | 1 0.02 17.54 Emorrhoid Cauterizat | 1 0.02 17.56 Emorrhoid Cryotherapy | 1 0.02 17.59 Emorrhoid Evacuation | 1 0.02 17.61 Emorrhoid Injection | 1 0.02 17.63 Emorrhoid Ligation | 1 0.02 17.66 Emorrhoid Procedure Nec | 1 0.02 17.68 Emorrhoid Procedures* | 1 0.02 17.70 Emorrhoid Reduction | 1 0.02 17.73 Emorrhoidectomy | 1 0.02 17.75 Emov Abdom Wall Suture | 1 0.02 17.77 Emov Abdomen Device Nec | 1 0.02 17.79 Emov Ant Segmnt Fb Nos | 1 0.02 17.82 Emov Ant Segmnt Les Nos | 1 0.02 17.84 Emov Biliary/Liver Tube | 1 0.02 17.86 Emov Breast Tissu Expan | 1 0.02 17.89 Emov Cholecystost Tube | 1 0.02 17.91 Emov Cystostomy Tube | 1 0.02 17.93 Emov Epithel Downgrowth | 1 0.02 17.96 Emov Ext Immobilization | 1 0.02 17.98 Emov Fallop Tube Prosth | 1 0.02 18.00 Emov Gastrostomy Tube | 1 0.02 18.03 Emov Gi Therapeu Devic* | 1 0.02 18.05 Emov Imp Dev-Chest Cage | 1 0.02 18.07 Emov Imp Dev-Metac/Carp | 1 0.02 18.10 Emov Imp Dev-Radius/Uln | 1 0.02 18.12 Emov Imp Dev-Tib/Fibula | 1 0.02 18.14 Emov Imp Device-Patella | 1 0.02 18.17 Emov Intracran Stimulat | 1 0.02 18.19 Emov Intralum Colon Fb | 1 0.02 18.21 Emov Intralum Ear Fb | 1 0.02 18.24 Emov Intralum Esoph Fb | 1 0.02 18.26 Emov Intralum Fb Nec* | 1 0.02 18.28 Emov Intralum Gastr Fb | 1 0.02 18.31 Emov Intralum Gi Fb* | 1 0.02 18.33 Emov Intralum Laryn Fb | 1 0.02 18.35 Emov Intralum Mouth Fb | 1 0.02 18.38 Emov Intralum Nose Fb | 1 0.02 18.40 Emov Intralum Pharyn Fb | 1 0.02 18.42 Emov Intralum Rect Fb | 1 0.02 18.45 Emov Intralum Stoma Fb | 1 0.02 18.47 Emov Intralum Trach Fb | 1 0.02 18.49 Emov Intralum Uter Fb | 1 0.02 18.52 Emov Intralum Vag Fb | 1 0.02 18.54 Emov Intraoc Fb Ant Seg* | 1 0.02 18.56 Emov Intrauterine Pack | 1 0.02 18.59 Emov Large Bowel Tube | 1 0.02 18.61 Emov Mechanical Kidney | 1 0.02 18.63 Emov Mediastinal Drain | 1 0.02 18.66 Emov Other Genit Device | 1 0.02 18.68 Emov Other Gi Device | 1 0.02 18.70 Emov Other Urin Device | 1 0.02 18.73 Emov Pancreatic Tube | 1 0.02 18.75 Emov Peritoneal Drain | 1 0.02 18.77 Emov Post Segmnt Fb Nos | 1 0.02 18.80 Emov Pros Mat Post Seg | 1 0.02 18.82 Emov Pyelos/Nephros Tub | 1 0.02 18.84 Emov Ren Dialysis Shunt | 1 0.02 18.86 Emov Retroperiton Drain | 1 0.02 18.89 Emov Skel Musc Stimulat | 1 0.02 18.91 Emov Small Bowel Tube | 1 0.02 18.93 Emov Therap Device-Head* | 1 0.02 18.96 Emov Therapeut Dev Nec | 1 0.02 18.98 Emov Thor Ther Dev Nec | 1 0.02 19.00 Emov Thor Therap Device* | 1 0.02 19.03 Emov Thoracotomy Tube | 1 0.02 19.05 Emov Thorax Sutures | 1 0.02 19.07 Emov Trunk Device Nec | 1 0.02 19.10 Emov Trunk Packing Nec | 1 0.02 19.12 Emov Trunk Suture Nec | 1 0.02 19.14 Emov Tube & Ectop Preg | 1 0.02 19.17 Emov Ureteral Drain | 1 0.02 19.19 Emov Urethral Stent | 1 0.02 19.21 Emov Urin Drainage Nec | 1 0.02 19.24 Emov Urin Therap Devic* | 1 0.02 19.26 Emov Vag/Vulv Packing | 1 0.02 19.28 Emov Vaginal Diaphragm | 1 0.02 19.31 Emov Vas Deferens Valve | 1 0.02 19.33 Emoval Fb From Arm | 1 0.02 19.35 Emoval Fb From Foot | 1 0.02 19.38 Emoval Fb From Hand | 1 0.02 19.40 Emoval Fb From Leg | 1 0.02 19.42 Emoval Fb Spinal Canal | 1 0.02 19.45 Emoval Genit Therap Dev* | 1 0.02 19.47 Emoval Head/Neck Fb | 1 0.02 19.49 Emoval Iud | 1 0.02 19.52 Emoval Of Fb Nos | 1 0.02 19.54 Emoval Of Lead W/O Repl | 1 0.02 19.56 Emoval Oth Vag Pessary | 1 0.02 19.59 Emoval Scrotal/Penis Fb | 1 0.02 19.61 Emoval Superfic Fb Eye | 1 0.02 19.63 Emoval Trunk Fb Nec | 1 0.02 19.66 Emoval Vas Ligature | 1 0.02 19.68 Emoval Vulvar Fb | 1 0.02 19.70 Emove Bile Duct Prosth | 1 0.02 19.73 Emove Bladder Stimulat | 1 0.02 19.75 Emove Both Fallop Tubes | 1 0.02 19.77 Emove Both Testes | 1 0.02 19.80 Emove Cervical Cerclage | 1 0.02 19.82 Emove Corneal Implant | 1 0.02 19.84 Emove Dental Packing | 1 0.02 19.87 Emove Dental Prosthesis | 1 0.02 19.89 Emove Dental Wiring | 1 0.02 19.91 Emove Ext Mand Fix Dev | 1 0.02 19.93 Emove Eye Prosthesis | 1 0.02 19.96 Emove Eyelid Lesion Nos | 1 0.02 19.98 Emove Fb From Lens* | 1 0.02 20.00 Emove Fb From Periton | 1 0.02 20.03 Emove Fb Lens Nos | 1 0.02 20.05 Emove Gastric Bubble | 1 0.02 20.07 Emove Head/Neck Dev Nec | 1 0.02 20.10 Emove Head/Neck Sutures | 1 0.02 20.12 Emove Heart Assist Sys | 1 0.02 20.14 Emove Imp Dev-Metat/Tar | 1 0.02 20.17 Emove Imp Device Nos | 1 0.02 20.19 Emove Imp Device-Femur | 1 0.02 20.21 Emove Impl Dev-Humerus | 1 0.02 20.24 Emove Impl Device Nec | 1 0.02 20.26 Emove Implant Bone Dev* | 1 0.02 20.28 Emove Int Fix Face Bone | 1 0.02 20.31 Emove Int Penile Prosth | 1 0.02 20.33 Emove Intralum Ureth Fb | 1 0.02 20.35 Emove Nasal Packing | 1 0.02 20.38 Emove Ocular Implant | 1 0.02 20.40 Emove Orbital Implant | 1 0.02 20.42 Emove Other Fb-No Incis* | 1 0.02 20.45 Emove Penetrat Cerv Fb | 1 0.02 20.47 Emove Penetrat Fb Eye | 1 0.02 20.49 Emove Periph Stimulator | 1 0.02 20.52 Emove Post Segment Fb* | 1 0.02 20.54 Emove Skull Tongs | 1 0.02 20.56 Emove Solitary Fal Tube | 1 0.02 20.59 Emove Solitary Testis | 1 0.02 20.61 Emove Spinal Stimulator | 1 0.02 20.63 Emove Spine Theca Shunt | 1 0.02 20.66 Emove Tracheostomy Tube | 1 0.02 20.68 Emove Ureteral Ligature | 1 0.02 20.70 Emove Ureteral Stimulat | 1 0.02 20.73 Emove Ventricle Shunt | 1 0.02 20.75 Emp Detach >1 Xtroc Mus | 1 0.02 20.77 Emp-Inf Intrcap Lens Ex | 1 0.02 20.80 Emp-Inf Xtracap Lens Ex | 1 0.02 20.82 Emporary Colostomy | 1 0.02 20.84 Emporary Ileostomy | 1 0.02 20.87 Emporary Tracheostomy | 1 0.02 20.89 Emporomand Arthroplasty | 1 0.02 20.91 Emur Injury Op Nos | 1 0.02 20.94 En Cath Renal Dialysis | 1 0.02 20.96 En'L & Subject Eye Exam* | 1 0.02 20.98 Ena Cav Angiocardiogram | 1 0.02 21.00 Enal Anastomosis | 1 0.02 21.03 Enal Autotransplant | 1 0.02 21.05 Enal Decapsulation | 1 0.02 21.07 Enal Diagnost Proc Nec | 1 0.02 21.10 Enal Diagnostic Proced* | 1 0.02 21.12 Enal Injection Nec | 1 0.02 21.14 Enal Les Marsupializat | 1 0.02 21.17 Enal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 21.19 Enal Repair Nec | 1 0.02 21.21 Enal Scan/Isotope Funct | 1 0.02 21.24 Endon Advancement | 1 0.02 21.26 Endon Excision For Grft | 1 0.02 21.28 Endon Graft | 1 0.02 21.31 Endon Pulley Reconstruc | 1 0.02 21.33 Endon Reattachment | 1 0.02 21.35 Endon Recession | 1 0.02 21.38 Endon Sheath Explorat | 1 0.02 21.40 Endon Sheath Suture | 1 0.02 21.42 Endon Trnsfr/Transplant | 1 0.02 21.45 Eneral Physical Exam | 1 0.02 21.47 Engthen 1 Extraoc Musc | 1 0.02 21.49 Enile Biopsy | 1 0.02 21.52 Enile Diagnost Proc Nec | 1 0.02 21.54 Enile Diagnostic Procs* | 1 0.02 21.56 Enile Operation Nec | 1 0.02 21.59 Enile Repair Nec | 1 0.02 21.61 Enile Repair* | 1 0.02 21.63 Eninge Vessel Ligation | 1 0.02 21.66 Enotomy Of Hand | 1 0.02 21.68 Enous Cath Nec | 1 0.02 21.70 Enous Cutdown | 1 0.02 21.73 Enous Puncture Nec | 1 0.02 21.75 Enstrual Extraction | 1 0.02 21.77 Ental Examination | 1 0.02 21.80 Ental Operation Nec | 1 0.02 21.82 Ental Restoration Nec | 1 0.02 21.84 Ental Scaling & Debride | 1 0.02 21.87 Ental Wiring | 1 0.02 21.89 Ental X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 21.91 Entr Septa Def Rep Nec | 1 0.02 21.94 Entri Shunt-Circula Sys | 1 0.02 21.96 Entri Shunt-Uninary Sys | 1 0.02 21.98 Entricl Shunt Tube Punc | 1 0.02 22.01 Entricl Shunt-Abdomen | 1 0.02 22.03 Entricl Shunt-Head/Neck | 1 0.02 22.05 Entricl Shunt-Thorax | 1 0.02 22.07 Entricle Shunt Revision* | 1 0.02 22.10 Entriculostomy | 1 0.02 22.12 Enture Fitting | 1 0.02 22.14 Eopen Craniotomy Site | 1 0.02 22.17 Eopen Laminectomy Site | 1 0.02 22.19 Eopen Recent Lap Site | 1 0.02 22.21 Eopen Thoracotomy Site | 1 0.02 22.24 Eopen Thyroid Field Wnd | 1 0.02 22.26 Ep Cornea Postop Dehisc | 1 0.02 22.28 Ep Recur Shlder Disloc | 1 0.02 22.31 Ep Retina Detach/Buckle* | 1 0.02 22.33 Ep Scler Staphyloma Nec | 1 0.02 22.35 Ep Vaginoent Fistul Nec | 1 0.02 22.38 Ep Vess W Synth Patch | 1 0.02 22.40 Epair Colovagin Fistula | 1 0.02 22.42 Epair Conjunct Lacerat | 1 0.02 22.45 Epair Direct Ing Hernia | 1 0.02 22.47 Epair Eyeball Rupture | 1 0.02 22.49 Epair Facial Weakness | 1 0.02 22.52 Epair Gb Laceration | 1 0.02 22.54 Epair Indir Ing Hernia | 1 0.02 22.56 Epair Ob Lac Blad/Ureth | 1 0.02 22.59 Epair Ob Lac Corp Uteri | 1 0.02 22.61 Epair Ob Lac Rect/Anus | 1 0.02 22.63 Epair Ob Lac Uterus Nos | 1 0.02 22.66 Epair Ob Lacerat Cervix | 1 0.02 22.68 Epair Ob Lacerat Uterus* | 1 0.02 22.70 Epair Ob Laceration Nec | 1 0.02 22.73 Epair Of Anus* | 1 0.02 22.75 Epair Of Bile Ducts* | 1 0.02 22.77 Epair Of Chest Wall* | 1 0.02 22.80 Epair Of Claw Toe | 1 0.02 22.82 Epair Of Cleft Hand | 1 0.02 22.84 Epair Of Cleft Lip | 1 0.02 22.87 Epair Of Fallopian Tube* | 1 0.02 22.89 Epair Of Gastroschisis | 1 0.02 22.91 Epair Of Hammer Toe | 1 0.02 22.94 Epair Of Hernia* | 1 0.02 22.96 Epair Of Hip, Nec | 1 0.02 22.98 Epair Of Intestine Nec | 1 0.02 23.01 Epair Of Larynx* | 1 0.02 23.03 Epair Of Liver* | 1 0.02 23.05 Epair Of Macrodactyly | 1 0.02 23.08 Epair Of Mallet Finger | 1 0.02 23.10 Epair Of Orbital Wound | 1 0.02 23.12 Epair Of Ovary Nec | 1 0.02 23.14 Epair Of Ovary* | 1 0.02 23.17 Epair Of Pleura | 1 0.02 23.19 Epair Of Prostate | 1 0.02 23.21 Epair Of Rectum Nec | 1 0.02 23.24 Epair Of Rectum* | 1 0.02 23.26 Epair Of Retinal Tear* | 1 0.02 23.28 Epair Of Spleen | 1 0.02 23.31 Epair Of Testes* | 1 0.02 23.33 Epair Of Thymus | 1 0.02 23.35 Epair Of Tongue Nec | 1 0.02 23.38 Epair Of Tongue* | 1 0.02 23.40 Epair Of Trachea* | 1 0.02 23.42 Epair Of Ureter Nec | 1 0.02 23.45 Epair Of Ureter* | 1 0.02 23.47 Epair Of Urethra* | 1 0.02 23.49 Epair Of Uvula | 1 0.02 23.52 Epair Of Vessel Nec | 1 0.02 23.54 Epair Oth Abd Hern-Grft* | 1 0.02 23.56 Epair Oth Abd Wall Hern* | 1 0.02 23.59 Epair Oth Ob Laceration* | 1 0.02 23.61 Epair Oval/Round Window | 1 0.02 23.63 Epair Perirect Fistula | 1 0.02 23.66 Epair Rectovag Fistula | 1 0.02 23.68 Epair Retina Detach Nec | 1 0.02 23.70 Epair Staphylom W Graft | 1 0.02 23.73 Epair Vag Fistula Nec | 1 0.02 23.75 Epair Vess W Patch Nos | 1 0.02 23.77 Epair Vess W Tis Patch | 1 0.02 23.80 Epair Vulvar Fistula | 1 0.02 23.82 Eparat Equal Join Twin | 1 0.02 23.84 Eparat Unequl Join Twin | 1 0.02 23.87 Epatic Diagnostic Proc* | 1 0.02 23.89 Epatic Duct-Gi Anastom | 1 0.02 23.91 Epatic Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 23.94 Epatic Injection Nec | 1 0.02 23.96 Epatic Lobectomy | 1 0.02 23.98 Epatotomy | 1 0.02 24.01 Ephrocystanastomosi Nos | 1 0.02 24.03 Ephropexy | 1 0.02 24.05 Ephroscopy | 1 0.02 24.08 Ephrost/Pyelost Irrigat | 1 0.02 24.10 Ephrostomy | 1 0.02 24.12 Ephrotomogram Nec | 1 0.02 24.15 Ephrotomy | 1 0.02 24.17 Ephrotomy & Nephrostomy* | 1 0.02 24.19 Ephroureterectomy | 1 0.02 24.21 Epl Cardiodefib Genratr | 1 0.02 24.24 Epl Cardiodefib Leads | 1 0.02 24.26 Epl Joint Of Foot, Toe | 1 0.02 24.28 Epl Pacem 1-Cham, Rate | 1 0.02 24.31 Epl Pacem W 1-Cham, Non | 1 0.02 24.33 Epl Pacem W Dual-Cham | 1 0.02 24.35 Epl Stent In Bile Duct | 1 0.02 24.38 Epl Tv Atri-Vent Lead | 1 0.02 24.40 Eplac M/S Immob Dev Nec | 1 0.02 24.42 Eplac Muscskel Applianc* | 1 0.02 24.45 Eplac Ves-To-Ves Cannul | 1 0.02 24.47 Eplace & Remov Devices* | 1 0.02 24.49 Eplace Aort Valv-Tissue | 1 0.02 24.52 Eplace Aortic Valve Nec | 1 0.02 24.54 Eplace Bladder Stimulat | 1 0.02 24.56 Eplace Cast Nec | 1 0.02 24.59 Eplace Cystostomy Tube | 1 0.02 24.61 Eplace Dental Packing | 1 0.02 24.63 Eplace Gast/Esoph Tube | 1 0.02 24.66 Eplace Gastrostomy Tube | 1 0.02 24.68 Eplace Heart Valve Nos | 1 0.02 24.70 Eplace Hrt Assist Syst | 1 0.02 24.73 Eplace Indwelling Cath | 1 0.02 24.75 Eplace Large Bowel Tube | 1 0.02 24.77 Eplace Lower Limb Cast | 1 0.02 24.80 Eplace Mitr Valv-Tissue | 1 0.02 24.82 Eplace Mitral Valve Nec | 1 0.02 24.84 Eplace Nasal Packing | 1 0.02 24.87 Eplace Nephrostomy Tube | 1 0.02 24.89 Eplace Prolapsed Cord | 1 0.02 24.91 Eplace Pulm Valv-Tissue | 1 0.02 24.94 Eplace Pulmon Valve Nec | 1 0.02 24.96 Eplace Pyelostomy Tube | 1 0.02 24.98 Eplace Small Bowel Tube | 1 0.02 25.01 Eplace Trac/Laryn Stent | 1 0.02 25.03 Eplace Trach Tube | 1 0.02 25.05 Eplace Tric Valv-Tissue | 1 0.02 25.08 Eplace Tricusp Valv Nec | 1 0.02 25.10 Eplace Upper Limb Cast | 1 0.02 25.12 Eplace Ureteral Stimul | 1 0.02 25.15 Eplace Ureterost Tube | 1 0.02 25.17 Eplace Vag Diaphragm | 1 0.02 25.19 Eplace Vag/Vulv Packing | 1 0.02 25.22 Eplace Vaginal Pessary | 1 0.02 25.24 Eplace Ventricle Shunt | 1 0.02 25.26 Eplace Wound Catheter | 1 0.02 25.28 Eplace Wound Pack/Drain | 1 0.02 25.31 Eplantation Of Penis | 1 0.02 25.33 Eplantation Of Scalp | 1 0.02 25.35 Eptal Defect Production* | 1 0.02 25.38 Eptoplasty Nec | 1 0.02 25.40 Equestrectomy Nec | 1 0.02 25.42 Equestrectomy Nos | 1 0.02 25.45 Equestrectomy* | 1 0.02 25.47 Er Cardiopulmon Bypass | 1 0.02 25.49 Er Nerv Incis/Div/Excis* | 1 0.02 25.52 Er Nerve Adhesiolys Nec | 1 0.02 25.54 Eratomileusis | 1 0.02 25.56 Eratophakia | 1 0.02 25.59 Eratoprosthesis | 1 0.02 25.61 Erc Extrac Com Duc Calc | 1 0.02 25.63 Erc Heart Valvuloplasty | 1 0.02 25.66 Erc Hepat Cholangiogram | 1 0.02 25.68 Ercu Abdominal Drainage | 1 0.02 25.70 Ercu Bx Gb/Bile Duct | 1 0.02 25.73 Ercu Endosc Gastrostomy | 1 0.02 25.75 Ercu Endosc Jejunostomy | 1 0.02 25.77 Ercu Gastrojejunostomy | 1 0.02 25.80 Ercu Nephrostm W/O Frag | 1 0.02 25.82 Ercu Nephrostmy W Frag | 1 0.02 25.84 Ercut Prostatic Aspirat | 1 0.02 25.87 Ercut Semin Ves Aspirat | 1 0.02 25.89 Ercut Tunica Aspiration | 1 0.02 25.91 Ercutan Aspiration Gb | 1 0.02 25.94 Ercutan Bartholin Aspir | 1 0.02 25.96 Ercutan Bladder Aspirat | 1 0.02 25.98 Ercutan Facet Denervat | 1 0.02 26.01 Ercutan Liver Aspirat | 1 0.02 26.03 Ercutan Renal Aspirat | 1 0.02 26.05 Ercutaneous Angioscopy | 1 0.02 26.08 Ercutaneous Chordotomy | 1 0.02 26.10 Ercutaneous Cystostomy | 1 0.02 26.12 Ercutaneous Hysterogram | 1 0.02 26.15 Ercutaneous Pyelogram | 1 0.02 26.17 Erebral Meninges Repair* | 1 0.02 26.19 Erebral Scan | 1 0.02 26.22 Erebral Thermography | 1 0.02 26.24 Erf Keratopl W Autogrft | 1 0.02 26.26 Erforat Keratoplast Nec | 1 0.02 26.29 Erianal Biopsy | 1 0.02 26.31 Erianal Excision Nec | 1 0.02 26.33 Erianal Incis & Excis* | 1 0.02 26.35 Erianal Incision Nec | 1 0.02 26.38 Eriart Sympathectomy | 1 0.02 26.40 Ericardial Biopsy | 1 0.02 26.42 Ericardiect/Exc Hrt Les* | 1 0.02 26.45 Ericardiectomy | 1 0.02 26.47 Ericardiocentesis | 1 0.02 26.49 Ericardiotomy | 1 0.02 26.52 Ericolost Hernia Repair | 1 0.02 26.54 Erineal Prostatectomy | 1 0.02 26.56 Erineal Urethroscopy | 1 0.02 26.59 Eriop Aut Trans Hol Bld | 1 0.02 26.61 Eriosteal Suture* | 1 0.02 26.63 Eriph Ganglionect Nec | 1 0.02 26.66 Eriph Nerv Adhesiolysis* | 1 0.02 26.68 Eriph Nerv Anastom Nec | 1 0.02 26.70 Eriph Nerv Excision Nec | 1 0.02 26.73 Eriph Nerve Destruction | 1 0.02 26.75 Eriph Nerve Div Nec | 1 0.02 26.77 Eriph Nerve Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 26.80 Eriph Nerve Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 26.82 Eriph Nerve Incis Nec | 1 0.02 26.84 Eriph Nerve Inject Nec | 1 0.02 26.87 Eriph Nerve Inject Nos | 1 0.02 26.89 Eriph Nerve Transposit | 1 0.02 26.91 Eripheral Nerve Graft | 1 0.02 26.94 Eripheral Nerve Inject* | 1 0.02 26.96 Eripheral Nerve Ops Nec | 1 0.02 26.98 Eripheral Nerve Suture | 1 0.02 27.01 Eriprostat Incis & Exc* | 1 0.02 27.03 Eriprostatic Biopsy | 1 0.02 27.05 Eriprostatic Excision | 1 0.02 27.08 Eriprostatic Incision | 1 0.02 27.10 Erirectal Excision | 1 0.02 27.12 Erirectal Incis/Excis* | 1 0.02 27.15 Erirectal Incision | 1 0.02 27.17 Erirectal Tissue Biopsy | 1 0.02 27.19 Eriren Adhesiolys Nec | 1 0.02 27.22 Eriren/Uret Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 27.24 Eriren/Ureter Dx Procs* | 1 0.02 27.26 Eriren/Ureter Incis Nec | 1 0.02 27.29 Eriren/Ureteral Biopsy | 1 0.02 27.31 Eriren/Vesicle Excision | 1 0.02 27.33 Eriren/Vesicle Op Nec | 1 0.02 27.36 Eriton Pneumogram Nec | 1 0.02 27.38 Eritoneal Adhesiolysis* | 1 0.02 27.40 Eritoneal Biopsy | 1 0.02 27.42 Eritoneal Dialysis | 1 0.02 27.45 Eritoneal Incision | 1 0.02 27.47 Eritoneal Lavage | 1 0.02 27.49 Eritoneal Repair Nec | 1 0.02 27.52 Eritoneal Suture | 1 0.02 27.54 Eritonsillar I & D | 1 0.02 27.56 Eriurethral Biopsy | 1 0.02 27.59 Eriurethral Excision | 1 0.02 27.61 Eriurethral Incision | 1 0.02 27.63 Erivesical Incision Nec | 1 0.02 27.66 Erivesical Incision* | 1 0.02 27.68 Ermabrasion | 1 0.02 27.70 Ermal Regener Graft | 1 0.02 27.73 Ermanent Colostomy | 1 0.02 27.75 Ermanent Ileostomy Nec | 1 0.02 27.77 Ermanent Tracheostomy* | 1 0.02 27.80 Erscr/Fit/Disp Contacts | 1 0.02 27.82 Ertebral Fx Repair | 1 0.02 27.84 Ertussis Vaccination | 1 0.02 27.87 Erum Transfusion Nec | 1 0.02 27.89 Ervical Biopsy Nec | 1 0.02 27.91 Ervical Canal Dilation | 1 0.02 27.94 Ervical Cyst Marsupial | 1 0.02 27.96 Ervical Diagnostic Proc* | 1 0.02 27.98 Ervical Dx Procedur Nec | 1 0.02 28.01 Ervical Esophagostomy | 1 0.02 28.03 Ervical Fistula Repair | 1 0.02 28.05 Ervical Les Cauterizat | 1 0.02 28.08 Ervical Les Cryotherapy | 1 0.02 28.10 Ervical Les Destruc Nec | 1 0.02 28.12 Ervical Lymphangiogram | 1 0.02 28.15 Ervical Repair Nec | 1 0.02 28.17 Ervical Spine X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 28.19 Ervical Sympathectomy | 1 0.02 28.22 Ervous Sys-Examination* | 1 0.02 28.24 Esarean Section Nec | 1 0.02 28.26 Esarean Section Nos | 1 0.02 28.29 Esarean Section Nos* | 1 0.02 28.31 Esect Abdm Aorta W Repl | 1 0.02 28.33 Esect Ext Seg Lg Bowel | 1 0.02 28.36 Esect Ext Seg Sm Bowel | 1 0.02 28.38 Esect Thorac Ves W Repl | 1 0.02 28.40 Esection Of Nose | 1 0.02 28.43 Esenteric Repair Nec | 1 0.02 28.45 Esic Fistula Repair Nec | 1 0.02 28.47 Esicostomy | 1 0.02 28.49 Esicostomy* | 1 0.02 28.52 Esidual Root Removal | 1 0.02 28.54 Esistive Exercise | 1 0.02 28.56 Esp Tract Intubat Nec | 1 0.02 28.59 Espiratory Measure Nec | 1 0.02 28.61 Espiratory Therapy* | 1 0.02 28.63 Essel Inc/Excis/Occlus* | 1 0.02 28.66 Essel Operation Nec | 1 0.02 28.68 Essel Resect & Anastom* | 1 0.02 28.70 Essel Resect & Replace* | 1 0.02 28.73 Essel Resect/Anast Nos | 1 0.02 28.75 Essel Resect/Replac Nos | 1 0.02 28.77 Estes Diagnostic Procs* | 1 0.02 28.80 Estes Dx Procedure Nec | 1 0.02 28.82 Esticular Les Destruct | 1 0.02 28.84 Esticular Operation Nec | 1 0.02 28.87 Esticular Repair Nec | 1 0.02 28.89 Estr Inject-Spine Canal | 1 0.02 28.91 Estr Iris/Cil Body Les* | 1 0.02 28.94 Estr Phren-Lung Collaps | 1 0.02 28.96 Estr Sm Bowel Les Nec | 1 0.02 28.98 Estroy Cervical Les Nec* | 1 0.02 29.01 Estroy Fallop Tube Les | 1 0.02 29.03 Estroy Laryngeal Lesion* | 1 0.02 29.05 Estroy Loc Lung Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.08 Estru Pancreatic Duct* | 1 0.02 29.10 Estruc Bartholin Gland | 1 0.02 29.12 Estruc Bile Ducts Les* | 1 0.02 29.15 Estruc Hepatic Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.17 Estruc Lg Bowel Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.19 Estruc Uter Support Les* | 1 0.02 29.22 Estruc Uter Support Nec | 1 0.02 29.24 Estruc-Ankle Lesion Nec | 1 0.02 29.26 Estruc-Elbow Lesion Nec | 1 0.02 29.29 Estruc-Foot Jt Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.31 Estruc-Hand Jt Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.33 Estruc-Shoulder Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.36 Estruc-Wrist Lesion Nec | 1 0.02 29.38 Estruct Abd Wall Lesion | 1 0.02 29.40 Estruct Chest Wall Les | 1 0.02 29.43 Estruct Conjunc Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.45 Estruct Conjunct Lesion* | 1 0.02 29.47 Estruct Cornea Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.50 Estruct Corneal Lesion* | 1 0.02 29.52 Estruct Duoden Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.54 Estruct Esophag Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.57 Estruct Ext Ear Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.59 Estruct Ext Ear Lesion* | 1 0.02 29.61 Estruct Facial Bone Les | 1 0.02 29.63 Estruct Joint Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.66 Estruct Joint Les Nos | 1 0.02 29.68 Estruct Larynx Les Nec | 1 0.02 29.70 Estruct Mediastin Les | 1 0.02 29.73 Estruct Of Skin Lesion* | 1 0.02 29.75 Estruct Peritoneal Tiss | 1 0.02 29.77 Estruct Pharyngeal Les* | 1 0.02 29.80 Estruct Scleral Lesion | 1 0.02 29.82 Estruct Splenic Tissue* | 1 0.02 29.84 Estruct-Hip Lesion Nec | 1 0.02 29.87 Estruct-Knee Lesion Nec | 1 0.02 29.89 Estruction Lid Lesion | 1 0.02 29.91 Estruction Tongue Les | 1 0.02 29.94 Etacar/Car Division Nec | 1 0.02 29.96 Etacar/Car Wedg Osteoto | 1 0.02 29.98 Etacarp/Carp Inj Op Nos | 1 0.02 30.01 Etacarp/Carp Sequestrec | 1 0.02 30.03 Etacarpal/Carpal Biopsy | 1 0.02 30.05 Etacarpocarpal Fusion | 1 0.02 30.08 Etacarpophalangeal Fus | 1 0.02 30.10 Etach Ret Photocoag Nos | 1 0.02 30.12 Etach Retina Laser Coag | 1 0.02 30.15 Etach Retina Xenon Coag | 1 0.02 30.17 Etach Retina-Cryotherap | 1 0.02 30.19 Etach Retina-Diathermy | 1 0.02 30.22 Etal Blood Sample/Bx | 1 0.02 30.24 Etal Ekg | 1 0.02 30.26 Etal Ops-Facilitate Del | 1 0.02 30.29 Etal Pulse Oximetry | 1 0.02 30.31 Etanus Antitoxin Admini | 1 0.02 30.33 Etanus Toxoid Administ | 1 0.02 30.36 Etatar/Tar Division Nec | 1 0.02 30.38 Etatar/Tar Sequestrec | 1 0.02 30.40 Etatar/Tar Wedg Osteot | 1 0.02 30.43 Etatars/Tars Inj Op Nos | 1 0.02 30.45 Etatarsal/Tarsal Biopsy | 1 0.02 30.47 Etatarsophalangeal Fus | 1 0.02 30.50 Eterograft To Skin | 1 0.02 30.52 Etina Tear Photocoa Nos | 1 0.02 30.54 Etina-Chor Les Destruct* | 1 0.02 30.57 Etinal Tear Cryotherapy | 1 0.02 30.59 Etinal Tear Diathermy | 1 0.02 30.61 Etinal Tear Laser Coag | 1 0.02 30.64 Etinal Tear Repair Nec | 1 0.02 30.66 Etinal Tear Xenon Coag | 1 0.02 30.68 Etrobulbar Injection | 1 0.02 30.70 Etrogr Cystourethrogram | 1 0.02 30.73 Etrograde Pyelogram | 1 0.02 30.75 Etroperit Dissect Nos | 1 0.02 30.77 Etroperiton Fistulogram | 1 0.02 30.80 Etroperiton Pneumogram | 1 0.02 30.82 Etroperitoneal Dissect* | 1 0.02 30.84 Etroperitoneal Xray Nec | 1 0.02 30.87 Etropubic Prostatectomy | 1 0.02 30.89 Etropubic Ureth Suspens | 1 0.02 30.91 Etrus Pyram Air Cel Inc | 1 0.02 30.94 Eurectasis | 1 0.02 30.96 Euroleptic Therapy | 1 0.02 30.98 Eurologic Examination | 1 0.02 31.01 Eurologic Func Test Nec | 1 0.02 31.03 Eurolyt Injec-Symp Nrv | 1 0.02 31.05 Ev Jt Repl Low Ext Nec | 1 0.02 31.08 Ev Jt Repl Upper Extrem | 1 0.02 31.10 Ev Stapdec W Incus Repl | 1 0.02 31.12 Evator Musc Suspension | 1 0.02 31.15 Evis Ant Seg Op Wnd Nec | 1 0.02 31.17 Evis Bile Tract Anastom | 1 0.02 31.19 Evis Cleft Palat Repair | 1 0.02 31.22 Evis Cutan Ileoureteros | 1 0.02 31.24 Evis Cutan Ureteros Nec | 1 0.02 31.26 Evis Enuc Socket W Grft | 1 0.02 31.29 Evis Exenter Cavity Nec | 1 0.02 31.31 Evis Extraoc Musc Surg | 1 0.02 31.33 Evis Inner Ear Fenestra | 1 0.02 31.36 Evis Or Relocate Pocket | 1 0.02 31.38 Evis Ren Dialysis Shunt | 1 0.02 31.40 Evis Ureteroenterostomy | 1 0.02 31.43 Evis/Reinsert Ocul Imp | 1 0.02 31.45 Evise & Remov Pacemaker* | 1 0.02 31.47 Evise Clo Vesicostomy | 1 0.02 31.50 Evise Hip Replacement | 1 0.02 31.52 Evise Knee Replacement | 1 0.02 31.54 Evise Lg Bowel Anastom | 1 0.02 31.57 Evise Or Remove Pacemak | 1 0.02 31.59 Evise Sm Bowel Anastom | 1 0.02 31.61 Evise Spine Theca Shunt | 1 0.02 31.64 Evision Gastric Anastom | 1 0.02 31.66 Evision Of Lead | 1 0.02 31.68 Evision Of Pedicle Grft | 1 0.02 31.71 Evision Of Tracheostomy | 1 0.02 31.73 Evision Rhinoplasty | 1 0.02 31.75 Ex Transformat Op Nec | 1 0.02 31.77 Fter Catar Fragmntation | 1 0.02 31.80 Fter-Catar Discission | 1 0.02 31.82 Fter-Cataract Excision | 1 0.02 31.84 G Bowel Dx Proced Nec | 1 0.02 31.87 G Bowel Exteriorization | 1 0.02 31.89 G Bowel Segment Isolat | 1 0.02 31.91 G Bowel Stoma Closure | 1 0.02 31.94 G Bowel Stoma Revis Nec | 1 0.02 31.96 G Bowel-Abd Wall Fixat | 1 0.02 31.98 G-To-Lg Bowel Anastom | 1 0.02 32.01 Gd With Closed Biopsy | 1 0.02 32.03 Halamus Operations | 1 0.02 32.05 Halamus/Globus Pall Op* | 1 0.02 32.08 Halazion Excision | 1 0.02 32.10 Haracter Analysis | 1 0.02 32.12 Haryngeal Biopsy | 1 0.02 32.15 Haryngeal Dilation | 1 0.02 32.17 Haryngeal Diverticulec | 1 0.02 32.19 Haryngeal Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 32.22 Haryngeal Dx Procedures* | 1 0.02 32.24 Haryngeal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 32.26 Haryngeal Repair Nec | 1 0.02 32.29 Haryngectomy | 1 0.02 32.31 Haryngoscopy | 1 0.02 32.33 Haryngotomy | 1 0.02 32.36 Hemical Shock Therapy | 1 0.02 32.38 Hemonucleolysis Iv Disc | 1 0.02 32.40 Herap Radiol & Nucl Med* | 1 0.02 32.43 Herapeu Erythropheresis | 1 0.02 32.45 Herapeu Plasmapheresis | 1 0.02 32.47 Herapeu Plateltpheresis | 1 0.02 32.50 Herapeut Distent Bladd | 1 0.02 32.52 Herapeut Evac Ant Chamb | 1 0.02 32.54 Herapeutc Leukopheresis | 1 0.02 32.57 Herapeutc Photopheresis | 1 0.02 32.59 Herapeutic Apheresis* | 1 0.02 32.61 Hermcaut Scler W Iridec | 1 0.02 32.64 Hermocaut Cornea Lesion | 1 0.02 32.66 Hermocaut/Entropion Rep | 1 0.02 32.68 Hermography Nec | 1 0.02 32.71 Hermography* | 1 0.02 32.73 Hermokeratoplasty | 1 0.02 32.75 Hest Cage Bone Biopsy | 1 0.02 32.78 Hest Cage Bone Div Nec | 1 0.02 32.80 Hest Cage Sequestrec | 1 0.02 32.82 Hest Cage Wedg Osteotom | 1 0.02 32.84 Hest Wall Biopsy | 1 0.02 32.87 Hest Wall Sinogram | 1 0.02 32.89 Hest X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 32.91 High Reattachment | 1 0.02 32.94 Hinoplasty Nec | 1 0.02 32.96 Hinoscopy | 1 0.02 32.98 Hirlpool Treatment | 1 0.02 33.01 Hlebography* | 1 0.02 33.03 Hng Hnd Mus/Ten Lng Nec | 1 0.02 33.05 Holangiogram Nec | 1 0.02 33.08 Hole Blood Transfus Nec | 1 0.02 33.10 Holecystectomy | 1 0.02 33.12 Holecystectomy* | 1 0.02 33.15 Holecystostomy Nec | 1 0.02 33.17 Holecystotomy Nec | 1 0.02 33.19 Holedochoenterostomy | 1 0.02 33.22 Holedochohepat Intubat | 1 0.02 33.24 Holedochoplasty | 1 0.02 33.26 Holera Vaccination | 1 0.02 33.29 Homas' Splint Traction | 1 0.02 33.31 Honocardiogram | 1 0.02 33.33 Hor Rep-Diaph Hern Nos | 1 0.02 33.36 Hor Repair-Diaph Hernia* | 1 0.02 33.38 Hor Vessel Resect/Anast | 1 0.02 33.40 Horac Contr Phlebog Nec | 1 0.02 33.43 Horac Duct Cannulation | 1 0.02 33.45 Horac Esophag Anast Nec | 1 0.02 33.47 Horac Esophagocolos Nec | 1 0.02 33.50 Horac Esophagoenter Nec | 1 0.02 33.52 Horac Esophagoesophagos | 1 0.02 33.54 Horac Esophagogastrost | 1 0.02 33.57 Horac Interposition Nec | 1 0.02 33.59 Horac Lg Bowel Interpos | 1 0.02 33.61 Horac Sm Bowel Interpos | 1 0.02 33.64 Horac Var V Lig-Strip | 1 0.02 33.66 Horacentesis | 1 0.02 33.68 Horacic Duct Fistulizat | 1 0.02 33.71 Horacic Duct Op Nec | 1 0.02 33.73 Horacic Duct Operations* | 1 0.02 33.75 Horacic Endarterectomy | 1 0.02 33.78 Horacic Operation Nec | 1 0.02 33.80 Horacic Spine X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 33.82 Horacic Tomography Nec | 1 0.02 33.85 Horacic Vessel Excision | 1 0.02 33.87 Horacic Vessel Inc Nec | 1 0.02 33.89 Horacoplasty | 1 0.02 33.91 Horacostomy Closure | 1 0.02 33.94 Horax Dx Procedures* | 1 0.02 33.96 Horax Ops Except Lung* | 1 0.02 33.98 Horax Sft Tiss Xray Nec | 1 0.02 34.01 Horax Soft Tissue X-Ray* | 1 0.02 34.03 Hordae Tendineae Ops | 1 0.02 34.05 Hordotomy* | 1 0.02 34.08 Horioret Les Destr Nec | 1 0.02 34.10 Horioret Les Diathermy | 1 0.02 34.12 Horioret Les Laser Coag | 1 0.02 34.15 Horioret Les P/Coag Nos | 1 0.02 34.17 Horioret Les Rad Implan | 1 0.02 34.19 Horioret Les Radiother | 1 0.02 34.22 Horioret Les Xenon Coag | 1 0.02 34.24 Horioretin Les Cryother | 1 0.02 34.26 Horoid Plexectomy | 1 0.02 34.29 Horten 1 Extraoc Musc | 1 0.02 34.31 Houlder Arthroplast Nec | 1 0.02 34.33 Houlder Arthroscopy | 1 0.02 34.36 Houlder Disarticulation | 1 0.02 34.38 Houlder Joint Biopsy | 1 0.02 34.40 Houlder Struct Division | 1 0.02 34.43 Houlder Synovectomy | 1 0.02 34.45 Humb Amputation | 1 0.02 34.47 Humb Reattachment | 1 0.02 34.50 Humb Reconstruction Nec | 1 0.02 34.52 Hymectomy Nos | 1 0.02 34.54 Hymectomy* | 1 0.02 34.57 Hymus Biopsy | 1 0.02 34.59 Hymus Field Exploration | 1 0.02 34.61 Hymus Operation Nec | 1 0.02 34.64 Hymus Transplantation | 1 0.02 34.66 Hyr/Parathy Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 34.68 Hyrogloss Duct Excision | 1 0.02 34.71 Hyroid Field Aspiration | 1 0.02 34.73 Hyroid Field Incision* | 1 0.02 34.75 Hyroid Isthmus Division | 1 0.02 34.78 Hyroid Reimplantation | 1 0.02 34.80 Hyroid Scan/Isotop Func | 1 0.02 34.82 Hyroid Suture | 1 0.02 34.85 Hyroid Vessel Ligation | 1 0.02 34.87 Hyroid/Parathy Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 34.89 Hyroid/Parathy Op Nec* | 1 0.02 34.92 Hyroid/Parathyroid Ops* | 1 0.02 34.94 Hys Therapy Exercises* | 1 0.02 34.96 Hysical Therapy Nec | 1 0.02 34.98 Hythm Electrocardiogram | 1 0.02 35.01 I Appliance Replacement* | 1 0.02 35.03 I Intr-Oc Press Relief* | 1 0.02 35.05 I Ostomy Irrigation | 1 0.02 35.08 I Scan & Isotope Funct | 1 0.02 35.10 I Tract Instillat Nec | 1 0.02 35.12 Iagnost Vitreous Aspir | 1 0.02 35.15 Iagnostic Amniocentesis | 1 0.02 35.17 Iagnostic Asp Of Orbit | 1 0.02 35.19 Iagnostic Imaging Nos | 1 0.02 35.22 Iagnostic Physical Ther* | 1 0.02 35.24 Iagnostic Proc-Eyelid* | 1 0.02 35.26 Iagnostic Radiology* | 1 0.02 35.29 Iagnostic Ultrasound* | 1 0.02 35.31 Ialoadenectomy Nos | 1 0.02 35.33 Ialoadenectomy* | 1 0.02 35.36 Ialysis Arteriovenostom | 1 0.02 35.38 Iaphragm Operation Nec | 1 0.02 35.40 Iaphragmatic Plication | 1 0.02 35.43 Iather/Cryo Turbinectom | 1 0.02 35.45 Iathermy | 1 0.02 35.47 Ib/Sternum/Clavic X-Ray | 1 0.02 35.50 Iber-Optic Bronchoscopy | 1 0.02 35.52 Ibia & Fibula Biopsy | 1 0.02 35.54 Ibia/Fibul Wedg Osteot | 1 0.02 35.57 Ibia/Fibula Div Nec | 1 0.02 35.59 Ibia/Fibula Inj Op Nos | 1 0.02 35.61 Ibia/Fibula Sequestrec | 1 0.02 35.64 Icro Exam Nec | 1 0.02 35.66 Icro Exam Nec* | 1 0.02 35.68 Icro Exam Nos | 1 0.02 35.71 Icro Exam Nos* | 1 0.02 35.73 Icro Exam-Bili/Panc Nec | 1 0.02 35.75 Icro Exam-Bili/Pancreas* | 1 0.02 35.78 Icro Exam-Blood Nec | 1 0.02 35.80 Icro Exam-Blood* | 1 0.02 35.82 Icro Exam-Endocrine Nec | 1 0.02 35.85 Icro Exam-Endocrine* | 1 0.02 35.87 Icro Exam-Ent/Laryn Nec | 1 0.02 35.89 Icro Exam-Ent/Larynx* | 1 0.02 35.92 Icro Exam-Eye Nec | 1 0.02 35.94 Icro Exam-Eye* | 1 0.02 35.96 Icro Exam-Femal Gen Nec | 1 0.02 35.99 Icro Exam-Female Genit* | 1 0.02 36.01 Icro Exam-Integumen Nec | 1 0.02 36.03 Icro Exam-Integument* | 1 0.02 36.05 Icro Exam-Low Urin Nec | 1 0.02 36.08 Icro Exam-Lower Gi Nec | 1 0.02 36.10 Icro Exam-Lower Gi* | 1 0.02 36.12 Icro Exam-Lower Resp* | 1 0.02 36.15 Icro Exam-Lower Urinary* | 1 0.02 36.17 Icro Exam-Lowr Resp Nec | 1 0.02 36.19 Icro Exam-Lymph Sys Nec | 1 0.02 36.22 Icro Exam-Lymph System* | 1 0.02 36.24 Icro Exam-Musculosk Nec | 1 0.02 36.26 Icro Exam-Musculoskel* | 1 0.02 36.29 Icro Exam-Nervous Nec | 1 0.02 36.31 Icro Exam-Nervous Syst* | 1 0.02 36.33 Icro Exam-Op Wound Nec | 1 0.02 36.36 Icro Exam-Op Wound* | 1 0.02 36.38 Icro Exam-Periton Nec | 1 0.02 36.40 Icro Exam-Peritoneum* | 1 0.02 36.43 Icro Exam-Spleen/Marrow* | 1 0.02 36.45 Icro Exam-Spln/Marr Nec | 1 0.02 36.47 Icro Exam-Upper Gi Nec | 1 0.02 36.50 Icro Exam-Upper Gi* | 1 0.02 36.52 Icro Exam-Upper Urinary* | 1 0.02 36.54 Icro Exam-Uppr Urin Nec | 1 0.02 36.57 Icroscopic Exam--I* | 1 0.02 36.59 Icroscopic Exam--Ii* | 1 0.02 36.61 Icycle Ergometer Test | 1 0.02 36.64 Id & Inner Ear Biopsy | 1 0.02 36.66 Id & Inner Ear Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 36.68 Id Forceps Op Nec | 1 0.02 36.71 Id Forceps Operation* | 1 0.02 36.73 Id Forceps W Episiotomy | 1 0.02 36.75 Id Lac Rx-Ful Thic Nec | 1 0.02 36.78 Id Lacer Rx-Prt Th Nec | 1 0.02 36.80 Id Marg Lac Rx-Ful Thic | 1 0.02 36.82 Id Marg Lac Rx-Part Th | 1 0.02 36.85 Id Marg Recon-Part Thic | 1 0.02 36.87 Id Marg Recons Ful Thic | 1 0.02 36.89 Id Recon-Tarsoconj Flap | 1 0.02 36.92 Id Recons Entropion Rep | 1 0.02 36.94 Id Recons-Part Thic Nec | 1 0.02 36.96 Id Reconst W Hair Graft | 1 0.02 36.99 Id Reconst W Muc Graft | 1 0.02 37.01 Id Reconst W Skin Graft | 1 0.02 37.03 Id Reconst-Ful Thic Nec | 1 0.02 37.06 Id Reconstr W Graft Nec | 1 0.02 37.08 Id Reconstruct W Graft* | 1 0.02 37.10 Id Reconstruction Nos | 1 0.02 37.12 Id-Inner Ear Ops Nec | 1 0.02 37.15 Id/In Ear Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 37.17 Iddle Ear Excision Nec | 1 0.02 37.19 Iddle Ear Incision | 1 0.02 37.22 Iddle Ear Reconstruct* | 1 0.02 37.24 Iddle Ear Repair Nec | 1 0.02 37.26 Ide Exc Bony Palate Les | 1 0.02 37.29 Ide Excision Of Lip Les | 1 0.02 37.31 Ideo/Radio Eeg Monitor | 1 0.02 37.33 Idney Transplant Nec | 1 0.02 37.36 Idney Transplant* | 1 0.02 37.38 Idtarsal Fusion | 1 0.02 37.40 Iercing Of Ear Lobe | 1 0.02 37.43 Igate Gastric Varices | 1 0.02 37.45 Igate Thoracic Duct | 1 0.02 37.47 Igation Dermal Appendag | 1 0.02 37.50 Igation Esoph Varix | 1 0.02 37.52 Igation Of Ureter | 1 0.02 37.54 Igation Of Vas Deferens | 1 0.02 37.57 Igest & Gu Irrig/Instil* | 1 0.02 37.59 Igestive Tract Xray Nec | 1 0.02 37.61 Igh Forceps Op Nec | 1 0.02 37.64 Igh Forceps Operation* | 1 0.02 37.66 Igh Forceps W Episiot | 1 0.02 37.68 Igh Gastric Bypass | 1 0.02 37.71 Ighly Select Vagotomy | 1 0.02 37.73 Ight Hemicolectomy | 1 0.02 37.75 Igid Proctosigmoidoscpy | 1 0.02 37.78 Igital Enterostomy Exam | 1 0.02 37.80 Igital Exam Of Uterus | 1 0.02 37.82 Igital Rectal Exam | 1 0.02 37.85 Igmoidectomy | 1 0.02 37.87 Il Body Diminution Nos | 1 0.02 37.89 Il Breast Injec-Augment | 1 0.02 37.92 Il Dir Ing Hrn Rep-Grft | 1 0.02 37.94 Il Dir/Ind Ing Hern-Pro | 1 0.02 37.96 Il Dir/Ind Ing Hrn Rep | 1 0.02 37.99 Il Exten Rad Mastectomy | 1 0.02 38.01 Il Fem Hern Repair Nec | 1 0.02 38.03 Il Fem Hern Repair-Grft | 1 0.02 38.06 Il Ind Ing Hrn Rep-Grft | 1 0.02 38.08 Il Ing Hrn Rep-Grft Nos | 1 0.02 38.10 Il Subq Mammect-Implant | 1 0.02 38.13 Ilat Adrenal Explorat | 1 0.02 38.15 Ilat Dir Ing Hern Rep | 1 0.02 38.17 Ilat Endos Occ Tube Nec | 1 0.02 38.19 Ilat Endosc Crush Tube | 1 0.02 38.22 Ilat Endosc Divis Tube | 1 0.02 38.24 Ilat Endosc Occl Fallop* | 1 0.02 38.26 Ilat Enterostomy Stoma | 1 0.02 38.29 Ilat Extend Simp Mastec | 1 0.02 38.31 Ilat Femor Hern Repair* | 1 0.02 38.33 Ilat Frontonasal Duct | 1 0.02 38.36 Ilat Ind Ing Hern Rep | 1 0.02 38.38 Ilat Ing Hernia Rep Nos | 1 0.02 38.40 Ilat Ing Hernia Repair* | 1 0.02 38.43 Ilat Lung Transplant | 1 0.02 38.45 Ilat Part Salpingec Nos | 1 0.02 38.47 Ilat Rad Neck Dissect | 1 0.02 38.50 Ilat Radical Mastectomy | 1 0.02 38.52 Ilat Reduct Mammoplasty | 1 0.02 38.54 Ilat Salpingo-Oophorect* | 1 0.02 38.57 Ilat Simple Mastectomy | 1 0.02 38.59 Ilat Subq Mammectom Nec | 1 0.02 38.61 Ilat Tubal Crushing Nec | 1 0.02 38.64 Ilat Tubal Destruct Nec | 1 0.02 38.66 Ilat Tubal Division Nec | 1 0.02 38.68 Ilate Pylorus, Incision | 1 0.02 38.71 Ilateral Adrenalectomy | 1 0.02 38.73 Ilateral Breast Implant | 1 0.02 38.75 Ilateral Nephrectomy | 1 0.02 38.78 Ilateral Oophorectomy* | 1 0.02 38.80 Ilateral Orchiectomy* | 1 0.02 38.82 Ilateral Vulvectomy | 1 0.02 38.85 Ilation Anal Sphincter | 1 0.02 38.87 Ilation Manipul Intest* | 1 0.02 38.89 Ilation Of Intestine | 1 0.02 38.92 Ilation Of Rectum | 1 0.02 38.94 Ile Duct Anastomos Nec | 1 0.02 38.96 Ile Duct Excision Nec | 1 0.02 38.99 Ile Duct Incision Nec | 1 0.02 39.01 Ile Duct Repair Nec | 1 0.02 39.03 Iliary Body Op Nec | 1 0.02 39.06 Iliary Tr Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 39.08 Iliary Tract Anastomos* | 1 0.02 39.10 Iliary Tract Dx Procs* | 1 0.02 39.13 Iliary Tract Op Nec | 1 0.02 39.15 Iliary Tract Operation* | 1 0.02 39.17 Iliary Tract X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 39.20 Iliary Tract X-Ray* | 1 0.02 39.22 Iliary Tube Irrigation | 1 0.02 39.24 Ilk Extraction | 1 0.02 39.26 Imb Length Measurement | 1 0.02 39.29 Imb Length Proc-Femur | 1 0.02 39.31 Imb Length Proc-Humerus | 1 0.02 39.33 Imb Length-Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 39.36 Imb Length-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 39.38 Imb Lengthen Proc Nec | 1 0.02 39.40 Imb Lengthen Proc Nos | 1 0.02 39.43 Imb Lengthen-Tib/Fibula | 1 0.02 39.45 Imb Lengthn-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 39.47 Imb Short Proc-Femur | 1 0.02 39.50 Imb Short Proc-Humerus | 1 0.02 39.52 Imb Shorten Proc Nec | 1 0.02 39.54 Imb Shorten Proc Nos | 1 0.02 39.57 Imb Shorten-Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 39.59 Imb Shorten-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 39.61 Imb Shorten-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 39.64 Imb Shorten-Tib/Fibula | 1 0.02 39.66 Imb Skin Traction Nec | 1 0.02 39.68 Imited Consultation | 1 0.02 39.71 Imited Eye Examination | 1 0.02 39.73 Imited Interview/Evalua | 1 0.02 39.75 Imited Rhinoplasty | 1 0.02 39.78 Imp Exc Lymph Struc Nec | 1 0.02 39.80 Imp Excis Lymph Struct* | 1 0.02 39.82 Impl Aspir Lens Extract | 1 0.02 39.85 Impl Suture Fallop Tube | 1 0.02 39.87 Imple Mastoidectomy | 1 0.02 39.89 Imple Sut-Common Duct | 1 0.02 39.92 Imple Suture Of Dura | 1 0.02 39.94 Indquarter Amputation | 1 0.02 39.96 Ineal Biopsy | 1 0.02 39.99 Ineal Field Exploration | 1 0.02 40.01 Ineal Gland Incision | 1 0.02 40.03 Ineal Gland Operations* | 1 0.02 40.06 Ineal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 40.08 Inear Craniectomy | 1 0.02 40.10 Inear Extracap Lens Ext | 1 0.02 40.13 Inear Rep Lid Lacer | 1 0.02 40.15 Ing Source Radiosurgery | 1 0.02 40.17 Inger Amputation | 1 0.02 40.20 Inger Injury Op Nos | 1 0.02 40.22 Inger Reattachment | 1 0.02 40.24 Ingivoplasty | 1 0.02 40.27 Ingual Frenectomy | 1 0.02 40.29 Ingual Frenotomy | 1 0.02 40.31 Ingual Thyroid Excision | 1 0.02 40.33 Inus Aspirat/Lavage Nos | 1 0.02 40.36 Inus Lavage Thru Ostium | 1 0.02 40.38 Inus Punct For Lavage | 1 0.02 40.40 Inusectomy Nos | 1 0.02 40.43 Inusotomy Nos | 1 0.02 40.45 Iopsy Joint Structure* | 1 0.02 40.47 Iopsy Of Bone* | 1 0.02 40.50 Iopsy Of Diaphragm | 1 0.02 40.52 Ip Arthroscopy | 1 0.02 40.54 Ip Biopsy | 1 0.02 40.57 Ip Joint Biopsy | 1 0.02 40.59 Ip Structure Division | 1 0.02 40.61 Ip Synovectomy | 1 0.02 40.64 Iphtheria Toxoid Admin | 1 0.02 40.66 Ipple Repair Nec | 1 0.02 40.68 Ir Ing Hernia Rep-Graft | 1 0.02 40.71 Iral Immunization* | 1 0.02 40.73 Irculatory Monitoring* | 1 0.02 40.75 Ircumcision | 1 0.02 40.78 Isarticulation Of Ankle | 1 0.02 40.80 Isarticulation Of Elbow | 1 0.02 40.82 Isarticulation Of Hip | 1 0.02 40.85 Isarticulation Of Knee | 1 0.02 40.87 Isarticulation Of Wrist | 1 0.02 40.89 Isc Physical Procedures* | 1 0.02 40.92 Iss Adj To Valv Ops Nec | 1 0.02 40.94 Issue Adjac To Valv Ops* | 1 0.02 40.96 Istal Gastrectomy | 1 0.02 40.99 Istal Pancreatectomy | 1 0.02 41.01 Isternal Puncture | 1 0.02 41.03 Isual Evoked Potential | 1 0.02 41.06 Isual Field Study | 1 0.02 41.08 It Above Knee Prosthes | 1 0.02 41.10 It Arm Prosthesis Nos | 1 0.02 41.13 It Below Knee Prosthes | 1 0.02 41.15 It Ext Penile Prosthes | 1 0.02 41.17 It Leg Prosthesis Nos | 1 0.02 41.20 It Lo Arm/Hand Prosthes | 1 0.02 41.22 It Up Arm/Should Prosth | 1 0.02 41.24 Ital Capacity Determin | 1 0.02 41.27 Ithium Therapy | 1 0.02 41.29 Itreous Operation Nec | 1 0.02 41.31 Itreous Removal Nec | 1 0.02 41.34 Itreous Substitut Injec | 1 0.02 41.36 Itting Of Hearing Aid | 1 0.02 41.38 Ituitary Biopsy Nos | 1 0.02 41.40 Ituitary Fossa Explorat | 1 0.02 41.43 Ituitary Gland Incision | 1 0.02 41.45 Ituitary Operation Nec | 1 0.02 41.47 Iv Hand Musc/Tend/Fasc* | 1 0.02 41.50 Iv Soft Tissue Hand Nec | 1 0.02 41.52 Ive-In-One Knee Repair | 1 0.02 41.54 Iver Operation Nec | 1 0.02 41.57 Iver Repair Nec | 1 0.02 41.59 Iver Scan/Isotope Funct | 1 0.02 41.61 Iver Transplant Nec | 1 0.02 41.64 Iver Transplant* | 1 0.02 41.66 Ivis Glossopharyng Nerv | 1 0.02 41.68 Ivision Of Penile Adhes | 1 0.02 41.71 Ix Venous Bld Gas Meas | 1 0.02 41.73 Ixation Of Intestine* | 1 0.02 41.75 Ixed Bridge Insertion | 1 0.02 41.78 Ize Reduct Plastic Op | 1 0.02 41.80 Kel Xray-Ankle & Foot | 1 0.02 41.82 Kel Xray-Elbow/Forearm | 1 0.02 41.85 Kel Xray-Limbs & Pelvis* | 1 0.02 41.87 Kel Xray-Lower Limb Nos | 1 0.02 41.89 Kel Xray-Pelvis/Hip Nec | 1 0.02 41.92 Kel Xray-Thigh/Knee/Leg | 1 0.02 41.94 Kel Xray-Upper Limb Nos | 1 0.02 41.96 Kel Xray-Wrist & Hand | 1 0.02 41.99 Keletal & Oth Traction* | 1 0.02 42.01 Keletal Series X-Ray | 1 0.02 42.03 Kin & Subq Biopsy | 1 0.02 42.06 Kin & Subq Diagnos Proc* | 1 0.02 42.08 Kin & Subq Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 42.10 Kin & Subq Incision Nec | 1 0.02 42.13 Kin & Subq Op Nec | 1 0.02 42.15 Kin & Subq Operations* | 1 0.02 42.17 Kin & Subq Suture* | 1 0.02 42.20 Kin Chemosurgery | 1 0.02 42.22 Kin Closure Nec | 1 0.02 42.24 Kin Defect Tattooing | 1 0.02 42.27 Kin Excision For Graft | 1 0.02 42.29 Kin Graft To Mouth Nec | 1 0.02 42.31 Kin Incis & Fb Removal | 1 0.02 42.34 Kin Repair & Plasty Nec | 1 0.02 42.36 Kl Xray-Shoulder/Up Arm | 1 0.02 42.38 Kull & Brain Op Nec | 1 0.02 42.41 Kull & Brain Op Nec* | 1 0.02 42.43 Kull Biopsy | 1 0.02 42.45 Kull Flap Formation | 1 0.02 42.47 Kull Plate Insertion | 1 0.02 42.50 Kull Plate Removal | 1 0.02 42.52 Kull Transilluminat | 1 0.02 42.54 Kull X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 42.57 Kull/Brain Dx Procedure* | 1 0.02 42.59 L Fx Reduc W Int Fix* | 1 0.02 42.61 L Fx Reduc-Femur | 1 0.02 42.64 L Fx Reduc-Finger | 1 0.02 42.66 L Fx Reduc-Int Fix Nec | 1 0.02 42.68 L Fx Reduc-Int Fix Nos | 1 0.02 42.71 L Fx Reduc-Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 42.73 L Fx Reduc-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 42.75 L Fx Reduc-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 42.78 L Fx Reduc-Tibia/Fibula | 1 0.02 42.80 L Fx Reduc-Toe | 1 0.02 42.82 L Osteoplasty Mand Rami | 1 0.02 42.85 L Red-Int Fix Metac/Car | 1 0.02 42.87 L Red-Int Fix Metat/Tar | 1 0.02 42.89 L Red-Int Fix Rad/Ulna | 1 0.02 42.92 L Red-Int Fix Tib/Fibu | 1 0.02 42.94 L Reduc Disloc Nos | 1 0.02 42.96 L Reduc Disloc-Ankle | 1 0.02 42.99 L Reduc Disloc-Elbow | 1 0.02 43.01 L Reduc Disloc-Foot/Toe | 1 0.02 43.03 L Reduc Disloc-Hand/Fng | 1 0.02 43.06 L Reduc Disloc-Hip | 1 0.02 43.08 L Reduc Disloc-Knee | 1 0.02 43.10 L Reduc Disloc-Shoulder | 1 0.02 43.13 L Reduc Disloc-Wrist | 1 0.02 43.15 L Reduc Dislocation Nec | 1 0.02 43.17 L Reduc Dislocation* | 1 0.02 43.20 L Reduct Facial Fx Nec | 1 0.02 43.22 L Reduct Malar/Zygo Fx | 1 0.02 43.24 L Reduct Mandible Fx | 1 0.02 43.27 L Reduct Maxillary Fx | 1 0.02 43.29 Lacental Scan | 1 0.02 43.31 Ladder Anastomosis Nec | 1 0.02 43.34 Ladder Diagnos Proc Nec | 1 0.02 43.36 Ladder Diagnostic Proc* | 1 0.02 43.38 Ladder Exstrophy Repair | 1 0.02 43.41 Ladder Les Destruct Nec | 1 0.02 43.43 Ladder Les Destruct Nec* | 1 0.02 43.45 Ladder Neck Dilation | 1 0.02 43.48 Ladder Operation Nec | 1 0.02 43.50 Ladder Reconstruction | 1 0.02 43.52 Ladder Repair Nec | 1 0.02 43.55 Ladder Sphincterotomy | 1 0.02 43.57 Lague Vaccination | 1 0.02 43.59 Lassical C-Section | 1 0.02 43.61 Last Op Hand W Grft Nec | 1 0.02 43.64 Last Op Hand-Grft/Impla* | 1 0.02 43.66 Last Op Hnd-Mus/Fas Grf | 1 0.02 43.68 Laster Jacket Applicat | 1 0.02 43.71 Lastic Op On Pharynx | 1 0.02 43.73 Lastic Rep Ext Ear Nec | 1 0.02 43.75 Lastic Repair Of Mouth* | 1 0.02 43.78 Latelet Transfusion | 1 0.02 43.80 Laucoma Procedure Nec | 1 0.02 43.82 Laucoma Testing | 1 0.02 43.85 Lay Psychotherapy | 1 0.02 43.87 Lbow Arthroplasty Nec | 1 0.02 43.89 Lbow Arthroscopy | 1 0.02 43.92 Lbow Joint Biopsy | 1 0.02 43.94 Lbow Structure Division | 1 0.02 43.96 Lbow Synovectomy | 1 0.02 43.99 Lcohol Detoxification | 1 0.02 44.01 Lcohol Rehab/Detox | 1 0.02 44.03 Lcohol Rehabilitation | 1 0.02 44.06 Lcoholism Counselling | 1 0.02 44.08 Leal Conduitogram | 1 0.02 44.10 Lecmag Hear Dev Implant | 1 0.02 44.13 Lectro-Oculogram | 1 0.02 44.15 Lectrocardiogram | 1 0.02 44.17 Lectrocardiograph Monit | 1 0.02 44.20 Lectrocoag Rect Les Nec | 1 0.02 44.22 Lectrocochleography | 1 0.02 44.24 Lectroencephalogram | 1 0.02 44.27 Lectromyogram Of Eye | 1 0.02 44.29 Lectromyography | 1 0.02 44.31 Lectron Teleradiotherap | 1 0.02 44.34 Lectronystagmogram | 1 0.02 44.36 Lectroretinogram | 1 0.02 44.38 Lectroshock Therapy Nec | 1 0.02 44.41 Lectrosurg Lid Epilat | 1 0.02 44.43 Left Palate Correction | 1 0.02 44.45 Leostomy Nos | 1 0.02 44.48 Leostomy* | 1 0.02 44.50 Lepharoptos Repair Nec | 1 0.02 44.52 Lepharorrhaphy | 1 0.02 44.55 Lepharorrhaphy Severing | 1 0.02 44.57 Lethysmogram | 1 0.02 44.59 Leural Biopsy | 1 0.02 44.62 Leurectomy* | 1 0.02 44.64 Leuroperitoneal Shunt | 1 0.02 44.66 Levate Skull Fx Fragmnt | 1 0.02 44.68 Lexible Sigmoidoscopy | 1 0.02 44.71 Lin Vestibul Funct Test | 1 0.02 44.73 Linical Hearing Test | 1 0.02 44.75 Lipping Of Aneurysm | 1 0.02 44.78 Llergy Immunization | 1 0.02 44.80 Llo Hem Stem Ct W Purg | 1 0.02 44.82 Llo Hem Stem Ct W/O Pur | 1 0.02 44.85 Llogrft Bone Marrow Nos | 1 0.02 44.87 Llotrnsplnt Islets Lang | 1 0.02 44.89 Lo Bone Marrow Trnsplnt | 1 0.02 44.92 Lo Endosc Bx Bile Duct | 1 0.02 44.94 Lo Endosc Bx Pancre Duc | 1 0.02 44.96 Lobus Pallidus Ops | 1 0.02 44.99 Lood Expander Transfus | 1 0.02 45.01 Lood Transfusion* | 1 0.02 45.03 Lood Vessel Biopsy | 1 0.02 45.06 Lood Vessel Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 45.08 Lood Vessel Dx Procs* | 1 0.02 45.10 Lood Vessel Thermograph | 1 0.02 45.13 Los Biliary Fistul Nec | 1 0.02 45.15 Los Branch Cleft Fistul | 1 0.02 45.17 Los Bx Saliv Gland/Duct | 1 0.02 45.20 Los Cereb Meninges Bx | 1 0.02 45.22 Los Endosc Ureteral Bx | 1 0.02 45.24 Los Endoscopic Lung Bx | 1 0.02 45.27 Los Large Bowel Biopsy | 1 0.02 45.29 Los Mediastinal Biopsy | 1 0.02 45.31 Los Periph Nerve Biopsy | 1 0.02 45.34 Los Pharynx Fistula Nec | 1 0.02 45.36 Los Red-Int Fix Humerus | 1 0.02 45.38 Los Reduct Tm Dislocat | 1 0.02 45.41 Los Reduction Nasal Fx | 1 0.02 45.43 Los Seminal Vesicles Bx | 1 0.02 45.45 Los Small Bowel Biopsy | 1 0.02 45.48 Los Thoracic Fistul Nec | 1 0.02 45.50 Los Transureth Bladd Bx | 1 0.02 45.52 Los Uterine Ligament Bx | 1 0.02 45.55 Lose Appendiceal Fistul | 1 0.02 45.57 Lose Diaphragm Fistula | 1 0.02 45.59 Lose Gastric Fistul Nec | 1 0.02 45.62 Lose Lg Bowel Fistula | 1 0.02 45.64 Lose Nephrost & Pyelost | 1 0.02 45.66 Lose Rectal Fist Nec | 1 0.02 45.69 Lose Red-Humerus Epiphy | 1 0.02 45.71 Lose Red-Int Fix Finger | 1 0.02 45.73 Lose Red-Int Fix Toe Fx | 1 0.02 45.75 Lose Reduc-Femur Epiphy | 1 0.02 45.78 Lose Renal Fistula Nec | 1 0.02 45.80 Lose Sm Bowel Fist Nec | 1 0.02 45.82 Lose Thoracic Duct Fist | 1 0.02 45.85 Lose Ureter Fistula Nec | 1 0.02 45.87 Lose Ureth Fistula Nec | 1 0.02 45.89 Losed Adrenal Gland Bx | 1 0.02 45.92 Losed Aortic Valvotomy | 1 0.02 45.94 Losed Biopsy Larynx | 1 0.02 45.96 Losed Biopsy Of Tongue | 1 0.02 45.99 Losed Biopsy Trachea | 1 0.02 46.01 Losed Brain Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.03 Losed Breast Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.06 Losed Bronchial Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.08 Losed Bx Of Esophagus | 1 0.02 46.10 Losed Chest Card Massag | 1 0.02 46.13 Losed Fracture Reduct* | 1 0.02 46.15 Losed Fx Reduct Humerus | 1 0.02 46.17 Losed Fx Reduction Nec | 1 0.02 46.20 Losed Fx Reduction Nos | 1 0.02 46.22 Losed Gastric Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.24 Losed Heart Valvotomy* | 1 0.02 46.27 Losed Intra-Abd Mass Bx | 1 0.02 46.29 Losed Liver Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.31 Losed Lung Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.34 Losed Mitral Valvotomy | 1 0.02 46.36 Losed Nasal Sinus Bx | 1 0.02 46.38 Losed Pancreatic Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.41 Losed Prostatic Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.43 Losed Pulmon Valvotomy | 1 0.02 46.45 Losed Rectal Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.48 Losed Red-Int Fix Femur | 1 0.02 46.50 Losed Reduct-Sep Epiphy* | 1 0.02 46.52 Losed Renal Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.55 Losed Spleen Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.57 Losed Testicular Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.59 Losed Thyroid Gland Bx | 1 0.02 46.62 Losed Tricusp Valvotomy | 1 0.02 46.64 Losed Ureteral Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.66 Losed Uterine Biopsy | 1 0.02 46.69 Losed Valvotomy Nos | 1 0.02 46.71 Losure Cholecystostomy | 1 0.02 46.73 Losure Liver Lacerat | 1 0.02 46.76 Losure Of Anal Fistula | 1 0.02 46.78 Losure Of Mouth Fistula | 1 0.02 46.80 Losure Of Proctostomy | 1 0.02 46.82 Losure Of Tracheostomy | 1 0.02 46.85 Losure Uterine Fistula | 1 0.02 46.87 Low Therapeut Into Tube | 1 0.02 46.89 Ls Red-Radius/Ul Epiphy | 1 0.02 46.92 Ls Red-Tibia/Fib Epiphy | 1 0.02 46.94 Ls Reduc-Sep Epiphy Nec | 1 0.02 46.96 Ls Reduc-Sep Epiphy Nos | 1 0.02 46.99 Ltrason Fragment-Stone | 1 0.02 47.01 Ltrasound Study Of Eye | 1 0.02 47.03 Ltraviolet Light Therap | 1 0.02 47.06 Lubfoot Release Nec | 1 0.02 47.08 Lveoloplasty | 1 0.02 47.10 Lveolus Biopsy | 1 0.02 47.13 M Bowel Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 47.15 M Bowel Endoscopy Nec | 1 0.02 47.17 M Bowel Exteriorization | 1 0.02 47.20 M Bowel Segment Isolat | 1 0.02 47.22 M Bowel Stoma Closure | 1 0.02 47.24 M Bowel Stoma Revision | 1 0.02 47.27 M Bowel-Abd Wall Fixat | 1 0.02 47.29 M Bowel-Rect Stump Anas | 1 0.02 47.31 M Contrast Arthrogram | 1 0.02 47.34 M Manipulation Nec | 1 0.02 47.36 M-To-Sm Bowel Anastom | 1 0.02 47.38 Mall Bowel Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 47.41 Mall Bowel Fixation Nec | 1 0.02 47.43 Mall Bowel Incision Nec | 1 0.02 47.45 Mall Bowel Series | 1 0.02 47.48 Mall Bowel Suture Nec | 1 0.02 47.50 Mall-To-Large Bowel Nec | 1 0.02 47.52 Mallpox Vaccination | 1 0.02 47.55 Mbil Hernia Repair Nec | 1 0.02 47.57 Mbil Hernia Repair-Grft | 1 0.02 47.59 Mbilical Hernia Repair* | 1 0.02 47.62 Mbilical Vein Cath | 1 0.02 47.64 Mbu Cardiac Monitoring | 1 0.02 47.66 Mbulat & Gait Training | 1 0.02 47.69 Mental Repair Nec | 1 0.02 47.71 Mmobiliz/Wound Attn Nec | 1 0.02 47.73 Mmunotherapy As Antineo | 1 0.02 47.76 Mnioinfusion | 1 0.02 47.78 Mnioscopy | 1 0.02 47.80 Mp Cardiomyostimul Sys | 1 0.02 47.83 Mp Ext Pul Hrt Asst Sys | 1 0.02 47.85 Mp Imp Pul Hrt Asst Sys | 1 0.02 47.87 Mp/Rep Mchan Cochl Pros | 1 0.02 47.89 Mp/Rep Schan Coch Pros | 1 0.02 47.92 Mpacted Feces Removal | 1 0.02 47.94 Mpedance Phlebogram | 1 0.02 47.96 Mphysema Bleb Plication | 1 0.02 47.99 Mpl Fallop Tube Prosth | 1 0.02 48.01 Mplant Arm Prosthesis | 1 0.02 48.03 Mplant Bladder Stimulat | 1 0.02 48.06 Mplant Brain Stimulator | 1 0.02 48.08 Mplant Diaphra Pacemake | 1 0.02 48.10 Mplant Hrt Assist Syst* | 1 0.02 48.13 Mplant Hrt Asst Sys Nec | 1 0.02 48.15 Mplant Leg Prosthesis | 1 0.02 48.17 Mplant Mechanic Kidney | 1 0.02 48.20 Mplant Periph Stimulat | 1 0.02 48.22 Mplant Ureteral Stimul | 1 0.02 48.24 Mplant/Fit Prosth Limb* | 1 0.02 48.27 Mplanted Lens Removal | 1 0.02 48.29 Mplnt/Fit Pros Limb Nos | 1 0.02 48.31 Mplt Artf Urin Sphinct | 1 0.02 48.34 Mplt Cardiodefib Genatr | 1 0.02 48.36 Mplt Cardiodefib Leads | 1 0.02 48.38 Mplt Cochlear Prost Nos | 1 0.02 48.41 Mplt/Repl Carddefib Tot | 1 0.02 48.43 Mputat Through Malleoli | 1 0.02 48.45 Mputation Nos | 1 0.02 48.48 Mputation Of Cervix | 1 0.02 48.50 Mputation Of Lower Limb* | 1 0.02 48.52 Mputation Of Penis | 1 0.02 48.55 Mputation Of Upper Limb* | 1 0.02 48.57 Mputation Stump Revis | 1 0.02 48.59 Mputation Through Foot | 1 0.02 48.62 Mputation Through Hand | 1 0.02 48.64 Mputation Thru Forearm | 1 0.02 48.66 Mputation Thru Humerus | 1 0.02 48.69 Mr Administration | 1 0.02 48.71 Mt For Gen'L Mobilizat | 1 0.02 48.73 Mt To Move Tissue Fluid | 1 0.02 48.76 Mt With Hi-Vel,Lo-Ampli | 1 0.02 48.78 Mt With Indirect Forces | 1 0.02 48.80 Mt With Isoton,Isometri | 1 0.02 48.83 Mt With Lo-Vel,Hi-Ampli | 1 0.02 48.85 Nal & Perianal Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 48.87 Nal Anastomosis | 1 0.02 48.90 Nal Biopsy | 1 0.02 48.92 Nal Cerclage | 1 0.02 48.94 Nal Fistulectomy | 1 0.02 48.96 Nal Fistulotomy | 1 0.02 48.99 Nal Incision Nec | 1 0.02 49.01 Nal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 49.03 Nal Sphinct Repair Nec | 1 0.02 49.06 Nal Sphincter Division* | 1 0.02 49.08 Nal Sphincterotomy Nec | 1 0.02 49.10 Nal/Perian Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 49.13 Nc Hand Mus/Ten/Fas/Bur* | 1 0.02 49.15 Nc Soft Tissue Hand Nec | 1 0.02 49.17 Nc/Exc/Destr In Ear Nec | 1 0.02 49.20 Ncidental Appendectomy* | 1 0.02 49.22 Ncis Chest Wall/Pleura* | 1 0.02 49.24 Ncis Cx To Assist Deliv | 1 0.02 49.27 Ncis Hernia Repair-Grft | 1 0.02 49.29 Ncis Larynx Trachea Nec | 1 0.02 49.31 Ncis Lymphatic Structur | 1 0.02 49.34 Ncis Mus/Tend/Fasc/Burs* | 1 0.02 49.36 Ncis Obstr Bile Duc Nec | 1 0.02 49.38 Ncis Obstruc Bile Duct* | 1 0.02 49.41 Ncis Perianal Abscess | 1 0.02 49.43 Ncis Rectal Stricture | 1 0.02 49.45 Ncis Salivary Glnd/Duct | 1 0.02 49.48 Ncis Thyroid Field Nec | 1 0.02 49.50 Ncis To Remov Tonsil Fb | 1 0.02 49.52 Ncis Vagina/Cul-De-Sac* | 1 0.02 49.55 Ncis Vulva & Perineum* | 1 0.02 49.57 Ncis Vulva/Perineum Nec | 1 0.02 49.59 Ncis/Excis Anal Fistula* | 1 0.02 49.62 Ncis/Excis/Destr In Ear* | 1 0.02 49.64 Ncis/Excis/Div Bone Nec* | 1 0.02 49.66 Ncise Bartholin'S Gland | 1 0.02 49.69 Ncise Brain & Meninges* | 1 0.02 49.71 Ncise Cerebral Meninges | 1 0.02 49.73 Ncise Lac Sac/Passages* | 1 0.02 49.76 Ncise-Excis Brain/Skull* | 1 0.02 49.78 Ncise/Remov Conjunct Fb | 1 0.02 49.80 Ncision Of Anal Septum | 1 0.02 49.83 Ncision Of Aorta | 1 0.02 49.85 Ncision Of Bronchus | 1 0.02 49.87 Ncision Of Cervix | 1 0.02 49.90 Ncision Of Chest Wall | 1 0.02 49.92 Ncision Of Heart Nos | 1 0.02 49.94 Ncision Of Lid Margin | 1 0.02 49.97 Ncision Of Lung | 1 0.02 49.99 Ncision Of Mediastinum | 1 0.02 50.01 Ncision Of Nose | 1 0.02 50.03 Ncision Of Palate | 1 0.02 50.06 Ncision Of Penis | 1 0.02 50.08 Ncision Of Prostate | 1 0.02 50.10 Ncision Of Testes | 1 0.02 50.13 Ncision Of Thymus | 1 0.02 50.15 Ncision Of Uvula | 1 0.02 50.17 Ncision Of Vessel Nos | 1 0.02 50.20 Ncision Of Vessel* | 1 0.02 50.22 Ncision Pilonidal Sinus | 1 0.02 50.24 Ncision Skin & Subq* | 1 0.02 50.27 Ncision Uterine Septum | 1 0.02 50.29 Ncision/Excision Joint* | 1 0.02 50.31 Ncisional Hernia Repair | 1 0.02 50.34 Nd Ing Hernia Rep-Graft | 1 0.02 50.36 Nd Op Post Eye Rem Nec | 1 0.02 50.38 Nd Therap Psychsex Dysf | 1 0.02 50.41 Ndarterectomy Nos | 1 0.02 50.43 Ndarterectomy Of Aorta | 1 0.02 50.45 Ndarterectomy* | 1 0.02 50.48 Ndivid Psychotherap Nec | 1 0.02 50.50 Ndividual Psychotherapy* | 1 0.02 50.52 Ndo Impl Grft Abd Aorta | 1 0.02 50.55 Ndo Polpectomy Lrge Int | 1 0.02 50.57 Ndocar Cushion Rep Nec | 1 0.02 50.59 Ndocervical Biopsy | 1 0.02 50.62 Ndocrine Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 50.64 Ndolymphatic Shunt | 1 0.02 50.66 Ndomet Synechiae Divis | 1 0.02 50.69 Ndometrial Ablation | 1 0.02 50.71 Ndosc Control Gast Hem | 1 0.02 50.73 Ndosc Destr Pancrea Les | 1 0.02 50.76 Ndosc Destr Stomach Les | 1 0.02 50.78 Ndosc Destr Urethra Les | 1 0.02 50.80 Ndosc Destru Bile Les | 1 0.02 50.83 Ndosc Destru Duoden Les | 1 0.02 50.85 Ndosc Destru Lg Int Les | 1 0.02 50.87 Ndosc Destruc Anus Les | 1 0.02 50.90 Ndosc Destruc Bronc Les | 1 0.02 50.92 Ndosc Destruc Esoph Les | 1 0.02 50.94 Ndosc Destruc Lung Les | 1 0.02 50.97 Ndosc Dil Pancreat Duct | 1 0.02 50.99 Ndosc Dilation Ampulla | 1 0.02 51.01 Ndosc Inser Nasobil Tub | 1 0.02 51.04 Ndosc Inser Nasopan Tub | 1 0.02 51.06 Ndosc Inser Panc Stent | 1 0.02 51.08 Ndosc Inser Stent Bile | 1 0.02 51.10 Ndosc Lg Bowel Thru St | 1 0.02 51.13 Ndosc Remove Bile Stone | 1 0.02 51.15 Ndosc Remove Panc Stone | 1 0.02 51.17 Ndosc Retro Cholangio | 1 0.02 51.20 Ndosc Retro Cholangiopa | 1 0.02 51.22 Ndosc Retro Pancreatog | 1 0.02 51.24 Ndosc Sm Bowel Thru St | 1 0.02 51.27 Ndosc Sphincterotomy | 1 0.02 51.29 Ndoscop Dilate Pylorus | 1 0.02 51.31 Ndoscopic Ileal Conduit | 1 0.02 51.34 Ndotracheal Bronchogram | 1 0.02 51.36 Ndry Exent Cavity Graft | 1 0.02 51.38 Ndry Ocular Imp Insert | 1 0.02 51.41 Ndry Op Post Eye Removl* | 1 0.02 51.43 Nduct Labor-Rupt Memb | 1 0.02 51.45 Ndwell Cath Irrig Nec | 1 0.02 51.48 Ne Extraoc Mus Recess | 1 0.02 51.50 Nee Arthroscopy | 1 0.02 51.52 Nee Joint Biopsy | 1 0.02 51.55 Nee Structure Division | 1 0.02 51.57 Nee Synovectomy | 1 0.02 51.59 Nemothorax-Lung Collaps | 1 0.02 51.62 Nesth Injec Periph Nerv | 1 0.02 51.64 Nesth Inject Symp Nerve | 1 0.02 51.66 Nesth Inject-Spin Canal | 1 0.02 51.69 Nesthesia Acupuncture | 1 0.02 51.71 Nesthetized Eye Exam | 1 0.02 51.73 Neumoencephalogram | 1 0.02 51.76 Neumoperit-Lung Collaps | 1 0.02 51.78 Neurysm Repair Nec | 1 0.02 51.80 Nfluenza Vaccination | 1 0.02 51.83 Nfundibulectomy | 1 0.02 51.85 Ng Hernia Rep-Graft Nos | 1 0.02 51.87 Ngio/Ath Non-Coro Ves | 1 0.02 51.90 Ngiocardiography Nos | 1 0.02 51.92 Nil Breast Injec-Augmen | 1 0.02 51.94 Nil Ext Rad Mastectomy | 1 0.02 51.97 Nil Femor Hern Rep Nec | 1 0.02 51.99 Nil Femor Hrn Rep-Grft | 1 0.02 52.01 Nil Subq Mammect-Implnt | 1 0.02 52.04 Nilat Adrenal Explorat | 1 0.02 52.06 Nilat Breast Implant | 1 0.02 52.08 Nilat Exten Simp Mastec | 1 0.02 52.11 Nilat Fallop Tube Destr | 1 0.02 52.13 Nilat Femor Hernia Rep* | 1 0.02 52.15 Nilat Ing Hern Rep Nos | 1 0.02 52.17 Nilat Ing Hernia Repair* | 1 0.02 52.20 Nilat Lung Transplant | 1 0.02 52.22 Nilat Rad Neck Dissect | 1 0.02 52.24 Nilat Radical Mastectom | 1 0.02 52.27 Nilat Reduct Mammoplast | 1 0.02 52.29 Nilat Salpingo-Oophorec* | 1 0.02 52.31 Nilat Simple Mastectomy | 1 0.02 52.34 Nilat Subq Mammect Nec | 1 0.02 52.36 Nilat Thyroid Lobectomy | 1 0.02 52.38 Nilateral Adrenalectomy | 1 0.02 52.41 Nilateral Oophorectomy* | 1 0.02 52.43 Nilateral Orchiectomy | 1 0.02 52.45 Nilateral Vulvectomy | 1 0.02 52.48 Nj Therap Subst Periton | 1 0.02 52.50 Nj/Inf Platelet Inhibit | 1 0.02 52.52 Nj/Infus Therap Substan* | 1 0.02 52.55 Njec Air-Periton Cavity | 1 0.02 52.57 Njec Therap Sbst Tm Jnt | 1 0.02 52.59 Nject Anti-Infect Nec | 1 0.02 52.62 Nject Antibiotic | 1 0.02 52.64 Nject Anticoagulant | 1 0.02 52.66 Nject Antidote | 1 0.02 52.69 Nject Bursa Of Hand | 1 0.02 52.71 Nject Ca Chemother Nec | 1 0.02 52.73 Nject Gamma Globulin | 1 0.02 52.76 Nject Hormone Nec | 1 0.02 52.78 Nject Implant Urethra | 1 0.02 52.80 Nject Insulin | 1 0.02 52.83 Nject Into Thorax Cavit | 1 0.02 52.85 Nject Rh Immune Globul | 1 0.02 52.87 Nject Steroid | 1 0.02 52.90 Nject Tendon Of Hand | 1 0.02 52.92 Nject Tranquilizer | 1 0.02 52.94 Nject/Inf Thrombo Agent | 1 0.02 52.97 Nject/Infuse Electrolyt | 1 0.02 52.99 Nject/Infuse Nec | 1 0.02 53.01 Njection Into Bursa | 1 0.02 53.04 Njection Into Heart | 1 0.02 53.06 Njection Into Joint | 1 0.02 53.08 Njection Into Marrow | 1 0.02 53.11 Njection Into Pericard | 1 0.02 53.13 Njection Into Prostate | 1 0.02 53.15 Njection Into Tendon | 1 0.02 53.18 Njection Into Testes | 1 0.02 53.20 Njection Of Larynx | 1 0.02 53.22 Nkle Arthroscopy | 1 0.02 53.24 Nkle Fusion | 1 0.02 53.27 Nkle Joint Biopsy | 1 0.02 53.29 Nkle Structure Division | 1 0.02 53.31 Nkle Synovectomy | 1 0.02 53.34 Nlarge Existing Sep Def | 1 0.02 53.36 Nner Ear Fenestration | 1 0.02 53.38 Nner Ear Fenestration* | 1 0.02 53.41 Nner Ear Injection | 1 0.02 53.43 Nnuloplasty | 1 0.02 53.45 Norectal Myomectomy | 1 0.02 53.48 Noscopy | 1 0.02 53.50 Ns Inflate Penis Prosth | 1 0.02 53.52 Ns Non-Coro Art Stent | 1 0.02 53.55 Ns Noninfl Penis Prosth | 1 0.02 53.57 Nser Bone Stim-Meta/Car | 1 0.02 53.59 Nser Bone Stim-Meta/Tar | 1 0.02 53.62 Nser Bone Stim-Rad/Ulna | 1 0.02 53.64 Nser Bone Stim-Tib/Fib | 1 0.02 53.66 Nser Breast Tissu Expan | 1 0.02 53.69 Nser Temp Pacemaker Sys | 1 0.02 53.71 Nsert Bone Stim-Femur | 1 0.02 53.73 Nsert Bone Stim-Humerus | 1 0.02 53.76 Nsert Bone Stim-Patella | 1 0.02 53.78 Nsert Bone Stimul Nec | 1 0.02 53.80 Nsert Bone Stimul Nos | 1 0.02 53.83 Nsert Bone Stimul-Chest | 1 0.02 53.85 Nsert Card Pacemak Sys* | 1 0.02 53.87 Nsert Endotracheal Tube | 1 0.02 53.90 Nsert Esoph Obtu Airway | 1 0.02 53.92 Nsert Gastric Bubble | 1 0.02 53.94 Nsert Gastric Tube Nec | 1 0.02 53.97 Nsert Indwelling Cath | 1 0.02 53.99 Nsert Infusion Pump | 1 0.02 54.01 Nsert Intercostal Cath | 1 0.02 54.04 Nsert Intestinal Tube | 1 0.02 54.06 Nsert Lens At Catar Ext | 1 0.02 54.08 Nsert Nasopharyn Airway | 1 0.02 54.11 Nsert Of Cor Art Stent | 1 0.02 54.13 Nsert Oropharyn Airway | 1 0.02 54.15 Nsert Perm Tube Esophag | 1 0.02 54.18 Nsert Prosthetic Lens* | 1 0.02 54.20 Nsert Pseudophakos Nos | 1 0.02 54.22 Nsert Rectal Tube | 1 0.02 54.25 Nsert Removable Bridge | 1 0.02 54.27 Nsert Sengstaken Tube | 1 0.02 54.29 Nsert Skel Musc Stimula | 1 0.02 54.31 Nsert Sphenoid Electrod | 1 0.02 54.34 Nsert Spinal Canal Cath | 1 0.02 54.36 Nsert Spinal Stimulator | 1 0.02 54.38 Nsert Subq Anal Stimul | 1 0.02 54.41 Nsert Testicular Prosth | 1 0.02 54.43 Nsert Tissue Expander | 1 0.02 54.45 Nsert Uterine Device | 1 0.02 54.48 Nsert Valve In Vas Def | 1 0.02 54.50 Nsert Vasc Access Dev | 1 0.02 54.52 Nsert Ves-To-Ves Cannul | 1 0.02 54.55 Nsert/Replac Skull Tong | 1 0.02 54.57 Nsertion Of Iud | 1 0.02 54.59 Nsertion Of Laminaria | 1 0.02 54.62 Nspec Op Bone Inj Nos | 1 0.02 54.64 Nspec Op-Bone Inj Nec | 1 0.02 54.66 Nstrument Delivery Nec | 1 0.02 54.69 Nstrument Delivery Nos | 1 0.02 54.71 Nt Cervical Os Repair* | 1 0.02 54.73 Nt Drain Pancreat Cyst | 1 0.02 54.76 Nt Fix W/O Fx Reduc Nos | 1 0.02 54.78 Nt Fix W/O Fx Reduction* | 1 0.02 54.80 Nt Fix-No Fx Reduct Nec | 1 0.02 54.83 Nt Fixation-Chest Cage | 1 0.02 54.85 Nt Fixation-Humerus | 1 0.02 54.87 Nt Fixation-Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 54.90 Nt Fixation-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 54.92 Nt Fixation-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 54.94 Nt Fixation-Tibia/Fibul | 1 0.02 54.97 Nt Inser Lead Atri-Vent | 1 0.02 54.99 Nt Inser Lead In Atrium | 1 0.02 55.01 Nt Insert 1-Cham, Non | 1 0.02 55.04 Nt Insert 1-Cham, Rate | 1 0.02 55.06 Nt Insert Dual-Cham Dev | 1 0.02 55.08 Nt Insert Lead In Vent | 1 0.02 55.11 Nt Insert Pacemak Lead | 1 0.02 55.13 Nt Nasal Pack For Epist | 1 0.02 55.15 Nt Or Repl Lead Epicar | 1 0.02 55.18 Nt Or Repl Perm Pacemkr | 1 0.02 55.20 Nt Rect Resect W Colost | 1 0.02 55.22 Nt Segment Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 55.25 Nt Synechia Lysis Nec | 1 0.02 55.27 Nt/Comb Version No Extr | 1 0.02 55.29 Nt/Comb Version W Extr | 1 0.02 55.32 Nt/Comb Version/Extract* | 1 0.02 55.34 Ntcran Var V Lig-Strip | 1 0.02 55.36 Ntelligence Test Admin | 1 0.02 55.38 Nterat Ven Retrn Transp | 1 0.02 55.41 Nterior Chamber Inject | 1 0.02 55.43 Nterior Chamber Op Nec | 1 0.02 55.45 Nterior Mechan Vitrect | 1 0.02 55.48 Nterior Rect Resect Nec | 1 0.02 55.50 Nterior Remov Vitreous | 1 0.02 55.52 Nterior Segment Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 55.55 Nterior Segment Ops* | 1 0.02 55.57 Ntermitt Skel Traction | 1 0.02 55.59 Nternal Fix-Patella | 1 0.02 55.62 Nternal Fixation-Femur | 1 0.02 55.64 Nterostomy Nec | 1 0.02 55.66 Nterotomy* | 1 0.02 55.69 Nterovesico Fist Repair | 1 0.02 55.71 Nterphalangeal Fusion | 1 0.02 55.73 Nterposit Op Uterin Lig | 1 0.02 55.76 Nterruption Vena Cava | 1 0.02 55.78 Nterview & Evaluat Nec | 1 0.02 55.80 Nterview & Evaluat Nos | 1 0.02 55.83 Nterview/Consult/Exam* | 1 0.02 55.85 Ntest Incis/Excis/Anast* | 1 0.02 55.87 Ntest Seg Isolat Nos | 1 0.02 55.90 Ntest Stoma Closure Nos | 1 0.02 55.92 Ntest Stoma Revis Nos | 1 0.02 55.94 Ntest Stoma Revision* | 1 0.02 55.97 Ntestern Esoph Anastom* | 1 0.02 55.99 Ntestinal Anastom Nos | 1 0.02 56.01 Ntestinal Anastomosis* | 1 0.02 56.04 Ntestinal Biopsy Nos | 1 0.02 56.06 Ntestinal Fixation Nos | 1 0.02 56.08 Ntestinal Incision Nos | 1 0.02 56.11 Ntestinal Op Nec | 1 0.02 56.13 Ntestinal Seg Isolation* | 1 0.02 56.15 Ntestinal Stoma Closure* | 1 0.02 56.18 Ntestinal X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 56.20 Ntitoxin Administra Nec | 1 0.02 56.22 Ntra-Ab Bowel Manip Nos | 1 0.02 56.25 Ntra-Abd Lg Bowel Manip | 1 0.02 56.27 Ntra-Abd Sm Bowel Manip | 1 0.02 56.29 Ntra-Abd Venous Shunt | 1 0.02 56.32 Ntra-Abdomin Shunt Nec | 1 0.02 56.34 Ntra-Amnion Inj For Ab | 1 0.02 56.36 Ntracapsul Lens Ext Nec | 1 0.02 56.39 Ntracapsul Lens Extrac* | 1 0.02 56.41 Ntracardiac Echocardio | 1 0.02 56.43 Ntracarot Amobarb Test | 1 0.02 56.45 Ntracran Endarterectomy | 1 0.02 56.48 Ntracran Ves Resec-Anas | 1 0.02 56.50 Ntracran Ves Resec-Repl | 1 0.02 56.52 Ntracran Vessel Excis | 1 0.02 56.55 Ntracran Vessel Incis | 1 0.02 56.57 Ntral Infus Nutrit Sub | 1 0.02 56.59 Ntralum Urete Adhesioly | 1 0.02 56.62 Ntralum Vag Adhesiolys | 1 0.02 56.64 Ntranas Les Destruction | 1 0.02 56.66 Ntranasal Antrotomy | 1 0.02 56.69 Ntraocul Circ Facilitat* | 1 0.02 56.71 Ntraop Cardiac Pacemak | 1 0.02 56.73 Ntraop Gastric Manipul | 1 0.02 56.76 Ntraoper Cholangiogram | 1 0.02 56.78 Ntraspin Nerve Root Div | 1 0.02 56.80 Ntrathor Esoph Anastom* | 1 0.02 56.83 Ntrathor Lymphangiogram | 1 0.02 56.85 Ntrathoracic Shunt Nec | 1 0.02 56.87 Ntraut Fetal Ops Nec* | 1 0.02 56.90 Ntrauterine Transfusion | 1 0.02 56.92 Ntraven Cholangiogram | 1 0.02 56.94 Ntravenous Pyelogram | 1 0.02 56.97 Ntrcoronry Thromb Infus | 1 0.02 56.99 Ntropion/Ectrop Rep Nec | 1 0.02 57.01 Ntropion/Ectropion Rep* | 1 0.02 57.04 Nuc Socket Revis Nec | 1 0.02 57.06 Nucleation Of Eyeball* | 1 0.02 57.08 Nychoplasty | 1 0.02 57.11 O Limb Sft Tis Xray Nec | 1 0.02 57.13 Oag Factor Transfusion | 1 0.02 57.15 Oave Submuc Rect Resect | 1 0.02 57.18 Obectomy Of Lung | 1 0.02 57.20 Obilization Of Spine | 1 0.02 57.22 Obotomy & Tractotomy | 1 0.02 57.25 Oc Destr Anal Les Nec* | 1 0.02 57.27 Oc Destr Renal Les Nec | 1 0.02 57.29 Oc Exc Bone Les Femur | 1 0.02 57.32 Oc Exc Bone Les Humerus | 1 0.02 57.34 Oc Exc Bone Les Patella | 1 0.02 57.36 Oc Exc Bone Lesion Nec | 1 0.02 57.39 Oc Exc Bone Lesion Nos | 1 0.02 57.41 Oc Exc Bone Lesion* | 1 0.02 57.43 Oc Exc Bony Palate Les | 1 0.02 57.46 Oc Exc Les Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 57.48 Oc Exc Les Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 57.50 Oc Exc Les Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 57.53 Oc Exc Les Tibia/Fibula | 1 0.02 57.55 Oc Excis Esoph Divertic | 1 0.02 57.57 Ocal Cordectomy | 1 0.02 57.59 Ocal Destr Ova Les Nec | 1 0.02 57.62 Ocal Destruc Liver Les* | 1 0.02 57.64 Ocal Destruc Rectal Les* | 1 0.02 57.66 Ocal Destruc Renal Les* | 1 0.02 57.69 Ocal Destruc Trach Les | 1 0.02 57.71 Ocal Destruct Bronc Les* | 1 0.02 57.73 Ocal Destruct Gastr Les* | 1 0.02 57.76 Ocal Destruct Lg Bowel* | 1 0.02 57.78 Ocal Destruct Lung Les* | 1 0.02 57.80 Ocal Destruct Ovary Les* | 1 0.02 57.83 Ocal Destruct Sm Bowel* | 1 0.02 57.85 Ocal Excis Breast Les | 1 0.02 57.87 Ocal Excis Esophag Nec | 1 0.02 57.90 Ocal Excis Penile Les | 1 0.02 57.92 Ocal Excis Rectal Les | 1 0.02 57.94 Ocal Excis Sm Bowel Nec | 1 0.02 57.97 Ocal Gastr Destruct Nec | 1 0.02 57.99 Ocal Gastr Excision Nec | 1 0.02 58.01 Ocal Lg Bowel Perfusion | 1 0.02 58.04 Ocal Perfusion Liver | 1 0.02 58.06 Ocal Renal Perfusion | 1 0.02 58.08 Ocal Sm Bowel Perfusion | 1 0.02 58.11 Ocal Vulvar Excis Nec | 1 0.02 58.13 Ocational Rehabilitat | 1 0.02 58.15 Ody Measurement | 1 0.02 58.18 Oe Amputation | 1 0.02 58.20 Oe Injury Operation Nos | 1 0.02 58.22 Oe Reattachment | 1 0.02 58.25 Oft Tissue Aspirat Nec | 1 0.02 58.27 Oft Tissue Biopsy | 1 0.02 58.29 Oft Tissue Division Nec | 1 0.02 58.32 Oft Tissue Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 58.34 Oft Tissue Incision Nec | 1 0.02 58.36 Oft Tissue Inject Nec | 1 0.02 58.39 Oft Tissue X-Ray Abdom* | 1 0.02 58.41 Oint Biopsy Nec | 1 0.02 58.43 Oint Biopsy Nos | 1 0.02 58.46 Oint Movement Training | 1 0.02 58.48 Oint Repair* | 1 0.02 58.50 Oint Repl Of Low Ext* | 1 0.02 58.53 Oint Structure Op Nec | 1 0.02 58.55 Olio Vaccine Administra | 1 0.02 58.57 Olitary Kidney Nephrect | 1 0.02 58.60 Ollaterl Lig Repair Nec | 1 0.02 58.62 Ollicization Operation | 1 0.02 58.64 Olonoscopy | 1 0.02 58.66 Olor Vision Study | 1 0.02 58.69 Olostomy Nos | 1 0.02 58.71 Olostomy* | 1 0.02 58.73 Olypectomy Of Rectum | 1 0.02 58.76 Olysomnogram | 1 0.02 58.78 Omb Alco/Drug Reha/Deto | 1 0.02 58.80 Omb Alcohol/Drug Detox | 1 0.02 58.83 Omb Alcohol/Drug Rehab | 1 0.02 58.85 Omb Heart/Lung Transpla | 1 0.02 58.87 Ombined Pt Nos | 1 0.02 58.90 Ommon Cold Vaccination | 1 0.02 58.92 Ommon Duct Excis Nec | 1 0.02 58.94 Ommon Duct Exploration | 1 0.02 58.97 Omograft To Skin | 1 0.02 58.99 Omplete Glossectomy | 1 0.02 59.01 Omplete Laryngectomy | 1 0.02 59.04 Omplete Nephrectomy* | 1 0.02 59.06 Omplete Pneumonectomy | 1 0.02 59.08 Omplete Sialoadenectomy | 1 0.02 59.11 Omplete Thyroidectomy | 1 0.02 59.13 Omprehen Interview/Eval | 1 0.02 59.15 Omprehensive Consultat | 1 0.02 59.18 Omprehensive Eye Exam | 1 0.02 59.20 On-Invasive Bone Stimul | 1 0.02 59.22 On-Op Dilation & Manip* | 1 0.02 59.25 On-Op Gi & Resp Intubat* | 1 0.02 59.27 On-Op Gi Irrig & Instil* | 1 0.02 59.29 On-Op Hearing Proc Nec | 1 0.02 59.32 On-Op Hearing Procedure* | 1 0.02 59.34 On-Op Intubat & Irrigat* | 1 0.02 59.36 On-Op Procedure Nec | 1 0.02 59.39 On-Op Replacement Nec | 1 0.02 59.41 Onduit Artium-Pulm Art | 1 0.02 59.43 Onduit Left Ventr-Aorta | 1 0.02 59.46 Onduit Rt Vent-Pul Art | 1 0.02 59.48 One Biopsy Nec | 1 0.02 59.50 One Biopsy Nos | 1 0.02 59.53 One Division Nec | 1 0.02 59.55 One Graft Nec | 1 0.02 59.57 One Graft Nos | 1 0.02 59.60 One Graft To Chest Cage | 1 0.02 59.62 One Graft To Face Bone | 1 0.02 59.64 One Graft To Femur | 1 0.02 59.67 One Graft To Humerus | 1 0.02 59.69 One Graft To Patella | 1 0.02 59.71 One Graft To Skull | 1 0.02 59.73 One Graft* | 1 0.02 59.76 One Graft-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 59.78 One Graft-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 59.80 One Graft-Tibia/Fibula | 1 0.02 59.83 One Grft To Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 59.85 One Incis W/O Div Nec | 1 0.02 59.87 One Injury Op Nos* | 1 0.02 59.90 One Marrow & Spleen Ops* | 1 0.02 59.92 One Marrow Biopsy | 1 0.02 59.94 One Marrow Ops Nec | 1 0.02 59.97 One Marrow Trnsplnt Nos | 1 0.02 59.99 One Mineral Density | 1 0.02 60.01 One Scan | 1 0.02 60.04 One Thermography | 1 0.02 60.06 Onexc Destr Cil Bod Les | 1 0.02 60.08 Onexc Destruc Iris Les | 1 0.02 60.11 Onexcis Debridement Wnd | 1 0.02 60.13 Ongue Dx Procedure Nec | 1 0.02 60.15 Ongue Operation Nec | 1 0.02 60.18 Oniopuncture | 1 0.02 60.20 Oniosynechiae Lysis | 1 0.02 60.22 Oniotomy | 1 0.02 60.25 Oniotomy W Goniopunctur | 1 0.02 60.27 Onization Of Cervix | 1 0.02 60.29 Onjun Cul-De-Sac Rx Nec | 1 0.02 60.32 Onjunc Free Graft Nec | 1 0.02 60.34 Onjunc/Lid Adhesiolysis | 1 0.02 60.36 Onjunctiva Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 60.39 Onjunctiva Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 60.41 Onjunctiva Incision Nec | 1 0.02 60.43 Onjunctival Biopsy | 1 0.02 60.46 Onjunctival Op Nec | 1 0.02 60.48 Onjunctival Operations* | 1 0.02 60.50 Onjunctivocystorhinost | 1 0.02 60.53 Onjunctivoplasty Nec | 1 0.02 60.55 Onjunctivoplasty* | 1 0.02 60.57 Onjunctivorhinos W Tube | 1 0.02 60.60 Onmag Remov Ant Seg Fb | 1 0.02 60.62 Onmag Remov Post Seg Fb | 1 0.02 60.64 Onmagnet Remove Fb Lens | 1 0.02 60.67 Onmechan Resuscitation | 1 0.02 60.69 Onometry | 1 0.02 60.71 Onop Cardiac/Vasc Exam | 1 0.02 60.74 Onop Remov Hrt Asst Sys | 1 0.02 60.76 Onop Remove Foreign Bod* | 1 0.02 60.78 Onoperative Exams Nec | 1 0.02 60.80 Onor Marrow Aspiration | 1 0.02 60.83 Onsil & Adenoid Ops* | 1 0.02 60.85 Onsil&Adenoid Biopsy | 1 0.02 60.87 Onsil&Adenoid Dx Op Nec | 1 0.02 60.90 Onsil&Adenoid Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 60.92 Onsil/Adenoid Ops Nec | 1 0.02 60.94 Onsillectomy | 1 0.02 60.97 Onsillectomy/Adenoidec | 1 0.02 60.99 Onstruction Ear Auricle | 1 0.02 61.01 Onstruction Of Penis | 1 0.02 61.04 Onsultation Nec | 1 0.02 61.06 Onsultation Nos | 1 0.02 61.08 Ont Mech Vent 96+ Hrs | 1 0.02 61.11 Ont Mech Vent < 96 Hrs | 1 0.02 61.13 Ont Mech Vent* | 1 0.02 61.15 Ont Mech Vent-Unspc Dur | 1 0.02 61.18 Ont Pos Airway Pressure | 1 0.02 61.20 Ontinent Ileostomy | 1 0.02 61.22 Ontophoresis | 1 0.02 61.25 Ontr Abd Arteriogrm Nec | 1 0.02 61.27 Ontr Cerebr Arteriogram | 1 0.02 61.29 Ontr Mammary Ductogram | 1 0.02 61.32 Ontr Phlebogram-Hd/Neck | 1 0.02 61.34 Ontr Phlebogram-Pulmon | 1 0.02 61.36 Ontr Pulmon Arteriogram | 1 0.02 61.39 Ontr Semin Vesiculogram | 1 0.02 61.41 Ontr Thor Arteriogr Nec | 1 0.02 61.43 Ontrast Angiocardiogram* | 1 0.02 61.46 Ontrast Aortogram | 1 0.02 61.48 Ontrast Arteriogram Nec | 1 0.02 61.50 Ontrast Arteriogram Nos | 1 0.02 61.53 Ontrast Arteriogram-Leg | 1 0.02 61.55 Ontrast Arteriography* | 1 0.02 61.57 Ontrast Arthrogram | 1 0.02 61.60 Ontrast Bronchogram Nec | 1 0.02 61.62 Ontrast Dacryocystogram | 1 0.02 61.64 Ontrast Epididymogram | 1 0.02 61.67 Ontrast Laryngogram | 1 0.02 61.69 Ontrast Myelogram | 1 0.02 61.71 Ontrast Pancreatogram | 1 0.02 61.74 Ontrast Phlebogram Nec | 1 0.02 61.76 Ontrast Phlebogram Nos | 1 0.02 61.78 Ontrast Phlebogram-Leg | 1 0.02 61.81 Ontrast Placentogram | 1 0.02 61.83 Ontrast Renal Arteriogr | 1 0.02 61.85 Ontrast Vasogram | 1 0.02 61.87 Ontrast X-Ray Of Orbit | 1 0.02 61.90 Ontrast X-Ray Of Sinus | 1 0.02 61.92 Ontrol Anal Hemorrhage | 1 0.02 61.94 Ontrol Bladd Hemorrhage | 1 0.02 61.97 Ontrol Hem Stomach Ulce* | 1 0.02 61.99 Ontrol Of Epistaxis Nos | 1 0.02 62.01 Ontrol Of Epistaxis* | 1 0.02 62.04 Ontrol Prostate Hemorr | 1 0.02 62.06 Ony Palate Biopsy | 1 0.02 62.08 Oot & Ankle Arthrodesis* | 1 0.02 62.11 Oot & Toe Arthroplasty* | 1 0.02 62.13 Oot & Toe Arthroscopy | 1 0.02 62.15 Oot & Toe Joint Biopsy | 1 0.02 62.18 Oot Canal Nos | 1 0.02 62.20 Oot Canal Rx & Apicoect* | 1 0.02 62.22 Oot Canal W Apicoectomy | 1 0.02 62.25 Oot Canal W Irrigation | 1 0.02 62.27 Oot Joint Struct Divis | 1 0.02 62.29 Oot Reattachment | 1 0.02 62.32 Oot Synovectomy | 1 0.02 62.34 Ooth & Gum Diagnos Proc* | 1 0.02 62.36 Ooth & Gum Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 62.39 Ooth Extraction Nec | 1 0.02 62.41 Ooth Implantation | 1 0.02 62.43 Ooth Removal & Restorat* | 1 0.02 62.46 Ooth Restor By Filling | 1 0.02 62.48 Ooth Restorat By Inlay | 1 0.02 62.50 Ophorotomy* | 1 0.02 62.53 Orced Limb Extension | 1 0.02 62.55 Orcep/Vac/Breech Deliv* | 1 0.02 62.57 Orceps Rotat Fetal Head | 1 0.02 62.60 Orceps Tooth Extraction* | 1 0.02 62.62 Orceps-Aftercoming Head | 1 0.02 62.64 Orcib Correct Defor Nec | 1 0.02 62.67 Ord & Epidid Repair Nec | 1 0.02 62.69 Ord & Epididymis Repair* | 1 0.02 62.71 Ord Bld Stem Cell Trans | 1 0.02 62.74 Ord/Epid/Vas Ops Nec | 1 0.02 62.76 Orearm/Wrist/Hand Reatt | 1 0.02 62.78 Oreoplasty | 1 0.02 62.81 Orequarter Amputation | 1 0.02 62.83 Orm & Structur Eye Exam* | 1 0.02 62.85 Orm Cutan Ileoureterost | 1 0.02 62.88 Orm Cutan Ureterostomy | 1 0.02 62.90 Ornea Reconstruct Nec | 1 0.02 62.92 Orneal Biopsy | 1 0.02 62.94 Orneal Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 62.97 Orneal Incision | 1 0.02 62.99 Orneal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 63.01 Orneal Repair Nec | 1 0.02 63.04 Orneal Repair* | 1 0.02 63.06 Orneal Scrape For Smear | 1 0.02 63.08 Orneal Tattooing | 1 0.02 63.11 Orneal Transplant Nec | 1 0.02 63.13 Orneal Transplant Nos | 1 0.02 63.15 Orneal Transplant* | 1 0.02 63.18 Orneovitreal Adhesiolys | 1 0.02 63.20 Oron Vess Aneurysm Rep | 1 0.02 63.22 Oronar Arteriogr-1 Cath | 1 0.02 63.25 Oronar Arteriogr-2 Cath | 1 0.02 63.27 Oronary Arteriogram Nec | 1 0.02 63.29 Oronary Bld Flow Monit | 1 0.02 63.32 Orrect Everted Punctum | 1 0.02 63.34 Orrect Lid Retraction | 1 0.02 63.36 Orrect Ureteropelv Junc | 1 0.02 63.39 Orrection Fetal Defect | 1 0.02 63.41 Orrection Prominent Ear | 1 0.02 63.43 Orsal/Dorsolum Fus Ant | 1 0.02 63.46 Orsal/Dorsolum Fus Post | 1 0.02 63.48 Orsal/Lat Slit Prepuce | 1 0.02 63.50 Orta Resection & Anast | 1 0.02 63.53 Orta-Iliac-Femor Bypass | 1 0.02 63.55 Orta-Renal Bypass | 1 0.02 63.57 Orta-Subclv-Carot Bypas | 1 0.02 63.60 Ortal Contr Phlebogram | 1 0.02 63.62 Ortcor Bypas-4+ Cor Art | 1 0.02 63.64 Ortocor Bypas-1 Cor Art | 1 0.02 63.67 Ortocor Bypas-2 Cor Art | 1 0.02 63.69 Ortocor Bypas-3 Cor Art | 1 0.02 63.71 Ortocoronary Bypass Nos | 1 0.02 63.74 Os Excis Prostatic Les | 1 0.02 63.76 Ost Catarac Frag/Aspir | 1 0.02 63.78 Ost Nasal Pac For Epist | 1 0.02 63.81 Ost Sphincterotomy | 1 0.02 63.83 Ost Synechiae Lysis | 1 0.02 63.85 Osterior Rect Resection | 1 0.02 63.88 Osterior Seg Diagnos Op* | 1 0.02 63.90 Osterior Segment Ops* | 1 0.02 63.92 Ostop Revis Per Nerv Op | 1 0.02 63.95 Ostop Revis Scl Fistul | 1 0.02 63.97 Ostop Vas Reconstruct | 1 0.02 63.99 Ostop Vasc Op Hem Contr | 1 0.02 64.01 Ot Brch Extrac W Forcep | 1 0.02 64.04 Ot Breech Extrac Nec | 1 0.02 64.06 Ot Chest Cage Ostectomy | 1 0.02 64.08 Ot Cor Transpos Grt Ves | 1 0.02 64.11 Ot Exc Pituit-Transfron | 1 0.02 64.13 Ot Exc Pituit-Transphen | 1 0.02 64.15 Ot Face Bone Ostect Nec | 1 0.02 64.18 Ot Face Ostect W Recons | 1 0.02 64.20 Ot Gast W Intes Interpo | 1 0.02 64.22 Ot Intra-Abd Colectomy | 1 0.02 64.25 Ot Mandibulec W Reconst | 1 0.02 64.27 Ot Nasal Reconstruction | 1 0.02 64.29 Ot Ostect-Metacarp/Carp | 1 0.02 64.32 Ot Ostect-Metatars/Tars | 1 0.02 64.34 Ot Ostect-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 64.36 Ot Ostect-Tibia/Fibula | 1 0.02 64.39 Ot Ostectomy-Femur | 1 0.02 64.41 Ot Osteoplasty Maxilla | 1 0.02 64.43 Ot Rep Truncus Arterios | 1 0.02 64.46 Ot Repair Congen Anomal* | 1 0.02 64.48 Ot Repair Tetral Fallot | 1 0.02 64.50 Ot Substern Thyroidect | 1 0.02 64.53 Otal Abd Hysterectomy | 1 0.02 64.55 Otal Ankle Replacement | 1 0.02 64.57 Otal Bilat Salpingectom* | 1 0.02 64.60 Otal Body Perfusion | 1 0.02 64.62 Otal Body Scan | 1 0.02 64.64 Otal Breast Reconstruct | 1 0.02 64.67 Otal Cystectomy Nec | 1 0.02 64.69 Otal Cystectomy* | 1 0.02 64.71 Otal Dacryoadenectomy | 1 0.02 64.74 Otal Elbow Replacement | 1 0.02 64.76 Otal Esophagectomy | 1 0.02 64.78 Otal Exc Pituitary Nec | 1 0.02 64.81 Otal Exc Pituitary Nos | 1 0.02 64.83 Otal Excision Of Thymus | 1 0.02 64.85 Otal Gastrectomy Nec | 1 0.02 64.88 Otal Gastrectomy* | 1 0.02 64.90 Otal Hepatectomy | 1 0.02 64.92 Otal Hip Replacement | 1 0.02 64.95 Otal Knee Replacement | 1 0.02 64.97 Otal Mandibulectomy Nec | 1 0.02 64.99 Otal Ostectomy Nec | 1 0.02 65.02 Otal Ostectomy Nos | 1 0.02 65.04 Otal Ostectomy* | 1 0.02 65.06 Otal Ostectomy-Humerus | 1 0.02 65.08 Otal Pancreatectomy | 1 0.02 65.11 Otal Parathyroidectomy | 1 0.02 65.13 Otal Patellectomy | 1 0.02 65.15 Otal Pinealectomy | 1 0.02 65.18 Otal Removal Sm Bowel | 1 0.02 65.20 Otal Repair Of Tapvc | 1 0.02 65.22 Otal Shoulder Replace | 1 0.02 65.25 Otal Splenectomy | 1 0.02 65.27 Otal Unilat Salpingect | 1 0.02 65.29 Otal Ureterectomy | 1 0.02 65.32 Otal Wrist Replacement | 1 0.02 65.34 Otation Tests | 1 0.02 65.36 Otator Cuff Repair | 1 0.02 65.39 Otulism Antitoxin Admin | 1 0.02 65.41 Ound Catheter Irrigat | 1 0.02 65.43 Ound Irrigation Nec | 1 0.02 65.46 Outh Biopsy Nos | 1 0.02 65.48 Outh Incision Nos | 1 0.02 65.50 Outh Repair Nec | 1 0.02 65.53 Outine Chest X-Ray | 1 0.02 65.55 Outine Psychiat Visit | 1 0.02 65.57 Ow Cervical C-Section | 1 0.02 65.60 Ow Forceps Operation | 1 0.02 65.62 Ow Forceps W Episiotomy | 1 0.02 65.64 Owel Diagnos Procs Nec* | 1 0.02 65.67 Owel Diagnost Proc Nec | 1 0.02 65.69 Ower Gi Series | 1 0.02 65.71 Ower Leg/Ankle Reattach | 1 0.02 65.74 Ower Lid Rhytidectomy | 1 0.02 65.76 Ower Limb Amputat Nos | 1 0.02 65.78 Ower Limb Artery Incis | 1 0.02 65.81 Ower Limb Endarterect | 1 0.02 65.83 Ower Limb Lymphangiogrm | 1 0.02 65.85 Ower Limb Vein Incision | 1 0.02 65.88 Oxicology Nec | 1 0.02 65.90 Oxicology Nos | 1 0.02 65.92 Oxicology-Bili/Pancreas | 1 0.02 65.95 Oxicology-Blood | 1 0.02 65.97 Oxicology-Endocrine | 1 0.02 65.99 Oxicology-Ent/Larynx | 1 0.02 66.02 Oxicology-Eye | 1 0.02 66.04 Oxicology-Female Genit | 1 0.02 66.06 Oxicology-Integument | 1 0.02 66.09 Oxicology-Lower Gi | 1 0.02 66.11 Oxicology-Lower Resp | 1 0.02 66.13 Oxicology-Lower Urinary | 1 0.02 66.15 Oxicology-Lymph System | 1 0.02 66.18 Oxicology-Musculoskel | 1 0.02 66.20 Oxicology-Nervous Syst | 1 0.02 66.22 Oxicology-Op Wound | 1 0.02 66.25 Oxicology-Peritoneum | 1 0.02 66.27 Oxicology-Spleen/Marrow | 1 0.02 66.29 Oxicology-Upper Gi | 1 0.02 66.32 Oxicology-Upper Urinary | 1 0.02 66.34 P Limb Sft Tis Xray Nec | 1 0.02 66.36 P On 1 Extraoc Musc Nec | 1 0.02 66.39 P Red-Int Fix Metac/Car | 1 0.02 66.41 P Red-Int Fix Metat/Tar | 1 0.02 66.43 P Red-Int Fix Rad/Ulna | 1 0.02 66.46 P Red-Int Fix Tib/Fibul | 1 0.02 66.48 P Red-Radius/Uln Epiphy | 1 0.02 66.50 P Red-Tibia/Fib Epiphys | 1 0.02 66.53 Pecial Vision Services* | 1 0.02 66.55 Pectacle Fit & Dispense | 1 0.02 66.57 Peech Defect Training | 1 0.02 66.60 Peech/Read/Blind Rehab* | 1 0.02 66.62 Pen Adrenal Gland Bx | 1 0.02 66.64 Pen Biliary Tract Bx | 1 0.02 66.67 Pen Biopsy Nasal Sinus | 1 0.02 66.69 Pen Biopsy Of Esophagus | 1 0.02 66.71 Pen Biopsy Of Tongue | 1 0.02 66.74 Pen Bladder Biopsy | 1 0.02 66.76 Pen Brain Biopsy | 1 0.02 66.78 Pen Breast Biopsy | 1 0.02 66.81 Pen Bronchial Biopsy | 1 0.02 66.83 Pen Bx Saliv Gland/Duct | 1 0.02 66.85 Pen Cereb Meninges Bx | 1 0.02 66.88 Pen Chest Trans Revasc | 1 0.02 66.90 Pen Coronry Angioplasty | 1 0.02 66.92 Pen Fracture Reduction* | 1 0.02 66.95 Pen Fx Reduct W Int Fix* | 1 0.02 66.97 Pen Fx Reduction Nec | 1 0.02 66.99 Pen Fx Reduction Nos | 1 0.02 67.02 Pen Fx Site Debride Nec | 1 0.02 67.04 Pen Fx Site Debride Nos | 1 0.02 67.06 Pen Fx Site Debridement* | 1 0.02 67.09 Pen Gastric Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.11 Pen Heart Valvuloplasty* | 1 0.02 67.13 Pen Large Bowel Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.16 Pen Liver Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.18 Pen Lung Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.20 Pen Mediastinal Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.22 Pen Osteoplas Mand Rami | 1 0.02 67.25 Pen Pancreatic Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.27 Pen Periph Nerve Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.29 Pen Prostatic Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.32 Pen Rectal Biopsy | 1 0.02 67.34 Pen Red-Int Fix Finger | 1 0.02 67.36 Pen Red-Int Fix Humerus | 1 0.02 67.39 Pen Red-Sep Epiphy Nec | 1 0.02 67.41 Pen Red-Sep Epiphy Nos | 1 0.02 67.43 Pen Reduc-Ankle Disloc | 1 0.02 67.46 Pen Reduc-Dislocat Nec | 1 0.02 67.48 Pen Reduc-Dislocat Nos | 1 0.02 67.50 Pen Reduc-Elbow Disloc | 1 0.02 67.53 Pen Reduc-Hip Dislocat | 1 0.02 67.55 Pen Reduc-Humerus Fx | 1 0.02 67.57 Pen Reduc-Int Fix Femur | 1 0.02 67.60 Pen Reduc-Knee Dislocat | 1 0.02 67.62 Pen Reduc-Metac/Car Fx | 1 0.02 67.64 Pen Reduc-Metat/Tars Fx | 1 0.02 67.67 Pen Reduc-Radius/Uln Fx | 1 0.02 67.69 Pen Reduc-Sep Epiphy* | 1 0.02 67.71 Pen Reduc-Tibia/Fib Fx | 1 0.02 67.74 Pen Reduc-Wrist Disloc | 1 0.02 67.76 Pen Reduct Alveolar Fx | 1 0.02 67.78 Pen Reduct Face Fx Nec | 1 0.02 67.81 Pen Reduct Mandible Fx | 1 0.02 67.83 Pen Reduct Maxillary Fx | 1 0.02 67.85 Pen Reduct Tm Dislocat | 1 0.02 67.88 Pen Reduct-Int Fix Toe | 1 0.02 67.90 Pen Reduction Nasal Fx | 1 0.02 67.92 Pen Reduction-Femur Fx | 1 0.02 67.95 Pen Reduction-Finger Fx | 1 0.02 67.97 Pen Reduction-Toe Fx | 1 0.02 67.99 Pen Renal Biopsy | 1 0.02 68.02 Pen Seminal Vesicles Bx | 1 0.02 68.04 Pen Small Bowel Biopsy | 1 0.02 68.06 Pen Spleen Biopsy | 1 0.02 68.09 Pen Testicular Biopsy | 1 0.02 68.11 Pen Thyroid Gland Bx | 1 0.02 68.13 Pen Ureteral Biopsy | 1 0.02 68.16 Pen Uterine Biopsy | 1 0.02 68.18 Pen Uterine Ligament Bx | 1 0.02 68.20 Pen Valvuloplasty Nos | 1 0.02 68.23 Peration On Eyeball Nec | 1 0.02 68.25 Peration On Orbit Nec | 1 0.02 68.27 Perations On Anus* | 1 0.02 68.29 Perations On Appendix* | 1 0.02 68.32 Perations On Cervix* | 1 0.02 68.34 Perations On Clitoris | 1 0.02 68.36 Perations On Cornea* | 1 0.02 68.39 Perations On Diaphragm* | 1 0.02 68.41 Perations On Esophagus* | 1 0.02 68.43 Perations On Kidney* | 1 0.02 68.46 Perations On Lens* | 1 0.02 68.48 Perations On Liver* | 1 0.02 68.50 Perations On Nose* | 1 0.02 68.53 Perations On Ovary* | 1 0.02 68.55 Perations On Pancreas* | 1 0.02 68.57 Perations On Penis* | 1 0.02 68.60 Perations On Pharynx* | 1 0.02 68.62 Perations On Sclera* | 1 0.02 68.64 Perations On Testes* | 1 0.02 68.67 Perations On The Breast* | 1 0.02 68.69 Perations On Tongue* | 1 0.02 68.71 Perations On Ureter* | 1 0.02 68.74 Perations On Urethra* | 1 0.02 68.76 Perations On Uvula* | 1 0.02 68.78 Perations On Vitreous* | 1 0.02 68.81 Perm Collection | 1 0.02 68.83 Perm Cord Adhesiolysis | 1 0.02 68.85 Perm Cord/Epid/Vas Ops* | 1 0.02 68.88 Permat Cord/Vas Dx Nec | 1 0.02 68.90 Permatic Cord Incision | 1 0.02 68.92 Permatic Cord Ligation | 1 0.02 68.95 Permatic Cord/Vas Biops | 1 0.02 68.97 Permatic Cord/Vas Dx Op* | 1 0.02 68.99 Permatocele Aspiration | 1 0.02 69.02 Pexcardiogram | 1 0.02 69.04 Phenoidectomy | 1 0.02 69.06 Phenoidotomy | 1 0.02 69.09 Phenopalatin Ganglionec | 1 0.02 69.11 Phinct Of Oddi Measure | 1 0.02 69.13 Phinct Of Oddi Op Nec | 1 0.02 69.16 Phincter Of Oddi Dilat | 1 0.02 69.18 Phth Counsel & Instruct | 1 0.02 69.20 Phthalmoscopy | 1 0.02 69.23 Picoectomy | 1 0.02 69.25 Pididymectomy | 1 0.02 69.27 Pididymis/Vas X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 69.30 Pididymotomy | 1 0.02 69.32 Pididymovasostomy | 1 0.02 69.34 Piglottidectomy | 1 0.02 69.36 Pikeratophakia | 1 0.02 69.39 Pilation Of Skin | 1 0.02 69.41 Pin Canal Struct Op Nec* | 1 0.02 69.43 Pinal Canal Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 69.46 Pinal Canal Explor Nec | 1 0.02 69.48 Pinal Canal Exploration* | 1 0.02 69.50 Pinal Canal Inject Nec | 1 0.02 69.53 Pinal Cord & Canal Ops* | 1 0.02 69.55 Pinal Cord Adhesiolysis | 1 0.02 69.57 Pinal Cord Plastic Op* | 1 0.02 69.60 Pinal Cord/Meninges Bx | 1 0.02 69.62 Pinal Fusion Nos | 1 0.02 69.64 Pinal Fusion* | 1 0.02 69.67 Pinal Patch | 1 0.02 69.69 Pinal Refusion Nos | 1 0.02 69.71 Pinal Struct Repair Nec | 1 0.02 69.74 Pinal Tap | 1 0.02 69.76 Pinal Thecal Shunt* | 1 0.02 69.78 Pinal X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 69.81 Pine Canal Struc Op Nec | 1 0.02 69.83 Pine Meningocele Repair | 1 0.02 69.85 Pine Tract W Skull Dev | 1 0.02 69.88 Piphyseal Stapling* | 1 0.02 69.90 Pisiotomy | 1 0.02 69.92 Pistaxis Control Nec | 1 0.02 69.95 Pleen Diagnost Proc Nec | 1 0.02 69.97 Pleen Operation Nec | 1 0.02 69.99 Pleen Transplantation | 1 0.02 70.02 Plenic Cyst Marsupial | 1 0.02 70.04 Plenotomy | 1 0.02 70.06 Pn Aortic Valvuloplasty | 1 0.02 70.09 Pn Bx Larynx Or Trachea | 1 0.02 70.11 Pn Chest Cardiac Massag | 1 0.02 70.13 Pn Fx Red W Int Fix Nec | 1 0.02 70.16 Pn Fx Red W Int Fix Nos | 1 0.02 70.18 Pn Heart Auxiliary Proc* | 1 0.02 70.20 Pn Mitral Valvuloplasty | 1 0.02 70.23 Pn Pulmon Valvuloplasty | 1 0.02 70.25 Pn Red-Sep Epiphy-Femur | 1 0.02 70.27 Pn Red-Sep Epiphy-Humer | 1 0.02 70.30 Pn Reduc Disloc-Ft/Toe | 1 0.02 70.32 Pn Reduc Disloc-Hand | 1 0.02 70.34 Pn Reduc Disloc-Shouldr | 1 0.02 70.37 Pn Reduc Dislocation* | 1 0.02 70.39 Pn Reduct Malar/Zygo Fx | 1 0.02 70.41 Pn Tricus Valvuloplasty | 1 0.02 70.43 Ppb | 1 0.02 70.46 Ppendectomy* | 1 0.02 70.48 Ppendiceal Ops Nec | 1 0.02 70.50 Ppendicostomy | 1 0.02 70.53 Pper Arm Reattachment | 1 0.02 70.55 Pper Gi Series | 1 0.02 70.57 Pper Lid Rhytidectomy | 1 0.02 70.60 Pper Limb Amputat Nos | 1 0.02 70.62 Pper Limb Endarterectom | 1 0.02 70.64 Pper Limb Lymphangiogrm | 1 0.02 70.67 Pper Limb Vessel Incis | 1 0.02 70.69 Ppl Ext Fix Dev-Patella | 1 0.02 70.71 Ppl Ext Fix-Chest Cage | 1 0.02 70.74 Ppl Ext Fix-Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 70.76 Ppl Ext Fix-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 70.78 Ppl Ext Fix-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 70.81 Ppl Ext Fix-Tib/Fibula | 1 0.02 70.83 Pplic Ext Fix Dev Nec | 1 0.02 70.85 Pplic Ext Fix Dev Nos | 1 0.02 70.88 Pplic Ext Fix Dev-Femur | 1 0.02 70.90 Pplic Ext Fix-Humerus | 1 0.02 70.92 Pplication Of Splint | 1 0.02 70.95 Ps Assisting Deliv Nec | 1 0.02 70.97 Ps On Heart Vessels* | 1 0.02 70.99 Pt Administration | 1 0.02 71.02 Rabecul Carneae Cord Op | 1 0.02 71.04 Rabeculectom Ab Externo | 1 0.02 71.06 Rabeculotomy Ab Externo | 1 0.02 71.09 Rachea Fistula Clos Nec | 1 0.02 71.11 Racheal Injection | 1 0.02 71.13 Racheal Reconstruction | 1 0.02 71.16 Racheoesoph Fistulizat | 1 0.02 71.18 Racheoscopy Thru Stoma | 1 0.02 71.20 Racheostomy Toilette | 1 0.02 71.23 Racilis Musc Transplan | 1 0.02 71.25 Raft Conjunc Cul-De-Sac | 1 0.02 71.27 Raft Reinforce Sclera | 1 0.02 71.30 Raft Repair Atrial Def | 1 0.02 71.32 Raft Repair Heart Septa* | 1 0.02 71.34 Raft Repair Ventric Def | 1 0.02 71.37 Rag-Asp Xtracap Lens Ex* | 1 0.02 71.39 Raille Or Moon Training | 1 0.02 71.41 Rain Appendiceal Absc | 1 0.02 71.44 Rain Face & Mouth Floor | 1 0.02 71.46 Rain Lobectomy | 1 0.02 71.48 Rain Meninge Repair Nec | 1 0.02 71.51 Rain Repair | 1 0.02 71.53 Rain/Skull Contrst Xray | 1 0.02 71.55 Raining In Lead Dog Use | 1 0.02 71.57 Ral Cavity Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 71.60 Ral Cavity Dx Procedure* | 1 0.02 71.62 Ral Cavity Ops Nec | 1 0.02 71.64 Ran & Periph Nerve Ops* | 1 0.02 71.67 Ran Nerv Root Decom Nec | 1 0.02 71.69 Ranial Osteoplasty Nec | 1 0.02 71.71 Ranial Puncture Nec | 1 0.02 71.74 Ranial Puncture* | 1 0.02 71.76 Ranial Sinus I & D | 1 0.02 71.78 Ranioplasty* | 1 0.02 71.81 Raniotomy & Craniectomy* | 1 0.02 71.83 Rans Bal Dil Pros Ureth | 1 0.02 71.85 Ransab Cerclage Cervix | 1 0.02 71.88 Ransab Lg Bowel Endosc | 1 0.02 71.90 Ransab Proctosigmoidosc | 1 0.02 71.92 Ransab Sm Bowel Endosc | 1 0.02 71.95 Ransabdomin Gastroscopy | 1 0.02 71.97 Ranscath Embo Gast Hem | 1 0.02 71.99 Ransfer Of Finger | 1 0.02 72.02 Ransfront Pituitary Bx | 1 0.02 72.04 Ransfus Prev Auto Blood | 1 0.02 72.06 Ransfusion Nec | 1 0.02 72.09 Ransphen Pituitary Bx | 1 0.02 72.11 Ransplant Hand Musc Nec | 1 0.02 72.13 Ransplant Hand Tend Nec | 1 0.02 72.16 Ransplant Of Intestine | 1 0.02 72.18 Ransplant Of Pancreas* | 1 0.02 72.20 Ransplant Spermat Cord | 1 0.02 72.23 Ransplantation Of Ovary | 1 0.02 72.25 Ranspleura Thoracoscopy | 1 0.02 72.27 Ransposit Hand Musc Nec | 1 0.02 72.30 Ransposit Hand Tend Nec | 1 0.02 72.32 Ransposition Of Nipple | 1 0.02 72.34 Ranssac Rectosigmoidect | 1 0.02 72.37 Ransureteroureterostomy | 1 0.02 72.39 Ransureth Prostatectomy | 1 0.02 72.41 Ransurethral Prostatect* | 1 0.02 72.44 Ransverse Colon Resect | 1 0.02 72.46 Rbit & Eyeball Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 72.48 Rbit Exent W Bone Remov | 1 0.02 72.51 Rbit/Eyeball Ops* | 1 0.02 72.53 Rbital Exenteration Nec | 1 0.02 72.55 Rbitotomy Nec | 1 0.02 72.58 Rbitotomy W Bone Flap | 1 0.02 72.60 Rbitotomy W Implant | 1 0.02 72.62 Rbitotomy* | 1 0.02 72.64 Rbovirus Enceph Vaccin | 1 0.02 72.67 Rbovirus Vaccinat Nec | 1 0.02 72.69 Rchiopexy | 1 0.02 72.71 Readmill Stress Test | 1 0.02 72.74 Reast Diagnostic Procs* | 1 0.02 72.76 Reast Dx Procedure Nec | 1 0.02 72.78 Reast Full-Thick Graft | 1 0.02 72.81 Reast Implant Removal | 1 0.02 72.83 Reast Implant Revision | 1 0.02 72.85 Reast Injection | 1 0.02 72.88 Reast Muscle Flap Graft | 1 0.02 72.90 Reast Operation Nec | 1 0.02 72.92 Reast Pedicle Graft | 1 0.02 72.95 Reast Split-Thick Graft | 1 0.02 72.97 Reast Thermography | 1 0.02 72.99 Reast Tissu Destruc Nos | 1 0.02 73.02 Reast Tissue Destruct* | 1 0.02 73.04 Reast Xerography | 1 0.02 73.06 Reat Esophagastr Sphinc | 1 0.02 73.09 Reat Peritoneovas Shunt | 1 0.02 73.11 Reate Cutanperiton Fist | 1 0.02 73.13 Reate Septal Defect | 1 0.02 73.16 Reauricular Sinus Excis | 1 0.02 73.18 Ree Skin Graft Nec | 1 0.02 73.20 Ree Skin Graft Nos | 1 0.02 73.23 Ree Skin Graft* | 1 0.02 73.25 Reech Extraction* | 1 0.02 73.27 Reeing Of Vessel | 1 0.02 73.30 Renatal Training | 1 0.02 73.32 Rephin Sclera W Iridect | 1 0.02 73.34 Resacral Sympathectomy | 1 0.02 73.37 Ressing Of Wound Nec | 1 0.02 73.39 Ressure Dressing Applic | 1 0.02 73.41 Ressure Trouser Applica | 1 0.02 73.44 Reteral Anastomosis Nec | 1 0.02 73.46 Reteral Catheterization | 1 0.02 73.48 Reteral Diagnost Proc* | 1 0.02 73.51 Reteral Dx Procedur Nec | 1 0.02 73.53 Reteral Meatotomy | 1 0.02 73.55 Reteral Meatus Dilation | 1 0.02 73.58 Reteral Operation Nec | 1 0.02 73.60 Reterectomy Nos | 1 0.02 73.62 Reterectomy* | 1 0.02 73.65 Reteroneocystostomy | 1 0.02 73.67 Reteropexy | 1 0.02 73.69 Reteroscopy | 1 0.02 73.71 Reterostomy Closure | 1 0.02 73.74 Reterotomy | 1 0.02 73.76 Reth Reconstruction Nec | 1 0.02 73.78 Reth Stricture Release | 1 0.02 73.81 Reth/Periureth Op Nec | 1 0.02 73.83 Rethral Biopsy | 1 0.02 73.85 Rethral Diagnostic Proc* | 1 0.02 73.88 Rethral Dilation | 1 0.02 73.90 Rethral Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 73.92 Rethral Les Destruction* | 1 0.02 73.95 Rethral Meatoplasty | 1 0.02 73.97 Rethral Meatotomy | 1 0.02 73.99 Rethral Pressure Profil | 1 0.02 74.02 Rethral Reanastomosis | 1 0.02 74.04 Rethral Repair Nec | 1 0.02 74.06 Rethral Sphincter Emg | 1 0.02 74.09 Rethroscopy Nec | 1 0.02 74.11 Rethrostomy Closure | 1 0.02 74.13 Rethrotomy | 1 0.02 74.16 Rethroves Junct Plicat | 1 0.02 74.18 Rft Rep Endocar Cushion | 1 0.02 74.20 Rft Repair Hrt Sept Nos | 1 0.02 74.23 Ri Chest & Heart | 1 0.02 74.25 Ri Musculoskeletal | 1 0.02 74.27 Ri Of Brain & Brainstem | 1 0.02 74.30 Ri Pelvis,Prostate,Blad | 1 0.02 74.32 Ri Spinal Canal | 1 0.02 74.34 Riad Knee Repair | 1 0.02 74.37 Ricopharyngeal Myotomy | 1 0.02 74.39 Ridectomy Nec | 1 0.02 74.41 Ridencleisis/Iridotasis | 1 0.02 74.44 Ridoplasty Nec | 1 0.02 74.46 Ridoplasty/Coreoplasty* | 1 0.02 74.48 Ridotomy Nec | 1 0.02 74.51 Ridotomy W Transfixion | 1 0.02 74.53 Ridotomy/Simple Iridect* | 1 0.02 74.55 Rief Interview & Evalua | 1 0.02 74.58 Rigeminal Nerv Division | 1 0.02 74.60 Rin Diversion To Bowel | 1 0.02 74.62 Rin Incontin Repair Nec | 1 0.02 74.65 Rinary Bladder Ops* | 1 0.02 74.67 Rinary Manometry | 1 0.02 74.69 Rinary System Op Nec | 1 0.02 74.72 Rinary System X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 74.74 Riple Arthrodesis | 1 0.02 74.76 Ris Biopsy | 1 0.02 74.78 Ris Operation Nec | 1 0.02 74.81 Risis Intervention | 1 0.02 74.83 Rist Arthroscopy | 1 0.02 74.85 Rist Joint Biopsy | 1 0.02 74.88 Rist Structure Division | 1 0.02 74.90 Rist Synovectomy | 1 0.02 74.92 Rm Varicose V Lig-Strip | 1 0.02 74.95 Rm Ves Resect W Replace | 1 0.02 74.97 Rm Vessel Excision | 1 0.02 74.99 Rm Vessel Resect/Anast | 1 0.02 75.02 Rnsplnt Islets Lang Nos | 1 0.02 75.04 Rocar Cholecystostomy | 1 0.02 75.06 Roctoclysis | 1 0.02 75.09 Roctopexy Nec | 1 0.02 75.11 Roctosigmoidosc Thru St | 1 0.02 75.13 Roctostomy | 1 0.02 75.16 Roctotomy | 1 0.02 75.18 Rod Subq Tunnel No Anas | 1 0.02 75.20 Roflowmetry | 1 0.02 75.23 Rolapsed Iris Excision | 1 0.02 75.25 Ronch/Lung Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 75.27 Ronch/Trach Lavage Nec | 1 0.02 75.30 Ronchial Dilation | 1 0.02 75.32 Ronchial Fistula Clos | 1 0.02 75.34 Ronchial Lacerat Suture | 1 0.02 75.37 Ronchial Ligation | 1 0.02 75.39 Ronchial Operation Nec | 1 0.02 75.41 Ronchial Repair Nec | 1 0.02 75.44 Ronchial/Lung Dx Procs* | 1 0.02 75.46 Ronchoscopy Thru Stoma | 1 0.02 75.48 Ront Sinusot & Sinusect* | 1 0.02 75.51 Rontal Sinusectomy | 1 0.02 75.53 Rontal Sinusotomy | 1 0.02 75.55 Rophylact Immun-Bacter* | 1 0.02 75.58 Ros Rep Atrial Def-Opn | 1 0.02 75.60 Ros Rep Endocar Cushion | 1 0.02 75.62 Ros Repair Atria Def-Cl | 1 0.02 75.65 Rost & Sem Ves Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 75.67 Rost Repair Ventric Def | 1 0.02 75.69 Rostat/Sem Ves Xray Nec | 1 0.02 75.72 Rostate & Semin Ves Ops* | 1 0.02 75.74 Rostatectomy Nec | 1 0.02 75.76 Rostatic Dx Proced Nec | 1 0.02 75.79 Rostatic Massage | 1 0.02 75.81 Rostatic Operation Nec | 1 0.02 75.83 Rosth Rep Hrt Septa Nos | 1 0.02 75.85 Rosth Repair Heart Sept* | 1 0.02 75.88 Rosthet Dental Implant | 1 0.02 75.90 Rosthet/Orthot Training | 1 0.02 75.92 Rosthetic Evaluation | 1 0.02 75.95 Rown Application | 1 0.02 75.97 Roximal Gastrectomy | 1 0.02 75.99 Roximal Pancreatectomy | 1 0.02 76.02 Rp Therap Psychsex Dysf | 1 0.02 76.04 Rrigate Ventricle Shunt | 1 0.02 76.06 Rrigation Of Ear | 1 0.02 76.09 Rrigation Of Eye | 1 0.02 76.11 Rrigation Of Nasal Pass | 1 0.02 76.13 Rt Revas Byps Anas Nec | 1 0.02 76.16 Rt/Pericar Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 76.18 Rterial Bld Gas Measure | 1 0.02 76.20 Rterial Catheterization | 1 0.02 76.23 Rterial Implant Revasc | 1 0.02 76.25 Rterial Pressure Monit | 1 0.02 76.27 Rterial Puncture Nec | 1 0.02 76.30 Rterioven Fistula Rep | 1 0.02 76.32 Rterost/Urete Cth Irrig | 1 0.02 76.34 Rthodon Applianc Applic | 1 0.02 76.37 Rthoptic Training | 1 0.02 76.39 Rthotic Device Fitting | 1 0.02 76.41 Rthotic Evaluation | 1 0.02 76.44 Rthovoltage Radiation | 1 0.02 76.46 Rthrocentesis | 1 0.02 76.48 Rthrodesis Nec | 1 0.02 76.51 Rthrodesis Nos | 1 0.02 76.53 Rthrodesis Of Elbow | 1 0.02 76.55 Rthrodesis Of Hip | 1 0.02 76.58 Rthrodesis Of Knee | 1 0.02 76.60 Rthrodesis Of Oth Joint* | 1 0.02 76.62 Rthrodesis Of Shoulder | 1 0.02 76.65 Rthroplas Han/Fin/Wris* | 1 0.02 76.67 Rthroplas Metacarp Wit | 1 0.02 76.69 Rthroplasty Carpal W/O | 1 0.02 76.72 Rthroplasty Carpal Wit | 1 0.02 76.74 Rthroplasty Metacar W/O | 1 0.02 76.76 Rthroplasty Shoul/Elbow* | 1 0.02 76.79 Rthroscopy Nec | 1 0.02 76.81 Rthroscopy Nos | 1 0.02 76.83 Rthroscopy* | 1 0.02 76.86 Rthrot & Pros Remov Nec | 1 0.02 76.88 Rthrot & Pros Remov Nos | 1 0.02 76.90 Rthrot/Pros Remov-Ankle | 1 0.02 76.92 Rthrot/Pros Remov-Elbow | 1 0.02 76.95 Rthrot/Pros Remov-Foot | 1 0.02 76.97 Rthrot/Pros Remov-Hand | 1 0.02 76.99 Rthrot/Pros Remov-Hip | 1 0.02 77.02 Rthrot/Pros Remov-Knee | 1 0.02 77.04 Rthrot/Pros Remov-Shldr | 1 0.02 77.06 Rthrot/Pros Remov-Wrist | 1 0.02 77.09 Rthrotomy-Remove Prosth* | 1 0.02 77.11 Rtif Rupt Membranes Nec | 1 0.02 77.13 Rtificial Insemination | 1 0.02 77.16 Rtificial Rupt Membrane* | 1 0.02 77.18 Ruciate Lig Repair Nec | 1 0.02 77.20 Rug Addict Counselling | 1 0.02 77.23 Rug Detoxification | 1 0.02 77.25 Rug Rehab/Detox | 1 0.02 77.27 Rug Rehabilitation | 1 0.02 77.30 Runcal Vagotomy | 1 0.02 77.32 Ryosurg Destr Rect Les | 1 0.02 77.34 Ryosurg Lid Epilation | 1 0.02 77.37 Ryotherap Cornea Lesion | 1 0.02 77.39 Solation | 1 0.02 77.41 Soph Fistula Repair Nec | 1 0.02 77.44 Soph Pouch Exteriorizat | 1 0.02 77.46 Sophag Lesion Destruct* | 1 0.02 77.48 Sophag Speech Training | 1 0.02 77.51 Sophag Stricture Repair | 1 0.02 77.53 Sophageal Diagnos Procs* | 1 0.02 77.55 Sophageal Dilation | 1 0.02 77.58 Sophageal Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 77.60 Sophageal Graft Nec | 1 0.02 77.62 Sophageal Incision Nec | 1 0.02 77.65 Sophageal Manometry | 1 0.02 77.67 Sophageal Operation Nec | 1 0.02 77.69 Sophageal Repair Nec | 1 0.02 77.72 Sophageal Web Incision | 1 0.02 77.74 Sophagectomy Nos | 1 0.02 77.76 Sophagogastroplasty | 1 0.02 77.79 Sophagomyotomy | 1 0.02 77.81 Sophagoscopy By Incis | 1 0.02 77.83 Sophagoscopy Nec | 1 0.02 77.86 Sophagoscopy Thru Stoma | 1 0.02 77.88 Sophagostomy Closure | 1 0.02 77.90 Sophagostomy Nos | 1 0.02 77.93 Sophagostomy* | 1 0.02 77.95 Sophagotomy* | 1 0.02 77.97 Sotope Inject/Instill | 1 0.02 77.99 Sotope Scan & Function* | 1 0.02 78.02 Spir Curett Uterus Nec | 1 0.02 78.04 Spir Soft Tiss Hand Nec | 1 0.02 78.06 Spirat Curet-Post Deliv | 1 0.02 78.09 Spirat Curet-Preg Termi | 1 0.02 78.11 Spirat Curettage Uterus* | 1 0.02 78.13 Spiration Bursa Of Hand | 1 0.02 78.16 Spiration Of Breast | 1 0.02 78.18 Spiration Of Bursa | 1 0.02 78.20 Spiration Of Ovary | 1 0.02 78.23 Spiration Of Testes | 1 0.02 78.25 Spiration Skin & Subq | 1 0.02 78.27 Ssicular Chain Op Nec | 1 0.02 78.30 Ssist/Induce Deliv Nec* | 1 0.02 78.32 Ssisted Pool Exercise | 1 0.02 78.34 Ssisting Exercise | 1 0.02 78.37 Steoclasis Nec | 1 0.02 78.39 Steoclasis Nos | 1 0.02 78.41 Steoclasis* | 1 0.02 78.44 Steoclasis-Chest Cage | 1 0.02 78.46 Steoclasis-Femur | 1 0.02 78.48 Steoclasis-Humerus | 1 0.02 78.51 Steoclasis-Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 78.53 Steoclasis-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 78.55 Steoclasis-Patella | 1 0.02 78.58 Steoclasis-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 78.60 Steoclasis-Tibia/Fibula | 1 0.02 78.62 Steopath Manipulat Nec | 1 0.02 78.65 Steopathic Manipulation* | 1 0.02 78.67 Steoplasty Mandible Bdy | 1 0.02 78.69 Swl Gb/Bile Duct | 1 0.02 78.72 Swl Kid/Ureter/Bladder | 1 0.02 78.74 Swl Other Sites | 1 0.02 78.76 Syche Related Procedure* | 1 0.02 78.79 Sychia Commitment Eval | 1 0.02 78.81 Sychia Interv/Eval Nec | 1 0.02 78.83 Sychiat Drug Therap Nec | 1 0.02 78.86 Sychiat Mental Determin | 1 0.02 78.88 Sychiatr Somatother Nec | 1 0.02 78.90 Sychiatric Eval/Consult* | 1 0.02 78.93 Sychiatric Somatotherap* | 1 0.02 78.95 Sychoanalysis | 1 0.02 78.97 Sychodrama | 1 0.02 79.00 Sychol Eval & Test Nec | 1 0.02 79.02 Sychol Mental Stat Nos | 1 0.02 79.04 Sycholog Eval & Testing* | 1 0.02 79.06 Sychologic Rehab Referr* | 1 0.02 79.09 Sychologic Test Adminis | 1 0.02 79.11 T & Lt Heart Angiocard | 1 0.02 79.13 T Breathing Exercise | 1 0.02 79.16 T Capsule/Lig/Cartl Div* | 1 0.02 79.18 T Exercise Nec | 1 0.02 79.20 T Heart Angiocardiogram | 2 0.05 79.25 T Heart Cardiac Cath | 1 0.02 79.27 T Structur Division Nec | 1 0.02 79.30 T Structur Division Nos | 1 0.02 79.32 T, Rehab & Related Proc* | 1 0.02 79.34 T/Left Heart Card Cath | 1 0.02 79.37 Tapedect W Replac Incus | 1 0.02 79.39 Tapedectomy Nec | 1 0.02 79.41 Tapedectomy Revis Nec | 1 0.02 79.44 Tapedectomy Revision* | 1 0.02 79.46 Tapedectomy* | 1 0.02 79.48 Tapes Mobilization | 1 0.02 79.51 Tca-1 Ves/Ath W Agent | 1 0.02 79.53 Tca-1 Ves/Ath W/O Agent | 1 0.02 79.55 Tca-Multiple Vessel/Ath | 1 0.02 79.58 Tereo Radiosurgery Nec | 1 0.02 79.60 Tereo Radiosurgery Nos | 1 0.02 79.62 Tereotact Radiosurgery* | 1 0.02 79.65 Terine D & C* | 1 0.02 79.67 Terine Les Destruct Nec | 1 0.02 79.69 Terine Les Destruction* | 1 0.02 79.72 Terine Operation Nec | 1 0.02 79.74 Terine Repair Nec | 1 0.02 79.76 Terine Repair* | 1 0.02 79.79 Terine Support Op Nec | 1 0.02 79.81 Terine Support Repair* | 1 0.02 79.83 Terine Suspension Nec | 1 0.02 79.86 Tern Esophag Anast Nec | 1 0.02 79.88 Tern Esophagocolos Nec | 1 0.02 79.90 Tern Esophagoenter Nec | 1 0.02 79.93 Tern Esophagoesophagost | 1 0.02 79.95 Tern Esophagogastrostom | 1 0.02 79.97 Tern Interposition Nec | 1 0.02 80.00 Tern Lg Bowel Interpos | 1 0.02 80.02 Tern Sm Bowel Interpos | 1 0.02 80.04 Terus & Support Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 80.07 Terus/Adnex Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 80.09 Terus/Adnexa Repair Nec | 1 0.02 80.11 Teryg Exc W Cornea Grft | 1 0.02 80.13 Terygium Excision Nec | 1 0.02 80.16 Terygium Transposition | 1 0.02 80.18 Th Abd Wall Periton Rep* | 1 0.02 80.20 Th Adjust Lid Position* | 1 0.02 80.23 Th Anterior Segment Ops* | 1 0.02 80.25 Th Arthrotomy-Ankle | 1 0.02 80.27 Th Arthrotomy-Elbow | 1 0.02 80.30 Th Arthrotomy-Foot/Toe | 1 0.02 80.32 Th Arthrotomy-Hand/Fngr | 1 0.02 80.34 Th Arthrotomy-Hip | 1 0.02 80.37 Th Arthrotomy-Knee | 1 0.02 80.39 Th Arthrotomy-Shoulder | 1 0.02 80.41 Th Arthrotomy-Wrist | 1 0.02 80.44 Th Bile Duct Incision* | 1 0.02 80.46 Th Bone Incis W/O Divis* | 1 0.02 80.48 Th Bone Ops Excpt Face* | 1 0.02 80.51 Th Bone Repa/Plast Nec | 1 0.02 80.53 Th Bone Repair/Plast Op | 1 0.02 80.55 Th Bunionect W Sft Corr | 1 0.02 80.58 Th Cardiac Mon Output | 1 0.02 80.60 Th Cataract Extraction* | 1 0.02 80.62 Th Chest Cage Ostectomy | 1 0.02 80.65 Th Chest Cage Rep/Plast | 1 0.02 80.67 Th Conjunc Destruc Proc | 1 0.02 80.69 Th Destruct Joint Les* | 1 0.02 80.72 Th Dx Proc-Metacar/Car | 1 0.02 80.74 Th Dx Proc-Metatar/Tar | 1 0.02 80.76 Th Dx Proc-Radius/Ulna | 1 0.02 80.79 Th Dx Proc-Tibia/Fibula | 1 0.02 80.81 Th Dx Proced-Chest Cage | 1 0.02 80.83 Th Dx Proced-Femur | 1 0.02 80.86 Th Dx Proced-Humerus | 1 0.02 80.88 Th Dx Proced-Patella | 1 0.02 80.90 Th Endo Grft Rep Aneury | 1 0.02 80.93 Th Endocrine Glnd Ops* | 1 0.02 80.95 Th Exc, Fus, Repair Toe | 1 0.02 80.97 Th Exc/Dest Intvrt Disc | 1 0.02 81.00 Th Excis Hand Soft Tiss* | 1 0.02 81.02 Th Excise Duodenum Les | 1 0.02 81.04 Th Extraoc Mus-Tend Op | 1 0.02 81.07 Th Femur Repair/Plastic | 1 0.02 81.09 Th Hand Mus/Ten/Fas Ops* | 1 0.02 81.11 Th Heart Revascular | 1 0.02 81.14 Th Humerus Repair/Plast | 1 0.02 81.16 Th Immobiliz/Wound Attn* | 1 0.02 81.18 Th Inj/Inf Therap Subst* | 1 0.02 81.20 Th Lacrimal Syst Ops* | 1 0.02 81.23 Th Lap Dx Proc Ovaries | 1 0.02 81.25 Th Lap Loc Exc Dest Ova | 1 0.02 81.27 Th Laryngeal Operation | 1 0.02 81.30 Th Larynx Dx Procedure | 1 0.02 81.32 Th Lo Vision Aid Dispen | 1 0.02 81.34 Th Lys Perives Adhesio | 1 0.02 81.37 Th Meta/Tar Repa/Plast | 1 0.02 81.39 Th Metac/Carp Rep/Plast | 1 0.02 81.41 Th Metacarp/Carp Incis | 1 0.02 81.44 Th Metatars/Tars Incis | 1 0.02 81.46 Th Middle Ear Excision* | 1 0.02 81.48 Th Mus/Ten/Fas Plast Op* | 1 0.02 81.51 Th Op Bile Duct/Sphinc* | 1 0.02 81.53 Th Op On >L Extraoc Mus | 1 0.02 81.55 Th Operations On Anus* | 1 0.02 81.58 Th Ops Assisting Deliv* | 1 0.02 81.60 Th Ops Facial Bone/Jnt* | 1 0.02 81.62 Th Ops On 1 Extroc Musc* | 1 0.02 81.65 Th Ops On Teeth & Gums* | 1 0.02 81.67 Th Part Cholecystectomy | 1 0.02 81.69 Th Part Ostectomy Nos | 1 0.02 81.72 Th Partial Gastrectomy* | 1 0.02 81.74 Th Patella Repair/Plast | 1 0.02 81.76 Th Perc Proc Bil Trct | 1 0.02 81.79 Th Peripheral Nerve Op* | 1 0.02 81.81 Th Periton Adhesiolysis | 1 0.02 81.83 Th Plastic Rep Ext Ear* | 1 0.02 81.86 Th Plastic Repair Palat | 1 0.02 81.88 Th Psychoth/Counselling* | 1 0.02 81.90 Th Pt Musculoskel Manip* | 1 0.02 81.93 Th Rad Node Dissection* | 1 0.02 81.95 Th Rad/Uln Repair/Plast | 1 0.02 81.97 Th Reconst Refrac Surg* | 1 0.02 82.00 Th Rectal/Perirect Op* | 1 0.02 82.02 Th Reimplant Of Ovary | 1 0.02 82.04 Th Remove Both Ovaries | 1 0.02 82.07 Th Remove Ovaries/Tubes | 1 0.02 82.09 Th Remove Rem Ova/Tube | 1 0.02 82.11 Th Remove Remain Ovary | 1 0.02 82.14 Th Rep Int Cervical Os | 1 0.02 82.16 Th Repair Han/Fin/Wris | 1 0.02 82.18 Th Repair Joint Low Ext* | 1 0.02 82.21 Th Repair Retina Detach* | 1 0.02 82.23 Th Salivary Operations* | 1 0.02 82.25 Th Salpingo-Oophoroplas | 1 0.02 82.27 Th Simple Suture Ovary | 1 0.02 82.30 Th Sleep Dis Funct Test | 1 0.02 82.32 Th Spinal Thecal Shunt | 1 0.02 82.34 Th Spleen & Marrow Ops* | 1 0.02 82.37 Th Sympathetic Nerve Op* | 1 0.02 82.39 Th Tib/Fib Repair/Plast | 1 0.02 82.41 Th Trachea Dx Procedure | 1 0.02 82.44 Th Transmyo Revascular | 1 0.02 82.46 Th Transureth Prostatec | 1 0.02 82.48 Th Tu Destr Pros - Rt | 1 0.02 82.51 Th Uni Salpingo-Oophor | 1 0.02 82.53 Th Unilat Oophorectomy | 1 0.02 82.55 Th Ureth/Periureth Ops* | 1 0.02 82.58 Th Urin Incontin Repair* | 1 0.02 82.60 Th Vag & Cul-De-Sac Ops* | 1 0.02 82.62 Th Vagin Pessary Insert | 1 0.02 82.65 Ther Abdomen Region Ops* | 2 0.05 82.69 Ther Acupuncture | 1 0.02 82.72 Ther Adrenal Operations* | 1 0.02 82.74 Ther Appendectomy | 1 0.02 82.76 Ther Appendiceal Ops* | 1 0.02 82.79 Ther Arthrotomy Nec | 1 0.02 82.81 Ther Arthrotomy Nos | 1 0.02 82.83 Ther Arthrotomy* | 1 0.02 82.86 Ther Bilat Tube Destruc* | 1 0.02 82.88 Ther Biliary Tract Ops* | 1 0.02 82.90 Ther Bladder Operations* | 1 0.02 82.93 Ther Bladder Repair* | 1 0.02 82.95 Ther Bone Diagnost Proc* | 1 0.02 82.97 Ther Bone Division Nos | 1 0.02 83.00 Ther Bone Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 83.02 Ther Bone Dx Proc Nos | 1 0.02 83.04 Ther Bone Incision Nos | 1 0.02 83.07 Ther Bone Length Change* | 1 0.02 83.09 Ther Bone Operations* | 1 0.02 83.11 Ther Bone Repair* | 1 0.02 83.14 Ther Brain Dx Procedure | 1 0.02 83.16 Ther Brain Excision | 1 0.02 83.18 Ther Brain Incision | 1 0.02 83.21 Ther Breast Operations* | 1 0.02 83.23 Ther Breast Repair* | 1 0.02 83.25 Ther Bronchial Excision | 1 0.02 83.28 Ther Bronchial Lung Ops* | 1 0.02 83.30 Ther Bronchial/Lung Ops* | 1 0.02 83.32 Ther Bronchoscopy | 1 0.02 83.34 Ther C.A.T. Scan | 1 0.02 83.37 Ther Cardiac Funct Test* | 1 0.02 83.39 Ther Cast Application | 1 0.02 83.41 Ther Cervical Fus Ant | 1 0.02 83.44 Ther Cervical Fus Post | 1 0.02 83.46 Ther Chest Cage Incis | 1 0.02 83.48 Ther Chest Wall Repair | 1 0.02 83.51 Ther Chordotomy | 1 0.02 83.53 Ther Conjunctival Ops* | 1 0.02 83.55 Ther Control Gast Hem | 1 0.02 83.58 Ther Cord/Epid/Vas Ops* | 1 0.02 83.60 Ther Corneal Operations* | 1 0.02 83.62 Ther Counselling | 1 0.02 83.65 Ther Craniectomy | 1 0.02 83.67 Ther Craniotomy | 1 0.02 83.69 Ther Dental Operation* | 1 0.02 83.72 Ther Dental Restoration* | 1 0.02 83.74 Ther Destru Pancrea Les | 1 0.02 83.76 Ther Destru Urethra Les | 1 0.02 83.79 Ther Destruc Anus Les | 1 0.02 83.81 Ther Destruc Bronc Les | 1 0.02 83.83 Ther Diaphragm Repair | 1 0.02 83.86 Ther Digestive Sys Xray* | 1 0.02 83.88 Ther Division Of Bone* | 1 0.02 83.90 Ther Dx Pt Procedure | 1 0.02 83.93 Ther Dx Radiology* | 1 0.02 83.95 Ther Endocrine Dx Procs* | 1 0.02 83.97 Ther Enterostomy* | 1 0.02 84.00 Ther Esophageal Ops* | 1 0.02 84.02 Ther Esophageal Repair* | 1 0.02 84.04 Ther Examinations* | 1 0.02 84.07 Ther Excis Mus/Ten/Fasc* | 1 0.02 84.09 Ther Excision Of Joint* | 1 0.02 84.11 Ther Excision Of Lung | 1 0.02 84.14 Ther Excision Of Mouth* | 1 0.02 84.16 Ther Ext Ear Operations | 1 0.02 84.18 Ther External Ear Excis* | 1 0.02 84.21 Ther Eye & Orbit Ops* | 1 0.02 84.23 Ther Eyelid Incision | 1 0.02 84.25 Ther Eyelid Operations* | 1 0.02 84.28 Ther Eyelid Reconstruct* | 1 0.02 84.30 Ther Facial Bone Repair* | 1 0.02 84.32 Ther Fallopian Tube Ops* | 1 0.02 84.35 Ther Fasciectomy | 1 0.02 84.37 Ther Female Genital Ops | 1 0.02 84.39 Ther Femoral Incision | 1 0.02 84.41 Ther Fetal Monitoring | 1 0.02 84.44 Ther Fusion Of Foot | 1 0.02 84.46 Ther Gastric Operations* | 2 0.05 84.51 Ther Gastric Repair* | 1 0.02 84.53 Ther Gastrostomy | 1 0.02 84.55 Ther Glossotomy | 1 0.02 84.58 Ther Group Therapy | 1 0.02 84.60 Ther Gu Instillation | 1 0.02 84.62 Ther Gu System Exams | 1 0.02 84.65 Ther Head/Neck X-Ray* | 1 0.02 84.67 Ther Heart Septa Ops | 1 0.02 84.69 Ther Heart Valve Ops | 1 0.02 84.72 Ther Heart Vessel Ops* | 1 0.02 84.74 Ther Heart/Pericard Ops | 1 0.02 84.76 Ther Heart/Pericard Ops* | 1 0.02 84.79 Ther Heat Therapy | 1 0.02 84.81 Ther Hernia Repair | 1 0.02 84.83 Ther Hip Arthroplasty* | 1 0.02 84.86 Ther Humerus Incision | 1 0.02 84.88 Ther Hydrotherapy | 1 0.02 84.90 Ther Hypophysis Ops* | 1 0.02 84.93 Ther Immunization* | 1 0.02 84.95 Ther Incid Appendectomy | 1 0.02 84.97 Ther Intestinal Ops* | 2 0.05 85.02 Ther Intestinal Repair* | 1 0.02 85.04 Ther Isotope Function | 1 0.02 85.07 Ther Joint Dx Procedure | 1 0.02 85.09 Ther Joint Mobilization | 1 0.02 85.11 Ther Joint Structure Op* | 1 0.02 85.14 Ther Kidney Repair* | 1 0.02 85.16 Ther Lacrimal Gland Ops | 1 0.02 85.18 Ther Laryngeal Repair | 1 0.02 85.21 Ther Liver Operations* | 1 0.02 85.23 Ther Local Destruc Skin | 1 0.02 85.25 Ther Male Genital Ops* | 1 0.02 85.28 Ther Mid & Inner Ear Op* | 1 0.02 85.30 Ther Mid-Inner Ear Ops* | 1 0.02 85.32 Ther Misc Procedures* | 1 0.02 85.35 Ther Mouth & Face Ops* | 2 0.05 85.39 Ther Mus/Ten/Fas/Bur Op* | 2 0.05 85.44 Ther Muscle Transposit | 1 0.02 85.46 Ther Muscle/Fasc Suture | 1 0.02 85.48 Ther Musculoskelet Proc* | 1 0.02 85.51 Ther Musculoskeletal Op* | 1 0.02 85.53 Ther Myectomy | 1 0.02 85.55 Ther Myectomy Of Hand | 1 0.02 85.58 Ther Nasal Operations* | 1 0.02 85.60 Ther Nasal Sinus Ops | 1 0.02 85.62 Ther Nasal Sinusectomy* | 1 0.02 85.65 Ther Nasal Sinusotomy* | 1 0.02 85.67 Ther Nervous System Ops | 1 0.02 85.69 Ther Neuroplasty | 1 0.02 85.72 Ther Non-Op Insertion* | 1 0.02 85.74 Ther Non-Op Irrigation* | 1 0.02 85.76 Ther Non-Op Removal-Dev* | 1 0.02 85.79 Ther Non-Op Replacement* | 1 0.02 85.81 Ther Nonoperative Proc* | 1 0.02 85.83 Ther Obstetric Ops* | 2 0.05 85.88 Ther Oophorotomy | 1 0.02 85.90 Ther Operations On Gums* | 1 0.02 85.93 Ther Operations On Lens | 1 0.02 85.95 Ther Ops On Pancreas* | 1 0.02 85.97 Ther Ops On Thorax* | 1 0.02 86.00 Ther Ops On Vessels* | 1 0.02 86.02 Ther Orthodontic Operat | 1 0.02 86.04 Ther Ovarian Operations* | 1 0.02 86.07 Ther Parathyroid Ops | 1 0.02 86.09 Ther Parathyroidectomy | 1 0.02 86.11 Ther Part Laryngectomy | 1 0.02 86.14 Ther Part Thyroidectomy* | 1 0.02 86.16 Ther Partial Ostectomy* | 1 0.02 86.18 Ther Patellar Incision | 1 0.02 86.21 Ther Perfusion | 1 0.02 86.23 Ther Periph Neuroplasty* | 1 0.02 86.25 Ther Perm Tracheostomy | 1 0.02 86.28 Ther Pharyngeal Ops* | 1 0.02 86.30 Ther Pharyngeal Repair* | 1 0.02 86.32 Ther Phototherapy | 1 0.02 86.35 Ther Plastic Ops Fascia | 1 0.02 86.37 Ther Plastic Ops Hand* | 1 0.02 86.39 Ther Plastic Ops Muscle | 1 0.02 86.42 Ther Plastic Ops Tendon | 1 0.02 86.44 Ther Pleural Excision | 1 0.02 86.46 Ther Pleural Incision | 1 0.02 86.49 Ther Post Segment Ops | 1 0.02 86.51 Ther Prostatectomy* | 1 0.02 86.53 Ther Prostatic Ops* | 1 0.02 86.56 Ther Pt Therapeut Procs* | 1 0.02 86.58 Ther Pyloroplasty | 1 0.02 86.60 Ther Radioisotope Scan* | 1 0.02 86.62 Ther Radius/Ulna Incis | 1 0.02 86.65 Ther Rectal Resection* | 1 0.02 86.67 Ther Rehab Therapy* | 1 0.02 86.69 Ther Renal Operations* | 1 0.02 86.72 Ther Repair Of Ankle | 1 0.02 86.74 Ther Repair Of Cervix* | 1 0.02 86.76 Ther Repair Of Eyelid* | 1 0.02 86.79 Ther Repair Of Joint | 1 0.02 86.81 Ther Repair Of Knee | 1 0.02 86.83 Ther Resp Procedures | 1 0.02 86.86 Ther Salpingectomy* | 1 0.02 86.88 Ther Scrotum/Tunic Ops* | 1 0.02 86.90 Ther Shunt/Vasc Bypass* | 1 0.02 86.93 Ther Skeletal Traction | 1 0.02 86.95 Ther Skeletal X-Ray | 1 0.02 86.97 Ther Skin & Subq I & D | 1 0.02 87.00 Ther Skin & Subq Ops* | 1 0.02 87.02 Ther Skin & Subq Repair* | 1 0.02 87.04 Ther Skull Dx Procedure | 1 0.02 87.07 Ther Skull/Brain Ops* | 1 0.02 87.09 Ther Sm Bowel Excision* | 1 0.02 87.11 Ther Soft Tissue Excis | 1 0.02 87.14 Ther Speech Therapy | 1 0.02 87.16 Ther Spinal Dx Proc | 1 0.02 87.18 Ther Spinal Traction | 1 0.02 87.21 Ther Suprapu Cystostomy | 1 0.02 87.23 Ther Surg Vessel Occlus* | 1 0.02 87.25 Ther Suture Of Tendon | 1 0.02 87.28 Ther Sympathectomy | 1 0.02 87.30 Ther Tendon Transposit | 1 0.02 87.32 Ther Tenodesis Of Hand | 1 0.02 87.35 Ther Tenonectomy | 1 0.02 87.37 Ther Tenoplasty Of Hand | 1 0.02 87.39 Ther Tenotomy | 1 0.02 87.42 Ther Testicular Ops* | 1 0.02 87.44 Ther Therapeu Apheresis | 1 0.02 87.46 Ther Thymus Operations* | 1 0.02 87.49 Ther Thyroid Operations | 1 0.02 87.51 Ther Tibia/Fibula Incis | 1 0.02 87.53 Ther Tongue Operations* | 1 0.02 87.56 Ther Tonsil/Adenoid Ops* | 1 0.02 87.58 Ther Tracheal Operation | 1 0.02 87.60 Ther Tracheal Repair | 1 0.02 87.63 Ther Transanal Enema | 1 0.02 87.65 Ther Tympanoplasty* | 1 0.02 87.67 Ther Ureteral Anastomos* | 1 0.02 87.69 Ther Ureteral Operation* | 1 0.02 87.72 Ther Urinary System Ops* | 1 0.02 87.74 Ther Urinary Tract Ops* | 1 0.02 87.76 Ther Uterine Incis/Exc* | 1 0.02 87.79 Ther Uterus/Support Ops* | 2 0.05 87.83 Ther Uvula Operations | 1 0.02 87.86 Ther Vag Hysterectomy | 1 0.02 87.88 Ther Vaginal Dilation | 1 0.02 87.90 Ther Vaginal Repair* | 1 0.02 87.93 Ther Ventricular Shunt | 1 0.02 87.95 Ther Vessel Excision* | 1 0.02 87.97 Ther Vessel Operations* | 1 0.02 88.00 Ther Vessel Repair* | 1 0.02 88.02 Ther Vulvar Operations | 1 0.02 88.04 Ther Vulvectomy* | 1 0.02 88.07 Ther X-Ray Of Abdomen* | 1 0.02 88.09 Ther X-Ray Of Thorax* | 1 0.02 88.11 Ther X-Ray* | 1 0.02 88.14 Thmoid Art Ligat-Epist | 1 0.02 88.16 Thmoidectomy | 1 0.02 88.18 Thmoidotomy | 1 0.02 88.21 Tlas-Axis Fusion | 1 0.02 88.23 Tmos Press/Compos Contr | 1 0.02 88.25 Tos Rep-Tarsal Techniq | 1 0.02 88.28 Toscopy | 1 0.02 88.30 Tosis Rep-Fron Mus Slng | 1 0.02 88.32 Tosis Rep-Front Mus Sut | 1 0.02 88.35 Tosis Rep-Levat Mus Adv | 1 0.02 88.37 Tosis Rep-Levat Mus Nec | 1 0.02 88.39 Tosis/Lid Retract Rep* | 1 0.02 88.42 Traoc Mus Op/Detach Nec | 1 0.02 88.44 Traoc Musc-Tend Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 88.46 Tretching Of Fascia | 1 0.02 88.49 Tretching Of Foreskin | 1 0.02 88.51 Tria Septa Def Rep Nec | 1 0.02 88.53 Trial Cardioversion | 1 0.02 88.56 Ttach Pedicle Graft Nec | 1 0.02 88.58 Ttach Pedicle To Hand | 1 0.02 88.60 U Adhesiolysis Bladder | 1 0.02 88.63 U Bladder Clearance | 1 0.02 88.65 U Destr Prostate By Mt | 1 0.02 88.67 U Destruc Bladd Les Nec | 1 0.02 88.70 U Destruct Bladder Les* | 1 0.02 88.72 U Remov Ureter Obstruct | 1 0.02 88.74 U System-Examination* | 1 0.02 88.76 Uadrant Resect Breast | 1 0.02 88.79 Uadricepsplasty | 1 0.02 88.81 Ubarach-Periton Shunt | 1 0.02 88.83 Ubarach-Ureteral Shunt | 1 0.02 88.86 Ubconjunctival Inject | 1 0.02 88.88 Ubconvulsive Est | 1 0.02 88.90 Ube & Uterus X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 88.93 Ubella Vaccination | 1 0.02 88.95 Uberculosis Vaccination | 1 0.02 88.97 Ubiotomy To Assist Del | 1 0.02 89.00 Ubmuc Nasal Sept Resect | 1 0.02 89.02 Ubo-Ovarian Adhesiolys* | 1 0.02 89.04 Ubstern Thyroidect Nos | 1 0.02 89.07 Ubsternal Thyroidectomy* | 1 0.02 89.09 Ubtalar Fusion | 1 0.02 89.11 Ubtot Abd Hysterectomy | 1 0.02 89.14 Ubtotal Mastectomy | 1 0.02 89.16 Uclear Medicine* | 1 0.02 89.18 Udiological Evaluation | 1 0.02 89.21 Udiometry | 1 0.02 89.23 Udit & Vestib Test Nec | 1 0.02 89.25 Ugment Mammoplasty Nos | 1 0.02 89.28 Ugmentation Genioplasty | 1 0.02 89.30 Ugmentation Mammoplasty* | 1 0.02 89.32 Ugmentation Rhinoplasty | 1 0.02 89.35 Uhamel Rectal Resection | 1 0.02 89.37 Ul-De-Sac Biopsy | 1 0.02 89.39 Ul-De-Sac Operation Nec | 1 0.02 89.42 Ularemia Vaccination | 1 0.02 89.44 Uldocentesis | 1 0.02 89.46 Uldoscopy | 1 0.02 89.49 Uldotomy | 1 0.02 89.51 Ull-Mouth X-Ray | 1 0.02 89.53 Ull-Thick Grft To Mouth | 1 0.02 89.56 Ull-Thick Hand Skin Grf | 1 0.02 89.58 Ull-Thick Skin Grft Nec | 1 0.02 89.60 Ull-Thru Rect Resec Nec | 1 0.02 89.63 Ull-Thru Rect Resection* | 1 0.02 89.65 Ulmon Art Press Monitor | 1 0.02 89.67 Ulmon Art Wedge Monitor | 1 0.02 89.70 Ulmonary Scan | 1 0.02 89.72 Ulsation Balloon Implan | 1 0.02 89.74 Ult Seg Lg Bowel Excis | 1 0.02 89.77 Ult Seg Sm Bowel Excis | 1 0.02 89.79 Ultiple Sinus Incision | 1 0.02 89.81 Ultisource Radiosurgery | 1 0.02 89.83 Ulture Nec | 1 0.02 89.86 Ulture Nos | 1 0.02 89.88 Ulture-Bili/Pancreas | 1 0.02 89.90 Ulture-Blood | 1 0.02 89.93 Ulture-Endocrine | 1 0.02 89.95 Ulture-Ent/Larynx | 1 0.02 89.97 Ulture-Eye | 1 0.02 90.00 Ulture-Female Genital | 1 0.02 90.02 Ulture-Integument | 1 0.02 90.04 Ulture-Lower Gi | 1 0.02 90.07 Ulture-Lower Resp | 1 0.02 90.09 Ulture-Lower Urinary | 1 0.02 90.11 Ulture-Lymph System | 1 0.02 90.14 Ulture-Musculoskeletal | 1 0.02 90.16 Ulture-Nervous Syst | 1 0.02 90.18 Ulture-Op Wound | 1 0.02 90.21 Ulture-Peritoneum | 1 0.02 90.23 Ulture-Spleen/Marrow | 1 0.02 90.25 Ulture-Upper Gi | 1 0.02 90.28 Ulture-Upper Urinary | 1 0.02 90.30 Ulvar & Perineal Ops* | 1 0.02 90.32 Ulvar & Perineal Repair* | 1 0.02 90.35 Ulvar Adhesiolysis | 1 0.02 90.37 Ulvar Biopsy | 1 0.02 90.39 Ulvar Diagnos Proc Nec | 1 0.02 90.42 Ulvar Diagnostic Procs* | 1 0.02 90.44 Ulvar/Perin Repair Nec | 1 0.02 90.46 Um Biopsy | 1 0.02 90.49 Um Lesion Excision | 1 0.02 90.51 Um Operation Nec | 1 0.02 90.53 Um Or Alveolar Incision | 1 0.02 90.56 Umbar Sympathectomy | 1 0.02 90.58 Umbar/Lumbosac Fus Ant | 1 0.02 90.60 Umbar/Lumbosac Fus Lat | 1 0.02 90.63 Umbar/Lumbosac Fus Post | 1 0.02 90.65 Umbosac Spine X-Ray Nec | 1 0.02 90.67 Umerus Biopsy | 1 0.02 90.70 Umerus Division Nec | 1 0.02 90.72 Umerus Injury Op Nos | 1 0.02 90.74 Umerus Sequestrectomy | 1 0.02 90.77 Umerus Wedge Osteotomy | 1 0.02 90.79 Umps Vaccination | 1 0.02 90.81 Unctional Pt Evaluation | 1 0.02 90.84 Unctum Repair Nec | 1 0.02 90.86 Uncture Of Lung | 1 0.02 90.88 Uncture Of Spleen | 1 0.02 90.90 Uncture Of Vessel* | 1 0.02 90.93 Undus Photography | 1 0.02 90.95 Ung & Bronchus Excision* | 1 0.02 90.97 Ung And Bronchus Repair* | 1 0.02 91.00 Ung Laceration Closure | 1 0.02 91.02 Ung Operation Nec | 1 0.02 91.04 Ung Repair Nec | 1 0.02 91.07 Ung Transplant Nos | 1 0.02 91.09 Ung Transplant* | 1 0.02 91.11 Ung Vol Reduction Surg | 1 0.02 91.14 Unionect/Sft/Arthrodes | 1 0.02 91.16 Unionect/Sft/Osteotomy | 1 0.02 91.18 Unionectomy Nec | 1 0.02 91.21 Uodenal Fistula Closure | 1 0.02 91.23 Uodenal Incision | 1 0.02 91.25 Uodenal Lacerat Suture | 1 0.02 91.28 Uperficial Radiation | 1 0.02 91.30 Uppor Verbal Psychother | 1 0.02 91.32 Uprapubic Prostatectomy | 1 0.02 91.35 Uprapubic Sling Op | 1 0.02 91.37 Urbinate Fracture | 1 0.02 91.39 Urbinectomy Nec | 1 0.02 91.42 Urbinectomy* | 1 0.02 91.44 Urg Collaps Of Lung Nec | 1 0.02 91.46 Urg Collapse Of Lung* | 1 0.02 91.49 Urg Corr Invert Uterus | 1 0.02 91.51 Urg Induct Labor Nec | 1 0.02 91.53 Urg Removal Of Tooth* | 1 0.02 91.56 Urg Tooth Extract Nec | 1 0.02 91.58 Urg Vessel Occlus Nec | 1 0.02 91.60 Ursectomy | 1 0.02 91.63 Ursectomy Of Hand | 1 0.02 91.65 Ursotomy | 1 0.02 91.67 Ursotomy Of Hand | 1 0.02 91.70 Ury Fimbriae In Uterus | 1 0.02 91.72 Us/Ten/Fas/Bur Op Nec | 1 0.02 91.74 Us/Ten/Fas/Burs Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 91.77 Usc Or Tend Stretching | 1 0.02 91.79 Usc/Fasc Excis For Grft | 1 0.02 91.81 Usc/Tend Lng Change Nec | 1 0.02 91.84 Uscl/Tend/Fasc Division* | 1 0.02 91.86 Uscle Or Fascia Graft | 1 0.02 91.88 Uscle Reattachment | 1 0.02 91.91 Uscle Thermography | 1 0.02 91.93 Uscle Trnsfr/Transplant | 1 0.02 91.95 Uscle/Tendon Reconstruc* | 1 0.02 91.97 Usculoskeletal Op Nec | 1 0.02 92.00 Usic Therapy | 1 0.02 92.02 Ustachian Tube Ops | 1 0.02 92.04 Ut & Prep Pedicle Graft | 1 0.02 92.07 Ut Gastric Ulcer Site | 1 0.02 92.09 Utan Uretero-Ileostomy* | 1 0.02 92.11 Uto Bone Mt W Purging | 1 0.02 92.14 Uto Bone Mt W/O Purg | 1 0.02 92.16 Uto Hem Stem Ct W Purg | 1 0.02 92.18 Uto Hem Stem Ct W/O Pur | 1 0.02 92.21 Utoimmune Dis Immunizat | 1 0.02 92.23 Utopsy | 1 0.02 92.25 Utotrnsplnt Islets Lang | 1 0.02 92.28 Utur Capsul/Lig Leg Nec | 1 0.02 92.30 Utur Capsul/Ligamen Arm | 1 0.02 92.32 Utur Flex Tend Hand Nec | 1 0.02 92.35 Uture Anal Laceration | 1 0.02 92.37 Uture Bladder Lacerat | 1 0.02 92.39 Uture Breast Laceration | 1 0.02 92.42 Uture Capsul/Lig Ank/Ft | 1 0.02 92.44 Uture Cervical Lacerat | 1 0.02 92.46 Uture Chest Wall Lacer | 1 0.02 92.49 Uture Cord & Epid Lacer | 1 0.02 92.51 Uture Cornea Laceration | 1 0.02 92.53 Uture Diaphragm Lacerat | 1 0.02 92.56 Uture Duoden Ulcer Site | 1 0.02 92.58 Uture Entropion Repair | 1 0.02 92.60 Uture Esophageal Lacer | 1 0.02 92.63 Uture Ext Ear Lac | 1 0.02 92.65 Uture Gastric Lacerat | 1 0.02 92.67 Uture Hand Mus/Ten/Fasc* | 1 0.02 92.70 Uture Hand Muscle/Fasc | 1 0.02 92.72 Uture Hand Tendon Nec | 1 0.02 92.74 Uture Kidney Laceration | 1 0.02 92.77 Uture Lg Bowel Lacerat | 1 0.02 92.79 Uture Muscl/Tendon/Fasc* | 1 0.02 92.81 Uture Of Artery | 1 0.02 92.84 Uture Of Gum Laceration | 1 0.02 92.86 Uture Of Laryngeal Lac | 1 0.02 92.88 Uture Of Lip Laceration | 1 0.02 92.91 Uture Of Mouth Lac Nec | 1 0.02 92.93 Uture Of Palate Lacerat | 1 0.02 92.95 Uture Of Pharyngeal Lac | 1 0.02 92.98 Uture Of Rectal Lacer | 1 0.02 93.00 Uture Of Saliv Glnd Lac | 1 0.02 93.02 Uture Of Tongue Lacerat | 1 0.02 93.04 Uture Of Tracheal Lacer | 1 0.02 93.07 Uture Of Vein | 1 0.02 93.09 Uture Of Vessel Nos | 1 0.02 93.11 Uture Of Vessel* | 1 0.02 93.14 Uture Penile Laceration | 1 0.02 93.16 Uture Peptic Ulcer Nos | 1 0.02 93.18 Uture Scleral Lacer | 1 0.02 93.21 Uture Scrotal Lacerat | 1 0.02 93.23 Uture Tendn Sheath Hand | 1 0.02 93.25 Uture Testicular Lacer | 1 0.02 93.28 Uture Ureteral Lacerat | 1 0.02 93.30 Uture Urethral Lacerat | 1 0.02 93.32 Uture Uterine Lacerat | 1 0.02 93.35 Uture Vagina Laceration | 1 0.02 93.37 Uture Vas & Epidid Lac | 1 0.02 93.39 Uture Vulvar Laceration | 1 0.02 93.42 Uxiliary Liver Transpl | 1 0.02 93.44 Vac Ob Hemat Vulva/Vag | 1 0.02 93.46 Vac Ob Inc Hemat Perin | 1 0.02 93.49 Varian Aspirat Biopsy | 1 0.02 93.51 Varian Biopsy Nec | 1 0.02 93.53 Varian Cyst Marsupializ | 1 0.02 93.56 Varian Denervation | 1 0.02 93.58 Varian Diagnost Procs* | 1 0.02 93.60 Varian Dx Procedure Nec | 1 0.02 93.63 Varian Operation Nec | 1 0.02 93.65 Varian Torsion Release | 1 0.02 93.67 Varian Wedge Resection | 1 0.02 93.70 Visceration Of Eyeball* | 1 0.02 93.72 Vp Monitoring | 1 0.02 93.74 Vula And Soft Palate Bx | 1 0.02 93.77 X Aspirat-Ant Chamber | 1 0.02 93.79 X Cereb Meningeal Les | 1 0.02 93.81 X Chest Cage Bone-Gft | 1 0.02 93.84 X Cornea Lac W Conj Flp | 1 0.02 93.86 X Interview/Consul/Exam* | 1 0.02 93.88 X Proc Facial Bone/Jnt* | 1 0.02 93.91 X Proc Fetus/Amnion Nec | 1 0.02 93.93 X Proc Mediastinum Nec | 1 0.02 93.95 X Proc Post Seg Nec | 1 0.02 93.98 X Procedure On Cornea* | 1 0.02 94.00 X Procedure Thorax Nec | 1 0.02 94.02 X Procedures On Tongue* | 1 0.02 94.05 X Ultrasound Nec | 1 0.02 94.07 X Ultrasound-Abdomen | 1 0.02 94.09 X Ultrasound-Digestive | 1 0.02 94.11 X Ultrasound-Grav Uter | 1 0.02 94.14 X Ultrasound-Head/Neck | 1 0.02 94.16 X Ultrasound-Heart | 1 0.02 94.18 X Ultrasound-Thorax Nec | 1 0.02 94.21 X Ultrasound-Urinary | 1 0.02 94.23 X Ultrasound-Vascular | 1 0.02 94.25 Xc Branchial Cleft Cyst | 1 0.02 94.28 Xc Chest Cage Bone Les | 1 0.02 94.30 Xc Correct Bunionette | 1 0.02 94.32 Xc Ectopic Breast Tissu | 1 0.02 94.35 Xc Hnd Mus/Fas For Grft | 1 0.02 94.37 Xc Lacrimal Gland Nos | 1 0.02 94.39 Xc Les Hand Mus/Ten/Fas* | 1 0.02 94.42 Xc Les Mus/Ten/Fas/Burs* | 1 0.02 94.44 Xc Les Sft Tiss Hnd Nec | 1 0.02 94.46 Xc Les Soft Tissue Nec | 1 0.02 94.49 Xc Les Tend Sheath Hand | 1 0.02 94.51 Xc Maj Les Lid Ful-Thic | 1 0.02 94.53 Xc Maj Les Lid Prt-Thic | 1 0.02 94.56 Xc Max Sinus Lesion Nec | 1 0.02 94.58 Xc Of Accessory Spleen | 1 0.02 94.60 Xc Of Dental Les Of Jaw | 1 0.02 94.63 Xc Pituit Les-Transfron | 1 0.02 94.65 Xc Pituit Les-Transphen | 1 0.02 94.67 Xc Repair Bunion* | 1 0.02 94.70 Xc Spermatic Varicocele | 1 0.02 94.72 Xc Splenic Lesion/Tiss | 1 0.02 94.74 Xc Wound Debridement | 1 0.02 94.77 Xc/Dest Intvrt Disc Nos | 1 0.02 94.79 Xc/Dest Oth Hrt Lesion | 1 0.02 94.81 Xchange Transfusion | 1 0.02 94.84 Xcis Ampulla Of Vater | 1 0.02 94.86 Xcis Cul-De-Sac Lesion | 1 0.02 94.88 Xcis Cyst Duct Remnant | 1 0.02 94.91 Xcis Deep Cervical Node | 1 0.02 94.93 Xcis External Ear Nec | 1 0.02 94.95 Xcis Hand Tend For Grft | 1 0.02 94.98 Xcis Knee Semilun Cartl | 1 0.02 95.00 Xcis Les Lacrimal Gland | 1 0.02 95.02 Xcis Les Tendon Sheath | 1 0.02 95.05 Xcis Lesion Of Muscle | 1 0.02 95.07 Xcis Metacar/Car-Graft | 1 0.02 95.09 Xcis Metatar/Tar-Graft | 1 0.02 95.12 Xcis Of Bony Palate Les* | 1 0.02 95.14 Xcis Of Saliv Gland Les* | 1 0.02 95.16 Xcis Perianal Skin Tag | 1 0.02 95.18 Xcis Radius/Ulna-Graft | 1 0.02 95.21 Xcis Spinal Cord Lesion | 1 0.02 95.23 Xcis Tonsil/Adenoid Les | 1 0.02 95.25 Xcis Vag/Cul-De-Sac Les* | 1 0.02 95.28 Xcis/Destr Les Phar Nec | 1 0.02 95.30 Xcis/Destruc Lid Lesion* | 1 0.02 95.32 Xcise Axillary Node | 1 0.02 95.35 Xcise Bone For Gft Nec | 1 0.02 95.37 Xcise Bone For Graft* | 1 0.02 95.39 Xcise Bone For Grft Nos | 1 0.02 95.42 Xcise Brain & Meninges* | 1 0.02 95.44 Xcise Ciliary Body Les | 1 0.02 95.46 Xcise Conjunctiv Lesion | 1 0.02 95.49 Xcise Cord/Epid Les Nec | 1 0.02 95.51 Xcise Diaphragm Lesion | 1 0.02 95.53 Xcise Epididymis Cyst | 1 0.02 95.56 Xcise Femur For Graft | 1 0.02 95.58 Xcise Humerus For Graft | 1 0.02 95.60 Xcise Inguinal Node | 1 0.02 95.63 Xcise Int Mammary Node | 1 0.02 95.65 Xcise Lg Intestine Les | 1 0.02 95.67 Xcise Middle Ear Lesion | 1 0.02 95.70 Xcise Minor Les Lid Nec | 1 0.02 95.72 Xcise Patella For Graft | 1 0.02 95.74 Xcise Skull Lesion | 1 0.02 95.77 Xcise Tib/Fib For Graft | 1 0.02 95.79 Xcision Acoustc Neuroma | 1 0.02 95.81 Xcision Eye Lesion Nos | 1 0.02 95.84 Xcision Foot Joint Nec | 1 0.02 95.86 Xcision Hand Joint Nec | 1 0.02 95.88 Xcision Hand Muscle Les | 1 0.02 95.91 Xcision Intervert Disc | 1 0.02 95.93 Xcision Lingual Tonsil | 1 0.02 95.95 Xcision Of Ankle Nec | 1 0.02 95.98 Xcision Of Anus | 1 0.02 96.00 Xcision Of Aorta | 1 0.02 96.02 Xcision Of Elbow Nec | 1 0.02 96.05 Xcision Of Esophagus* | 1 0.02 96.07 Xcision Of Hip Nec | 1 0.02 96.09 Xcision Of Hydrocele | 1 0.02 96.12 Xcision Of Iris Lesion | 1 0.02 96.14 Xcision Of Joint Nec | 1 0.02 96.16 Xcision Of Joint Nos | 1 0.02 96.19 Xcision Of Knee Nec | 1 0.02 96.21 Xcision Of Larynx* | 1 0.02 96.23 Xcision Of Lip Les Nec | 1 0.02 96.25 Xcision Of Mouth Nec | 1 0.02 96.28 Xcision Of Nipple | 1 0.02 96.30 Xcision Of Pilonid Cyst | 1 0.02 96.32 Xcision Of Pterygium* | 1 0.02 96.35 Xcision Of Shoulder Nec | 1 0.02 96.37 Xcision Of Tonsil Tag | 1 0.02 96.39 Xcision Of Urachus | 1 0.02 96.42 Xcision Of Uvula | 1 0.02 96.44 Xcision Of Vessel Nos | 1 0.02 96.46 Xcision Of Wrist Nec | 1 0.02 96.49 Xcision Orbital Lesion | 1 0.02 96.51 Xcision Thyroid Lesion | 1 0.02 96.53 Xcision Tunica Les Nec | 1 0.02 96.56 Xcision Vaginal Lesion | 1 0.02 96.58 Xenteration Of Orbit* | 1 0.02 96.60 Xplor Tend Sheath-Hand | 1 0.02 96.63 Xplor Verbal Psychother | 1 0.02 96.65 Xploratory Laparotomy | 1 0.02 96.67 Xploratory Thoracotomy | 1 0.02 96.70 Xposure Of Tooth | 1 0.02 96.72 Xt Audit Canal Reconstr | 1 0.02 96.74 Xt Auditory Canal Incis | 1 0.02 96.77 Xt Carot Art Lig-Epist | 1 0.02 96.79 Xt Ear Diagnos Proc Nec | 1 0.02 96.81 Xt Ear Diagnostic Proc* | 1 0.02 96.84 Xt Fistulizat Esoph Nec | 1 0.02 96.86 Xt Maxillary Antrot Nec | 1 0.02 96.88 Xt Maxillary Antrotomy* | 1 0.02 96.91 Xt Urin Diversion Nec* | 1 0.02 96.93 Xt Version-Assist Deliv | 1 0.02 96.95 Xten Buccolabial/Sulcus | 1 0.02 96.98 Xtended Ophthal Work-Up | 1 0.02 97.00 Xteriorization Of Bowel* | 1 0.02 97.02 Xternal Ear Biopsy | 1 0.02 97.05 Xternal Ear Incis Nec | 1 0.02 97.07 Xternal Ear Incision* | 1 0.02 97.09 Xternal Ear Operations* | 1 0.02 97.12 Xtracap Lens Extrac Nec | 1 0.02 97.14 Xtracaps Lens Extr Nec* | 1 0.02 97.16 Xtracorpor Hepat Assis | 1 0.02 97.19 Xtracorporeal Circulat | 1 0.02 97.21 Xtracorporeal Memb Oxy | 1 0.02 97.23 Xtracran Ventricl Shunt* | 1 0.02 97.26 Xtracran-Intracr Bypass | 1 0.02 97.28 Xtraoc Musc Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 97.30 Xtraoc Musc Inj Repair | 1 0.02 97.32 Xtraoc Musc-Tend Biopsy | 1 0.02 97.35 Xtraocul Mus Transposit | 1 0.02 97.37 Xtraocular Muscle Ops* | 1 0.02 97.39 Xtraperitoneal C-Sect | 1 0.02 97.42 Xtremity Reattachment* | 1 0.02 97.44 Xygen Consumption Monit | 1 0.02 97.46 Xygen Enrichment Nec | 1 0.02 97.49 Yclocryotherapy | 1 0.02 97.51 Yclodialysis | 1 0.02 97.53 Yclodiathermy | 1 0.02 97.56 Yclophotocoagulation | 1 0.02 97.58 Ye & Ear Dx/Treatment* | 1 0.02 97.60 Ye Enuc W Implant Nec | 1 0.02 97.63 Ye Enuc/Implan/Musc Att | 1 0.02 97.65 Ye Evisc W Synch Implan | 1 0.02 97.67 Ye Examination Nos | 1 0.02 97.70 Ye Fluorescein Angiogra | 1 0.02 97.72 Ye Hysterosalpingogram | 1 0.02 97.74 Ye/Orbit Inj Repair Nec | 1 0.02 97.77 Yebal/Orbit Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 97.79 Yeball & Orbit Biopsy | 1 0.02 97.81 Yeball Enucleation Nec | 1 0.02 97.84 Yeball Evisceration Nec | 1 0.02 97.86 Yeball/Orbit Inj Repair* | 1 0.02 97.88 Yelid Biopsy | 1 0.02 97.91 Yelid Dx Procedure Nec | 1 0.02 97.93 Yelid Epilation Nec | 1 0.02 97.95 Yelid Incision* | 1 0.02 97.98 Yelid Operation Nec | 1 0.02 98.00 Yelid Operations* | 1 0.02 98.02 Yelid Repair Nec | 1 0.02 98.05 Yelomeningocel Repair | 1 0.02 98.07 Yeloscopy | 1 0.02 98.09 Yelostomy | 1 0.02 98.12 Yelotomy | 1 0.02 98.14 Yelotomy & Pyelostomy* | 1 0.02 98.16 Yloromyotomy | 1 0.02 98.19 Ymbleph Rep W Free Grft | 1 0.02 98.21 Ymenectomy | 1 0.02 98.23 Ymenorrhaphy | 1 0.02 98.26 Ymenotomy | 1 0.02 98.28 Ympanic Injection | 1 0.02 98.30 Ympanoplasty Revision | 1 0.02 98.33 Ympanostomy Tube Remove | 1 0.02 98.35 Ympanosympathectomy | 1 0.02 98.37 Ympath Nerve Division | 1 0.02 98.39 Ympath Nerve Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 98.42 Ympath Nerve Inject Nec | 1 0.02 98.44 Ympath Nerve Injection* | 1 0.02 98.46 Ympath Nrv Dx Proc Nec | 1 0.02 98.49 Ympathectomy* | 1 0.02 98.51 Ympathetic Nerve Biopsy | 1 0.02 98.53 Ympathetic Nerve Op Nec | 1 0.02 98.56 Ympathetic Nerve Ops* | 1 0.02 98.58 Ympathetic Nerve Repair | 1 0.02 98.60 Ymph Structure Op Nec | 1 0.02 98.63 Ymphatic Diag Proc Nec | 1 0.02 98.65 Ymphatic Dx Proc* | 1 0.02 98.67 Ymphatic Struct Biopsy | 1 0.02 98.70 Ymphatic System Ops* | 1 0.02 98.72 Ymphatic System Scan | 1 0.02 98.74 Ymphysiotomy | 1 0.02 98.77 Yn Implant To Face Bone | 1 0.02 98.79 Yndactyly Correction | 1 0.02 98.81 Ynecologic Examination | 1 0.02 98.84 Ynovectomy* | 1 0.02 98.86 Ynovectomy-Site Nec | 1 0.02 98.88 Ynovectomy-Site Nos | 1 0.02 98.91 Yotomy | 1 0.02 98.93 Yotomy Of Colon Nec | 1 0.02 98.95 Yotomy Of Hand | 1 0.02 98.98 Yotomy Of Sigmoid Colon | 1 0.02 99.00 Ype 2 Tympanoplasty | 1 0.02 99.02 Ype 3 Tympanoplasty | 1 0.02 99.05 Ype 4 Tympanoplasty | 1 0.02 99.07 Ype 5 Tympanoplasty | 1 0.02 99.09 Yperbaric Oxygenation | 1 0.02 99.12 Yperthermia Ca Therapy | 1 0.02 99.14 Yphoid/Paratyphoid Vacc | 1 0.02 99.16 Ypnotherapy | 1 0.02 99.19 Ypo-Epispadius Repair | 1 0.02 99.21 Ypogloss-Facial Anastom | 1 0.02 99.23 Ypophysectomy* | 1 0.02 99.26 Ypothermia | 1 0.02 99.28 Ypothermia W Open Heart | 1 0.02 99.30 Yringoplasty | 1 0.02 99.33 Yringotomy Nec | 1 0.02 99.35 Yringotomy W Intubation | 1 0.02 99.37 Yringotomy* | 1 0.02 99.40 Ysis Cortical Adhesion | 1 0.02 99.42 Ysis Of Hand Adhesions | 1 0.02 99.44 Ysis Of Nasal Adhesions | 1 0.02 99.46 Ysis Of Tongue Adhesion | 1 0.02 99.49 Ysis Pharyngeal Adhes | 1 0.02 99.51 Ysis Trach/Larynx Adhes | 1 0.02 99.53 Yslexia Training | 1 0.02 99.56 Ysphasia Training | 1 0.02 99.58 Ystemic-Pulm Art Shunt | 1 0.02 99.60 Ysterectomy Nec/Nos | 1 0.02 99.63 Ysteroscopy | 1 0.02 99.65 Ysterotomy | 1 0.02 99.67 Ysterotomy To Termin Pg | 1 0.02 99.70 Ystocel/Rectocel Repair | 1 0.02 99.72 Ystocel/Rectocel Repair* | 1 0.02 99.74 Ystocele Repair | 1 0.02 99.77 Ystogram Nec | 1 0.02 99.79 Ystometrogram | 1 0.02 99.81 Ystoscopy Nec | 1 0.02 99.84 Ystoscopy Thru Stoma | 1 0.02 99.86 Ystostomy Closure | 1 0.02 99.88 Ystostomy Irrigation | 1 0.02 99.91 Ystotomy & Adhesiolysis | 1 0.02 99.93 Ystotomy And Cystostomy* | 1 0.02 99.95 Ystotomy Nec | 1 0.02 99.98 Ystourethroplasty | 1 0.02 100.00 -------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 4,299 100.00 by Jean Roth , , 29 Jun 2017