table_name field_name var_name field_type field_display var_desc first_year last_year blank_pct rcv_main award_key Award Key int(11) id A derived field that uniquely identifies an Award. This field is derived using a distinct combination of the following component fields: Award_type, Prime_DUNS, Award_id and Order_number. 0 rcv_main recipient_role Recipient Type char(2) code:n:short:rcv_role An indicator for the type of recipient -- P:prime recipient, S:sub-recipient, and PV:Vendor to Prime recipient or SV:Vendor to Sub-recipient. 0 rcv_main version_flag Version Flag char(1) code:n:short:rcv_version This field is used to identify the last record for each versioned_id/non-versioned_id combination to facilitate determining the last record. F indicates current record. H indicates historic. 0 rcv_main record_status Record Status char(1) code:n:short:rcv_status Indicates the status of the entry - D:Draft, I:Initial submission, X:Deleted. After the initial submission state, the future states are interpreted by the application using time stamps. X stands for a logical deletion of the record. 0 rcv_main active_flag Active Status char(1) code:n:short:rcv_active A = active record, I = inactive record. 0 rcv_main agency_reviewed_flag Agency Reviewed Flag char(1) yn Yes/No field. Yes would indicate that the agency review has been done in the 22-29 day phase. This flag is used in combination with the correction flag. 52.739700361773 rcv_main prime_reviewed_flag Prime Reviewed Flag char(1) yn Yes/No field. Yes would indicate that the prime recipient review has been done in the 11-21 day phase. This flag is used in combination with the correction flag. 52.739700361773 rcv_main correction_flag Correction Flag char(1) yn Yes/No field. Yes would indicate that a correction was initiated. The correction could be by agency or by prime recipient depending on the phase of the reporting process. 52.739700361773 rcv_main funding_agency_cd Funding Agency Code varchar(4) code:s:long:rcv_agency_cd:agency:agency_tr A numeric code for the Federal Agency that is responsible for funding/distributing the ARRA funds to recipients. 0.29091751432445 rcv_main funding_agency_name Funding Agency Name varchar(100) The Federal Agency name corresponding to the Federal Agency Code used. 0.29091751432445 rcv_main awarding_agency_cd Awarding Agency Code varchar(4) code:s:long:rcv_agency_cd:agency:agency_tr Numeric code for the agency that awarded and is administering the award on behalf of the funding agency. 0.29091751432445 rcv_main awarding_agency_name Awarding Agency Name varchar(100) The Federal Agency Name corresponding to the Awarding agency code used. 0.29091751432445 rcv_main funding_tas Program Source (TAS) varchar(7) code:s:long:rcv_psref_cd:psref:psref_tr The Agency Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) that identifies the funding Program Source. The Program Source is based out of the OMB TAS list. 0.29091751432445 rcv_main tas_sub_account TAS Sub-account char(3) The TAS (Treasury Account Symbol identifying the funding program source) subaccount code related to the agency. This is an optional field. 98.30150500419 rcv_main fiscal_year Calendar Year smallint(6) id The calendar year of the report. 0 rcv_main fiscal_qtr Calendar Quarter char(1) The calendar quarter of the report. 0 rcv_main recipient_duns_number Prime Recipient DUNS Number varchar(9) The prime recipient for the award's Dun & Bradstreet number. 0 rcv_main sub_duns_number Sub-recipient DUNS Number varchar(9) The sub-recipient's Dun & Bradstreet number. 38.984990836439 rcv_main recipient_name Recipient Name varchar(100) The name of the recipient (prime recipient, sub-recipient, or vendor) 1.7967733364219 rcv_main recipient_zip_code Recipient Zip Code varchar(10) The zip code of the recipient (prime recipient, sub-recipient, or vendor) 28.733725311186 rcv_main recipient_state Recipient State (Original) varchar(20) code:s:long:alldb.all_state_cd:state:state_tr The postal state abbreviation for the state in the recipient's address. (Can be for prime recipient or sub-recipient). 52.765078997391 rcv_main award_number Award Number varchar(50) The identifying number assigned by the awarding Federal Agency such as the federal grant number, federal contract number or the federal loan number. For grants and loans, this is assigned by the prime recipient. 0.00085163206769453 rcv_main order_number Order Number varchar(50) This is an identifying number assigned to the contract. 93.269381442597 rcv_main sub_award_number Sub-Award Number varchar(55) Sub-award number or other identifying number assigned by the recipient entity. For grants and loans, this is assigned by the sub-recipient. 38.984990836439 rcv_main cfda_number CFDA Number varchar(6) code:s:long:rcv_cfda_cd:cfda:cfda_tr The Catalog of Federal Domestic Number is the number associated with the published description of a Federal Assistance program in the CFDA. (For grants and loans only). 10.255183032764 rcv_main recipient_cong_dist Original Recipient Congressional District char(2) A numeric designation providing the recipient's congressional district. (For prime recipients and sub-recipients only.) 52.739700361773 rcv_main recipient_account_number Recipient Account Number varchar(250) Recipient's internal account number for the award. The account number of any other identifying number assigned by the recipient to the award. This number is strictly for the use of the recipient and is not required by the awarding Federal agency. 92.277230083732 rcv_main final_report Final Report (Yes/No) char(1) yn Yes indicates that this is the final report and that there will be no further quarterly reports. 82.653617392371 rcv_main input_type Input Type char(2) code:n:short:rcv_input Provides information on the method of submission. 52.739700361773 rcv_main input_version Input Version varchar(4) Provides information on the version of the method of submssion type. 52.739700361773 rcv_main award_type Award Type char(1) code:n:short:rcv_awtype C = contract, G = grant, L = loan. 0 rcv_main award_date Award Date (Original Field) varchar(30) The date when the award was signed. This is the original field, untranslated by OMB Watch into a formatted date. 52.739700361773 rcv_main award_description Award Description text wrap For Contracts: The description of the overall purpose and expected outcomes, or results of the contract funded by the Recovery Act. For Grants and Loans: Award title and description with purpose of each funding action if any. 98.62972400308 rcv_main award_amount_orig Award Amount (Original) decimal(18,2) dollars The award amount as reported in the original data file, which is the award amount for primary recipients only, amounts for sub-recipients and vendors being in Local Amount. 82.712380005042 rcv_main local_amount Local Amount decimal(18,2) dollars For primary recipients, the award amount minus the total sub-recipient award amounts. For sub-recipients and vendors, the award amount. Intended to be used to track money spent at places of performance. 7.895480899596 rcv_main project_name Project Name varchar(255) The brief descriptive title of the project or activity funded in whole or in part with Recovery Act funds. Applies only to grants and loans. 73.957432022728 rcv_main project_description Project Description text wrap For grants and loans, a description of the overall purpose and expected outputs and outcomes or results of the award and first-tier subaward(s). For contracts, a description of all significant services performed / supplies delivered. 99.598370316875 rcv_main project_status Project Status varchar(25) Evaluation of the completion status of the project, activity or contract. 1: not started, 2: less than 50% completed, 3: completed 50% or more, 4: Fully completed. 0.29091751432445 rcv_main job_creation Job Creation Description text wrap A narrative description of the employment impact of the recovery act funded work. 99.090286625289 rcv_main number_of_jobs Number of FTEs decimal(7,2) The number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs created and retained. 96.497748284813 rcv_main total_fed_arra_received Total ARRA Funds Received decimal(18,2) dollars For Grants and Loans: The amount of Recovery Act funds received through draw-down, reimbursement or invoice. For Federally Awarded Contracts: The amount of Recovery Act funds invoiced by the federal contractor (cumulative). 83.422641149499 rcv_main total_fed_arra_exp Total ARRA Funds Expended decimal(18,2) dollars Amount of recovery funds received that were expended to projects or activities ("Federal Share of Expenditures"). The cumulative total for the amount of Federal fund expenditures. For grants and loans only. 64.125339801195 rcv_main total_infrastructure_exp Total ARRA Infrastructure Expenses decimal(18,2) dollars Total Federal ARRA infrastructure expenditure. For grants and loans only. 96.499962528189 rcv_main infrastructure_rationale Infrastructure Purpose text wrap Purpose and rationale of funds received for infrastructure investment with funds made available under the Recovery Act. For grants and loans only. 99.160461107667 rcv_main pop_st_address_1 Place of Performance Street 1 varchar(60) Primary place of performance first line of street address. 24.505542421497 rcv_main pop_st_address_2 Place of Performance Street 2 varchar(60) Primary place of permformance second line of street address. 93.976406385197 rcv_main pop_state_cd Place of Performance State char(2) code:n:long:alldb.all_state_cd:state:state_tr Primary place of performance postal state abbreviation. 0.099129972679643 rcv_main pop_country_cd Place of Performance Country char(2) code:n:long:alldb.all_country_cd:country:country_tr Primary place of performance country code. 0.044114541106577 rcv_main pop_city Place of Performance City varchar(35) Primary place of performance city. 0.044114541106577 rcv_main pop_postal_cd Place of Performance Postal Code varchar(9) Primary place of performance postal code (Zip code, within U.S.). 0.089762019935003 rcv_main pop_cong_dist Original Place of Perf. Congressional District char(2) Primary place of performance Congressional District. 0.060465876806312 rcv_main prime_recipient_highcomp_rpt_app_flag High Compensation Applicability (Yes/No) char(1) yn Yes indicates that high compensation information needs to be reported. 52.739700361773 rcv_main recipient_officer_1 Recipient Officer 1 varchar(100) First highly compensated officer of recipient. 98.933756651246 rcv_main recipient_officer_2 Recipient Officer 2 varchar(100) Second highly compensated officer of recipient. 99.347649836146 rcv_main recipient_officer_3 Recipient Officer 3 varchar(100) Third highly compensated officer of recipient. 99.445757850344 rcv_main recipient_officer_4 Recipient Officer 4 varchar(100) Fourth highly compensated officer of recpient. 99.518146576098 rcv_main recipient_officer_5 Recipient Officer 5 varchar(100) Fifth highly compensated officer of recipient. 99.561579811551 rcv_main recipient_officer_totalcomp_1 Recipient Officer 1 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of first highly compensated officer. 98.974975643323 rcv_main recipient_officer_totalcomp_2 Recipient Officer 2 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of second highly compensated officer. 99.373880103831 rcv_main recipient_officer_totalcomp_3 Recipient Officer 3 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of third highly compensated officer. 99.469944201067 rcv_main recipient_officer_totalcomp_4 Recipient Officer 4 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of fourth highly compensated officer. 99.54182194758 rcv_main recipient_officer_totalcomp_5 Recipient Officer 5 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of fifth highly compensated officer. 99.568563194506 rcv_main total_number_small_subaward Number of Sub-awards Less Than $25,000 bigint(20) The total number of sub-awards of less than $25,000. For prime recipients only. 98.188067612773 rcv_main total_amount_small_subaward Dollars of Sub-awards Less Than $25,000 decimal(18,2) dollars The total dollar amount of sub-awards less than $25,000. For prime recipients only. 98.214297880458 rcv_main total_number_small_subaward_indiv Number of Sub-awards to Individuals bigint(20) The total number of sub-awards to individuals. For prime recipients only. 98.856258133086 rcv_main total_amount_small_subaward_indiv Dollars of Sub-awards to Individuals decimal(18,2) dollars The total dollar amount of sub-awards to individuals. For prime recipients only. 98.859153682116 rcv_main total_number_small_subaward_vend Number of Vendor Payments Less Than $25,000 bigint(20) The total number of payments to vendors of less than $25,000. For prime recipients only. 94.787330440055 rcv_main total_amount_small_subaward_vend Dollars of Vendor Payments Less Than $25,000 decimal(18,2) dollars The total dollars of payments to vendors of less than $25,000. For prime recpients only. 94.792099579634 rcv_main govt_contract_office_cd Contracting Office Code varchar(6) The agency supplied code of the government contracting office that executed the transaction. For prime recipients only. 95.154213534818 rcv_main govt_office_name Contracting Office Name varchar(250) The name of the government contracting office that executed the transaction. For prime recipients only. 100 rcv_main infrastructure_contact_name Infrastructure Contact Name varchar(250) The name of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 95.480388616745 rcv_main infrastructure_contact_email Infrastructure Contact Email varchar(100) The Email address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 95.578837283771 rcv_main infrastructure_contact_phone Infrastructure Contact Phone varchar(20) The phone number of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 95.578155978116 rcv_main infrastructure_contact_phone_ext Infrastructure Contact Phone Ext varchar(10) The phone extension of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 99.387335890501 rcv_main infrastructure_st_address_1 Infrastructure Contact Street 1 varchar(60) The first line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 95.62261117205 rcv_main infrastructure_st_address_2 Infrastructure Contact Street 2 varchar(60) The second line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 99.357188115304 rcv_main infrastructure_st_address_3 Infrastructure Contact Street 3 varchar(60) The third line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 99.826607711017 rcv_main infrastructure_city Infrastructure Contact City varchar(35) The city in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 95.478004046956 rcv_main infrastructure_state_cd Infrastructure Contact State char(2) code:s:long:alldb.all_state_cd:state:state_tr The postal state abbreviation in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 95.501849744851 rcv_main infrastructure_postal_cd Infrastructure Contact Postal Code varchar(9) The postal code (in the U.S., a Zip code) in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 95.548689508574 rcv_main activity_code Activity Code varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr The NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 0.29091751432445 rcv_main project_activity_desc Project Activity Description varchar(250) A translation of the first project / activity code. 82.653617392371 rcv_main activity_code_2 Activity Code 2 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A second NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 67.951211702106 rcv_main activity_code_3 Activity Code 3 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A third NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 84.402018027348 rcv_main activity_code_4 Activity Code 4 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A fourth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 88.293976576712 rcv_main activity_code_5 Activity Code 5 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A fifth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 90.312344577148 rcv_main activity_code_6 Activity Code 6 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A sixth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 91.796739271139 rcv_main activity_code_7 Activity Code 7 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A seventh NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 92.853784993562 rcv_main activity_code_8 Activity Code 8 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr An eighth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 95.069561307289 rcv_main activity_code_9 Activity Code 9 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A ninth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 96.180089523563 rcv_main activity_code_10 Activity Code 10 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A tenth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 96.916751262119 rcv_main late_submission_flag Late Submission Flag char(1) yn Yes/No field. Yes indicates a late submission. 99.827799995912 rcv_main late_submission_justification Late Submission Justification text wrap A justification for a late submission. 99.998637388692 rcv_main tmsp_last_updt Last Update Timestamp varchar(30) Date / time stamp of last update for the record. 0 rcv_main tmsp_created Creation Timestamp varchar(30) Date / time stamp of creation of the record. 0 rcv_main pop_latitude Place of Performance Latitude decimal(14,10) Latitude (as decimal degrees) of place of performance, as taken from an inferred geo-code. 52.742255257976 rcv_main pop_longitude Place of Performance Longitude decimal(15,10) Longitude (as decimal degrees) of place of performance, as taken from an infered geo-code. 52.742255257976 rcv_main vendor_duns Vendor DUNS Number varchar(9) The Dun & Bradstreet number of the vendor. 84.355518916451 rcv_main record_id Record ID bigint(20) id A unique ID number for each record. Field added by OMB Watch. 0 rcv_main award_dt Award Date date The date when the award was signed. Translated by OMB Watch into a common date format. 52.739700361773 rcv_main tmsp_last_updt_dt Last Update Date date Date of last update of the record. Converted by OMB Watch from timestamp. 0 rcv_main tmsp_created_dt Creation Date date Date of creation of record. Converted by OMB Watch from timestamp. 0 rcv_main activity_search Activity Search varchar(255) A search string containing all the activity codes for the record. 0.29091751432445 rcv_main award_amount Award Amount decimal(18,2) dollars For Grants: total Federal dollars. For Loans: face value of the loan obligated by the Federal Agency. For Contracts: total amount obligated by the Federal Agency. For Vendors: payment amount. For recipients: the amount of the award or sub-award. 7.2698719826676 rcv_main recipient_st Recipient State char(2) code:s:long:alldb.all_state_cd:state:state_tr The postal state abbreviation for the state in the recipient's address. (Can be for prime or sub-recipient). Some bad codes have been corrected by OMB Watch. 52.017857021195 rcv_main recipient_rl Recipient Role char(1) Contains p for primes, s for subs, v for vendors. Field created by OMB Watch. 0 rcv_main new_award_key New Award Key int(11) Award key created on RTK NET using original award key plus the four data fields that it is supposed to be based on (but is not actually based on). 0 rcv_main num_prim Number of Prime Recipients int(11) The number of prime recipent records for a sub-recipient or prime or sub-recipient vendor record. Field added by OMB Watch. 17.637300121954 rcv_main num_sub Number of Sub-Recipients int(11) The number of sub-recipient records for a prime recipient or sub-recipient vendor record. Field added by OMB Watch. 65.641585534518 rcv_main num_prim_vend Number of Prime Vendors int(11) The number of prime recipient vendor records for a prime recipient record. Field added by OMB Watch. 96.177193974533 rcv_main num_sub_vend Number of Sub-recipient Vendors int(11) The number of sub-recipient vendor records for a sub-recipent record. Field added by OMB Watch. 93.271766012386 rcv_main job_ratio Job / Award Ratio decimal(18,3) The number of jobs created or maintained divided by the award amount in millions of dollars. Field added by OMB Watch. 96.498599916881 rcv_main job_rcv_ratio Job / Received Ratio decimal(18,3) The number of jobs created or maintained divided by the amount of ARRA funds received in millions of dollars. Field added by OMB Watch. 96.531132261867 rcv_main job_exp_ratio Job / Expenditure Ratio decimal(18,3) The number of jobs created or maintained divided by the amount of ARRA funds expended in millions of dollars. Field added by OMB Watch. 97.02558984037 rcv_main recipient_cd Recipient Congressional District varchar(4) The Congressional District that the recipient is located in. This field has been regularized by OMB Watch. 52.794715793346 rcv_main pop_cd Place of Perf. Congressional District varchar(4) The Congressional District in which work was performed. This field has been regularized by OMB Watch. 0.099470625506721 rcv_main amount_sub Total Sub-recipient Award Amount decimal(18,2) dollars The total amount of awards to all sub-recipients of a prime recipient. Field added by OMB Watch. 96.704865203676 rcv_main amount_vend Total Vendor Amount decimal(18,2) dollars The total amount of payments to all vendors (both prime and sub) for a prime recipient. Field added by OMB Watch. 92.474468070611 rcv_main amount_retain Amount Retained decimal(18,2) The dollar amount of the award retained by the recipient or vendor. For prime vendors, equals award amount minus sub-granted amount minus vendor payments. For subs, equals sub-granted amount minus vendor payments. Added by OMB Watch. 9.3539859787296 rcv_main proj_name Composite Project Name varchar(250) A field containing the project name or, if that was blank, the recipient name. Field created by OMB Watch. 1.0744190166034 rcv_main entity_duns Entity DUNS varchar(9) The D&B number of the prime or sub recipient. This field is not populated for vendors. 52.739700361773 rcv_main payer_name Received From varchar(100) The name of the prime recipient, if the record is for a sub-recipient, or the sub-recipient if the reord is for a sub-recipient vendor. Added by OMB Watch. 0.12621187243233 rcv_main awarding_agency_cat Major Awarding Agency char(2) code:n:long:rcv_majagency_cd:majagency:majagency_tr The major agency that awarded and is administering the grant. Field added by OMB Watch. 0 rcv_main funding_agency_cat Major Funding Agency char(2) code:n:long:rcv_majagency_cd:majagency:majagency_tr The major agency that funded that award. Field added by OMB Watch. 0 rcv_main yrq Calendar Year and Quarter int(11) id The calendar year and calendar quarter of the record, combined as a five-digit number. Field added by 0 rcv_main_qtr award_key Award Key int(11) id A derived field that uniquely identifies an Award. This field is derived using a distinct combination of the following component fields: Award_type, Prime_DUNS, Award_id and Order_number. 0 rcv_main_qtr recipient_role Recipient Type char(2) code:n:short:rcv_role An indicator for the type of recipient -- P:prime recipient, S:sub-recipient, and PV:Vendor to Prime recipient or SV:Vendor to Sub-recipient. 0 rcv_main_qtr version_flag Version Flag char(1) code:n:short:rcv_version This field is used to identify the last record for each versioned_id/non-versioned_id combination to facilitate determining the last record. F indicates current record. H indicates historic. 0 rcv_main_qtr record_status Record Status char(1) code:n:short:rcv_status Indicates the status of the entry - D:Draft, I:Initial submission, X:Deleted. After the initial submission state, the future states are interpreted by the application using time stamps. X stands for a logical deletion of the record. 0 rcv_main_qtr active_flag Active Status char(1) code:n:short:rcv_active A = active record, I = inactive record. 0 rcv_main_qtr agency_reviewed_flag Agency Reviewed Flag char(1) yn Yes/No field. Yes would indicate that the agency review has been done in the 22-29 day phase. This flag is used in combination with the correction flag. 47.554546783943 rcv_main_qtr prime_reviewed_flag Prime Reviewed Flag char(1) yn Yes/No field. Yes would indicate that the prime recipient review has been done in the 11-21 day phase. This flag is used in combination with the correction flag. 47.554546783943 rcv_main_qtr correction_flag Correction Flag char(1) yn Yes/No field. Yes would indicate that a correction was initiated. The correction could be by agency or by prime recipient depending on the phase of the reporting process. 47.554546783943 rcv_main_qtr funding_agency_cd Funding Agency Code varchar(4) code:s:long:rcv_agency_cd:agency:agency_tr A numeric code for the Federal Agency that is responsible for funding/distributing the ARRA funds to recipients. 0.25350493744213 rcv_main_qtr funding_agency_name Funding Agency Name varchar(100) The Federal Agency name corresponding to the Federal Agency Code used. 0.25350493744213 rcv_main_qtr awarding_agency_cd Awarding Agency Code varchar(4) code:s:long:rcv_agency_cd:agency:agency_tr Numeric code for the agency that awarded and is administering the award on behalf of the funding agency. 0.25350493744213 rcv_main_qtr awarding_agency_name Awarding Agency Name varchar(100) The Federal Agency Name corresponding to the Awarding agency code used. 0.25350493744213 rcv_main_qtr funding_tas Program Source (TAS) varchar(7) code:s:long:rcv_psref_cd:psref:psref_tr The Agency Treasury Account Symbol (TAS) that identifies the funding Program Source. The Program Source is based out of the OMB TAS list. 0.25350493744213 rcv_main_qtr tas_sub_account TAS Sub-account char(3) The TAS (Treasury Account Symbol identifying the funding program source) subaccount code related to the agency. This is an optional field. 97.997769375776 rcv_main_qtr fiscal_year Calendar Year smallint(6) id The Calendar year of the report. 0 rcv_main_qtr fiscal_qtr Calendar Quarter char(1) The calendar quarter of the report. 0 rcv_main_qtr recipient_duns_number Prime Recipient DUNS Number varchar(9) The prime recipient for the award's Dun & Bradstreet number. 0.00072244921244317 rcv_main_qtr sub_duns_number Sub-recipient DUNS Number varchar(9) The sub-recipient's Dun & Bradstreet number. 36.765664629609 rcv_main_qtr recipient_name Recipient Name varchar(100) The name of the recipient (prime recipient, sub-recipient, or vendor) 1.9349431992991 rcv_main_qtr recipient_zip_code Recipient Zip Code varchar(10) The zip code of the recipient (prime recipient, sub-recipient, or vendor) 32.246844453944 rcv_main_qtr recipient_state Recipient State (Original) varchar(20) code:s:long:alldb.all_state_cd:state:state_tr The postal state abbreviation for the state in the recipient's address. (Can be for prime recipient or sub-recipient). 47.582498094852 rcv_main_qtr award_number Award Number varchar(50) The identifying number assigned by the awarding Federal Agency such as the federal grant number, federal contract number or the federal loan number. For grants and loans, this is assigned by the prime recipient. 0.00012456020904193 rcv_main_qtr order_number Order Number varchar(50) This is an identifying number assigned to the contract. 95.010516618449 rcv_main_qtr sub_award_number Sub-Award Number varchar(55) Sub-award number or other identifying number assigned by the recipient entity. For grants and loans, this is assigned by the sub-recipient. 36.765664629609 rcv_main_qtr cfda_number CFDA Number varchar(6) code:s:long:rcv_cfda_cd:cfda:cfda_tr The Catalog of Federal Domestic Number is the number associated with the published description of a Federal Assistance program in the CFDA. (For grants and loans only). 7.5916707086455 rcv_main_qtr recipient_cong_dist Original Recipient Congressional District char(2) A numeric designation providing the recipient's congressional district. (For prime recipients and sub-recipients only.) 47.554546783943 rcv_main_qtr recipient_account_number Recipient Account Number varchar(250) Recipient's internal account number for the award. The account number of any other identifying number assigned by the recipient to the award. This number is strictly for the use of the recipient and is not required by the awarding Federal agency. 91.423207510084 rcv_main_qtr final_report Final Report (Yes/No) char(1) yn Yes indicates that this is the final report and that there will be no further quarterly reports. 82.309411046946 rcv_main_qtr input_type Input Type char(2) code:n:short:rcv_input Provides information on the method of submission. 47.554546783943 rcv_main_qtr input_version Input Version varchar(4) Provides information on the version of the method of submssion type. 47.554546783943 rcv_main_qtr award_type Award Type char(1) code:n:short:rcv_awtype C = contract, G = grant, L = loan. 0 rcv_main_qtr award_date Award Date (Original Field) varchar(30) The date when the award was signed. This is the original field, untranslated by OMB Watch into a formatted date. 47.556564659329 rcv_main_qtr award_description Award Description text wrap For Contracts: The description of the overall purpose and expected outcomes, or results of the contract funded by the Recovery Act. For Grants and Loans: Award title and description with purpose of each funding action if any. 98.571144930038 rcv_main_qtr award_amount_orig Award Amount (Original) decimal(18,2) dollars The award amount as reported in the original data file, which is the award amount for primary recipients only, amounts for sub-recipients and vendors being in Local Amount. 82.321568123348 rcv_main_qtr local_amount Local Amount decimal(18,2) dollars For primary recipients, the award amount minus the total sub-recipient award amounts. For sub-recipients and vendors, the award amount. Intended to be used to track money spent at places of performance. 8.3672323942241 rcv_main_qtr project_name Project Name varchar(255) The brief descriptive title of the project or activity funded in whole or in part with Recovery Act funds. Applies only to grants and loans. 85.158401972237 rcv_main_qtr project_description Project Description text wrap For grants and loans, a description of the overall purpose and expected outputs and outcomes or results of the award and first-tier subaward(s). For contracts, a description of all significant services performed / supplies delivered. 99.605766938382 rcv_main_qtr project_status Project Status varchar(25) Evaluation of the completion status of the project, activity or contract. 1: not started, 2: less than 50% completed, 3: completed 50% or more, 4: Fully completed. 0.25350493744213 rcv_main_qtr job_creation Job Creation Description text wrap A narrative description of the employment impact of the recovery act funded work. 99.078354101257 rcv_main_qtr number_of_jobs Number of FTEs decimal(7,2) The number of Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) jobs created and retained. 89.105266580023 rcv_main_qtr total_fed_arra_received Total ARRA Funds Received decimal(18,2) dollars For Grants and Loans: The amount of Recovery Act funds received through draw-down, reimbursement or invoice. For Federally Awarded Contracts: The amount of Recovery Act funds invoiced by the federal contractor (cumulative). 85.36853504489 rcv_main_qtr total_fed_arra_exp Total ARRA Funds Expended decimal(18,2) dollars Amount of recovery funds received that were expended to projects or activities ("Federal Share of Expenditures"). The cumulative total for the amount of Federal fund expenditures. For grants and loans only. 62.273552653967 rcv_main_qtr total_infrastructure_exp Total ARRA Infrastructure Expenses decimal(18,2) dollars Total Federal ARRA infrastructure expenditure. For grants and loans only. 96.422306939772 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_rationale Infrastructure Purpose text wrap Purpose and rationale of funds received for infrastructure investment with funds made available under the Recovery Act. For grants and loans only. 99.006358300431 rcv_main_qtr pop_st_address_1 Place of Performance Street 1 varchar(60) Primary place of performance first line of street address. 26.333149233344 rcv_main_qtr pop_st_address_2 Place of Performance Street 2 varchar(60) Primary place of permformance second line of street address. 94.615311987201 rcv_main_qtr pop_state_cd Place of Performance State char(2) code:n:long:alldb.all_state_cd:state:state_tr Primary place of performance postal state abbreviation. 0.096882930592809 rcv_main_qtr pop_country_cd Place of Performance Country char(2) code:n:long:alldb.all_country_cd:country:country_tr Primary place of performance country code. 0.048379185191884 rcv_main_qtr pop_city Place of Performance City varchar(35) Primary place of performance city. 0.048379185191884 rcv_main_qtr pop_postal_cd Place of Performance Postal Code varchar(9) Primary place of performance postal code (Zip code, within U.S.). 0.085124446859252 rcv_main_qtr pop_cong_dist Original Place of Perf. Congressional District char(2) Primary place of performance Congressional District. 0.062379752688196 rcv_main_qtr prime_recipient_highcomp_rpt_app_flag High Compensation Applicability (Yes/No) char(1) yn Yes indicates that high compensation information needs to be reported. 47.554546783943 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_1 Recipient Officer 1 varchar(100) First highly compensated officer of recipient. 99.02232691923 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_2 Recipient Officer 2 varchar(100) Second highly compensated officer of recipient. 99.322691407314 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_3 Recipient Officer 3 varchar(100) Third highly compensated officer of recipient. 99.404975881407 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_4 Recipient Officer 4 varchar(100) Fourth highly compensated officer of recpient. 99.459956757678 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_5 Recipient Officer 5 varchar(100) Fifth highly compensated officer of recipient. 99.49951708007 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_totalcomp_1 Recipient Officer 1 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of first highly compensated officer. 99.06806542799 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_totalcomp_2 Recipient Officer 2 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of second highly compensated officer. 99.357742650138 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_totalcomp_3 Recipient Officer 3 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of third highly compensated officer. 99.43133282164 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_totalcomp_4 Recipient Officer 4 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of fourth highly compensated officer. 99.485790545033 rcv_main_qtr recipient_officer_totalcomp_5 Recipient Officer 5 Compensation decimal(18,2) dollars Total compensation of fifth highly compensated officer. 99.509182952291 rcv_main_qtr total_number_small_subaward Number of Sub-awards Less Than $25,000 bigint(20) The total number of sub-awards of less than $25,000. For prime recipients only. 98.617954656596 rcv_main_qtr total_amount_small_subaward Dollars of Sub-awards Less Than $25,000 decimal(18,2) dollars The total dollar amount of sub-awards less than $25,000. For prime recipients only. 98.640400406266 rcv_main_qtr total_number_small_subaward_indiv Number of Sub-awards to Individuals bigint(20) The total number of sub-awards to individuals. For prime recipients only. 99.123245600596 rcv_main_qtr total_amount_small_subaward_indiv Dollars of Sub-awards to Individuals decimal(18,2) dollars The total dollar amount of sub-awards to individuals. For prime recipients only. 99.130818861305 rcv_main_qtr total_number_small_subaward_vend Number of Vendor Payments Less Than $25,000 bigint(20) The total number of payments to vendors of less than $25,000. For prime recipients only. 94.329197187032 rcv_main_qtr total_amount_small_subaward_vend Dollars of Vendor Payments Less Than $25,000 decimal(18,2) dollars The total dollars of payments to vendors of less than $25,000. For prime recpients only. 94.335250813191 rcv_main_qtr govt_contract_office_cd Contracting Office Code varchar(6) The agency supplied code of the government contracting office that executed the transaction. For prime recipients only. 97.151457491462 rcv_main_qtr govt_office_name Contracting Office Name varchar(250) The name of the government contracting office that executed the transaction. For prime recipients only. 100 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_contact_name Infrastructure Contact Name varchar(250) The name of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 94.609108888791 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_contact_email Infrastructure Contact Email varchar(100) The Email address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 94.753175226569 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_contact_phone Infrastructure Contact Phone varchar(20) The phone number of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 94.753523995154 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_contact_phone_ext Infrastructure Contact Phone Ext varchar(10) The phone extension of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 99.342247360133 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_st_address_1 Infrastructure Contact Street 1 varchar(60) The first line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 94.8406663174 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_st_address_2 Infrastructure Contact Street 2 varchar(60) The second line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 99.260162182375 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_st_address_3 Infrastructure Contact Street 3 varchar(60) The third line in the street address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 99.784984167152 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_city Infrastructure Contact City varchar(35) The city in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 94.628017128523 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_state_cd Infrastructure Contact State char(2) code:s:long:alldb.all_state_cd:state:state_tr The postal state abbreviation in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 94.681154513701 rcv_main_qtr infrastructure_postal_cd Infrastructure Contact Postal Code varchar(9) The postal code (in the U.S., a Zip code) in the address of a contact person for an infrastructure project. For grants and loans only. 94.718373104162 rcv_main_qtr activity_code Activity Code varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr The NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 0.25499965995063 rcv_main_qtr project_activity_desc Project Activity Description varchar(250) A translation of the first project / activity code. 82.309535607155 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_2 Activity Code 2 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A second NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 67.401895756558 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_3 Activity Code 3 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A third NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 83.390543837346 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_4 Activity Code 4 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A fourth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 87.652246829507 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_5 Activity Code 5 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A fifth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 89.763019219889 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_6 Activity Code 6 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A sixth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 91.387259433754 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_7 Activity Code 7 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A seventh NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 92.492955497378 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_8 Activity Code 8 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr An eighth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 95.111485123899 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_9 Activity Code 9 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A ninth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 95.960288212394 rcv_main_qtr activity_code_10 Activity Code 10 varchar(10) code:s:long:rcv_act_cd:act:act_tr A tenth NAICS or NTEE-NPC code that describes the projects or activities under the award. 97.051211435225 rcv_main_qtr late_submission_flag Late Submission Flag char(1) yn Yes/No field. Yes indicates a late submission. 99.53588866111 rcv_main_qtr late_submission_justification Late Submission Justification text wrap A justification for a late submission. 99.998953694244 rcv_main_qtr tmsp_last_updt Last Update Timestamp varchar(30) Date / time stamp of last update for the record. 0 rcv_main_qtr tmsp_created Creation Timestamp varchar(30) Date / time stamp of creation of the record. 0 rcv_main_qtr vendor_duns Vendor DUNS Number varchar(9) The Dun & Bradstreet number of the vendor. 85.099011664565 rcv_main_qtr record_id Record ID bigint(20) unsigned id A unique ID number for each record. Field added by OMB Watch. 0 rcv_main_qtr award_dt Award Date date The date when the award was signed. Translated by OMB Watch into a common date format. 47.556564659329 rcv_main_qtr tmsp_last_updt_dt Last Update Date date Date of last update of the record. Converted by OMB Watch from timestamp. 0 rcv_main_qtr tmsp_created_dt Creation Date date Date of creation of record. Converted by OMB Watch from timestamp. 0 rcv_main_qtr activity_search Activity Search varchar(255) A search string containing all the activity codes for the record. 0.25499965995063 rcv_main_qtr award_amount Award Amount decimal(18,2) dollars For Grants: total Federal dollars. For Loans: face value of the loan obligated by the Federal Agency. For Contracts: total amount obligated by the Federal Agency. For Vendors: payment amount. For recipients: the amount of the award or sub-award. 7.6251774048777 rcv_main_qtr recipient_st Recipient State char(2) code:s:long:alldb.all_state_cd:state:state_tr The postal state abbreviation for the state in the recipient's address. (Can be for prime or sub-recipient). Some bad codes have been corrected by OMB Watch. 46.874248746239 rcv_main_qtr recipient_rl Recipient Role char(1) Contains p for primes, s for subs, v for vendors. Field created by OMB Watch. 0 rcv_main_qtr new_award_key New Award Key int(11) Award key created on RTK NET using original award key plus the four data fields that it is supposed to be based on (but is not actually based on). 0 rcv_main_qtr num_prim Number of Prime Recipients int(11) The number of prime recipent records for a sub-recipient or prime or sub-recipient vendor record. Field added by OMB Watch. 17.944093890496 rcv_main_qtr num_sub Number of Sub-Recipients int(11) The number of sub-recipient records for a prime recipient or sub-recipient vendor record. Field added by OMB Watch. 68.074869653969 rcv_main_qtr num_prim_vend Number of Prime Vendors int(11) The number of prime recipient vendor records for a prime recipient record. Field added by OMB Watch. 96.052686975461 rcv_main_qtr num_sub_vend Number of Sub-recipient Vendors int(11) The number of sub-recipient vendor records for a sub-recipent record. Field added by OMB Watch. 92.851414866958 rcv_main_qtr job_ratio Job / Award Ratio decimal(18,3) The number of jobs created or maintained divided by the award amount in millions of dollars. Field added by OMB Watch. 89.106287973737 rcv_main_qtr job_rcv_ratio Job / Received Ratio decimal(18,3) The number of jobs created or maintained divided by the amount of ARRA funds received in millions of dollars. Field added by OMB Watch. 89.708436936287 rcv_main_qtr job_exp_ratio Job / Expenditure Ratio decimal(18,3) The number of jobs created or maintained divided by the amount of ARRA funds expended in millions of dollars. Field added by OMB Watch. 91.43155304409 rcv_main_qtr recipient_cd Recipient Congressional District varchar(4) The Congressional District that the recipient is located in. This field has been regularized by OMB Watch. 47.613289378527 rcv_main_qtr pop_cd Place of Perf. Congressional District varchar(4) The Congressional District in which work was performed. This field has been regularized by OMB Watch. 0.097156963052702 rcv_main_qtr amount_sub Total Sub-recipient Award Amount decimal(18,2) dollars The total amount of awards to all sub-recipients of a prime recipient. Field added by OMB Watch. 96.512737651537 rcv_main_qtr amount_vend Total Vendor Amount decimal(18,2) dollars The total amount of payments to all vendors (both prime and sub) for a prime recipient. Field added by OMB Watch. 92.533163532856 rcv_main_qtr amount_retain Amount Retained decimal(18,2) The dollar amount of the award retained by the recipient or vendor. For prime vendors, equals award amount minus sub-granted amount minus vendor payments. For subs, equals sub-granted amount minus vendor payments. Added by OMB Watch. 9.2741054521747 rcv_main_qtr proj_name Composite Project Name varchar(250) A field containing the project name or, if that was blank, the recipient name. Field created by OMB Watch. 1.9349431992991 rcv_main_qtr entity_duns Entity DUNS varchar(9) The D&B number of the prime or sub recipient. This field is not populated for vendors. 47.554546783943 rcv_main_qtr payer_name Received From varchar(100) The name of the prime recipient, if the record is for a sub-recipient, or the sub-recipient if the reord is for a sub-recipient vendor. Added by OMB Watch. 0.14932277859946 rcv_main_qtr awarding_agency_cat Major Awarding Agency char(2) code:n:long:rcv_majagency_cd:majagency:majagency_tr The major agency that awarded and is administering the grant. Field added by OMB Watch. 0 rcv_main_qtr funding_agency_cat Major Funding Agency char(2) code:n:long:rcv_majagency_cd:majagency:majagency_tr The major agency that funded that award. Field added by OMB Watch. 0 rcv_main_qtr yrq Calendar Year and Quarter int(11) id The calendar year and calendar quarter for the record, combined as a five-digit number. Field added by 0