Explanation of Data Files 26 Aug 2010 "Industry Evidence on the Effects of Government Spending" By Christopher J. Nekarda and Valerie A. Ramey File Description -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- govind.do Produces all results in paper govindustry-v2.3.dta Main data set agg-gov.dta Aggregate federal government data eta-ind.do Program to calculate time-varying coefficients for marginal markup eta-ind.dta Time-varying coefficients for marignal markup eedata-sic2-q-sa.dta CES 2-digit employment and hours data, seasonally adjusted by authors All programs were run on Stata-SE 11.1, although they should run on version 10 as well. Because of the large number of regressors, you must use a version that supports a matsize of 400 or more (e.g., Stata-SE or better). The govind.do program requires Ben Jann's "estout" package, which can be downloaded for free at http://repec.org/bocode/e/estout/.