Frequencies for first 10,000 rows of hcahpsa variable in dbo_vwhqi_hosp_hcahps_ HCAHPS Answer Description | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- (high) | 345 3.45 3.45 (medium) | 345 3.45 6.90 clean | 1,035 10.35 17.25 communicated well | 2,069 20.69 37.94 explained | 1,033 10.33 48.27 give patients this information | 690 6.90 55.17 or lower (low) | 345 3.45 58.62 quiet at night | 1,035 10.35 68.97 received help as soon as they wanted | 1,034 10.34 79.31 well controlled | 1,034 10.34 89.65 , patients would definitely recommend.. | 345 3.45 93.10 , patients would not recommend the ho.. | 345 3.45 96.55 , patients would probably recommend t.. | 345 3.45 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 10,000 100.00 by Jean Roth , , 16 Nov 2016