RDC Proposal Frequently Asked Questions

Version 2013.04.16


What is needed in an RDC proposal?

Research Proposal Guidelines

A proposal submission includes four documents: Preliminary Proposal, Abstract, Proposal and Census Benefit/Predominant Purpose Statement (PPS). The Preliminary Proposal is submitted first, and generates the proposal number which is used in the final submission. Documents are submitted through the RDC Administrator, Jim Davis for the Boston RDC at NBER (jdavis@nber.org).

Preliminary Proposal Template and Instructions

Proposal Template

Census Benefit (PPS) Template


What does an RDC proposal look like?

Sample RDC Research Proposals

Longer projects (3-5 years) require additional justification in the PPS:

Paragraph Examples for PPS Part B


What are reviewers looking for in an RDC proposal?

The proposal review form shows what reviewers are asked to evaluate.

Proposal Review Form and Reviewer Guidelines


What datasets are available to researchers in the RDC?

Economic Data - firms and establishments

Demographic Data - households and persons, see the presentation of the differences from the public use versions

Longitudinal Employer-Household Dynamics (LEHD) Data - linked employers and employees

Agency for Health Care Research (AHRQ) - health care data, and access at Census RDCs

National Center for Healthcare Statistics (NCHS) - health data, and access at Census RDCs


What are examples of papers using RDC data?

Recent CES Working Papers - papers written by RDC users and CES economists

Older CES Working Papers

CES Research Reports - these annual reports include abstracts for approved projects in Appendix 3, and citations for publications in Appendix 2.


Where can I find examples of analysis topics for Census Benefits for an RDC proposal?

Potential RDC Methodological Topics

NSF-Census Research Network Program Solicitation Description

ASA/NSF/Census Research Opportunities, 2009, and for 2001

Census Research Topics

Potential Methodological Topics using Foreign Trade Data

Census Survey Methods and Statistics Research

Census Strategic Plan

Census Economic Directorate Strategic Plan

Census Performance and Accountability Report, 2010, and for 2009


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