Corruption and Reform Conference

Edward Glaeser and Claudia Goldin, Organizers

July 30 and 31, 2004

Hawthorne Hotel

18 Washington Square West, Salem, Massachusetts



Thursday, July 29



7:00 p.m.

Group dinner


Sophia’s at the Hawthorne Hotel



Friday, July 30



8:15 a.m.

Coffee and Pastries



8:45 a.m.

Edward Glaeser and Claudia Goldin


Introductory remarks




Corruption and the Fourth Estate



9:00 a.m.

Matthew Gentzkow, Harvard University


Edward Glaeser, and Claudia Goldin, Harvard University and NBER


The Rise of the Fourth Estate:
How Newspapers Became Informative and Why it Mattered




Discussant: Paul Rhode, University of North Carolina and NBER



10:00 a.m.





Antebellum Corruption



10:15 a.m.

Howard Bodenhorn, Lafayette College and NBER


Bank Chartering and Political Corruption in Antebellum New York:


Free Banking as Reform




Discussant: Lee Alston, University of Colorado and NBER




Stanley Engerman, University of Rochester and NBER


Kenneth Sokoloff, UC, Los Angeles and NBER


Digging the Dirt at Public Expense: Corruption in the Building of the Erie and other New York Canals




Discussant: Edward Glaeser, Harvard University and NBER





12:15 noon

Long Break (sandwiches available for take out)




Corruption and the Rule of Law



2:30 p.m.

William Novak, University of Chicago


Law and the Social Control of Business in the Progressive Era




Discussant:  Susan Rose-Ackerman, Yale University



3:30 p.m.





Progressive Era Corruption and Reform



3:45 p.m.

Price Fishback, University of Arizona and NBER


Reform or Employer Capture? The Role of Employers in the Development of Industrial Safety Regulation through the Progressive Era




Discussant:  Lawrence Katz, Harvard University and NBER




Gary Libecap, University of Arizona and NBER


Marc Law, University of Vermont


Corruption and Reform? The Emergence of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act




Discussant:  RAYMOND FISMAN, Columbia University and NBER and


Daniel Carpenter, Harvard University (in absentia)



5:45 p.m.




7:00 p.m.




Saturday, July 31



8:30 a.m.

Coffee and pasties




Progressive Era Cities and Corruption



8:45 a.m.

David Cutler, Harvard University and NBER


Grant Miller, Harvard University


Water, Water Everywhere: Municipal Finance and Water Supply in American Cities




Discussant: Tomas Nonnenmacher, Allegheny College




Rebecca Menes, George Mason University and NBER


Corruption in Cities: Graft and Politics in American Cities at the Turn of the Twentieth Century




Discussant:  Jason Kaufman, Harvard University



10:45 a.m.





The New Deal



11:00 a.m.

Price Fishback and Shawn Kantor, University of Arizona and NBER


John Wallis, University of Maryland and NBER


Politics, Relief, and Reform: The Transformation of America’s Social Welfare System during the New Deal




Discussant:  Robert Margo, Vanderbilt University and NBER



12:00 noon





Corporate Governance and the Role of Government



1:15 p.m.

Naomi Lamoreaux, UC, Los Angeles and NBER


Jean Laurent Rosenthal, UC, Los Angeles


Corporate Governance and the Plight of Minority Shareholders in the United States before the Great Depression




Werner Troesken, University of Pittsburgh and NBER


Regime Change and Corruption: A History of Public Utility Regulation




Discussant:  Judith Chevalier, Yale University and NBER



3:00 p.m.





Corruption and Reform:  Wrapping Up



3:15 p.m.

John Wallis, University of Maryland and NBER


The Concept of Systematic Corruption in American Political and Economic History




Discussant:  Morton Keller, Brandeis University



4:15 p.m.


