Marco Bassetto - Software needed to reproduce the results in my papers

Terms and conditions: all software accessible from this web page and the ones it links to (directly or indirectly) is copyrighted by Marco Bassetto and coauthors or research assistants. Additional copyrights rules and restrictions may apply to software deposited with the publisher of my papers; please check the publisher's rules. Unless superseded by the publisher's agreement, this software can be freely redistributed and modified for research purposes, provided that:
  1. The proper copyright notice should remain included with all modifications.
  2. Any code generated using the code published here should also made freely available on the Web for research purposes, upon publication of the results.
  3. A citation to the corresponding paper authored by Marco Bassetto should be included in the references of any published work that is based on modifications of this software.
Most of the files included here have limited comments and explanations. I provide no support beyond the comments included in the files.

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