
    Assistant Professor, University of Rochester, 1982-1988
    Professor, University of Chicago, July, 1988 to July 1990
    Professor, University of California at Berkeley, July 1990 to July 1996
    Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, July 1996 to present


    Assistant Professor, University of Rochester, 1982-1988
    Professor, University of Chicago, July, 1988 to July 1990
    Professor, University of California at Berkeley, July 1990 to July 1996
    Professor, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, July 1996 to present

    Other Affiliations

    Fellow, Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences, 1989-1990.
    Fellow of the Econometric Society.
    Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research, 1987-present.
    Royal Bank Fellow of the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research, 1991-present.
    Member of the National Research Council Panel on Criteria for Federal Support of Research and Development, 1995.
    Senior Research Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University, April 1995 to present.
    Ralph Landau Senior Fellow of the Center for Economic Policy Research, Stanford, 1997 to present.
    Executive Council of the American Economics Association, 1996-1999.

    Awards and Grants

    Sloan Foundation Fellowship, 1988-1990

    Published Papers: Peer Reviewed Journals

  1. "Cake Eating, Chattering and Jumps: Existence Results for Variational Problems," Econometrica 54, July 1986, 897-908.
  2. "Increasing Returns and Long Run Growth," Journal of Political Economy 94, October 1986, 1002-37.
  3. "Growth Based on Increasing Returns Due to Specialization," American Economic Review 77, May 1987, 56-62.
  4. "Ski-Lift Pricing, with Applications to Labor and Other Markets" (joint with Robert Barro), American Economic Review 77, December 1987, 875-90.
  5. "Determinacy of Equilibria in Dynamic Models with Finitely Many Consumers" (joint with Timothy J. Kehoe and David K. Levine), Journal of Economic Theory 50, February 1990, 1-21.
  6. "Are Nonconvexities Important for Understanding Growth?" American Economic Review 80, May 1990, 97-103.
  7. "Endogenous Technological Change," Journal of Political Economy 98, October 1990, S71-S102.
    1. Published in translation:
      "Progress Technique Endogene," Annales d'Economie et de Statistique 22, 1991, 1-32.
      "El Cambio Technologico Endogeno," El Trimestre Economico LVIII (3) Julio-Setiembre 1991, 441-80.

  8. "Economic Integration and Endogenous Growth" (joint with Luis Rivera-Batiz), Quarterly Journal of Economics CVI, May 1991, 531-55.
  9. "International Trade with Endogenous Technological Change" (joint with Luis Rivera-Batiz), European Economic Review 35 (4), May 1991, 971-1004.
  10. "On Characterizing Equilibria of Economies with Externalities and Taxes as Solutions to Optimization Problems" (joint with Timothy J. Kehoe and David K. Levine), Economic Theory 2, 1992, 43-68.
  11. "Idea Gaps and Object Gaps in Economic Development," Journal of Monetary Economics 32, 1993, 543-73.
  12. "New Goods, Old Theory, and the Welfare Costs of Trade Restrictions," Journal of Development Economics 43, 1994, 5-38.
  13. "Why, Indeed, in America? Theory, History, and the Origins of Modern Economic Growth," AEA Papers and Proceedings, Vol. 86, No. 2, May 1996, 202-206.
  14. "Growth Cycles," with George Evans and Seppo Honkapojha, American Economic Review, Vol. 88, No. 3, June 1998, 495-515.

    Papers Solicited For Publication

  16. "Crazy Explanations for the Productivity Slowdown," NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2, Stanley Fischer (ed.), Cambridge: MIT Press, Cambridge, 1987.
  17. "Capital, Labor, and Productivity," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics, Martin Neil Baily and Clifford Winston (eds.), The Brookings Institution, 1990, 337-67.
  18. "Human Capital and Growth: Theory and Evidence," Unit Roots, Investment Measures and Other Essays, Carnegie Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy, 32, Spring, 1990, 251-86.
  19. "Two Strategies for Economic Development: Using Ideas and Producing Ideas," Proceedings of the World Bank Annual Research Conference 1992, supplement to the World Bank Economic Review, March 1993, 63-91.
  20. "Implementing a National Technology Strategy with Self Organizing Industry Investment Boards," Brookings Papers on Economic Activity: Microeconomics (2), Martin Neil Baily, Peter C. Reiss, and Clifford Winston (eds.), 1993, 345-90.
  21. "Looting: The Economic Underworld of Bankruptcy for Profit" (joint with George Akerlof), Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 2, William C. Brainard and George L. Perry (eds.), 1993, 1-74.
  22. "The Origins of Endogenous Growth," Journal of Economic Perspectives 8, Winter 1994, 3-22.

    Papers in Edited Books and Conference Volumes

  24. "Capital Accumulation in the Theory of Long Run Growth," Modern Business Cycle Theory, Robert J. Barro (ed.), Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1989.
  25. "Steady States and Determinacy of Equilibria in Economies with Infinitely Lived Agents" (joint with Timothy J. Kehoe and David K. Levine), in Joan Robinson and Modern Economic Theory, G. Feiwel (ed.), New York: New York University Press, 1989.
  26. "Increasing Returns and New Developments in the Theory of Growth," in International Symposium in Economic Theory and Econometrics, William Barnett, Bernard Cornet, Claude d'Aspremont, Jean Gabszewicz, and Andreu Mas-Collel (eds.), Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 1991.
  27. "Preferences, Promises, and the Politics of Entitlement," in Individual and Social Responsibility: Child Care, Education, Medical Care, and Long-Term Care in America, Victor R. Fuchs (ed.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
  28. "Science, Economic Growth, and Public Policy," with Richard R. Nelson, in Technology, R&D, and the Economy, Bruce L. R. Smith and Claude E. Barfield (eds.), Washington: Brookings Institution and American Enterprise Institute, 1996. Reprinted in Challenge, March-April, 1996.
  29. "Evaluating the Federal Role in Financing Health-Related Research" (with Alan M. Garber), Proceedings of the National Academy of Science 93, Nov. 1996, 12717-24.
  30. "Beyond Market Failure," Science and Technology Policy Yearbook, American Association for the Advancement Science, 1996.
  31. "Wages, Skills and Technology in the United States and Canada," with Kevin Murphy and Craig Riddell. In General Purpose Technologies,  Elhanan Helpman, ed. Cambridge: MIT Press, 1998.

    Comments, Shorter Articles and  Book Reviews

  33. Comment: "Public Debt and U.S. Savings: A New Test of the Neutrality Hypothesis," by Michael J. Boskin and Laurence J. Kotlikoff, Carnegie-Rochester Conference Series on Public Policy 23, Autumn 1985.
  34. Comment: "Why is Savings in Japan So Apparently High," by Fumio Hayashi. NBER Macroeconomics Annual 1, Stanley Fischer (ed.), MIT Press: Cambridge, 1986.
  35. Book Review: A New View of Economic Growth, by Maurice F. Scott, Journal of Economic Literature XXIX, March 1991, 127-9.
  36. "Ski Lift Pricing with Applications to Labor and Other Markets: Reply," American Economic Review 81, 1991, 378-380.
  37. Book Review: Innovation and Growth in the Global Economy, by Gene Grossman and Elhanan Helpman, Journal of Economic Literature XXXI, March 1993, 276-78.
  38. Short Article: "Economic Growth," The Fortune Encyclopedia of Economics, David R. Henderson (ed.), New York: Time Warner Books, 1993.
  39. Short Article: "Ideas and Things," The Economist, Sept. 11, 1993.
  40. Short Article: "Beyond Classical and Keynesian Macroeconomic Policy," Policy Options, July-August 1994.
  41. "Economic Integration and Endogenous Growth: An Addendum," Quarterly Journal of Economics CIV, Feb. 1994, p.307-8.
  42. "Economic Growth and Investment in Children," Daedalus 123, Fall 1994.
  43. Comment on "Long Run Growth Theories and Empirics: Anything New?" by T.N. Srinivasan, in Growth Theories in the Light of the East Asian Experience, T. Ito and A. Krueger (eds.), Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.
  44. Short Article: "Beyond the Knowledge Worker," World Link, January-February 1995, p. 56-60.
  45. Short Article: "In the Beginning was the Transistor," Forbes ASAP, December 2, 1996, p. 43-44.
  46. Short Article: "It’s All in Your Head," Outlook, No. 1, 1998.