Department of Economics (M/C 144)
University of Illinois at Chicago
601 S. Morgan St, Room 2103
Chicago, IL 60607-7121
(312) 413-2367
Fax: (312) 996-3344


Ph.D., City University of New York, New York, New York, May, 1988.
Fields of Specialization: Health Economics, Industrial Organization, Labor Economics, Applied Econometrics.
Dissertation: "The Economics of Addictive Behavior: The Case of Cigarette Smoking," May, 1988.

B.A., John Carroll University, University Heights, Ohio, May, 1984. Major: Economics.





  1. "Public Policy and Youth Smokeless Tobacco Use," (with John A. Tauras and Michael Grossman), Southern Economic Journal, forthcoming.

  2. "Do Youths Substitute Alcohol and Marijuana? Some Econometric Evidence," (with Adit Laixuthai), The Eastern Economic Journal, forthcoming.

  3. "An Empirical Analysis of Alcohol Addiction: Results from the Monitoring the Future Panels," (with Michael Grossman and Ismail Sirtalan), Economic Inquiry, forthcoming.

  4. "The Effects of Price on Alcohol Consumption," (with Michael Grossman and Henry Saffer), Alcohol Health & Research World, forthcoming.

  5. "Economics and Health Behavior," in Behavioral Economics and Health Habits: From Basic Science to Public Policy, edited by Warren K. Bickel and Rudy Vuchinich, Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Earlbaum Associates, forthcoming.

  6. "The Economic Analysis of Cigarette Smoking," (with Kenneth E. Warner), in The Handbook of Health Economics, edited by Joseph P. Newhouse and Anthony J. Cuyler, New York: North-Holland, forthcoming.

  7. "The Effects of Price on the Consequences of Alcohol Use and Abuse," (with Michael Grossman and Henry Saffer), in Recent Developments in Alcoholism, edited by Richard K. Fuller, New York, Plenum Publishing Corporation, forthcoming.

  8. "Alcohol Control," (with Michael Grossman and Henry Saffer), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, London: Macmillan Press Reference Books, forthcoming (1998).

  9. "Addiction," (with Michael Grossman and Henry Saffer), The New Palgrave Dictionary of Economics and the Law, London: Macmillan Press Reference Books, forthcoming (1998).

  10. "Economic Interventions," Chapter 6 of The Context for Change: The Efficacy of Interventions for Smoking Prevention and Control. A Report of the U.S. Surgeon General, Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health, forthcoming (1998).

  11. "Cigarette Taxes and Teenage Smoking," (with Michael Grossman), Public Health Reports, Volume 112, Number 4 (July/August 1997), pages 290-297.

  12. "Price, Tobacco Control Policies and Smoking Among Young Adults," (with Henry Wechsler), Journal of Health Economics, Volume 16, Number 3, (June, 1997), pages 359-373.

  13. "Macrosocial Influences: The Effects of Prices and Tobacco Control Policies on the Demand for Tobacco Products," in Tobacco Prevention: Strategies, Overcoming Challenges, and Building Bridges. Proceedings of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Conference: New Partnerships and Paradigms for Tobacco Prevention Research, 1997, pages 213-228.

  14. Binge Drinking in College: The Impact of Price, Availability, and Alcohol Control Policies," with Henry Wechsler), Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume 14, Number 4 (October, 1996), pages 112-124.

  15. "Economic Models of Habitual and Addictive Behavior: Empirical Applications to Cigarette Smoking," in Advances in Behavioral Economics, Volume 3: Substance Use and Abuse, edited by Leonard Green and John H. Kagel, Norwood, NJ: Ablex Publishing Corporation, 1996, pages 183-206.

  16. "Criteria for Determining an Optimal Cigarette Tax: The Economist's Perspective," (with Kenneth E. Warner, Philip J. Cook, Willard G. Manning, Joseph P. Newhouse, Thomas E. Novotny, Thomas C. Schelling, and Joy Townsend), Tobacco Control: An International Journal, Volume 4, Number 4 (1995), pages 380-386.

  17. "Price, Tobacco Control Policies, and Smoking Among Young Adults," (with Henry Wechsler), in Tobacco and Health, edited by Karen Slama. Plenum Press: New York, 1995, pages 953-4.

  18. "Public Policies and Private Anti-Health Behavior," American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings, Volume 85, Number 2 (1995), pages 45-49.

  19. "Effect of Survey Conditions on Self-Reported Substance Use" (with Gail Mitchell Hoyt), Contemporary Economic Policy, Volume 12, Number 3 (1994), pages 109-121.

  20. "Alcohol Price Policy and Youths: A Summary of Economic Research," (with Michael Grossman, Henry Saffer, and Adit Laixuthai), Journal of Research on Adolescence, Volume 4, Number 2 (1994), pages 347-364. Reprinted in Alcohol Problems Among Adolescents: Current Directions in Prevention Research, edited by Gayle M. Boyd, Jan Howard, and Robert A Zucker, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers: Hillsdale, NJ, 1995, pages 225-242.

  21. "Effect of Tobacco Taxation," in Preventing Tobacco Use Among Young People: A Report of the U.S. Surgeon General, Atlanta: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Office on Smoking and Health (1994), pages 263-275.

  22. "Alcohol Tax Equalization and Social Costs," (with Henry Saffer), Eastern Economic Journal, Volume 20, Number 1 (Winter, 1994), pages 33-43.

  23. "Prevention of Alcohol Related Problems: Price and Taxation Strategies," Alcohol Health and Research World, Volume 17, Number 1 (1993), pages 46-53.

  24. "Youth Alcohol Use and Public Policy," (with Adit Laixuthai) Contemporary Policy Issues, Volume 11, Number 5 (October, 1993), pages 69-81.

  25. "Alcohol Control Policies and Motor Vehicle Fatalities," (with Henry Saffer and Michael Grossman) Journal of Legal Studies, Volume 22, Number 1 (January, 1993), pages 161-186.

  26. "Clean Indoor Air Laws and the Demand for Cigarettes," (with Henry Saffer) Contemporary Policy Issues, Volume 10, Number 2 (April, 1992), pages 72-83.

  27. "Clean Indoor Air Laws, Addiction, and Cigarette Smoking," Applied Economics, Volume 24, Number 2 (February, 1992), pages 193-205.

  28. "Rational Addictive Behavior and Cigarette Smoking," Journal of Political Economy, Volume 99, Number 4 (August, 1991), pages 722-742.

  29. "Youth Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Excise Taxes," Addiction and Recovery, Volume 10, Numbers 5,6 (December, 1990), pages 20-23.

  30. "Nutrition and Infant Health in Japan," (with Tadashi Yamada and Tetsuji Yamada) Journal of Human Resources, Volume 24, Number 4 (Fall, 1989), pages 725-736.

  31. "Breath Testing and Highway Fatality Rates," (with Henry Saffer," Applied Economics, Volume 21, Number 7 (July, 1989), pages 901-912.

  32. "Optimal Inflation Rates: A Generalization," (with Alvin Marty) Journal of Money Credit and Banking, Volume 20, Number 1 (February, 1988), pages 141-144.

  33. "Using Aggregate Data to Estimate the Part-Time and Full-Time Work Behavior of Japanese Women," (with Tadashi Yamada and Tetsuji Yamada) Journal of Human Resources, Volume 22, Number 4 (Fall, 1987), pages 574-583.


  1. "Alcohol Excise Taxes and Youth Alcohol Abuse," presented at the National Institute on Drug Abuse Conference on Prevention Strategies, August, 1986.

  2. "Men, Women, and Addiction: The Case of Cigarette Smoking," National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Number 3267, February, 1990. Presented at the meetings of the Western Economic Association, June, 1989.

  3. "Seat Belt Laws and Motor Vehicle Fatalities: An Economic Analysis." Presented at the meetings of the Midwest Economic Association, March, 1992.

  4. "Rational Addiction and Cigarette Smoking: Some New Evidence." Presented at the meetings of the Missouri Valley Economic Association, February, 1992.

  5. "Alcohol Excise Taxes: A Summary of Economic Research," Invited presentation at the Alcohol Policy Conference VIII, Washington D.C., March, 1992.

  6. "Drugs, Alcohol and Crime," (with Henry Saffer). Presented at the meetings of the Western Economic Association, July, 1992, and at the meetings of the Midwest Economic Association, April, 1993.

  7. "Enhancing the Effectiveness of Alcohol Warning Labels," (with George Balch, Chem Narayana, Dee Burton, and Joseph Levin). Presented at the meetings of the Association for Public Policy and Marketing, May, 1992.

  8. "Alcohol Addiction: Evidence from Aggregate Data," (with Michael Grossman, Gary Becker, and Kevin Murphy). Presented at the meetings of the American Economic Association, January, 1993.

  9. "Alcohol Consumption and Warnings in Real Life: An Exploration of Race, Gender, and Pregnant Subpopulations." Presented at the Marketing and Public Policy Conference, June 1993.

  10. "Drinking and Addiction? Evidence from the First National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey," (with Michael Grossman), manuscript, January, 1994.

  11. "Tobacco Control Policies and Youth Tobacco Use," National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper number 5740, September, 1996. Presented at the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation's Tobacco Policy Research and Evaluation Conference, June, 1995, the annual meetings of the Western Economic Association, July, 1995, and the Centers for Disease Control and Health Promotion's Tobacco Network Seminar Series, July, 1995. Revised and updated version presented at the annual meetings of the Western Economic Association, July, 1996, and the annual meetings of the American Public Health Association, November, 1996; scheduled for presentation at the 10th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, August, 1997. To be revised and resubmitted at the editor's request to Journal of Law and Economics.

  12. "The Demand for Illicit Drugs," (with Henry Saffer), presented at the meetings of the Western Economic Association, July, 1995. National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper number 5238, August, 1995. To be revised and resubmitted at the editor's request to Economic Inquiry.

  13. "Public Policy and Youth Smoking: Race and Gender Differences," presented at the WEA International 1996 Pacific Rim Allied Economic Organizations Conference, January, 1996.

  14. "The Effect of Alcohol Advertising Bans on Alcohol Abuse: Evidence from Aggregate and Individual Data," (with Henry Saffer and Esel Yazici), presented at the WEA International 1996 Pacific Rim Allied Economic Organizations Conference, January, 1996, and at the annual meetings of the American Public Health Association, November, 1996.

  15. "Cigarette Smoking in Pacific Rim Countries: The Impact of U.S. Trade Policy," (with Adit Laixuthai), National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper number 5543, April, 1996. Presented at the WEA International 1996 Pacific Rim Allied Economic Organizations Conference, January, 1996. To be revised and resubmitted at the editor's request to Tobacco Control: An International Journal.

  16. "The Demand for Cocaine by Young Adults: A Rational Addiction Approach," (with Michael Grossman), National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper number 5713, August, 1996. Presented at the WEA International 1996 Pacific Rim Allied Economic Organizations Conference, January, 1996, the International Health Economics Association Conference, May, 1996, the University of Chicago Applied Microeconomics Workshop, May, 1996, the annual meetings of the Western Economic Association, July, 1996, and the annual meetings of the American Economic Association, January, 1997. Under review, Journal of Health Economics.

  17. "The Demand for Marijuana by Young Adults: A Rational Addiction Approach," (with Michael Grossman and Charles C. Brown), manuscript, April, 1996.

  18. "The Demand for Cocaine and Marijuana by Youth" (with Michael Grossman and John A. Tauras), manuscript, February, 1997. Presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research Conference "The Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse: An Integration of Econometric and Behavioral Economic Research, March, 1997, and at the annual meetings of the Midwest Economics Association, March, 1997.

  19. "Cognitive Ability, Schooling, and the Demand for Alcohol by Young Adults," (with William H. Sander III), manuscript, June, 1996. Presented at the annual meetings of the Western Economic Association, July, 1996.

  20. "The Effect of Cigarette Advertising Bans and Warning Labels on Cigarette Smoking: Evidence from Aggregate and Individual Data," (with Henry Saffer and Michael Grossman), presented at the meetings of the American Public Health Association, November, 1996; scheduled for presentation at the 10th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, August, 1997.

  21. "Limiting Youth Access to Tobacco: The Early Impact of the Synar Amendment on Youth Smoking," (with Michael Grossman), in progress. Submitted for presentation at the 3rd Pacific Rim Allied Economic Organizations Conference, January, 1998.

  22. "Demographic Differentials in the Demand for Alcohol and Illicit Drugs," (with Henry Saffer). Presented at the National Bureau of Economic Research Conference "The Economic Analysis of Substance Use and Abuse: An Integration of Econometric and Behavioral Economic Research, March, 1997.

  23. "College Alcohol Control Policies and Binge Drinking among College Students" (with John A. Tauras and Henry Wechsler). Presented at the annual meetings of the Western Economic Association, July, 1997.

  24. "Economic Perspectives on the Optimal Taxation of Alcoholic Beverages." Presented at the annual meetings of the Research Society on Alcoholism, July, 1997.

  25. "Do Trade Pressures Lead to Market Expansion?" scheduled for presentation at the 10th World Conference on Tobacco or Health, August, 1997. In progress.

  26. "Illicit Drug Control: Criminal Justice vs. Public Health" (with Henry Saffer), scheduled for presentation at the annual meetings of the American Economic Association, January, 1998. In progress.


  1. "State Conditions." Report for the National Cancer Institute American Stop Smoking Intervention Study (ASSIST) Evaluation Program, May, 1997.

  2. "The Feasibility of a Study of Local Policy Changes to Reduce Youth Alcohol, Tobacco, and Illicit Substance Use," (with Tom Cook, Seth Emont, Lloyd Johnston, and Patrick O'Malley). Report to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, February, 1997.

  3. "Effects of Price on Illegal Drug Use," (with Michael Grossman and Charles C. Brown). Final Report, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant Number 5 RO1 DA07533, May, 1996.

  4. "Price, Policy, and Youth Tobacco Use," (with Michael Grossman). Final Report, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Grant Number 022932, January, 1996.

  5. "Criteria for Determining an Optimal Cigarette Tax: The Economist's Perspective," (with Kenneth E. Warner, Philip J. Cook, Jeffrey E. Harris, Willard G. Manning, Joseph P. Newhouse, Thomas E. Novotny, Thomas C. Schelling, and Joy Townsend). Report of the findings and recommendations of a meeting of economists held May 5, 1995 in Boston MA, sponsored by the Office on Smoking and Health, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. September, 1995.

  6. "Binge Drinking on College Campuses: A New Look at an Old Problem," (with Henry Wechsler, et al.). Final Report, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August, 1995.

  7. "The Effects of Legal Deterrents on Drug and Alcohol Use," (with Henry Saffer), Final Report, National Institute on Drug Abuse, Grant Number 1 R01 DA07111, 1995.

  8. "Alcohol Use, Addiction, and Price," (with Michael Grossman, Gary S. Becker, Kevin Murphy, Adit Laixuthai, and Ismail Sirtalan) Final Report, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Grant Number AA08359-03, 1994.

  9. "Alcohol, Regulation, and Motor Vehicle Mortality," (with Michael Grossman and Henry Saffer) Final Report, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, Grant Number 5 R01 AA07593, 1991.

  10. "Cigarette Taxation, Addiction, and Smoking Control," Final Report, National Cancer Institute, Grant Number 5 RO3 CA48360-03, 1991.


Proposals Submitted/To Be Submitted:


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