Composing Numbers in TSP

Every number must begin with a ., +, -, or a digit.

No spaces may appear within a number.

One decimal point may appear.

One E or D may appear followed immediately by a one or two digit number with or without a sign. This is interpreted as a power of 10 to multiply the first number.

Example: 1E2 = 100.

With free-format LOAD or READ commands, a . is interpreted as a missing value, and a repeat count with a * may be specified.

The largest value of a series (in absolute value) that may be stored in TSP is 1.E-37, unless OPTIONS DOUBLE ; is used. Values larger than this are set to missing. Scalars and matrices are always stored in double precision.


3*0 is treated as 0 0 0

53 . 100 is treated as 53, missing, 100