----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- log: /disk/nber10/SCCS/sipp/2004/wealth1993t4.log log type: text opened on: 4 Aug 2009, 12:52:26 . set more off . ** by Jean Roth, jroth@nber.org , 2009-07-31 . set mem 500m (512000k) . use ~/text/sipp93t4 , clear . ** 1993t7 is the first file to have hh_twlth hh_theq hh_vehcl hh_beq hh_intbk hh_intot hh_stk > hh_ore hh_otast hh_ira . ********************************************************************** . ** Checking that sample unit and person ids are unique identifiers . duplicates report id addid pnum Duplicates in terms of id addid pnum -------------------------------------- copies | observations surplus ----------+--------------------------- 1 | 52944 0 2 | 10 5 -------------------------------------- . ** id addid pnum is a unique id in the core file, but . ** sipp93t4 has 10 duplicates in 52,954 records. . ** Adding either entry or pinx yields a unique id . describe pinx entry storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- pinx byte %8.0g Person index from core entry str2 %9s Edited entry address ID . duplicates report id addid pnum entry Duplicates in terms of id addid pnum entry -------------------------------------- copies | observations surplus ----------+--------------------------- 1 | 52954 0 -------------------------------------- . assert `r(unique_value)'==`r(N)' . duplicates report id addid pnum pinx Duplicates in terms of id addid pnum pinx -------------------------------------- copies | observations surplus ----------+--------------------------- 1 | 52954 0 -------------------------------------- . assert `r(unique_value)'==`r(N)' . duplicates tag id addid pnum, gen(dup) Duplicates in terms of id addid pnum . list id addid pnum entry pinx if dup +-----------------------------------------+ | id addid pnum entry pinx | |-----------------------------------------| 2978. | 58451085 00 302 32 12 | 2980. | 58451085 00 302 33 16 | 20478. | 406451234 00 301 31 3 | 20479. | 406451234 00 301 32 5 | 35541. | 675358244 00 301 31 3 | |-----------------------------------------| 35542. | 675358244 00 302 31 4 | 35543. | 675358244 00 301 32 7 | 35544. | 675358244 00 302 32 8 | 52468. | 991451923 00 301 31 4 | 52469. | 991451923 00 301 32 6 | +-----------------------------------------+ . ** Note that a sample unit may contain multiple households identified by addid . ********************************************************************** . ** Total Wealth . ** These variables do seem not to be in 1993t4 . **describe hh_twlth hh_theq hh_vehcl hh_beq hh_intbk hh_intot hh_stk hh_ore hh_otast hh_ira . ** wealth needs to be a double to preserve precision . *gen double wealth = hh_theq+hh_vehcl+hh_beq+hh_intbk+hh_intot+hh_stk +hh_ore+hh_otast+hh_ira . *assert hh_twlth == wealth . ********************************************************************** . ** Home Equity . ** These variables do not seem to be in 1993t4 . *describe tm8598 tm8630 . *gen home = (tm8598+tm8630)-hh_mortg . ********************************************************************** . ** Vehicle Equity . describe tmcarvl1 tm8760 tmcarvl2 tm8761 tmcarvl3 tm8762 tm8788 tm8796 tm8790 tm8798 storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tmcarvl1 long %12.0g Present car value for second car tm8760 long %14.0g tm8760l How much is currently owed for this tmcarvl2 long %12.0g Present car value for second car tm8761 long %14.0g tm8761l How much is currently owed for tmcarvl3 long %12.0g Present car value for third car tm8762 long %14.0g tm8762l How much is currently owed for this tm8788 long %14.0g tm8788l If this vehicle were sold, what would tm8796 long %14.0g tm8796l How much is currently owed for tm8790 long %14.0g tm8790l If this vehicle were sold, what would tm8798 long %31.0g tm8798l How much is currently owed for . sum tmcarvl1 tm8760 tmcarvl2 tm8761 tmcarvl3 tm8762 tm8788 tm8796 tm8790 tm8798 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tmcarvl1 | 52954 6255.958 6065.485 0 33900 tm8760 | 52954 2263.453 4341.172 0 26000 tmcarvl2 | 52954 2396.7 3604.618 0 33900 tm8761 | 52954 470.141 1890.607 0 26000 tmcarvl3 | 52954 535.9731 1643.907 0 26600 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tm8762 | 52954 73.59012 697.8588 0 20000 tm8788 | 52954 664.005 2629.772 0 22000 tm8796 | 52954 136.9793 1610.27 0 39000 tm8790 | 52954 97.57337 975.4287 0 22000 tm8798 | 52954 13.99365 549.3866 0 42000 . ** This is the formula given by Census; however, hh_vehcl appears to have omitted tm8761, the > amount owed on the vehicle . gen vehicle = (tmcarvl1-tm8760)+(tmcarvl2-tm8761)+(tmcarvl3-tm8762)+(tm8788-tm8796)+(tm8790-t > m8798) . sum vehicle Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- vehicle | 52954 6992.053 7575.434 -17000 80574 . ** Census numbers appear off by $2 . ********************************************************************** . ** Business Equity . ** These questions do not seem to be asked in 1993t4 . ********************************************************************** . ** Bank Interest . ** Again, the sum of each person's wealth is applied to the household . describe sc4314 sc4322 storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc4314 long %15.0g sc4314l What is your best estimate of the sc4322 long %15.0g sc4322l What is your best estimate of the . sum sc4314 sc4322 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- sc4314 | 52954 1461.81 8211.122 -3 90000 sc4322 | 52954 1450.497 7359.123 -3 70000 . ** Some variables have -3 for 'None' . recode sc4314 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(sc4314_a) (50 differences between sc4314 and sc4314_a) . recode sc4322 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(sc4322_a) (151 differences between sc4322 and sc4322_a) . sum sc4314_a sc4322_a Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- sc4314_a | 52954 1461.813 8211.122 0 90000 sc4322_a | 52954 1450.505 7359.121 0 70000 . gen p_bank_int = sc4314_a+sc4322_a . bysort id addid: egen bank_int=sum(p_bank_int) . sum bank_int Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- bank_int | 52954 6874.922 17006.9 0 230000 . ********************************************************************** . ** Other Interest . ** The sum of each person's wealth is applied to the household . describe sc4414 sc4422 storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sc4414 long %15.0g sc4414l What is your best estimate of the sc4422 long %15.0g sc4422l What is your best estimate of the . ** Some variables have -3 for 'None' . recode sc4414 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(sc4414_a) (5 differences between sc4414 and sc4414_a) . recode sc4422 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(sc4422_a) (9 differences between sc4422 and sc4422_a) . sum sc4414_a sc4422_a Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- sc4414_a | 52954 494.7434 9655.474 0 362000 sc4422_a | 52954 812.6501 11626.33 0 331000 . gen p_oth_int = sc4414_a+sc4422_a . bysort id addid: egen oth_int=sum(p_oth_int) . sum oth_int Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- oth_int | 52954 2880.17 23572.16 0 693000 . *list id addid *oth_int* hh_intot sc4414 sc4422 if hh_intot != oth_int . ********************************************************************** . ** Stocks . ** The sum of each person's wealth is applied to the household . ** NOTE: sipp93t4 does not include "amount of the debt or margin against account" tm8040, tm > 8050 as sipp93t7 does . describe tm8034 tm8044 storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tm8034 long %21.0g tm8034l As of (last day of reference period) tm8044 long %14.0g tm8044l As of (last day of reference period) . ** Some variables have -3 for 'None' . recode tm8034 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(tm8034_a) (636 differences between tm8034 and tm8034_a) . sum tm8034_a tm8044 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tm8034_a | 52954 1631.468 22757.88 0 999999 tm8044 | 52954 1553.846 19619.86 0 999999 . gen p_stock_no_debt = (tm8034_a)+(tm8044) . bysort id addid: egen stock_no_debt=sum(p_stock_no_debt) . sum stock_no_debt Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- stock_no_d~t | 52954 7850.994 49469.71 0 1399999 . ********************************************************************** . ** Other real estate - Not home . ** The sum of each person's wealth is applied to the household . ** tm8666: All persons in HH get the reference person's response duplicated to their record . ** tm8122: real estate jointly owned with other than spouse . ** tm8068: joint, non-residence ASKED OF ONLY ONE SPOUSE. RESPONSE IS DIVIDED BY 2, AND THE > DIVIDED AMOUNT IS COPIED TO BOTH SPOUSES RECORDS. . ** tm8092: owned in own name . describe tm8666 tm8122 tm8068 tm8074 tm8092 tm8098 storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tm8666 long %14.0g tm8666l What is the total value of... equity tm8122 long %14.0g tm8122l As of (last day of reference period) tm8068 long %14.0g tm8068l (Excluding properties attached to or tm8074 long %14.0g tm8074l As of(last day of reference period) tm8092 long %14.0g tm8092l (Excluding properties attached to or tm8098 long %14.0g tm8098l As of(last day of reference period) . ** Some variables have -3 for 'None' . recode tm8074 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(tm8074_a) (4 differences between tm8074 and tm8074_a) . recode tm8098 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(tm8098_a) (2 differences between tm8098 and tm8098_a) . recode tm8122 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(tm8122_a) (4 differences between tm8122 and tm8122_a) . sum tm8666 tm8122_a tm8068 tm8074_a tm8092 tm8098_a Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tm8666 | 52954 3380.056 20615.16 0 270000 tm8122_a | 52954 173.7518 4217.412 0 225000 tm8068 | 52954 2009.132 26227.77 0 750000 tm8074_a | 52954 689.952 11242.85 0 397000 tm8092 | 52954 973.7629 14215.34 0 450000 -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tm8098_a | 52954 166.3815 3909.188 0 210000 . ** tm8122, tm8092, and tm8068 apply to the whole hh, so hh-wise variables that are cum sums a > re needed . bysort id addid: egen h_trt=sum(tm8122_a) . bysort id addid: egen h_trj=sum(tm8068-tm8074_a) . bysort id addid: egen h_tri=sum(tm8092-tm8098_a) . gen oreal = tm8666+h_trt+h_trj+h_tri . *sort id addid pnum . *list id addid pnum hh_ore *real* tm8666 tm8122 tm8068 tm8074 tm8092 tm8098 if id=="066925123 > 035" , nol . sum oreal Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- oreal | 52954 9439.768 47751.75 0 1253000 . ********************************************************************** . ** Other assets . ** The sum of each person's wealth is applied to the household . ** 1993t7 has seven other sources: tm8126 tm8128 tm8132 tm8202 tm8206 tm8210 tm8233 . ** I only find four in 1993t4 . describe tm8132 tm8206 tm8210 tm8233 storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tm8132 long %21.0g tm8132l As of(last day of reference period) tm8206 long %14.0g tm8206l What was the face value of the U.S. tm8210 long %14.0g tm8210l What is your best estimate of the amou tm8233 long %14.0g tm8233l What is your best estimate of the amou . ** Some variables have -3 for 'None' . recode tm8132 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(tm8132_a) (68 differences between tm8132 and tm8132_a) . recode tm8210 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(tm8210_a) (121 differences between tm8210 and tm8210_a) . recode tm8233 ( -3 = 0 ), gen(tm8233_a) (220 differences between tm8233 and tm8233_a) . sum tm8132_a tm8206 tm8210_a tm8233_a Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tm8132_a | 52954 589.5407 13620.25 0 999999 tm8206 | 52954 242.1329 1683.479 0 23000 tm8210_a | 52954 75.71658 416.7441 0 5000 tm8233_a | 52954 87.55091 444.1899 0 5000 . gen p_oth_ass4 = tm8132_a+tm8206+tm8210_a+tm8233_a . bysort id addid: egen oth_ass4=sum(p_oth_ass4) . sum oth_ass4 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- oth_ass4 | 52954 2414.4 22972.94 0 1499999 . *list id addid pnum hh_otast *ass tm8126 tm8128 tm8132 tm8202 tm8206 tm8210 tm8233 if hh_otas > t!=oth_ass , nol . ********************************************************************** . ** IRA and KEOGH . ** The sum of each person's wealth is applied to the household . describe tm8264 tm8288 storage display value variable name type format label variable label ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- tm8264 long %14.0g tm8264l As of (last day of reference period), tm8288 long %14.0g tm8288l As of (last day of reference period) . sum tm8264 tm8288 Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- tm8264 | 52954 2097.311 9460.136 0 100000 tm8288 | 52954 246.8788 5373.81 0 250000 . gen p_ira = tm8264+tm8288 . bysort id addid: egen ira=sum(p_ira) . sum ira Variable | Obs Mean Std. Dev. Min Max -------------+-------------------------------------------------------- ira | 52954 6235.95 20387.04 0 386900 . ********************************************************************** . ** 401K and Thrift . ** The questions were not asked pre-1996. . ********************************************************************** . ! grep "^ vehicle |" wealth1993*log . ! grep "^ bank_int |" wealth1993*log . ! grep "^ oth_int |" wealth1993*log . ! grep "^stock_no_d~t |" wealth1993*log . ! grep "^ oreal |" wealth1993*log . ! grep "^ oth_ass4 |" wealth1993*log . ! grep "^ ira |" wealth1993*log . gen fileid = "1993t4" . sort id addid pnum . saveold ~/bulk/sipp/sipp93t4, replace file ~/bulk/sipp/sipp93t4.dta saved . exit,clear end of do-file . capture log close