. set mem 777m (795648k) . . **------------------------------------------------; . . ** This program reads the 2004 SIPP Wave 1 Topical Module Data File . ** Note: This program is distributed under the GNU GPL. See end of . ** this file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for details. . ** by Jean Roth Wed Nov 3 15:33:37 EDT 2010 . ** Please report errors to jroth@nber.org . ** run with do sippp04putm1 . . **-----------------------------------------------; . . ** The following line should contain . ** the complete path and name of the raw data file. . ** On a PC, use backslashes in paths as in C:\ . . local dat_name "/tmp/p04putm1.dat" . . ** The following line should contain the path to your output '.dta' file . . local dta_name "sippp04putm1.dta" . . ** The following line should contain the path to the data dictionary file . . local dct_name "sippp04putm1.dct" . . ** The following line should contain the complete path and name of the compressed data file. ; . . local compressed "/homes/data/sipp/2004/p04putm1.zip" . . ** Removing dat_name . capture rm `dat_name' . . ** Uncompressing the raw data file to /tmp . ** Note that /tmp must have enough space to write the uncompressed file . ! unzip -p `compressed' > "`dat_name'" . . ** The line below does NOT need to be changed . . quietly infile using "`dct_name'", using("`dat_name'") clear . . ** Removing the temp file when finished . ! rm -f "`dat_name'" . . ** Decimal places have been made explict in the dictionary file. . ** Stata resolves a missing value of -1 / # of decimal places as a missing value. . . **Everything below this point, aside from the final save, are value labels . . #delimit ; delimiter now ; . ; . label values spanel spanel; . label define spanel > 2004 "Panel Year" > ; . label values tfipsst tfipsst; . label define tfipsst > 1 "Alabama" > 2 "Alaska" > 4 "Arizona" > 5 "Arkansas" > 6 "California" > 8 "Colorado" > 9 "Connecticut" > 10 "Delaware" > 11 "DC" > 12 "Florida" > 13 "Georgia" > 15 "Hawaii" > 16 "Idaho" > 17 "Illinois" > 18 "Indiana" > 19 "Iowa" > 20 "Kansas" > 21 "Kentucky" > 22 "Louisiana" > 23 "Maine" > 24 "Maryland" > 25 "Massachusetts" > 26 "Michigan" > 27 "Minnesota" > 28 "Mississippi" > 29 "Missouri" > 30 "Montana" > 31 "Nebraska" > 32 "Nevada" > 33 "New Hampshire" > 34 "New Jersey" > 35 "New Mexico" > 36 "New York" > 37 "North Carolina" > 38 "North Dakota" > 39 "Ohio" > 40 "Oklahoma" > 41 "Oregon" > 42 "Pennsylvania" > 44 "Rhode Island" > 45 "South Carolina" > 46 "South Dakota" > 47 "Tennessee" > 48 "Texas" > 49 "Utah" > 50 "Vermont" > 51 "Virginia" > 53 "Washington" > 54 "West Virginia" > 55 "Wisconsin" > 56 "Wyoming" > ; . label values eoutcome eoutcome; . label define eoutcome > 201 "Completed interview" > 203 "Compl. partial- missing data; no" > 207 "Complete partial - TYPE-Z; no" > 213 "TYPE-A, language problem" > 216 "TYPE-A, no one home (noh)" > 217 "TYPE-A, temporarily absent (ta)" > 218 "TYPE-A, hh refused" > 219 "TYPE-A, other occupied (specify)" > 234 "TYPE-B, entire hh institut. or" > 248 "TYPE-C, other (specify)" > 249 "TYPE-C, sample adjustment" > 250 "TYPE-C, hh deceased" > 251 "TYPE-C, moved out of country" > 252 "TYPE-C, living in armed forces" > 253 "TYPE-C, on active duty in Armed" > 254 "TYPE-C, no one over age 15 years" > 255 "TYPE-C, no Wave 1 persons" > 260 "TYPE-D, moved address unknown" > 261 "TYPE-D, moved within U.S. but" > 262 "TYPE-C, merged with another SIPP" > 270 "TYPE-C, mover, no longer located" > 271 "TYPE-C, mover, new address" > 280 "TYPE-D, mover, no longer located" > ; . label values rfid2 rfid2l; . label define rfid2l > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values epopstat epopstat; . label define epopstat > 1 "Adult (15 years of age or older)" > 2 "Child (Under 15 years of age)" > ; . label values eppintvw eppintvw; . label define eppintvw > 1 "Interview (self)" > 2 "Interview (proxy)" > 3 "Noninterview - Type Z" > 4 "Noninterview - pseudo Type Z." > 5 "Children under 15 during" > ; . label values eppmis4 eppmis4l; . label define eppmis4l > 1 "Interview" > 2 "Non-interview" > ; . label values esex esex; . label define esex > 1 "MALE" > 2 "FEMALE" > ; . label values erace erace; . label define erace > 1 "White alone" > 2 "Black alone" > 3 "Asian alone" > 4 "Residual" > ; . label values eorigin eorigin; . label define eorigin > 2 "No" > 1 "Yes" > ; . label values errp errp; . label define errp > 1 "Reference person with related" > 2 "Reference Person without related" > 3 "Spouse of reference person" > 4 "Child of reference person" > 5 "Grandchild of reference person" > 6 "Parent of reference person" > 7 "Brother/sister of reference person" > 8 "Other relative of reference person" > 9 "Foster child of reference person" > 10 "Unmarried partner of reference" > 11 "Housemate/roommate" > 12 "Roomer/boarder" > 13 "Other non-relative of reference" > ; . label values tage tage; . label define tage > 0 "Less than 1 full year old" > ; . label values ems ems; . label define ems > 1 "Married, spouse present" > 2 "Married, spouse absent" > 3 "Widowed" > 4 "Divorced" > 5 "Separated" > 6 "Never Married" > ; . label values epnspous epnspous; . label define epnspous > 9999 "Spouse not in household or person" > ; . label values epnmom epnmom; . label define epnmom > 9999 "No mother in household" > ; . label values epndad epndad; . label define epndad > 9999 "No father in household" > ; . label values epnguard epnguard; . label define epnguard > 9999 "Guardian not in household" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values rdesgpnt rdesgpnt; . label define rdesgpnt > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values eeducate eeducate; . label define eeducate > 31 "Less Than 1st Grade" > 32 "1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th grade" > 33 "5th Or 6th Grade" > 34 "7th Or 8th Grade" > 35 "9th Grade" > 36 "10th Grade" > 37 "11th Grade" > 38 "12th grade, no diploma" > 39 "High School Graduate - (diploma" > 40 "Some college, but no degree" > 41 "Diploma or certificate from a" > 43 "Associate (2-yr) college degree" > 44 "Bachelor's degree (for example:" > 45 "Master's degree (For example: MA," > 46 "Professional School degree (for" > 47 "Doctorate degree (for example:" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values sinthhid sinthhid; . label define sinthhid > 0 "Not In Universe" > ; . label values earcunv earcunv; . label define earcunv > 1 "In universe" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values ecurafdc ecurafdc; . label define ecurafdc > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values acurafdc acurafdc; . label define acurafdc > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eevrgard eevrgard; . label define eevrgard > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values avergard avergard; . label define avergard > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eaplafdc eaplafdc; . label define eaplafdc > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values aaplafdc aaplafdc; . label define aaplafdc > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values ercvafdc ercvafdc; . label define ercvafdc > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values arcvafdc arcvafdc; . label define arcvafdc > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tafdcsty tafdcsty; . label define tafdcsty > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values aafdcsty aafdcsty; . label define aafdcsty > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tafdcly tafdcly; . label define tafdcly > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values aafdcly aafdcly; . label define aafdcly > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tafdctim tafdctim; . label define tafdctim > 1 "One time on ADFC/TANF" > 2 "Two times on ADFC/TANF" > 3 "Three or more times on ADFC/TANF" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values aafdctim aafdctim; . label define aafdctim > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values ecurssi ecurssi; . label define ecurssi > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values acurssi acurssi; . label define acurssi > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eaplssi eaplssi; . label define eaplssi > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values aaplssi aaplssi; . label define aaplssi > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values erecvssi erecvssi; . label define erecvssi > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values arecvssi arecvssi; . label define arecvssi > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tssistry tssistry; . label define tssistry > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values assistry assistry; . label define assistry > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tssily tssily; . label define tssily > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values assily assily; . label define assily > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values ecurfs ecurfs; . label define ecurfs > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values acurfs acurfs; . label define acurfs > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eaplfs eaplfs; . label define eaplfs > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values aaplfs aaplfs; . label define aaplfs > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values erecvfs erecvfs; . label define erecvfs > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values arecvfs arecvfs; . label define arecvfs > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tfsstryr tfsstryr; . label define tfsstryr > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values afsstryr afsstryr; . label define afsstryr > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tfsly tfsly; . label define tfsly > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values afsly afsly; . label define afsly > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tfstimes tfstimes; . label define tfstimes > 1 "One time on food stamps" > 2 "Two times on food stamps" > 3 "Three or more times on food stamps" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values afstimes afstimes; . label define afstimes > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eaemunv eaemunv; . label define eaemunv > 1 "In universe" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values ewk1bfor ewk1bfor; . label define ewk1bfor > 1 "Working at another job/business" > 2 "Not working at another" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values awk1bfor awk1bfor; . label define awk1bfor > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values twk1lsjb twk1lsjb; . label define twk1lsjb > 0 "Never worked at another" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values awk1lsjb awk1lsjb; . label define awk1lsjb > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tlstwrky tlstwrky; . label define tlstwrky > 0 "Never worked" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values alstwrky alstwrky; . label define alstwrky > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tprvjbyr tprvjbyr; . label define tprvjbyr > 0 "Never worked at another" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values aprvjbyr aprvjbyr; . label define aprvjbyr > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tfrmryr tfrmryr; . label define tfrmryr > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values afrmryr afrmryr; . label define afrmryr > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tmakmnyr tmakmnyr; . label define tmakmnyr > 0 "Never worked 6 straight months" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values amakmnyr amakmnyr; . label define amakmnyr > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eno6all1 eno6allr; . label define eno6allr > 1 "Taking care of a minor child" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values eno6all2 eno6allk; . label define eno6allk > 1 "Taking care of an elderly family" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values eno6all3 eno6alll; . label define eno6alll > 1 "Taking care of a disabled but" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values eno6all4 eno6allm; . label define eno6allm > 1 "Other family or home" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values eno6all5 eno6alln; . label define eno6alln > 1 "Own illness or disability" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values eno6all6 eno6allo; . label define eno6allo > 1 "Could not find work" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values eno6all7 eno6allp; . label define eno6allp > 1 "Did not want to work" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values eno6all8 eno6allq; . label define eno6allq > 1 "Going to school" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values eno6all9 eno6alls; . label define eno6alls > 1 "Other reason" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values ano6all ano6all; . label define ano6all > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values emnreson emnreson; . label define emnreson > 1 "Taking care of a minor child" > 2 "Taking care of an elderly family" > 3 "Taking care of a disabled but" > 4 "Other family or home" > 5 "Own illness or disability" > 6 "Could not find work" > 7 "Did not want to work" > 8 "Going to school" > 9 "Other" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values amnreson amnreson; . label define amnreson > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eanyoff eanyoff; . label define eanyoff > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values aanyoff aanyoff; . label define aanyoff > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values ehowmany ehowmany; . label define ehowmany > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values ahowmany ahowmany; . label define ahowmany > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values etimeoff etimeoff; . label define etimeoff > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values atimeoff atimeoff; . label define atimeoff > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values ewrk35hr ewrk35hr; . label define ewrk35hr > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values awrk35hr awrk35hr; . label define awrk35hr > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eoff6mtn eoff6mtn; . label define eoff6mtn > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values aoff6mtn aoff6mtn; . label define aoff6mtn > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values eothtime eothtime; . label define eothtime > -1 "Not in Universe" > 1 "Yes" > 2 "No" > ; . label values aothtime aothtime; . label define aothtime > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values ecntothr ecntothr; . label define ecntothr > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values acntothr acntothr; . label define acntothr > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tnowrkfr tnowrkfr; . label define tnowrkfr > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values anowrkfr anowrkfr; . label define anowrkfr > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tnowrkto tnowrkto; . label define tnowrkto > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values anowrkto anowrkto; . label define anowrkto > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tfstyrfr tfstyrfr; . label define tfstyrfr > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values afstyrfr afstyrfr; . label define afstyrfr > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values tfstyrto tfstyrto; . label define tfstyrto > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values afstyrto afstyrto; . label define afstyrto > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values enwall1 enwall1l; . label define enwall1l > 1 "Taking care of a minor child" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values enwall2 enwall2l; . label define enwall2l > 1 "Taking care of an elderly family" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values enwall3 enwall3l; . label define enwall3l > 1 "Taking care of a disabled but" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values anwall anwall; . label define anwall > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values enwresn enwresn; . label define enwresn > 1 "A minor child" > 2 "An elderly family member" > 3 "A disabled but non-elderly family" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values anwresn anwresn; . label define anwresn > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values efstall1 efstalln; . label define efstalln > 1 "A minor child" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values efstall2 efstallk; . label define efstallk > 1 "An elderly family member" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values efstall3 efstalll; . label define efstalll > 1 "A disabled but non-elderly family" > -1 "Not in Universe" > 0 "Not applicable" > ; . label values afstall afstall; . label define afstall > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . label values efrstrsn efrstrsn; . label define efrstrsn > 1 "A minor child" > 2 "An elderly family member" > 3 "A disabled but non-elderly family" > -1 "Not in Universe" > ; . label values afrstrsn afrstrsn; . label define afrstrsn > 0 "Not imputed" > 1 "Statistical imputation (hot deck)" > 2 "Cold deck imputation" > 3 "Logical imputation (derivation)" > ; . #delimit cr delimiter now cr . desc,short Contains data obs: 110,659 vars: 127 size: 21,357,187 (97.4% of memory free) Sorted by: Note: dataset has changed since last saved . . sort ssuid eentaid epppnum swave srotaton . saveold `dta_name' , replace file sippp04putm1.dta saved . . . . ** Copyright 2010 shared by the National Bureau of Economic Research and Jean Roth ; . . ** National Bureau of Economic Research. ; . ** 1050 Massachusetts Avenue ; . ** Cambridge, MA 02138 ; . ** jroth@nber.org ; . . ** This program and all programs referenced in it are free software. You ; . ** can redistribute the program or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; . ** General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; . ** either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; . . ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; . ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of ; . ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; . ** GNU General Public License for more details. ; . . ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; . ** along with this program, if not, write to the Free Software ; . ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ; . end of do-file