SURVEY OF INCOME AND PROGRAM PARTICIPATION, 2004 PANEL LONGITUDINAL WEIGHT FILE DATA DICTIONARY DATA SIZE BEGIN D SSUID 12 1 T SU: Sample Unit Identifier This identifier is created by scrambling together the PSU, Segment, Serial, Serial Suffix of the original sample address. It may be used in matching sample nuits from different waves. V 000000000000:999999999999 .Scrambled ID D SPANEL 4 13 T SU: Sample Code - Indicates Panel Year U All Persons V 2004 .Panel Year D CTL_DATE 7 17 Date of the controls to which weights correspond U All Persons V Jan2004 - Control date for PN1, PN2, PN3, PN4, and CY1 weights V Jan2005 - Control date for CY2 weights V Jan2006 - Control date for CY3 weights V Jan2007 - Control date for CY4 weights D LGTWTTYP 3 24 Weighting designation describing the longitudinal period for which the weights were produced U All Persons V CY1 - Designation for Calendar Year 2004 Weights V CY2 - Designation for Calendar Year 2005 Weights V CY3 - Designation for Calendar Year 2006 Weights V CY4 - Designation for Calendar Year 2007 Weights V PN1 - Designation for Full Panel Weights from January 2004 through December 2004 V PN2 - Designation for Full Panel Weights from January 2004 through December 2005 V PN3 - Designation for Full Panel Weights from January 2004 through December 2006 V PN4 - Designation for Full Panel Weights from January 2004 through December 2007 D PNLLENGTH 2 27 U All Persons Number of waves of data collection for the Panel identified by SPANEL V 00:99 D EPPPNUM 4 29 U All Persons T PE: Person Number. This field differentiates persons within the sample unit. Person number is unique within the sample unit. V 0101:1299 D REPWGT1 10 33 T WW: Person replicate weight. (Four implied decimal positions) Four implied decimal U All Persons V 000000000000:999999999999 .Final Person Weight D REPWGT120 10 1223 T WW: Person replicate weight. (Four implied decimal positions) Four implied decimal U All Persons V 000000000000:999999999999 .Final Person Weight