SURVEY OF INCOME AND PROGRAM PARTICIPATION, 2004 PANEL LONGITUDINAL WEIGHT (WAVES 1-12) FILE DATA DICTIONARY DATA SIZE BEGIN D LGTKEY 8 1 T PE: Person longitudinal key The longitudinal key is in sort by scrambled id (SSUID). The first five digits of the key contain a longitudinal sequence number which is unique for the sample unit across all waves. The last three digits contain a person's index which identifies a person within a sample unit and is unique for a person across all waves. This key can be used to merge people longitudinally. V 1001:50000001 .Longitudinal Key D SPANEL 4 9 T SU: Sample Code - Indicates Panel Year V 2004 .Panel Year D SSUID 12 13 T SU: Sample Unit Identifier Sample Unit identifier This identifier is created by scrambling together the PSU, Segment, Serial, Serial Suffix of the original sample address. It may be used in matching sample units from different waves. V 000000000000:999999999999 .Scrambled Id D EPPPNUM 4 25 T PE: Person number Person number. This field differentiates persons within the sample unit. Person number is unique within the sample unit. V 101:1299 .Person number D LGTPNWT1 10 29 T WW: Longitudinal Panel Weight V 0.0000:999999.9999 .Weight D LGTPNWT2 10 39 T WW: Longitudinal Panel Weight V 0.0000:999999.9999 .Weight D LGTPNWT3 10 49 T WW: Longitudinal Panel Weight V 0.0000:999999.9999 .Weight D LGTPNWT4 10 59 T WW: Longitudinal Panel Weight V 0.0000:999999.9999 .Weight D LGTCY1WT 10 69 T WW: Longitudinal First Calendar Year Weight V 0.0000:999999.9999 .Weight D LGTCY2WT 10 79 T WW: Longitudinal Second Calendar Year Weight V 0.0000:999999.9999 .Weight D LGTCY3WT 10 89 T WW: Longitudinal Third Calendar Year Weight V 0.0000:999999.9999 .Weight D LGTCY4WT 10 99 T WW: Longitudinal Fourth Calendar Year Weight V 0.0000:999999.9999 .Weight