---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- name: log: /disk/data3/sipp/1996/sipp1996lrw96cy1.log log type: text opened on: 3 Sep 2014, 16:43:32 . . **------------------------------------------------; . . ** This program reads the 1996 SIPP Longitudinal Replicate Weight File for Calendar Year Data File . ** Note: This program is distributed under the GNU GPL. See end of . ** this file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for details. . ** by Jean Roth Wed Sep 3 16:08:26 EDT 2014 . ** Please report errors to jroth@nber.org . ** run with do sipp1996lrw96cy1 . . **-----------------------------------------------; . . ** The following line should contain . ** the complete path and name of the raw data file. . ** On a PC, use backslashes in paths as in C:\ . . local dat_name "/homes/data/sipp/1996/lrw96cy1.dat" . . ** The following line should contain the path to your output '.dta' file . . local dta_name "/homes/data/sipp/1996/sipp1996lrw96cy1.dta" . . ** The following line should contain the path to the data dictionary file . . local dct_name "sipp1996lrw96cy1.dct" . . ** The line below does NOT need to be changed . . quietly infile using "`dct_name'", using("`dat_name'") clear . . ** Decimal places have been made explict in the dictionary file. . ** Stata resolves a missing value of -1 / # of decimal places as a missing value. . . **Everything below this point, aside from the final save, are value labels . . #delimit ; delimiter now ; . ; . label values spanel spanel; . label define spanel > 1996 "Panel Year" > ; . label values pnllength pnllength; . label define pnllength > 12 "for 1996 panel" > ; . #delimit cr delimiter now cr . desc,short Contains data obs: 81,045 vars: 114 size: 72,373,185 Sorted by: Note: dataset has changed since last saved . . sort ssuid epppnum . saveold `dta_name' , replace file /homes/data/sipp/1996/sipp1996lrw96cy1.dta saved . . . . ** Copyright 2014 shared by the National Bureau of Economic Research and Jean Roth ; . . ** National Bureau of Economic Research. ; . ** 1050 Massachusetts Avenue ; . ** Cambridge, MA 02138 ; . ** jroth@nber.org ; . . ** This program and all programs referenced in it are free software. You ; . ** can redistribute the program or modify it under the terms of the GNU ; . ** General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; . ** either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. ; . . ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; . ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of ; . ** MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; . ** GNU General Public License for more details. ; . . ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ; . ** along with this program, if not, write to the Free Software ; . ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. ; . end of do-file . desc Contains data from /homes/data/sipp/1996/sipp1996lrw96cy1.dta obs: 81,045 vars: 114 3 Sep 2014 16:43 size: 72,373,185 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ssuid str12 %12s SU: Sample Unit Identifier spanel int %10.0g spanel SU: Sample Code - Indicates Panel Year ctl_date str7 %9s Date of the controls to which weights correspond lgtwttyp str3 %9s Weighting designation describing the longitudinal period for which the pnllength byte %14.0g pnllength epppnum str4 %9s repwgt1 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 1. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt2 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 2. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt3 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 3. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt4 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 4. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt5 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 5. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt6 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 6. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt7 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 7. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt8 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 8. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt9 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 9. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt10 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 10. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt11 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 11. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt12 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 12. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt13 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 13. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt14 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 14. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt15 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 15. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt16 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 16. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt17 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 17. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt18 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 18. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt19 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 19. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt20 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 20. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt21 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 21. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt22 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 22. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt23 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 23. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt24 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 24. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt25 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 25. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt26 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 26. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt27 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 27. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt28 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 28. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt29 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 29. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt30 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 30. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt31 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 31. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt32 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 32. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt33 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 33. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt34 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 34. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt35 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 35. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt36 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 36. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt37 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 37. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt38 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 38. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt39 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 39. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt40 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 40. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt41 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 41. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt42 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 42. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt43 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 43. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt44 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 44. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt45 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 45. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt46 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 46. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt47 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 47. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt48 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 48. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt49 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 49. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt50 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 50. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt51 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 51. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt52 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 52. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt53 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 53. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt54 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 54. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt55 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 55. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt56 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 56. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt57 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 57. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt58 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 58. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt59 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 59. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt60 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 60. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt61 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 61. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt62 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 62. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt63 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 63. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt64 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 64. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt65 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 65. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt66 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 66. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt67 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 67. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt68 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 68. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt69 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 69. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt70 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 70. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt71 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 71. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt72 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 72. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt73 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 73. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt74 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 74. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt75 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 75. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt76 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 76. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt77 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 77. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt78 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 78. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt79 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 79. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt80 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 80. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt81 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 81. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt82 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 82. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt83 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 83. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt84 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 84. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt85 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 85. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt86 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 86. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt87 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 87. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt88 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 88. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt89 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 89. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt90 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 90. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt91 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 91. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt92 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 92. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt93 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 93. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt94 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 94. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt95 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 95. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt96 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 96. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt97 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 97. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt98 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 98. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt99 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 99. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt100 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 100. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt101 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 101. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt102 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 102. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt103 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 103. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt104 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 104. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt105 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 105. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt106 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 106. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt107 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 107. (Four implied decimal positions) repwgt108 double %10.0g WW: Person replicate weight 108. (Four implied decimal positions) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: ssuid epppnum . exit,clear