This directory has the 1996 SIPP Panel. The 1996 SIPP Panel Longitudnal File is in the subdirectory long. 1996 TM 7 minor change in ddf file 2003-04-21 1996 Topical Module 7 was replaced re the BLS Note below: 18 Note that an updated data file was placed on this server on 5/1/2002. Updates were made to the Retirement and Pension Plan Topical Module data, variables ELMPSP01 through ELMPSP19. Also, it was updated 2002-11-25 re: minor change in ddf file 2002-11-22. 1996 Topical Module 9 replaced re wave9tm_note.htm 1996 Questionnaires at 1996 Source and Accuracy Statement at EORIGIN value set descriptions at CC-96L1.pdf - CC-96L12.pdf are Control Card 9A Longitudnal Wave 1 to 9L Longitudnal Wave 12 files. Jean Roth,, August 7, 2002