. capture set mem 5g . . ** -----------------------------------------------; . ** This program reads the 2009 NCHS Natality Detail U.S. Territories Data File . ** by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , Fri Apr 13 14:40:58 EDT 2012 . ** Please report errors to jroth@nber.org . ** NOTE: This program is distributed under the GNU GPL. . ** See end of this file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for details. . ** Run with do natlterr2009 . ** -----------------------------------------------; . . ** The following line should contain . ** the complete path and name of the raw data file. . ** On a PC, use backslashes in paths as in C:\ ; . . local dat_name "/tmp/natlterr2009.dat" . . ** The following line should contain the path to your output '.dta' file ; . . local dta_name "natlterr2009" . . ** The following line should contain the path to the data dictionary file ; . . local dct_name "natlterr2009.dct" . . ** The following line should contain the complete path and name of the compressed data file. ; . . local compressed "/homes/data/natality/ftp.cdc.gov/pub/Health_Statistics/NCHS/Datasets/DVS/natality/Nat2009ps.zip" . . ** Removing dat_name . capture rm `dat_name' . . ** Uncompressing the raw data file to /tmp . ** Note that /tmp must have enough space to write the uncompressed file . ! unzip -p `compressed' > "`dat_name'" . . ** The line below does NOT need to be changed ; . . infile using "`dct_name'", using("`dat_name'") clear infile dictionary { *This program reads the 2009 NCHS Natality Detail U.S. Territories Data File *by Jean Roth Fri Apr 13 14:40:58 EDT 2012 *Please report errors to jroth@nber.org *See the .do file for directions and run with do natlterr2009 *NOTE: This program is distributed under the GNU GPL. *See end of this file and http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ for details. _column(7 ) str1 revision %1s "Revision U;R" _column(15 ) int dob_yy %4f "Birth Year U;R" _column(19 ) byte dob_mm %2f "Birth Month U;R" _column(29 ) byte dob_wk %1f "Weekday U;R" _column(30 ) str2 oterr %2s "Occurrence Territory/Possession U;R" _column(37 ) int ocntyfips %3f "Occurrence FIPS County U;R" _column(40 ) byte ocntypop %1f "Occurence County Population U;R" _column(41 ) byte bfacil %1f "Birth Place R" _column(42 ) byte ubfacil %1f "Birth Place U;R" _column(59 ) byte bfacil3 %1f "Birth Place Recode U;R" _column(87 ) byte mage_impflg %1f "Mother's Age Imputated Flag U;R" _column(88 ) byte mage_repflg %1f "Reported Age of Mother Flag U;R" _column(89 ) byte mager %2f "Mother's Single Year of Age U;R" _column(91 ) byte mager14 %2f "Mother's Age Recode 14 U;R" _column(93 ) byte mager9 %1f "Mother's Age Recode 9 U;R" _column(94 ) str2 mbcntry %2s "Mother's Birth Country R" _column(109 ) str2 mrterr %2s "Mother's Residence Territory/Posession U;R" _column(114 ) int mrcnty %3f "Mother's County of Residence U;R" _column(132 ) str1 rcnty_pop %1s "Population of Residence County U;R" _column(137 ) byte rectype %1f "Record Type U;R" _column(138 ) byte restatus %1f "Residence Status U;R" _column(139 ) byte mbrace %2f "Mother's Bridged Race** R***" _column(141 ) byte mrace %2f "Mother's Race U" _column(143 ) byte mracerec %1f "Mother's Race Recode U;R" _column(144 ) str1 mraceimp %1s "Mother's Race Imputed Flag U;R" _column(148 ) byte umhisp %1f "Mother's Hispanic Origin RFP 569=f_morigin U;R" _column(149 ) byte mracehisp %1f "Mother's Race/Hispanic Origin RFP 569=f_morigin U;R" _column(153 ) byte mar %1f "Mother's Marital Status U;R" _column(154 ) byte mar_imp %1f "Mother's Marital Status Imputed Flag U;R" _column(155 ) byte meduc %1f "Mother's Education RFP 571=f_meduc R" _column(156 ) byte dmeduc %2f "Mother's Education RFP 647=f_med U" _column(158 ) byte meduc_rec %1f "Mother's Education Recode RFP 647=f_med U" _column(175 ) byte fagerpt_flg %1f "Father's Reported Age Used U;R" _column(182 ) byte fagecomb %2f "Father's Combined Age (Revised) R" _column(184 ) byte ufagecomb %2f "Father's Combined Age U" _column(186 ) byte fagerec11 %2f "Father's Age Recode 11 U;R" _column(188 ) byte fbrace %2f "Father's Bridged Race R**" _column(191 ) byte fracerec %1f "Father's Race Recode U;R" _column(195 ) byte ufhisp %1f "Father's Hispanic Origin RFP 570=f_forigin U;R" _column(196 ) byte fracehisp %1f "Father's Race/Hispanic Origin RFP 570=f_forigin U;R" _column(199 ) byte frace %2f "Father's Race U" _column(212 ) byte lbo_rec %1f "Live Birth Order Recode U;R" _column(217 ) byte tbo_rec %1f "Total Birth Order Recode U;R" _column(245 ) byte precare %2f "Month Prenatal Care Began RFP 668=f_mpcb R" _column(247 ) byte precare_rec %1f "Month Prenatal Care Began Recode RFP 668=f_mpcb R" _column(256 ) byte mpcb %2f "Month Prenatal Care Began RFP 669=f_mpcb_u U" _column(258 ) byte mpcb_rec6 %1f "Month Prenatal Care Began Recode 6 RFP 669=f_mpcb_u U" _column(259 ) byte mpcb_rec5 %1f "Month Prenatal Care Began Recode 5 RFP 669=f_mpcb_u U" _column(270 ) byte uprevis %2f "Number of Prenatal Visits U;R" _column(272 ) byte previs_rec %2f "Number of Prenatal Visits Recode U;R" _column(276 ) byte wtgain %2f "Weight Gain RFP 648=f_wtgain U;R" _column(278 ) byte wtgain_rec %1f "Weight Gain Recode RFP 648=f_wtgain U;R" _column(280 ) byte dfpc_imp %1f "Day of Date First Prenatal Care Imputed R" _column(284 ) byte cig_1 %2f "Cigarettes 1st Trimester RFP 575=f_tobaco R" _column(286 ) byte cig_2 %2f "Cigarettes 2nd Trimester RFP 575=f_tobaco R" _column(288 ) byte cig_3 %2f "Cigarettes 3rd Trimester RFP 575=f_tobaco R" _column(290 ) byte tobuse %1f "Tobacco Use RFP 667=f_tobac U" _column(291 ) byte cigs %2f "Cigarettes Per Day U" _column(293 ) byte cig_rec6 %1f "Cigarettes Recode U" _column(294 ) str1 cig_rec %1s "Cigarettes Recode RFP 575=f_tobaco R" _column(305 ) int pwgt %3f "Prepregnancy Weight RFP 577=f_pwgt R" _column(309 ) int dwgt %3f "Maternal Delivery Weight 578=f_dwgt R" _column(313 ) str1 rf_diab %1s "Prepregnancy Diabetes RFP 582=f_rf_diab R" _column(314 ) str1 rf_gest %1s "Gestational Diabetes RFP 583=f_rf_gdiab R" _column(315 ) str1 rf_phyp %1s "Prepregnancy Hypertension RFP 584=f_rf_phyper R" _column(316 ) str1 rf_ghyp %1s "Gestational Hypertension RFP 585=f_rf_ghyper R" _column(317 ) str1 rf_eclam %1s "Eclampsia RFP 586=rf_eclamp R" _column(318 ) str1 rf_ppterm %1s "Previous Preterm Birth RFP 587=f_rf_ppb R" _column(319 ) str1 rf_ppoutc %1s "Poor Pregnancy Outcome RFP 588=f_rf_ppo R" _column(324 ) str1 rf_cesar %1s "Previous Cesarean Deliveries RFP 593=f_rf_cesar R" _column(325 ) byte rf_cesarn %2f "Number of Previous Cesarean Deliveries RFP 594=f_rf_ncesar R" _column(331 ) byte urf_diab %1f "Diabetes RFP 684=f_urf_diabetes U;R" _column(335 ) byte urf_chyper %1f "Chronic Hypertension RFP 688=f_urf_chyper U;R" _column(336 ) byte urf_phyper %1f "Pregnancy Associated Hypertension RFP 689=f_urf_phyper U;R" _column(337 ) byte urf_eclam %1f "Eclampsia RFP 690=f_urf_eclamp U;R" _column(351 ) str1 op_cerv %1s "Cervical Cerclage RFP 601=f_ob_cervic R" _column(352 ) str1 op_tocol %1s "Tocolysis RFP 602=f_ob_toco R" _column(353 ) str1 op_ecvs %1s "Successful External Cephalic Version RFP 603=f_ob_succ R" _column(354 ) str1 op_ecvf %1s "Failed External Cephalic Version RFP 604=f_ob_fail R" _column(357 ) byte uop_induc %1f "Induction of labor U;R" _column(359 ) byte uop_tocol %1f "Tocolysis U;R" _column(362 ) str1 op_ruptr %1s "Premature Rupture of Membrane RFP 605=f_ol_rupture R" _column(363 ) str1 op_precip %1s "Precipitous Labor RFP 606=f_ol_precip R" _column(364 ) str1 op_prol %1s "Prolonged Labor RFP 607=f_ol_prolong R" _column(365 ) str1 ld_indl %1s "Induction of Labor RFP 608=f_ld_induct R" _column(366 ) str1 ld_augm %1s "Augmentation of Labor RFP 609=f_ld_augment R" _column(367 ) str1 ld_nvpr %1s "Non-Vertex Presentation RFP 610=f_ld_nvrtx R" _column(368 ) str1 ld_ster %1s "Steroids RFP 611=f_ld_steroids R" _column(369 ) str1 ld_anti %1s "Antibiotics RFP 612=f_ld_antibio R" _column(370 ) str1 ld_chor %1s "Chorioamnionitis RFP 613=f_ld_chorio R" _column(371 ) str1 ld_mecs %1s "Meconium Staining RFP 614=f_ld_mecon R" _column(372 ) str1 ld_fint %1s "Fetal Intolerance RFP 615=f_ld_fintol R" _column(373 ) str1 ld_anes %1s "Anesthesia RFP 616=f_ld_anesth R" _column(375 ) byte uld_meco %1f "Meconium RFP 712=f_uld_meconium U;R" _column(381 ) byte uld_precip %1f "Precipitous labor RFP 718=f_uld_precip U;R" _column(384 ) byte uld_breech %1f "Breech RFP 721=f_uld_breech U;R" _column(390 ) str1 me_attf %1s "Attempted Forceps RFP 617=f_md_attfor R" _column(391 ) str1 me_attv %1s "Attempted Vacuum RFP 618=f_md_attvac R" _column(392 ) str1 me_pres %1s "Fetal Presentation RFP 619=f_md_present R" _column(393 ) str1 me_rout %1s "Route & Method of Delivery RFP 620=f_md_route R" _column(394 ) str1 me_trial %1s "Trial of Labor Attempted RFP 621=f_md_trial R" _column(395 ) byte ume_vag %1f "Vaginal RFP 730=f_u_vag U" _column(396 ) byte ume_vbac %1f "Vaginal after C-Section RFP 731=f_u_vbac U" _column(397 ) byte ume_primc %1f "Primary C-Section RFP 732=f_u_primc U" _column(398 ) byte ume_repec %1f "Repeat C-Section RFP 733=f_u_repec U" _column(399 ) byte ume_forcp %1f "Forceps RFP 734=f_u_forcp U;R" _column(400 ) byte ume_vac %1f "Vacuum RFP 735=f_u_vac U;R" _column(401 ) byte rdmeth_rec %1f "Delivery Method Recode (Revised) R" _column(402 ) byte udmeth_rec %1f "Delivery Method Recode (Unrevised) U" _column(403 ) byte dmeth_rec %1f "Delivery Method Recode U;R" _column(410 ) byte attend %1f "Attendant U;R" _column(415 ) byte apgar5 %2f "Five Minute Apgar Score RFP 574=f_apgar5 U;R" _column(417 ) byte apgar5r %1f "Five Minute Apgar Recode RFP 574=f_apgar5 U;R" _column(423 ) byte dplural %1f "Plurality U;R" _column(425 ) byte imp_plur %1f "Plurality Imputed U;R" _column(436 ) str1 sex %1s "Sex of Infant U;R" _column(437 ) byte imp_sex %1f "Imputed Sex U;R" _column(438 ) byte dlmp_mm %2f "Last Normal Menses - Month U;R" _column(442 ) int dlmp_yy %4f "Last Normal Menses - Year U;R" _column(446 ) byte estgest %2f "Obstetric/Clinical Gestation Est. RFP 573=f_clinest U;R" _column(451 ) byte combgest %2f "Gestation - Detail in Weeks U;R" _column(453 ) byte gestrec10 %2f "Gestation Recode 10 U;R" _column(455 ) byte gestrec3 %1f "Gestation Recode 3 U;R" _column(456 ) byte obgest_flg %1f "Clinical Estimate of Gestation Used Flag U;R" _column(457 ) byte gest_imp %1f "Gestation Imputed Flag U;R" _column(463 ) int dbwt %4f "Birth Weight - Detail in Grams U;R" _column(471 ) byte bwtr12 %2f "Birth Weight Recode 12 U;R" _column(473 ) byte bwtr4 %1f "Birth Weight Recode 4 U;R" _column(476 ) str1 ab_aven1 %1s "Assisted Ventilation RFP 628=f_ab_vent R" _column(477 ) str1 ab_aven6 %1s "Assisted Ventilation >6 hrs RFP 629=f_ab_vent6 R" _column(478 ) str1 ab_nicu %1s "Admission to NICU RFP 630=f_ab_nicu R" _column(479 ) str1 ab_surf %1s "Surfactant RFP 631=f_ab_surfac R" _column(480 ) str1 ab_anti %1s "Antibiotics RFP 632=f_ab_antibio R" _column(481 ) str1 ab_seiz %1s "Seizures RFP 633=f_ab_seiz R" _column(482 ) str1 ab_binj %1s "Birth Injury RFP 634=f_ab_inj R" _column(492 ) str1 ca_anen %1s "Anencephaly RFP 635=f_ca_anen R" _column(493 ) str1 ca_mnsb %1s "Meningomyelocele/Spina Bifida RFP 636=f_ca_menin R" _column(494 ) str1 ca_cchd %1s "Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease RFP 637=f_ca_heart R" _column(495 ) str1 ca_cdh %1s "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia RFP 638=f_ca_hernia R" _column(496 ) str1 ca_omph %1s "Omphalocele RFP 639=f_ca_ompha R" _column(497 ) str1 ca_gast %1s "Gastroschisis RFP 640=f_ca_gastro R" _column(498 ) str1 ca_limb %1s "Limb Reduction Defect RFP 641=f_ca_limb R" _column(499 ) str1 ca_cleft %1s "Cleft Lip w/ or w/o Cleft Palate RFP 642=f_ca_cleflp R" _column(500 ) str1 ca_clpal %1s "Cleft Palate alone RFP 643=f_ca_cleft R" _column(501 ) str1 ca_down %1s "Downs Syndrome RFP 644=f_ca_downs R" _column(502 ) str1 ca_disor %1s "Suspected Chromosonal Disorder RFP 645=f_ca_chrom R" _column(503 ) str1 ca_hypo %1s "Hypospadias RFP 646=f_ca_hypos R" _column(504 ) byte uca_anen %1f "Anencephalus RFP 752=f_uca_anen U;R" _column(505 ) byte uca_spina %1f "Spina bifida/Meningocele RFP 753=f_uca_spina U;R" _column(513 ) byte uca_ompha %1f "Omphalocele/Gastroschisis RFP 761=f_uca_omphalo U;R" _column(518 ) byte uca_cleftlp %1f "Cleft Lip/Palate RFP 766=f_uca_cleftlp U;R" _column(521 ) byte uca_hernia %1f "Diaphragmatic Hernia RFP 769=f_uca_hernia U;R" _column(523 ) byte uca_downs %1f "Down Syndrome RFP 771=f_uca_downs U;R" _column(569 ) byte f_morigin %1f "Origin of Mother (umhisp" _column(570 ) byte f_forigin %1f "Origin of Father (ufhisp" _column(571 ) byte f_meduc %1f "Education of Mother (meduc) R" _column(573 ) byte f_clinest %1f "Clinical Estimate of Gestation (estgest) U;R" _column(574 ) byte f_apgar5 %1f "5 - minute Apgar (apgar5" _column(575 ) byte f_tobaco %1f "Tobacco use (cig_1" _column(577 ) byte f_pwgt %1f "Prepregnancy Weight (pwgt) R" _column(578 ) byte f_dwgt %1f "Delivery Weight (dwgt) R" _column(582 ) byte f_rf_pdiab %1f "Prepregnancy Diabetes (rf_diab) R" _column(583 ) byte f_rf_gdiab %1f "Gestational Diabetes (rf_gest) R" _column(584 ) byte f_rf_phyper %1f "Prepregnancy Hypertension (rf_phyp) R" _column(585 ) byte f_rf_ghyper %1f "Gestational Hypertension (rf_ghyp) R" _column(586 ) byte f_rf_eclamp %1f "Eclampsia (rf_eclam) R" _column(587 ) byte f_rf_ppb %1f "Previous Preterm Birth (rf_ppterm) R" _column(588 ) byte f_rf_ppo %1f "Poor Pregnancy Outcomes (rf_ppoutc) R" _column(593 ) byte f_rf_cesar %1f "Previous Cesarean (rf_cesar) R" _column(594 ) byte f_rf_ncesar %1f "Number of Previous Cesareans (rf_cesarn) R" _column(601 ) byte f_ob_cervic %1f "Cervical Cerelage (op_cerv) R" _column(602 ) byte f_ob_toco %1f "Tocolysis (op_tocol) R" _column(603 ) byte f_ob_succ %1f "Successful External Cephalic Version (op_ecvs) R" _column(604 ) byte f_ob_fail %1f "Failed External Cephalic Version (op_ecvf) R" _column(605 ) byte f_ol_rupture %1f "Premature Rupture of the Membranes (op_ruptr) R" _column(606 ) byte f_ol_precip %1f "Precipitous Labor (op_precip) R" _column(607 ) byte f_ol_prolong %1f "Prolonged Labor (op_prol) R" _column(608 ) byte f_ld_induct %1f "Induction of Labor (ld_indl) R" _column(609 ) byte f_ld_augment %1f "Augmentation of Labor (ld_augm) R" _column(611 ) byte f_ld_steroids %1f "Steroids (ld_ster) R" _column(612 ) byte f_ld_antibio %1f "Antibiotics (ld_anti) R" _column(613 ) byte f_ld_chorio %1f "Chorioamnionitis (ld_chor) R" _column(614 ) byte f_ld_mecon %1f "Meconium Staining (ld_mecs) R" _column(615 ) byte f_ld_fintol %1f "Fetal Intolerance (ld_fint) R" _column(616 ) byte f_ld_anesth %1f "Anesthesia (ld_anes) R" _column(619 ) byte f_md_present %1f "Fetal Presentation (me_pres) R" _column(620 ) byte f_md_route %1f "Fetal Route and Method of Delivery (me_rout) R" _column(621 ) byte f_md_trial %1f "Trial of Labor Attempted (me_trial) R" _column(628 ) byte f_ab_vent %1f "Assisted Ventilation (ab_aven1) R" _column(629 ) byte f_ab_vent6 %1f "Assisted Ventilation >6hrs (ab_aven6) R" _column(630 ) byte f_ab_nicu %1f "Admission to NICU (ab_nicu) R" _column(631 ) byte f_ab_surfac %1f "Surfactant (ab_surf) R" _column(632 ) byte f_ab_antibio %1f "Antibiotics (ab_anti) R" _column(633 ) byte f_ab_seiz %1f "Seizures (ab_seiz) R" _column(634 ) byte f_ab_inj %1f "Birth Injury (ab_binj) R" _column(635 ) byte f_ca_anen %1f "Anencephaly (ca_anen) R" _column(636 ) byte f_ca_menin %1f "Meningomyelocele/Spina Bifida (ca_mnsb) R" _column(637 ) byte f_ca_heart %1f "Cyanotic Congenital Heart Disease (ca_cchd) R" _column(638 ) byte f_ca_hernia %1f "Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (ca_cdh) R" _column(639 ) byte f_ca_ompha %1f "Omphalocele (ca_omph) R" _column(640 ) byte f_ca_gastro %1f "Gastroschisis (ca_gast) R" _column(641 ) byte f_ca_limb %1f "Limb Reduction Defect (ca_limb) R" _column(642 ) byte f_ca_cleftlp %1f "Cleft Lip w/ or w/o Cleft Palate (ca_cleft) R" _column(643 ) byte f_ca_cleft %1f "Cleft Palate alone (ca_clpal) R" _column(644 ) byte f_ca_downs %1f "Downs Syndrome (ca_down) R" _column(645 ) byte f_ca_chrom %1f "Suspected Chromosonal Disorder (ca_disor) R" _column(646 ) byte f_ca_hypos %1f "Hypospadias (ca_hypo) R" _column(647 ) byte f_med %1f "Mother's Education (dmeduc" _column(648 ) byte f_wtgain %1f "Weight gain (wtgain" _column(667 ) byte f_tobac %1f "Tobacco use (tobuse) U" _column(668 ) byte f_mpcb %1f "Month Prenatal Care Began (precare" _column(669 ) byte f_mpcb_u %1f "Month Prenatal Care Began (mpcb" _column(684 ) byte f_urf_diabetes %1f "Diabetes (urf_diab) U" _column(688 ) byte f_urf_chyper %1f "Chronic Hypertension (urf_chyper) U" _column(689 ) byte f_urf_phyper %1f "Pregnancy Associated Hypertension (urf_phyper) U" _column(690 ) byte f_urf_eclamp %1f "Eclampsia (urf_eclam) U" _column(703 ) byte f_uob_induct %1f "Induction of labor U" _column(705 ) byte f_uob_tocol %1f "Tocolysis U" _column(712 ) byte f_uld_meconium %1f "Meconium (uld_mecs) U" _column(718 ) byte f_uld_precip %1f "Precipitous labor (uld_precip) U" _column(721 ) byte f_uld_breech %1f "Breech (uld_breech) U" _column(730 ) byte f_u_vag %1f "Vaginal (ume_vag) U" _column(731 ) byte f_u_vbac %1f "Vaginal after C-Section (ume_vbac) U" _column(732 ) byte f_u_primc %1f "Primary C-Section (ume_primc) U" _column(733 ) byte f_u_repec %1f "Repeat C-Section (ume_repec) U" _column(734 ) byte f_u_forcp %1f "Forceps (ume_forcp) U" _column(735 ) byte f_u_vac %1f "Vacuum (ume_vac) U" _column(752 ) byte f_uca_anen %1f "Anencephalus (uca_anen) U" _column(753 ) byte f_uca_spina %1f "Spina bifida/Meningocele (uca_spina) U" _column(761 ) byte f_uca_omphalo %1f "Omphalocele/Gastroschisis (uca_ompha) U" _column(766 ) byte f_uca_cleftlp %1f "Cleft Lip/Palate (uca_cleftlp) U" _column(771 ) byte f_uca_downs %1f "Down Syndrome (ucs_downs) U" } (52454 observations read) . . . ** Removing the temp file when finished . ! rm -f "`dat_name'" . . note: by Jean Roth, jroth@nber.org Fri Apr 13 14:40:58 EDT 2012 . compress . saveold "`dta_name'",replace (note: file natlterr2009.dta not found) file natlterr2009.dta saved . ** Run commands from directory with data . capture erase natlterr2009.dta.zip . ! zip natlterr2009.dta.zip natlterr2009.dta . capture erase natlterr2009.dta . exit end of do-file . exit,clear