WARNING! DATA USE RESTRICTIONS Read Carefully Before Using The Public Health Service Act (Section 308) (d) provides that the data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), may be used only for the purpose of health statistical reporting and analysis. Any effort to determine the identity of any reported case is prohibited by this law. NCHS does all it can to assure that the identity of data subjects cannot be disclosed. All direct identifiers, as well as any characteristics that might lead to identification, are omitted from these datasets. Any intentional identification or disclosure of a person or establishment violates the assurances of confidentiality given to the providers of the information. Therefore, users will: 1. Use the data in these datasets for statistical reporting and analysis only. 2. Make no use of the identity of any person or establishment discovered inadvertently and advise the Director, NCHS, of any such discovery. 3. Not link these datasets with individually identifiable data from other NCHS or non-NCHS datasets. This CD-ROM contains the Multiple Cause of Death public use files for 2004. The files are in ASCII format and the United States file has been compressed using WinZip 9. The filename of the United States file is Mort04us.zip; it comprises 2,401,400 records. The Territories file is called Mort04ps.dat and comprises 30,848 records. Record length for both files is 488 positions. Documentation files and tables are included in the folder Doc. They are variously in Microsoft Word and PDF formats. They comprise the following files: Record Layout Geographic code outlines: Usgeoint04 - Introduction to the Vital Statistics Geographic Code Outline for the United GeoOutline04- Vital Statistics Geographic Code Outline for the United States Terrgeoint04 - Introduction to the Vital Statistics Geographic Code Outline for the Territories Terrgeolst04 - Vital Statistics Geographic Code Outline for the Territories Uspmsa04 - List of Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas and their Component Counties for the United States Terrpmsa04 - List of Primary Metropolitan Statistical Areas and their Component Counties for Puerto Rico Cause-of-death lists: 358cause - List of 358 selected causes of death 113cause - List of 113 selected causes of death 130cause - List of 130 selected causes of infant death 39cause - List of 39 selected causes of death Six Control total tables (refer to titles for contents) Technical Appendix from Vital Statistics of the United States, Mortality, 1999 Published documentation will also include an Introduction to the public use file and the Technical Appendix from Vital Statistics of the United States, Mortality, 2004. These documents are not yet available.