Additional notes in May 2021 by drf: /home/data/cps-basic2/dta needs to be up to date to add a year to the morgs. Copy ../raw/extract_morg_20YY.csh to target year, then edit to target year and run. This creates ../raw/morgZZ.raw with only outgoing rotation groups. Copy and edit Add a line for 20ZZ and move YY into the comment field. Run to create ../annualZZ.dta Original readme.txt: All the source code used to generate the STATA files is included in this directory. '' is the single STATA program that processes all the years. It uses five different data dictionaries, whose bodies are here with the suffix 'dbd'. In many cases code in modifies the effect of the dictionaries, so examine that code before assuming an entry in the dictionary is invalid. For example, a variable dropped by the Census may still be mentioned in the dictionary, but dropped in ''. Original BLS/Census documentation is in the /docs direcotry. In cases of potential errors, please investigate thoroughly. If variables run out of range, or have an indefensible universe, that is best shown with tabs from the data. Include the stata .log file, with both the program and the result. Contact Jean Roth with questions at or 617-588-0338