obs: 28,306 vars: 380 18 OCT 2018 15:43 size: 13,445,350 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- revision str1 %1s Revision U,R laterec byte %8.0g Late Record Flag U,R idnumber int %8.0g Infant Death Number in numerator and denominator-plus dob_yy int %8.0g Birth Year U,R dob_mm byte %8.0g Birth Month U,R dob_wk byte %8.0g Birth Weekday U,R ostate str1 %1s Occurrence State U,R xostate str1 %1s Expanded Occurrence State U,R ocntyfips byte %8.0g Occurrence FIPS County U,R ocntypop byte %8.0g Occurence County Population U,R ubfacil byte %8.0g Birth Place U,R bfacil3 byte %8.0g Birth Place Recode U,R mage_impflg byte %8.0g Mother's Age Imputated Flag U,R mage_repflg byte %8.0g Reported Age of Mother Flag U,R mager41 byte %8.0g Mother's Age Recode 41 U,R mager14 byte %8.0g Mother's Age Recode 14 U,R mager9 byte %8.0g Mother's Age Recode 9 U,R umbstate str1 %1s Mother's Birth State U,R mbstate_rec byte %8.0g Mother's Birth State Recode U,R xmrstate str1 %1s Expanded State of Residence of Mother U,R mrstatefips str1 %1s Mother's Residence State U,R mrcntyfips byte %8.0g Mother's FIPS County of Residence (FIPS) U,R mrcityfips byte %8.0g Mother's Place of Residence (FIPS) U,R rcnty_pop str1 %1s Population of Residence County U,R rcity_pop str1 %1s Population of Residence City U,R citylim str1 %1s Inside City Limits metrores str1 %1s Metropolitan Residence County U,R rectype byte %8.0g Record Type U,R restatus byte %8.0g Resident Status U,R mbrace byte %8.0g Mother's Bridged Race U,R mrace byte %8.0g Mother's Race U mracerec byte %8.0g Mother's Race Recode U,R mraceimp str1 %1s Mother's Race Imputed Flag U,R umhisp byte %8.0g Mother's Hispanic Origin U,R (f_morigin rep flag) mracehisp byte %8.0g Mother's Race/Hispanic Origin U,R (f_morigin rep flag) mar byte %8.0g Mother's Marital Status U,R (652 rep flag ?) mar_imp byte %8.0g Mother's Marital Status Imputed Flag U,R meduc byte %8.0g Mother's Education R (f_meduc rep flag) umeduc byte %8.0g Mother's Education U (f_med rep flag) meduc_rec byte %8.0g Mother's Education Recode U (f_med rep flag) fagerpt_flg byte %8.0g Father's Reported Age Used U,R fagerpt byte %8.0g Father's Reported Age U,R fagecomb byte %8.0g Father's Combined Age (Revised) R ufagecomb byte %8.0g Father's Combined Age U fagerec11 byte %8.0g Father's Age Recode 11 U,R fbrace byte %8.0g Father's Bridged Race U,R fracerec byte %8.0g Father's Race Recode U,R ufhisp byte %8.0g Father's Hispanic Origin U,R (f_forigin rep flag) fracehisp byte %8.0g Father's Race/Hispanic Origin U,R (f_forigin rep flag) frace byte %8.0g Father's Race U priorlive byte %8.0g Prior Births Now Living U,R priordead byte %8.0g Prior Births Now Dead U,R priorterm byte %8.0g Prior Other Terminations U,R lbo byte %8.0g Live Birth Order U,R lbo_rec byte %8.0g Live Birth Order Recode U,R tbo byte %8.0g Total Birth Order U,R tbo_rec byte %8.0g Total Birth Order Recode U,R precare byte %8.0g Month Prenatal Care Began R (f_mpcb rep flag) precare_rec byte %8.0g Month Prenatal Care Began Recode R (f_mpcb rep flag) mpcb byte %8.0g Month Prenatal Care Began U (f_mpcb_u rep flag) mpcb_rec6 byte %8.0g Month Prenatal Care Began Recode 6 U (f_mpcb_u rep flag) mpcb_rec5 byte %8.0g Month Prenatal Care Began Recode 5 U (f_mpcb_u rep flag) uprevis byte %8.0g Number of Prenatal Visits U,R previs_rec byte %8.0g Number of Prenatal Visits Recode U,R apncu byte %8.0g APNCU/Kotelchuck Index U,R wtgain byte %8.0g Weight Gain U,R (f_wtgain rep flag) wtgain_rec byte %8.0g Weight Gain Recode U,R (f_wtgain rep flag) u_apncu byte %8.0g Adequacy of Prenatal Care Utilization Index (f_mpcb_u rep flag) dfpc_imp byte %8.0g Day of Date First Prenatal Care Imputed R cig_1 byte %8.0g Cigarettes 1st Trimester R cig_2 byte %8.0g Cigarettes 2nd Trimester R cig_3 byte %8.0g Cigarettes 3rd Trimester R tobuse byte %8.0g Tobacco Use U (f_tobac rep flag) cigs byte %8.0g Cigarettes Per Day U cig_rec6 byte %8.0g Cigarettes Recode U cig_rec str1 %1s Cigarettes Recode R alcohol byte %8.0g Alcohol Use U (f_alcol rep flag) drinks byte %8.0g Drinks Per Week U (f_alcol rep flag) drinks_rec byte %8.0g Drinks Recode U (f_alcol rep flag) urf_anemia byte %8.0g Anemia U urf_card byte %8.0g Cardiac U urf_lung byte %8.0g Acute or Chronic Lung Disease U urf_diab byte %8.0g Diabetes U,R urf_gen byte %8.0g Genital Herpes U urf_hydra byte %8.0g Hydramnios/Oligohydramnios U urf_hemo byte %8.0g Hemoglobinopathy U urf_chyper byte %8.0g Chronic Hypertension U,R urf_phyper byte %8.0g Pregnancy Associated Hypertension U,R urf_eclam byte %8.0g Eclampsia U,R urf_incerv byte %8.0g Incompetent cervix U urf_pre4000 byte %8.0g Previous infant 4000+ Grams U urf_preterm byte %8.0g Previous Preterm or Small for Gestation U urf_renal byte %8.0g Renal disease U urf_rh byte %8.0g Rh sensitization U urf_uterine byte %8.0g Uterine bleeding U urf_other byte %8.0g Other Medical Risk Factors U uop_amnio byte %8.0g Amniocentesis U uop_monit byte %8.0g Electronic Fetal Monitoring U uop_induc byte %8.0g Induction of labor U,R uop_stiml byte %8.0g Stimulation of labor U uop_tocol byte %8.0g Tocolysis U,R uop_ultra byte %8.0g Ultrasound U uop_other byte %8.0g Other Obstetric Procedures U uld_febr byte %8.0g Febrile U uld_meco byte %8.0g Meconium U,R uld_ruptr byte %8.0g Premature Rupture of Membrane U uld_abrup byte %8.0g Abruptio placenta U uld_prepla byte %8.0g Placenta previa U uld_excbl byte %8.0g Other Excessive Bleeding U uld_seiz byte %8.0g Seizures During Labor U uld_precip byte %8.0g Precipitous labor U,R uld_prolg byte %8.0g Prolonged Labor U uld_dysfn byte %8.0g Dysfunctional Labor U uld_breech byte %8.0g Breech U,R uld_cephal byte %8.0g Cephalopelvic Disproportion U uld_cord byte %8.0g Cord Prolapse U uld_anest byte %8.0g Anesthetic Complications U uld_distr byte %8.0g Fetal Distress U uld_other byte %8.0g Other Complications U ume_vag byte %8.0g Vaginal U,R ume_vbac byte %8.0g Vaginal after C-Section U,R ume_primc byte %8.0g Primary C-Section U,R ume_repec byte %8.0g Repeat C-Section U,R ume_forcp byte %8.0g Forceps U,R ume_vac byte %8.0g Vacuum U,R dmeth_rec byte %8.0g Delivery Method Recode U,R attend byte %8.0g Attendant U,R apgar5 byte %8.0g Five Minute Apgar Score U,R (f_apgar5 rep flag) apgar5r byte %8.0g Five Minute Apgar Recode U,R (f_apgar5 rep flag) dplural byte %8.0g Plurality U,R imp_plur byte %8.0g Plurality Imputed U,R sex str1 %1s Sex of Infant U,R imp_sex byte %8.0g Imputed Sex dlmp_mm byte %8.0g Last Normal Menses - Month U,R dlmp_dd byte %8.0g Last Normal Menses - Day U,R dlmp_yy int %8.0g Last Normal Menses - Year U,R estgest byte %8.0g Obstetric/Clinical Gestation Est. U,R (f_clinest rep flag) combgest byte %8.0g Gestation - Detail in Weeks U,R gestrec10 byte %8.0g Gestation Recode 10 U,R gestrec3 byte %8.0g Gestation Recode 3 U,R obgest_flg byte %8.0g Clinical Estimate of Gestation Used Flag U,R gest_imp byte %8.0g Gestation Imputed Flag U,R dbwt int %8.0g Birth Weight - Detail in Grams U,R bwtr14 byte %8.0g Birth Weight Recode 14 U,R bwtr4 byte %8.0g Birth Weight Recode 4 U,R bwtimp byte %8.0g Imputed Birthweight Flag U uab_anem byte %8.0g Anemia U uab_injury byte %8.0g Birth Injury U uab_alcoh byte %8.0g Fetal Alcohol Syndrome U uab_hyal byte %8.0g Hyaline Membrane Disease U uab_mecon byte %8.0g Meconium Aspiration Syndrome U uab_venl30 byte %8.0g Assisted Ventilation < 30 min U uab_ven30m byte %8.0g Assisted Ventilation >= 30 min U uab_nseiz byte %8.0g Seizures U uab_other byte %8.0g Other Abnormal Conditions U uca_anen byte %8.0g Anencephalus U,R uca_spina byte %8.0g Spina bifida/Meningocele U,R uca_hydro byte %8.0g Hydrocephalus U uca_micro byte %8.0g Microcephalus U uca_nerv byte %8.0g Other Central Nervous System Anomalies U uca_heart byte %8.0g Heart malformations U uca_circ byte %8.0g Other Circulatory/Respiratory Anomalies U uca_rectal byte %8.0g Rectal Atresia/Stenosis U uca_trach byte %8.0g Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula U uca_ompha byte %8.0g Omphalocele/Gastroschisis U,R uca_gastro byte %8.0g Other Gastrointestinal Anomalies U uca_genital byte %8.0g Malformed Genitalia U uca_renal byte %8.0g Renal Agenesis U uca_urogen byte %8.0g Other Urogenital Anomalies U uca_cleftlp byte %8.0g Cleft Lip/Palate U,R uca_adactyly byte %8.0g Polydactyly/Syndactyly/Adactyly U uca_clubft byte %8.0g Club Foot U uca_hernia byte %8.0g Diaphragmatic Hernia U uca_muscu byte %8.0g Other Musculoskeletal Anomalies U uca_downs byte %8.0g Downs Syndrome U,R uca_chromo byte %8.0g Other Chromosomal Anomalies U uca_other byte %8.0g Other Congenital Anomalies U f_morigin byte %8.0g Origin of Mother U,R f_forigin byte %8.0g Origin of Father U,R f_meduc byte %8.0g Education of Mother R f_clinest byte %8.0g Clinical Estimate of Gestation U,R f_apgar5 byte %8.0g 5 - minute Apgar U,R f_tobaco byte %8.0g Tobacco use R f_med byte %8.0g Mother's Education U f_wtgain byte %8.0g Weight gain U,R f_alcol byte %8.0g Alcohol use U f_api byte %8.0g API codes U f_tobac byte %8.0g Tobacco use U f_mpcb byte %8.0g Month Prenatal Care Began R f_mpcb_u byte %8.0g Month Prenatal Care Began U f_urf_anemia byte %8.0g Anemia U f_urf_cardiac byte %8.0g Cardiac Disease U f_urf_lung byte %8.0g Acute or Chronic Lung Disease U f_urf_diabetes byte %8.0g Diabetes U f_urf_herpes byte %8.0g Genital Herpes U f_urf_hydra byte %8.0g Hydramnios/Oligohydramnios U f_urf_hemo byte %8.0g Hemoglobinopathy U f_urf_chyper byte %8.0g Chronic Hypertension U f_urf_phyper byte %8.0g Pregnancy-Associated Hypertension U f_urf_eclamp byte %8.0g Eclampsia U f_urf_incervix byte %8.0g Incompetent Cervix U f_urf_pre4000 byte %8.0g Previous Infant 4000+ Grams U f_urf_preterm byte %8.0g Previous Preterm of Small for Gestation Infant U f_urf_renal byte %8.0g Renal Disease U f_urf_rh byte %8.0g Rh Sensitization U f_urf_uterine byte %8.0g Uterine Bleeding U f_urf_other byte %8.0g Other Medical Risk Factors U f_uob_amnio byte %8.0g Amniocentesis U f_uob_monitor byte %8.0g Electronic Fetal Monitoring U f_uob_induct byte %8.0g Induction of Labor U f_uob_stimul byte %8.0g Stimulation of Labor U f_uob_tocol byte %8.0g Tocolysis U f_uob_ultras byte %8.0g Ultrasound U f_uob_otherob byte %8.0g Other Obstetric Procedures U f_uld_febrile byte %8.0g Febrile U f_uld_meconium byte %8.0g Meconium U f_uld_rupture byte %8.0g Premature Rupture of Membrane U f_uld_abruptio byte %8.0g Abruptio Placenta U f_uld_preplace byte %8.0g Placenta Previa U f_uld_excebld byte %8.0g Other Excessive Bleeding U f_uld_seizure byte %8.0g Seizures During Labor U f_uld_precip byte %8.0g Precipitous Labor U f_uld_prolong byte %8.0g Prolonged Labor U f_uld_dysfunc byte %8.0g Dysfunctional Labor U f_uld_breech byte %8.0g Breech U f_uld_cephalo byte %8.0g Cephalopelvic Disproportion U f_uld_cord byte %8.0g Cord Prolapse U f_uld_anesthe byte %8.0g Anesthetic Complications U f_uld_distress byte %8.0g Fetal Distress U f_uld_otherld byte %8.0g Other Complications U f_u_vaginal byte %8.0g Vaginal U f_u_vbac byte %8.0g Vaginal After C-Section U f_u_primac byte %8.0g Primary C-Section U f_u_repeac byte %8.0g Repeat C-Section U f_u_forcep byte %8.0g Forceps U f_u_vacuum byte %8.0g Vacuum U f_uab_anemia byte %8.0g Anemia U f_uab_injury byte %8.0g Birth Injury U f_uab_alcosyn byte %8.0g Fetal Alcohol Syndrome U f_uab_hyaline byte %8.0g Hyaline Membrane Disease U f_uab_mecosyn byte %8.0g Meconium Aspiration Syndrome U f_uab_venl30 byte %8.0g Assisted Ventilation <30 min U f_uab_ven30m byte %8.0g Assisted Ventilation >=30 min U f_uab_nseiz byte %8.0g Seizures U f_uab_otherab byte %8.0g Other Abnormal Conditions U f_uca_anen byte %8.0g Anencephalus U f_uca_spina byte %8.0g Spina Bifida U f_uca_hydro byte %8.0g Hydrocephalus U f_uca_microce byte %8.0g Microcephalus U f_uca_nervous byte %8.0g Other Central Nervous System Anomalies U f_uca_heart byte %8.0g Heart Malformations U f_uca_circul byte %8.0g Other Circulatory/Respiratory Anomalies U f_uca_rectal byte %8.0g Rectal Atresia/Stenosis U f_uca_tracheo byte %8.0g Tracheo-Esophagael Fistula U f_uca_omphalo byte %8.0g Omphalocele/Gastrochisis U f_uca_gastro byte %8.0g Other Gastrointestinal Anomalies U f_uca_genital byte %8.0g Malformed Genitalia U f_uca_renalag byte %8.0g Renal Agenesis U f_uca_urogen byte %8.0g Other Urogenital Anomalies U f_uca_cleftlp byte %8.0g Cleft Lip/Palate U f_uca_adactyl byte %8.0g Polydactyly/Syndactyly/Adactyly U f_uca_club byte %8.0g Club Foot U f_uca_hernia byte %8.0g Diaphramatic Hernia U f_uca_musculo byte %8.0g Other Musculoskeletal Anomalies U f_uca_downs byte %8.0g Downs Syndrome U f_uca_chromo byte %8.0g Other Chromosomal Anomalies U f_uca_othrcon byte %8.0g Other Congenital Anomalies U mrace1e str1 %1s Mother's Race Edited 1 R mrace2e str1 %1s Mother's Race Edited 2 R mrace3e str1 %1s Mother's Race Edited 3 R mrace4e str1 %1s Mother's Race Edited 4 R mrace5e str1 %1s Mother's Race Edited 5 R mrace6e str1 %1s Mother's Race Edited 6 R mrace7e str1 %1s Mother's Race Edited 7 R mrace8e str1 %1s Mother's Race Edited 8 R frace1e str1 %1s Father's Race Edited 1 R frace2e str1 %1s Father's Race Edited 2 R frace3e str1 %1s Father's Race Edited 3 R frace4e str1 %1s Father's Race Edited 4 R frace5e str1 %1s Father's Race Edited 5 R frace6e str1 %1s Father's Race Edited 6 R frace7e str1 %1s Father's Race Edited 7 R frace8e str1 %1s Father's Race Edited 8 R matchs byte %8.0g Match Status U,R aged int %8.0g Age at Death in Days ager5 byte %8.0g Infant age recode 5 ager22 byte %8.0g Infant age recode 22 manner byte %8.0g Manner of Death dispo str1 %1s Method of Disposition autopsy str1 %1s Autopsy place byte %8.0g Place of injury for causes W00-Y34 except Y06 and Y07 ucod str4 %4s ICD Code (10th Revision) ucod130 int %8.0g 130 Infant Cause Recode recwt double %12.0g Record Weight eanum byte %8.0g Number of Entity-Axis Conditions econdp_1 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 1 econds_1 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 1 enicon_1 str4 %4s Condition code 1 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_2 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 2 econds_2 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 2 enicon_2 str4 %4s Condition code 2 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_3 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 3 econds_3 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 3 enicon_3 str4 %4s Condition code 3 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_4 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 4 econds_4 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 4 enicon_4 str4 %4s Condition code 4 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_5 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 5 econds_5 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 5 enicon_5 str4 %4s Condition code 5 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_6 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 6 econds_6 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 6 enicon_6 str4 %4s Condition code 6 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_7 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 7 econds_7 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 7 enicon_7 str4 %4s Condition code 7 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_8 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 8 econds_8 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 8 enicon_8 str4 %4s Condition code 8 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_9 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 9 econds_9 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 9 enicon_9 str4 %4s Condition code 9 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_10 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 10 econds_10 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 10 enicon_10 str4 %4s Condition code 10 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_11 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 11 econds_11 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 11 enicon_11 str4 %4s Condition code 11 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_12 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 12 econds_12 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 12 enicon_12 str4 %4s Condition code 12 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_13 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 13 econds_13 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 13 enicon_13 str4 %4s Condition code 13 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_14 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 14 econds_14 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 14 enicon_14 str4 %4s Condition code 14 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_15 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 15 econds_15 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 15 enicon_15 str1 %1s Condition code 15 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_16 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 16 econds_16 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 16 enicon_16 str1 %1s Condition code 16 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_17 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 17 econds_17 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 17 enicon_17 str1 %1s Condition code 17 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_18 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 18 econds_18 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 18 enicon_18 str1 %1s Condition code 18 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_19 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 19 econds_19 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 19 enicon_19 str1 %1s Condition code 19 (ICD 10th Revision) econdp_20 byte %8.0g Part/line number on certificate 20 econds_20 str1 %1s Sequence of condition within part/line 20 enicon_20 str1 %1s Condition code 20 (ICD 10th Revision) ranum byte %8.0g Number of Record-Axis Conditions record_1 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 1 (ICD 10th Revision) record_2 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 2 (ICD 10th Revision) record_3 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 3 (ICD 10th Revision) record_4 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 4 (ICD 10th Revision) record_5 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 5 (ICD 10th Revision) record_6 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 6 (ICD 10th Revision) record_7 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 7 (ICD 10th Revision) record_8 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 8 (ICD 10th Revision) record_9 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 9 (ICD 10th Revision) record_10 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 10 (ICD 10th Revision) record_11 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 11 (ICD 10th Revision) record_12 str4 %4s Record-Axis Condition Code 12 (ICD 10th Revision) record_13 str1 %1s Record-Axis Condition Code 13 (ICD 10th Revision) record_14 str1 %1s Record-Axis Condition Code 14 (ICD 10th Revision) record_15 str1 %1s Record-Axis Condition Code 15 (ICD 10th Revision) record_16 str1 %1s Record-Axis Condition Code 16 (ICD 10th Revision) record_17 str1 %1s Record-Axis Condition Code 17 (ICD 10th Revision) record_18 str1 %1s Record-Axis Condition Code 18 (ICD 10th Revision) record_19 str1 %1s Record-Axis Condition Code 19 (ICD 10th Revision) record_20 str1 %1s Record-Axis Condition Code 20 (ICD 10th Revision) hospd byte %8.0g Place of Death and Decedent's Status weekdayd byte %8.0g Day of Week of Death dthyr int %8.0g Year of Death dthmon byte %8.0g Month of Death ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: