_dta: 1. addr2552_10 set up by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 25 Oct 2018 2. Source: HOSPITAL10_PROVIDER_ID_INFO.CSV obs: 6,586 vars: 15 25 Oct 2018 11:57 size: 1,343,544 (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- provider long %12.0g Provider Number prvdr_num str6 %9s Provider Number fyb int %td Numeric version of fyb fybstr str9 %9s Original, string version of fyb fye int %td Numeric version of fye fyestr str9 %9s Original, string version of fye status str15 %15s Status ctrl_type byte %8.0g Control Type hosp_name str36 %36s Hospital Name street_addr str36 %36s Street Address po_box str20 %20s Post Office Box city str27 %27s City state str2 %9s State zip_code str10 %10s ZIP Code county str25 %25s County ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: prvdr_num