NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable YEAR resolves to 2008 MPRINT(LOOP): proc printto print="/homes/data/hcris/2540-96/read_snf_rpt_rollup2008.lst" new; SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable YEAR resolves to 2008 MPRINT(LOOP): FILENAME datafile "/homes/data/hcris/2540-96/snf_2008_ROLLUP.CSV"; MPRINT(LOOP): * The following line should contain the name of the SAS dataset ; MLOGIC(LOOP): %LET (variable name is DATASET) SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable YEAR resolves to 2008 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DATASET resolves to library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINTTO used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds MPRINT(LOOP): data library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008; MPRINT(LOOP): *snf_dm.* files report lengths; MPRINT(LOOP): *Using a length of 4 bytes retains 6 significant digits; MPRINT(LOOP): *Largest integer represented exactly is 2,097,152; MPRINT(LOOP): *Maximum values apply to 2002-09-30 data file; MPRINT(LOOP): *max date is around 16000, do length of 4 should be fine for dates; MPRINT(LOOP): LENGTH rpt_rec_num 5 label $30; 25 The SAS System 11:11 Friday, January 20, 2017 MPRINT(LOOP): * '2C' is hexadecimal for decimal 44 which represents ',' ; MPRINT(LOOP): * '0D' is hexadecimal for decimal 13 which represents '\r', which is the carriage return character; MPRINT(LOOP): infile datafile dsd delimiter='2C0D'x ; MPRINT(LOOP): ** the ":" is a format modifier that reads data values that need additional instructions from an informat; MPRINT(LOOP): INPUT rpt_rec_num label $ item ; MPRINT(LOOP): LABEL rpt_rec_num= "Report Record Number" ; NOTE: The infile DATAFILE is: Filename=/homes/data/hcris/2540-96/snf_2008_ROLLUP.CSV, Owner Name=jroth,Group Name=aging, Access Permission=-rw-r--r--, Last Modified=18Oct2016:01:52:36, File Size (bytes)=41777574 NOTE: 1735844 records were read from the infile DATAFILE. The minimum record length was 15. The maximum record length was 29. NOTE: The data set LIBRARY.SNF_ROLLUP2540_96_2008 has 1735844 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time): real time 0.87 seconds cpu time 0.41 seconds SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DATASET resolves to library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 MPRINT(LOOP): proc sort data=library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008; MPRINT(LOOP): by rpt_rec_num; NOTE: There were 1735844 observations read from the data set LIBRARY.SNF_ROLLUP2540_96_2008. NOTE: The data set LIBRARY.SNF_ROLLUP2540_96_2008 has 1735844 observations and 3 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE SORT used (Total process time): real time 0.54 seconds cpu time 0.39 seconds SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DATASET resolves to library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DATASET resolves to library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 MPRINT(LOOP): proc transpose data=library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 out=library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 (drop=_NAME_ sortedby=rpt_rec_num); MPRINT(LOOP): by rpt_rec_num; MPRINT(LOOP): var item; MPRINT(LOOP): id label; MPRINT(LOOP): run; NOTE: There were 1735844 observations read from the data set LIBRARY.SNF_ROLLUP2540_96_2008. NOTE: The data set LIBRARY.SNF_ROLLUP2540_96_2008 has 14211 observations and 445 variables. NOTE: PROCEDURE TRANSPOSE used (Total process time): real time 2.36 seconds cpu time 2.18 seconds SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DATASET resolves to library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 MPRINT(LOOP): proc print DATA=library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 (obs=5); NOTE: There were 5 observations read from the data set LIBRARY.SNF_ROLLUP2540_96_2008. NOTE: The PROCEDURE PRINT printed pages 207-212. NOTE: PROCEDURE PRINT used (Total process time): real time 0.01 seconds cpu time 0.01 seconds 26 The SAS System 11:11 Friday, January 20, 2017 SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable DATASET resolves to library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008 MPRINT(LOOP): proc contents DATA=library.snf_rollup2540_96_2008; MLOGIC(LOOP): %DO loop index variable YEAR is now 2009; loop will iterate again. NOTE: The PROCEDURE CONTENTS printed pages 213-222. NOTE: PROCEDURE CONTENTS used (Total process time): real time 0.00 seconds cpu time 0.00 seconds SYMBOLGEN: Macro variable YEAR resolves to 2009 MPRINT(LOOP): proc printto log ="/homes/data/hcris/2540-96/read_snf_rpt_rollup2009.log" new;