_dta: 1. by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 19 Nov 2015 2. Source: 2011/20110611/FORMULAT.TXT 3. File description: http://www.fda.gov/Drugs/InformationOnDrugs/ucm257245.htm 4. MAY OCCUR MULTIPLE TIMES PER LISTING SEQ NO. 5. Lists active ingredients contained in product's formulation. listing_seq_no: 1. LISTING_SEQ_NO NOT NULL NUM(7) COL: 1-7 2. Linking field to LISTINGS. strength: 1. STRENGTH NULL CHAR(10) COL: 9-18 2. This is the potency of the active ingredient. unit: 1. UNIT NULL CHAR(5) COL: 20-24 2. Unit of measure corresponding to strength. ingredient_name: 1. INGREDIENT_NAME NOT NULL CHAR(100) COL: 26-125 2. Truncated preferred term for the active ingredient. obs: 110,658 vars: 4 19 Nov 2015 08:03 size: 13,168,302 (_dta has notes) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listing_seq_no long %12.0g * FDA generated unique identification number for each product strength str10 %10s * This is the potency of the active ingredient unit str5 %9s * Unit of measure corresponding to strength ingredient_name str100 %100s * Truncated preferred term for the active ingredient * indicated variables have notes --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: listing_seq_no strength unit ingredient_name