Frequencies for first 10,000 rows of indi_pt variable in indi2018q1 dataset : 'Preferred Term'-level medical | terminology describing the Indication | for use | Freq. Percent Cum. ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Abdominal discomfort | 4 0.04 0.04 Abdominal pain | 2 0.02 0.06 Abdominal pain upper | 1 0.01 0.07 Abnormal behaviour | 6 0.06 0.13 Abscess | 6 0.06 0.19 Acarodermatitis | 1 0.01 0.20 Accidental exposure to product | 1 0.01 0.21 Acne | 4 0.04 0.25 Acne cystic | 1 0.01 0.26 Acral overgrowth | 1 0.01 0.27 Acromegaly | 8 0.08 0.35 Acute coronary syndrome | 2 0.02 0.37 Acute graft versus host disease in skin | 1 0.01 0.38 Acute lymphocytic leukaemia | 16 0.16 0.54 Acute myeloid leukaemia | 17 0.17 0.71 Acute promyelocytic leukaemia | 2 0.02 0.73 Adjustment disorder with depressed mood | 2 0.02 0.75 Adrenal insufficiency | 2 0.02 0.77 Adrenogenital syndrome | 2 0.02 0.79 Adverse drug reaction | 8 0.08 0.87 Adverse event | 29 0.29 1.16 Affect lability | 1 0.01 1.17 Affective disorder | 13 0.13 1.30 Afterbirth pain | 5 0.05 1.35 Allergy prophylaxis | 6 0.06 1.41 Allergy to chemicals | 7 0.07 1.48 Alopecia | 8 0.08 1.56 Amputation | 1 0.01 1.57 Anaemia | 6 0.06 1.63 Anaemia prophylaxis | 1 0.01 1.64 Analgesic therapy | 6 0.06 1.70 Anaphylactic reaction | 1 0.01 1.71 Androgen deficiency | 5 0.05 1.76 Androgen replacement therapy | 30 0.30 2.06 Androgenetic alopecia | 3 0.03 2.09 Anger | 4 0.04 2.13 Angina pectoris | 8 0.08 2.21 Ankylosing spondylitis | 22 0.22 2.43 Antacid therapy | 1 0.01 2.44 Anti-infective therapy | 3 0.03 2.47 Antiallergic therapy | 1 0.01 2.48 Antibiotic prophylaxis | 7 0.07 2.55 Antibiotic therapy | 9 0.09 2.64 Anticoagulant therapy | 26 0.26 2.90 Antidepressant therapy | 10 0.10 3.00 Antifungal prophylaxis | 1 0.01 3.01 Antifungal treatment | 2 0.02 3.03 Antiinflammatory therapy | 6 0.06 3.09 Antioxidant therapy | 1 0.01 3.10 Antiphospholipid syndrome | 1 0.01 3.11 Antiplatelet therapy | 3 0.03 3.14 Antipyresis | 1 0.01 3.15 Antiviral prophylaxis | 4 0.04 3.19 Anxiety | 49 0.49 3.68 Anxiolytic therapy | 5 0.05 3.73 Aortic stenosis | 2 0.02 3.75 Aphthous ulcer | 2 0.02 3.77 Aplastic anaemia | 1 0.01 3.78 Arrhythmia | 6 0.06 3.84 Arterial disorder | 2 0.02 3.86 Arteriovenous malformation | 1 0.01 3.87 Arteritis | 1 0.01 3.88 Arthralgia | 17 0.17 4.05 Arthritis | 20 0.20 4.25 Arthropathy | 1 0.01 4.26 Ascites | 1 0.01 4.27 Aspergillus infection | 3 0.03 4.30 Asthenia | 14 0.14 4.44 Asthma | 153 1.53 5.97 Asthma prophylaxis | 5 0.05 6.02 Atrial fibrillation | 36 0.36 6.38 Attention deficit/hyperactivity disor.. | 49 0.49 6.87 Atypical haemolytic uraemic syndrome | 1 0.01 6.88 Autism spectrum disorder | 1 0.01 6.89 Autonomic failure syndrome | 1 0.01 6.90 B-cell lymphoma | 34 0.34 7.24 B-cell lymphoma recurrent | 35 0.35 7.59 B-cell lymphoma refractory | 32 0.32 7.91 Bacillus infection | 3 0.03 7.94 Back injury | 2 0.02 7.96 Back pain | 17 0.17 8.13 Bacteraemia | 1 0.01 8.14 Bacterial infection | 2 0.02 8.16 Balance disorder | 2 0.02 8.18 Benign prostatic hyperplasia | 7 0.07 8.25 Bipolar I disorder | 9 0.09 8.34 Bipolar II disorder | 4 0.04 8.38 Bipolar disorder | 84 0.84 9.22 Bladder disorder | 4 0.04 9.26 Bladder dysfunction | 2 0.02 9.28 Bladder pain | 1 0.01 9.29 Bladder spasm | 1 0.01 9.30 Blood calcium decreased | 1 0.01 9.31 Blood cholesterol | 23 0.23 9.54 Blood cholesterol abnormal | 19 0.19 9.73 Blood cholesterol decreased | 1 0.01 9.74 Blood cholesterol increased | 31 0.31 10.05 Blood immunoglobulin E increased | 1 0.01 10.06 Blood magnesium decreased | 1 0.01 10.07 Blood parathyroid hormone decreased | 1 0.01 10.08 Blood phosphorus abnormal | 1 0.01 10.09 Blood potassium | 1 0.01 10.10 Blood potassium decreased | 3 0.03 10.13 Blood pressure abnormal | 23 0.23 10.36 Blood pressure decreased | 1 0.01 10.37 Blood pressure increased | 2 0.02 10.39 Blood pressure measurement | 22 0.22 10.61 Blood prolactin increased | 1 0.01 10.62 Blood testosterone decreased | 116 1.16 11.78 Blood triglycerides increased | 5 0.05 11.83 Blood uric acid increased | 1 0.01 11.84 Body height below normal | 16 0.16 12.00 Bone density abnormal | 1 0.01 12.01 Bone density decreased | 9 0.09 12.10 Bone disorder | 6 0.06 12.16 Bone marrow conditioning regimen | 1 0.01 12.17 Bone neoplasm | 1 0.01 12.18 Bone pain | 4 0.04 12.22 Bowel movement irregularity | 1 0.01 12.23 Breakthrough pain | 5 0.05 12.28 Breast cancer | 46 0.46 12.74 Breast cancer female | 6 0.06 12.80 Breast cancer metastatic | 66 0.66 13.46 Bronchial carcinoma | 1 0.01 13.47 Bronchiectasis | 1 0.01 13.48 Bronchitis | 27 0.27 13.75 Bronchitis chronic | 6 0.06 13.81 Bronchopulmonary aspergillosis | 4 0.04 13.85 Bronchospasm | 1 0.01 13.86 Burkitt's leukaemia | 8 0.08 13.94 Burkitt's lymphoma | 23 0.23 14.17 Burning sensation | 2 0.02 14.19 Bursitis | 1 0.01 14.20 C-reactive protein increased | 1 0.01 14.21 Cancer pain | 4 0.04 14.25 Candida infection | 1 0.01 14.26 Carcinoid syndrome | 2 0.02 14.28 Carcinoid tumour | 3 0.03 14.31 Carcinoid tumour of the small bowel | 1 0.01 14.32 Cardiac disorder | 33 0.33 14.65 Cardiac failure | 4 0.04 14.69 Cardiac failure chronic | 7 0.07 14.76 Cardiac failure congestive | 6 0.06 14.82 Cardiovascular disorder | 8 0.08 14.90 Cardiovascular event prophylaxis | 10 0.10 15.00 Cataract | 4 0.04 15.04 Cataract operation | 1 0.01 15.05 Cellulitis | 4 0.04 15.09 Central nervous system fungal infection | 3 0.03 15.12 Central venous catheterisation | 1 0.01 15.13 Cerebral artery occlusion | 1 0.01 15.14 Cerebral infarction | 1 0.01 15.15 Cerebrovascular accident | 1 0.01 15.16 Cerebrovascular accident prophylaxis | 7 0.07 15.23 Cervical radiculopathy | 1 0.01 15.24 Cervix carcinoma | 3 0.03 15.27 Chemotherapy | 8 0.08 15.35 Chest discomfort | 1 0.01 15.36 Chest pain | 3 0.03 15.39 Cholangiocarcinoma | 1 0.01 15.40 Chondropathy | 1 0.01 15.41 Choroidal neovascularisation | 2 0.02 15.43 Chronic gastritis | 5 0.05 15.48 Chronic graft versus host disease | 2 0.02 15.50 Chronic hepatitis C | 16 0.16 15.66 Chronic infantile neurological cutane.. | 8 0.08 15.74 Chronic kidney disease | 3 0.03 15.77 Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia | 34 0.34 16.11 Chronic myeloid leukaemia | 42 0.42 16.53 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease | 53 0.53 17.06 Chronic sinusitis | 2 0.02 17.08 Clostridium difficile infection | 1 0.01 17.09 Coagulopathy | 2 0.02 17.11 Colitis | 3 0.03 17.14 Colitis ulcerative | 13 0.13 17.27 Colon cancer | 6 0.06 17.33 Colorectal cancer | 6 0.06 17.39 Colorectal cancer metastatic | 9 0.09 17.48 Complex regional pain syndrome | 3 0.03 17.51 Complications of transplant surgery | 1 0.01 17.52 Compression fracture | 1 0.01 17.53 Computerised tomogram | 1 0.01 17.54 Congenital cystic kidney disease | 2 0.02 17.56 Conjunctivitis allergic | 1 0.01 17.57 Constipation | 35 0.35 17.92 Constipation prophylaxis | 1 0.01 17.93 Contraception | 30 0.30 18.23 Contusion | 1 0.01 18.24 Cor pulmonale chronic | 2 0.02 18.26 Cord blood transplant therapy | 1 0.01 18.27 Coronary arterial stent insertion | 2 0.02 18.29 Coronary artery disease | 6 0.06 18.35 Coronary artery occlusion | 2 0.02 18.37 Cough | 18 0.18 18.55 Crohn's disease | 37 0.37 18.92 Cryopyrin associated periodic syndrome | 4 0.04 18.96 Cystitis | 1 0.01 18.97 Decreased appetite | 2 0.02 18.99 Deep vein thrombosis | 4 0.04 19.03 Dehydration | 3 0.03 19.06 Dementia Alzheimer's type | 1 0.01 19.07 Dental disorder prophylaxis | 1 0.01 19.08 Depressed mood | 1 0.01 19.09 Depression | 230 2.30 21.39 Dermatitis atopic | 1 0.01 21.40 Dermatomyositis | 1 0.01 21.41 Detachment of retinal pigment epithel.. | 2 0.02 21.43 Diabetes insipidus | 1 0.01 21.44 Diabetes mellitus | 82 0.82 22.26 Diabetes mellitus inadequate control | 1 0.01 22.27 Diabetic neuropathy | 7 0.07 22.34 Diabetic retinopathy | 1 0.01 22.35 Diarrhoea | 13 0.13 22.48 Diffuse large B-cell lymphoma | 54 0.54 23.02 Disturbance in social behaviour | 1 0.01 23.03 Diuretic therapy | 12 0.12 23.15 Diverticulitis | 1 0.01 23.16 Diverticulum | 1 0.01 23.17 Dizziness | 3 0.03 23.20 Drug dependence | 2 0.02 23.22 Drug eruption | 1 0.01 23.23 Drug hypersensitivity | 1 0.01 23.24 Drug therapy | 1 0.01 23.25 Drug toxicity prophylaxis | 2 0.02 23.27 Drug use disorder | 2 0.02 23.29 Dry age-related macular degeneration | 1 0.01 23.30 Dry eye | 5 0.05 23.35 Dry mouth | 5 0.05 23.40 Ductal adenocarcinoma of pancreas | 2 0.02 23.42 Dwarfism | 5 0.05 23.47 Dyskinesia | 1 0.01 23.48 Dyslipidaemia | 10 0.10 23.58 Dyspepsia | 23 0.23 23.81 Dysphagia | 1 0.01 23.82 Dyspnoea | 16 0.16 23.98 Eczema | 8 0.08 24.06 Electrolyte substitution therapy | 1 0.01 24.07 Embolism | 1 0.01 24.08 Emphysema | 8 0.08 24.16 Endocrine ophthalmopathy | 3 0.03 24.19 Endometriosis | 1 0.01 24.20 Energy increased | 1 0.01 24.21 Epilepsy | 42 0.42 24.63 Epistaxis | 3 0.03 24.66 Erectile dysfunction | 17 0.17 24.83 Escherichia bacteraemia | 1 0.01 24.84 Essential hypertension | 2 0.02 24.86 External ear cellulitis | 1 0.01 24.87 Eye disorder | 5 0.05 24.92 Fabry's disease | 7 0.07 24.99 Facial neuralgia | 1 0.01 25.00 Facial spasm | 2 0.02 25.02 Factor VIII deficiency | 2 0.02 25.04 Faeces hard | 2 0.02 25.06 Failure to thrive | 1 0.01 25.07 Fall | 1 0.01 25.08 Fatigue | 10 0.10 25.18 Febrile convulsion | 1 0.01 25.19 Feeding disorder | 1 0.01 25.20 Feeling abnormal | 1 0.01 25.21 Female sterilisation | 2 0.02 25.23 Femur fracture | 2 0.02 25.25 Fibromyalgia | 28 0.28 25.53 Fluid overload | 2 0.02 25.55 Fluid retention | 7 0.07 25.62 Focal dyscognitive seizures | 1 0.01 25.63 Foetal exposure during pregnancy | 17 0.17 25.80 Foetal growth restriction | 1 0.01 25.81 Fungal infection | 9 0.09 25.90 Gait disturbance | 66 0.66 26.56 Gait inability | 1 0.01 26.57 Gastric cancer | 4 0.04 26.61 Gastric disorder | 12 0.12 26.73 Gastric haemorrhage | 2 0.02 26.75 Gastric hypomotility | 1 0.01 26.76 Gastric pH decreased | 1 0.01 26.77 Gastric ulcer | 9 0.09 26.86 Gastrinoma | 1 0.01 26.87 Gastritis | 4 0.04 26.91 Gastritis prophylaxis | 5 0.05 26.96 Gastrointestinal carcinoma | 1 0.01 26.97 Gastrointestinal disorder | 3 0.03 27.00 Gastrointestinal stromal tumour | 3 0.03 27.03 Gastrooesophageal reflux disease | 72 0.72 27.75 Gaucher's disease | 1 0.01 27.76 Generalised anxiety disorder | 1 0.01 27.77 Generalised tonic-clonic seizure | 3 0.03 27.80 Giardiasis | 1 0.01 27.81 Gigantism | 2 0.02 27.83 Gingival bleeding | 1 0.01 27.84 Gingival pain | 1 0.01 27.85 Glaucoma | 15 0.15 28.00 Glomerulonephritis | 1 0.01 28.01 Glomerulonephritis membranous | 1 0.01 28.02 Glycogen storage disease type II | 7 0.07 28.09 Glycogen storage disorder | 3 0.03 28.12 Goitre | 2 0.02 28.14 Gout | 5 0.05 28.19 Graft versus host disease | 1 0.01 28.20 Granuloma | 1 0.01 28.21 Granulomatosis with polyangiitis | 1 0.01 28.22 Groin pain | 1 0.01 28.23 Growth failure | 2 0.02 28.25 Growth hormone deficiency | 42 0.42 28.67 Growth retardation | 7 0.07 28.74 H1N1 influenza | 1 0.01 28.75 HER-2 positive breast cancer | 24 0.24 28.99 HIV infection | 64 0.64 29.63 Haemoglobin decreased | 1 0.01 29.64 Haemolytic uraemic syndrome | 3 0.03 29.67 Haemorrhage | 1 0.01 29.68 Haemorrhage prophylaxis | 1 0.01 29.69 Hallucination | 1 0.01 29.70 Hallucination, auditory | 7 0.07 29.77 Haptoglobin decreased | 3 0.03 29.80 Head and neck cancer | 4 0.04 29.84 Head injury | 2 0.02 29.86 Headache | 7 0.07 29.93 Heart disease congenital | 5 0.05 29.98 Heart rate abnormal | 1 0.01 29.99 Heart rate increased | 3 0.03 30.02 Heart transplant | 11 0.11 30.13 Heart valve operation | 1 0.01 30.14 Hepatitis | 1 0.01 30.15 Hepatitis B | 3 0.03 30.18 Hepatitis B immunisation | 1 0.01 30.19 Hepatitis C | 7 0.07 30.26 Hepatitis D | 4 0.04 30.30 Hepatocellular carcinoma | 2 0.02 30.32 Hernia | 1 0.01 30.33 Herpes virus infection | 1 0.01 30.34 Herpes zoster | 4 0.04 30.38 Hiatus hernia | 2 0.02 30.40 Hidradenitis | 2 0.02 30.42 Hormone replacement therapy | 30 0.30 30.72 Hormone therapy | 2 0.02 30.74 Hormone-refractory prostate cancer | 6 0.06 30.80 Hot flush | 2 0.02 30.82 Humerus fracture | 2 0.02 30.84 Huntington's disease | 1 0.01 30.85 Hyperchlorhydria | 1 0.01 30.86 Hypercholesterolaemia | 24 0.24 31.10 Hypereosinophilic syndrome | 1 0.01 31.11 Hyperglycaemia | 1 0.01 31.12 Hyperhidrosis | 1 0.01 31.13 Hyperlipidaemia | 10 0.10 31.23 Hyperparathyroidism | 1 0.01 31.24 Hyperparathyroidism secondary | 1 0.01 31.25 Hyperphosphataemia | 2 0.02 31.27 Hyperprolactinaemia | 1 0.01 31.28 Hypersensitivity | 26 0.26 31.54 Hypertension | 227 2.27 33.81 Hypertonia | 3 0.03 33.84 Hypertonic bladder | 4 0.04 33.88 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy | 1 0.01 33.89 Hyperuricaemia | 5 0.05 33.94 Hypoalbuminaemia | 1 0.01 33.95 Hypocalcaemia | 3 0.03 33.98 Hypoglycaemia | 3 0.03 34.01 Hypogonadism | 14 0.14 34.15 Hypogonadism male | 2 0.02 34.17 Hypokalaemia | 1 0.01 34.18 Hypoparathyroidism | 1 0.01 34.19 Hypophysectomy | 1 0.01 34.20 Hypopituitarism | 26 0.26 34.46 Hypotension | 1 0.01 34.47 Hypothyroidism | 38 0.38 34.85 Hypovitaminosis | 2 0.02 34.87 Hypoxic-ischaemic encephalopathy | 1 0.01 34.88 Hysterectomy | 2 0.02 34.90 Ileus | 1 0.01 34.91 Ill-defined disorder | 2 0.02 34.93 Immune system disorder | 2 0.02 34.95 Immunisation | 2 0.02 34.97 Immunodeficiency common variable | 1 0.01 34.98 Immunosuppressant drug therapy | 11 0.11 35.09 Immunosuppression | 25 0.25 35.34 Impaired gastric emptying | 1 0.01 35.35 Impulsive behaviour | 1 0.01 35.36 Incontinence | 3 0.03 35.39 Induction of anaesthesia | 2 0.02 35.41 Infantile spasms | 1 0.01 35.42 Infection | 7 0.07 35.49 Infection prophylaxis | 8 0.08 35.57 Infective pulmonary exacerbation of c.. | 1 0.01 35.58 Inflammation | 6 0.06 35.64 Inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour | 1 0.01 35.65 Influenza | 8 0.08 35.73 Influenza like illness | 1 0.01 35.74 Initial insomnia | 1 0.01 35.75 Injury | 1 0.01 35.76 Insomnia | 30 0.30 36.06 Intervertebral disc degeneration | 1 0.01 36.07 Intervertebral disc disorder | 1 0.01 36.08 Intra-uterine contraceptive device in.. | 2 0.02 36.10 Intraocular pressure increased | 1 0.01 36.11 Invasive ductal breast carcinoma | 1 0.01 36.12 Iritis | 2 0.02 36.14 Iron deficiency | 4 0.04 36.18 Irritable bowel syndrome | 1 0.01 36.19 Ischaemic heart disease prophylaxis | 1 0.01 36.20 Ischaemic stroke | 1 0.01 36.21 Joint swelling | 1 0.01 36.22 Juvenile idiopathic arthritis | 13 0.13 36.35 Kidney transplant rejection | 1 0.01 36.36 Knee arthroplasty | 1 0.01 36.37 Labyrinthitis | 2 0.02 36.39 Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma | 3 0.03 36.42 Latent tuberculosis | 1 0.01 36.43 Left ventricular dysfunction | 6 0.06 36.49 Leukaemia | 1 0.01 36.50 Libido decreased | 8 0.08 36.58 Lichen planus | 1 0.01 36.59 Liver disorder | 1 0.01 36.60 Liver function test abnormal | 1 0.01 36.61 Liver transplant | 7 0.07 36.68 Local anaesthesia | 2 0.02 36.70 Localised infection | 1 0.01 36.71 Lumbar radiculopathy | 2 0.02 36.73 Lung adenocarcinoma | 6 0.06 36.79 Lung cancer metastatic | 3 0.03 36.82 Lung disorder | 1 0.01 36.83 Lung infection | 3 0.03 36.86 Lung neoplasm malignant | 4 0.04 36.90 Lung transplant | 3 0.03 36.93 Lupus nephritis | 15 0.15 37.08 Lymphadenopathy | 4 0.04 37.12 Lymphangiectasia intestinal | 1 0.01 37.13 Lymphocytic leukaemia | 2 0.02 37.15 Lymphoedema | 3 0.03 37.18 Lymphoma | 9 0.09 37.27 Macular degeneration | 2 0.02 37.29 Maintenance of anaesthesia | 1 0.01 37.30 Major depression | 14 0.14 37.44 Malaise | 1 0.01 37.45 Malignant lymphoid neoplasm | 5 0.05 37.50 Malignant melanoma | 6 0.06 37.56 Malignant neoplasm of unknown primary.. | 1 0.01 37.57 Mania | 2 0.02 37.59 Mantle cell lymphoma | 18 0.18 37.77 Maternal exposure timing unspecified | 7 0.07 37.84 Medication dilution | 5 0.05 37.89 Memory impairment | 3 0.03 37.92 Meniere's disease | 1 0.01 37.93 Menopausal disorder | 1 0.01 37.94 Menopausal symptoms | 3 0.03 37.97 Menopause | 5 0.05 38.02 Menorrhagia | 1 0.01 38.03 Mental disorder | 6 0.06 38.09 Metabolic acidosis | 1 0.01 38.10 Metastases to bone | 8 0.08 38.18 Metastases to liver | 8 0.08 38.26 Metastases to lung | 1 0.01 38.27 Metastatic carcinoid tumour | 3 0.03 38.30 Metastatic renal cell carcinoma | 11 0.11 38.41 Migraine | 11 0.11 38.52 Migraine without aura | 1 0.01 38.53 Mineral supplementation | 5 0.05 38.58 Mitral valve prolapse | 1 0.01 38.59 Movement disorder | 1 0.01 38.60 Muckle-Wells syndrome | 1 0.01 38.61 Mucopolysaccharidosis | 1 0.01 38.62 Mucopolysaccharidosis I | 1 0.01 38.63 Mucopolysaccharidosis VI | 1 0.01 38.64 Multiple allergies | 2 0.02 38.66 Multiple sclerosis | 271 2.71 41.37 Multiple sclerosis relapse | 3 0.03 41.40 Multiple sclerosis relapse prophylaxis | 1 0.01 41.41 Multiple system atrophy | 1 0.01 41.42 Muscle disorder | 1 0.01 41.43 Muscle relaxant therapy | 4 0.04 41.47 Muscle spasms | 18 0.18 41.65 Muscle spasticity | 5 0.05 41.70 Muscle twitching | 2 0.02 41.72 Musculoskeletal pain | 1 0.01 41.73 Myalgia | 2 0.02 41.75 Myelodysplastic syndrome | 20 0.20 41.95 Myelofibrosis | 14 0.14 42.09 Myeloid leukaemia | 2 0.02 42.11 Myelopathy | 1 0.01 42.12 Myocardial infarction | 5 0.05 42.17 Myocardial ischaemia | 3 0.03 42.20 Myoclonus | 1 0.01 42.21 Myositis | 1 0.01 42.22 Narcolepsy | 4 0.04 42.26 Nasal congestion | 7 0.07 42.33 Nasal discomfort | 2 0.02 42.35 Nasopharyngeal cancer | 1 0.01 42.36 Nasopharyngitis | 7 0.07 42.43 Nausea | 21 0.21 42.64 Neck injury | 1 0.01 42.65 Neoplasm | 2 0.02 42.67 Neoplasm malignant | 1 0.01 42.68 Neovascular age-related macular degen.. | 3 0.03 42.71 Neovascularisation | 1 0.01 42.72 Nephrogenic anaemia | 3 0.03 42.75 Nephrolithiasis | 2 0.02 42.77 Nephrotic syndrome | 1 0.01 42.78 Nerve injury | 5 0.05 42.83 Nervous system disorder | 2 0.02 42.85 Nervousness | 1 0.01 42.86 Neuralgia | 17 0.17 43.03 Neuroblastoma | 7 0.07 43.10 Neuroendocrine carcinoma | 4 0.04 43.14 Neuroendocrine tumour | 6 0.06 43.20 Neuromuscular blockade reversal | 2 0.02 43.22 Neuromuscular blocking therapy | 2 0.02 43.24 Neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis | 2 0.02 43.26 Neuropathy peripheral | 25 0.25 43.51 Neutropenia | 1 0.01 43.52 Neutropenic sepsis | 1 0.01 43.53 Neutrophil count decreased | 4 0.04 43.57 Niemann-Pick disease | 1 0.01 43.58 Night sweats | 1 0.01 43.59 Nitrate compound therapy | 1 0.01 43.60 Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma | 21 0.21 43.81 Non-small cell lung cancer | 142 1.42 45.23 Non-small cell lung cancer metastatic | 2 0.02 45.25 Non-small cell lung cancer recurrent | 6 0.06 45.31 Nutritional supplementation | 1 0.01 45.32 Obsessive-compulsive disorder | 10 0.10 45.42 Oedema | 4 0.04 45.46 Oedema peripheral | 2 0.02 45.48 Oesophageal adenocarcinoma | 10 0.10 45.58 Oesophageal candidiasis | 3 0.03 45.61 Oesophageal carcinoma | 3 0.03 45.64 Oesophageal varices haemorrhage | 2 0.02 45.66 Oestrogen receptor positive breast ca.. | 1 0.01 45.67 Off label use | 2 0.02 45.69 Open angle glaucoma | 1 0.01 45.70 Oppositional defiant disorder | 5 0.05 45.75 Oral contraception | 2 0.02 45.77 Oral fungal infection | 1 0.01 45.78 Oral herpes | 3 0.03 45.81 Oropharyngeal pain | 2 0.02 45.83 Orthostatic hypotension | 2 0.02 45.85 Osteitis deformans | 1 0.01 45.86 Osteoarthritis | 11 0.11 45.97 Osteonecrosis | 1 0.01 45.98 Osteonecrosis of jaw | 1 0.01 45.99 Osteopenia | 31 0.31 46.30 Osteoporosis | 142 1.42 47.72 Osteoporosis postmenopausal | 2 0.02 47.74 Osteoporosis prophylaxis | 14 0.14 47.88 Osteotomy | 1 0.01 47.89 Ovarian cancer | 4 0.04 47.93 Ovarian cancer recurrent | 11 0.11 48.04 Ovarian cancer stage III | 25 0.25 48.29 Ovarian epithelial cancer | 5 0.05 48.34 Pain | 142 1.42 49.76 Pain in extremity | 9 0.09 49.85 Pain management | 2 0.02 49.87 Pancreas transplant | 3 0.03 49.90 Pancreatic carcinoma | 5 0.05 49.95 Pancreatic neuroendocrine tumour | 1 0.01 49.96 Pancreatitis chronic | 1 0.01 49.97 Panic attack | 2 0.02 49.99 Panic disorder | 2 0.02 50.01 Panniculitis | 1 0.01 50.02 Paraesthesia | 1 0.01 50.03 Paralysis | 3 0.03 50.06 Paranoia | 8 0.08 50.14 Parkinson's disease | 5 0.05 50.19 Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria | 17 0.17 50.36 Partial seizures | 3 0.03 50.39 Pelvic pain | 2 0.02 50.41 Pemphigus | 1 0.01 50.42 Peptic ulcer | 3 0.03 50.45 Percutaneous coronary intervention | 1 0.01 50.46 Perioperative analgesia | 3 0.03 50.49 Peripheral circulatory failure | 1 0.01 50.50 Peripheral sensory neuropathy | 1 0.01 50.51 Peripheral swelling | 2 0.02 50.53 Peripheral vascular disorder | 1 0.01 50.54 Peripheral venous disease | 2 0.02 50.56 Peritoneal tuberculosis | 1 0.01 50.57 Pernicious anaemia | 1 0.01 50.58 Peroneal nerve palsy | 1 0.01 50.59 Phlebitis | 1 0.01 50.60 Pituitary tumour | 1 0.01 50.61 Plasma cell myeloma | 78 0.78 51.39 Plasma cell myeloma recurrent | 4 0.04 51.43 Plasmacytoma | 2 0.02 51.45 Platelet aggregation | 1 0.01 51.46 Pleural mesothelioma malignant | 3 0.03 51.49 Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia | 1 0.01 51.50 Pneumonia | 17 0.17 51.67 Pneumonia bacterial | 3 0.03 51.70 Pneumonia pseudomonal | 2 0.02 51.72 Polyarteritis nodosa | 5 0.05 51.77 Polyarthritis | 1 0.01 51.78 Polycythaemia vera | 1 0.01 51.79 Polymyositis | 2 0.02 51.81 Polyneuropathy | 2 0.02 51.83 Polyuria | 4 0.04 51.87 Post herpetic neuralgia | 2 0.02 51.89 Post-traumatic stress disorder | 10 0.10 51.99 Postoperative analgesia | 1 0.01 52.00 Postoperative care | 9 0.09 52.09 Prader-Willi syndrome | 2 0.02 52.11 Pre-eclampsia | 1 0.01 52.12 Pregnancy | 1 0.01 52.13 Premature labour | 4 0.04 52.17 Premedication | 63 0.63 52.80 Presyncope | 1 0.01 52.81 Primary progressive multiple sclerosis | 1 0.01 52.82 Product used for unknown indication | 3,199 31.99 84.81 Progressive relapsing multiple sclero.. | 2 0.02 84.83 Prolactin-producing pituitary tumour | 1 0.01 84.84 Prophylaxis | 103 1.03 85.87 Prophylaxis against HIV infection | 3 0.03 85.90 Prophylaxis against gastrointestinal .. | 12 0.12 86.02 Prophylaxis against graft versus host.. | 8 0.08 86.10 Prophylaxis against transplant reject.. | 20 0.20 86.30 Prophylaxis of nausea and vomiting | 22 0.22 86.52 Prostate cancer | 15 0.15 86.67 Prostate cancer metastatic | 5 0.05 86.72 Prostatic disorder | 1 0.01 86.73 Proteinuria | 2 0.02 86.75 Pseudomonas infection | 4 0.04 86.79 Psoriasis | 126 1.26 88.05 Psoriatic arthropathy | 33 0.33 88.38 Psychomotor hyperactivity | 1 0.01 88.39 Psychotic behaviour | 2 0.02 88.41 Psychotic disorder | 36 0.36 88.77 Pulmonary arterial hypertension | 33 0.33 89.10 Pulmonary artery therapeutic procedure | 3 0.03 89.13 Pulmonary congestion | 1 0.01 89.14 Pulmonary embolism | 5 0.05 89.19 Pulmonary hypertension | 17 0.17 89.36 Pulmonary oedema | 1 0.01 89.37 Pulpitis dental | 1 0.01 89.38 Pustular psoriasis | 1 0.01 89.39 Pyrexia | 15 0.15 89.54 Radiation skin injury | 1 0.01 89.55 Radiotherapy | 1 0.01 89.56 Radius fracture | 2 0.02 89.58 Rash | 2 0.02 89.60 Rash macular | 1 0.01 89.61 Raynaud's phenomenon | 1 0.01 89.62 Rectal adenocarcinoma | 5 0.05 89.67 Rectal cancer | 2 0.02 89.69 Rectal cancer metastatic | 10 0.10 89.79 Reflux gastritis | 1 0.01 89.80 Relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis | 16 0.16 89.96 Renal cancer | 4 0.04 90.00 Renal cell carcinoma | 13 0.13 90.13 Renal transplant | 35 0.35 90.48 Respiratory disorder | 12 0.12 90.60 Respiratory distress | 1 0.01 90.61 Respiratory tract congestion | 2 0.02 90.63 Respiratory tract infection | 5 0.05 90.68 Restless legs syndrome | 7 0.07 90.75 Restlessness | 1 0.01 90.76 Rheumatic disorder | 1 0.01 90.77 Rheumatoid arthritis | 281 2.81 93.58 Rheumatoid vasculitis | 1 0.01 93.59 Rhinitis | 4 0.04 93.63 Rhinitis allergic | 6 0.06 93.69 Rib fracture | 3 0.03 93.72 Rosacea | 2 0.02 93.74 Routine health maintenance | 8 0.08 93.82 Salmonellosis | 1 0.01 93.83 Sarcoidosis | 1 0.01 93.84 Scar | 1 0.01 93.85 Schizoaffective disorder | 39 0.39 94.24 Schizoaffective disorder depressive t.. | 2 0.02 94.26 Schizophrenia | 43 0.43 94.69 Sciatica | 1 0.01 94.70 Scleroderma | 3 0.03 94.73 Scopulariopsis infection | 3 0.03 94.76 Seasonal allergy | 6 0.06 94.82 Secondary progressive multiple sclero.. | 2 0.02 94.84 Sedation | 2 0.02 94.86 Sedative therapy | 2 0.02 94.88 Seizure | 30 0.30 95.18 Sexual dysfunction | 1 0.01 95.19 Silver-Russell syndrome | 2 0.02 95.21 Sinus disorder | 2 0.02 95.23 Sinusitis | 10 0.10 95.33 Sjogren's syndrome | 6 0.06 95.39 Skin disorder | 1 0.01 95.40 Skin exfoliation | 1 0.01 95.41 Skin ulcer | 1 0.01 95.42 Skin wrinkling | 5 0.05 95.47 Sleep disorder | 35 0.35 95.82 Sleep disorder therapy | 9 0.09 95.91 Small cell lung cancer | 1 0.01 95.92 Small cell lung cancer recurrent | 3 0.03 95.95 Small for dates baby | 5 0.05 96.00 Smoking cessation therapy | 6 0.06 96.06 Somnolence | 1 0.01 96.07 Spinal cord disorder | 1 0.01 96.08 Spinal cord injury | 1 0.01 96.09 Spinal osteoarthritis | 1 0.01 96.10 Spinal pain | 1 0.01 96.11 Spondylitis | 1 0.01 96.12 Status epilepticus | 1 0.01 96.13 Stem cell transplant | 8 0.08 96.21 Stent placement | 5 0.05 96.26 Still's disease | 5 0.05 96.31 Stomatitis | 2 0.02 96.33 Stress | 1 0.01 96.34 Suicidal ideation | 5 0.05 96.39 Supplementation therapy | 18 0.18 96.57 Supraventricular tachycardia | 6 0.06 96.63 Swelling | 3 0.03 96.66 Synovial sarcoma | 13 0.13 96.79 Systemic lupus erythematosus | 17 0.17 96.96 Systemic scleroderma | 3 0.03 96.99 Tachycardia | 3 0.03 97.02 Tachycardia paroxysmal | 4 0.04 97.06 Tachyphrenia | 1 0.01 97.07 Tenderness | 1 0.01 97.08 Tendonitis | 2 0.02 97.10 Tension | 1 0.01 97.11 Thrombocytopenia | 1 0.01 97.12 Thrombophlebitis superficial | 2 0.02 97.14 Thrombosis | 7 0.07 97.21 Thrombosis prophylaxis | 9 0.09 97.30 Thyroid disorder | 19 0.19 97.49 Thyroid function test abnormal | 1 0.01 97.50 Thyroid therapy | 1 0.01 97.51 Thyroidectomy | 1 0.01 97.52 Tic | 2 0.02 97.54 Tinea pedis | 1 0.01 97.55 Tobacco user | 2 0.02 97.57 Toothache | 1 0.01 97.58 Tourette's disorder | 3 0.03 97.61 Transient ischaemic attack | 1 0.01 97.62 Transplant | 6 0.06 97.68 Transplant rejection | 1 0.01 97.69 Tremor | 2 0.02 97.71 Trigeminal nerve disorder | 1 0.01 97.72 Trigeminal neuralgia | 4 0.04 97.76 Tuberculosis | 1 0.01 97.77 Tumour pain | 2 0.02 97.79 Turner's syndrome | 3 0.03 97.82 Type 1 diabetes mellitus | 31 0.31 98.13 Type 2 diabetes mellitus | 68 0.68 98.81 Type IIa hyperlipidaemia | 4 0.04 98.85 Ulcer | 2 0.02 98.87 Ulcer haemorrhage | 1 0.01 98.88 Upper motor neurone lesion | 1 0.01 98.89 Upper respiratory tract infection | 10 0.10 98.99 Urethral abscess | 1 0.01 99.00 Urge incontinence | 1 0.01 99.01 Urinary incontinence | 3 0.03 99.04 Urinary retention | 2 0.02 99.06 Urinary tract infection | 22 0.22 99.28 Urine analysis abnormal | 1 0.01 99.29 Urogram | 1 0.01 99.30 Urticaria | 1 0.01 99.31 Uterine haemorrhage | 3 0.03 99.34 Uterine operation | 1 0.01 99.35 Uveitis | 1 0.01 99.36 Vasodilatation | 1 0.01 99.37 Venipuncture | 1 0.01 99.38 Venous thrombosis | 3 0.03 99.41 Ventricular extrasystoles | 2 0.02 99.43 Ventricular tachycardia | 1 0.01 99.44 Vertigo | 2 0.02 99.46 Visual field defect | 1 0.01 99.47 Vitamin B complex deficiency | 2 0.02 99.49 Vitamin B12 deficiency | 2 0.02 99.51 Vitamin D decreased | 2 0.02 99.53 Vitamin D deficiency | 7 0.07 99.60 Vitamin supplementation | 6 0.06 99.66 Vomiting | 7 0.07 99.73 Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia | 6 0.06 99.79 Weight control | 1 0.01 99.80 Weight decreased | 2 0.02 99.82 Wernicke's encephalopathy | 2 0.02 99.84 Wheezing | 8 0.08 99.92 White blood cell count increased | 1 0.01 99.93 Wrong patient received medication | 6 0.06 99.99 Zinc deficiency | 1 0.01 100.00 ----------------------------------------+----------------------------------- Total | 10,000 100.00 by Jean Roth , , 19 Jun 2018