_dta: 1. by Jean Roth , jroth@nber.org , 26 Mar 2015 2. OUTCyyQq.TXT contains patient outcomes for the event (0 or more). primaryid: 1. Unique number for identifying a FAERS report. 2. This is the primary link field (primary key) between data files (example: 31234561). 3. This is a concatenated key of Case ID and Case Version Number. 4. It is the Identifier for the case sequence (version) number as reported by the manufacturer. outc_cod: 1. notes outc_cod : Code for a patient outcome. (See table below.) 2. CODE MEANING_TEXT 3. ---- ------------ 4. DE Death 5. LT Life-Threatening 6. HO Hospitalization - Initial or Prolonged 7. DS Disability 8. CA Congenital Anomaly 9. RI Required Intervention to Prevent 10. Permanent Impairment/Damage 11. OT Other Serious (Important Medical Event) 12. NOTE: The outcome from the latest version of a case is provided. If there is more than one outcome, the codes will be line listed. obs: 195,605 vars: 2 26 Mar 2015 15:25 size: 1,173,630 (_dta has notes) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- storage display value variable name type format label variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- primaryid long %12.0g * Unique number for identifying a FAERS report outc_cod str2 %9s * Code for a patient outcome * indicated variables have notes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sorted by: primaryid outc_cod