National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Dissertation Support on "Economics of an Aging Workforce": Deadline Approaching

Dissertation Support on "Economics of an Aging Workforce": Deadline Approaching

From: James Poterba <>
Date: Wed, 10 Dec 2014 00:04:05 -0500

Dear NBER Researchers -

I am writing with a reminder concerning a dissertation support program
that the NBER administers with the support of a generous grant from the
Alfred P. Sloan Foundation. The NBER will be able to provide two
dissertation support grants for the next academic year (2015-16) for
Ph.D. students in economics whose research focuses on "The Economics of
an Aging Workforce." This topic area encompasses research on, but is
not limited to, issues such as the determinants of work and retirement
behavior by older workers; the roles of public and private policies, and
workplace attributes, in facilitating or discouraging work at older
ages; age discrimination in labor markets; and the effects of an aging
workforce on firm-level and aggregate productivity. Further details are
provided in the attached fellowship announcement.

Each dissertation grant will provide a stipend of $25,000, as well as up
to $12,000 in tuition support. The grants will be for one year. To be
eligible for fellowship support, a student must be working toward a
Ph.D. at a North American university during the 2015-16 academic year.
I hope that you will forward this message to students who might be
interested in applying for fellowship support. Please note that a
nomination process requires a letter of recommendation, and that the
closing date for fellowship applications is *Wednesday, December 17,
2014.* Please note that student applications as well as short
nominating letters from their advisers must be received by this data.
We will not be able to consider applications that are not complete by
that date.

Fellowship applications, as well as questions about the fellowship
program, may be sent to Ms. Raquel Greene, Thank you
for helping to call attention to this important program of research
support. All best wishes.

Jim Poterba

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Received on Wed Dec 10 2014 - 07:08:32 EST