National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: National Tax Association (NTA) Call for Papers reminder

National Tax Association (NTA) Call for Papers reminder

From: Weinzierl, Matthew <>
Date: Wed, 15 Apr 2015 15:14:58 +0000

Dear PE Members,

On Tax Day, we're writing to remind you that it's just over two weeks before May 1, the submission deadline for the NTA meeting in Boston this November 19-21. We are hoping to leverage this year's Boston location to attract the very best research on taxation and related fields while retaining the breadth of scope and collegiality that have long made the NTA meetings such a productive and enjoyable event. The list of fields for which we have dedicated slots is below, and as you can see it's a big tent, so please go to or view the attached Call for Papers and follow the instructions for submitting a paper (even one at a very early stage of development).

Thanks very much, and please feel free to contact us with questions,

Dhammika Dharmapala
Matt Weinzierl
Co-chairs of the Program Committee

Fields with dedicated space at the conference:

* Administrative tax data

* Behavioral public finance

* Charity and public goods

* Corporate tax

* Education policy

* Environmental and energy

* Health policy

* International taxation

* Local public finance

* Optimal taxation

* Pensions and transfer programs

* Personal tax and labor responses

* Political economy

* Tax accounting

* Tax enforcement

* Tax law

Received on Wed Apr 15 2015 - 13:22:09 EDT