National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Reminder: Call for papers, NBER China conference in Cambridge, October 12, 2007

Subject: Reminder: Call for papers, NBER China conference in Cambridge, October 12, 2007
From: Carl Beck (
Date: Wed May 23 2007 - 08:31:32 EDT

>Reminder: Call for Papers, NBER China Conference
>Cambridge, MA, October 12, 2007
>New research papers are solicited for the next National Bureau of Economic
>Research workshop on the Chinese economy to be held in Cambridge,
>Massachusetts, on Friday, October 12, 2007.
>The conference is a forum for new China-related research, broadly defined.
>We do not publish proceedings or issue NBER working papers - most
>presented papers are presumed to be published later in journals.
>Participants in the past meetings included U.S.-based economists working
>on China and NBER members from various programs, such as International
>Trade and Investment, International Finance and Macroeconomics, Public
>Economics and Asset Pricing. Past conference programs can be found at
>If you are interested in presenting a paper this year, please email a PDF
>version to me at <> by June 5, 2007. If
>you sent me a paper more than a month ago, it would also be good to send
>me a short email as a reminder or send me an updated version of the paper.
>Preference will be given to empirically oriented papers for which at least
>a rough draft or detailed outline is ready by the time of submission. Only
>authors of accepted papers will be contacted. The travel and hotel costs
>will be covered by the NBER.
>Thank you. Look forward to seeing you in Cambridge.
>Shang-Jin Wei