National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Program Meeting April 6-7

Subject: Program Meeting April 6-7
From: James Poterba (poterba@MIT.EDU)
Date: Mon Mar 06 2006 - 09:58:48 EST

Dear Program Members -
      I am writing to call your attention to the extremely short deadline
for replying to last week's email from the NBER conference department
concerning the upcoming program meeting. It turns out that the Hotel
Sonesta is fully booked for the nights of our meeting, but they will
accommodate us provided Lita Kimble at NBER can send them a reservation
list by this Wednesday, March 8. The message last week asked for your very
prompt reply, but I wanted to underscore this and to ask for your
cooperation in visiting the NBER website to respond to the conference
invitation. Thank you for your help, and I look forward to seeing you in a
few weeks! All best wishes.