National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Rosanne Cole

Subject: Rosanne Cole
From: Rob Shannon (
Date: Mon Apr 09 2007 - 09:54:56 EDT

Forwarded from Ellen Dulberger:

Rosanne Cole passed away on Friday. Her obituary is in today's NY Times.

If you would like to send condolences, her sister's name and address are
the following:

Ms. Dolores DiPaola
530 E 72 ST
New York, NY 10021

If you have a memory of Rosanne that you would like to share, please send
it to me and I will collect all that I receive and give them to Dolores.

If you know anyone else in NBER who would remember Rosanne, please forward
this note to him/her/them....

I will make it a point to ask Dolores for the names of charities,
educational institutions, etc to make donations to....

Ellen R. Dulberger, PhD
Vice President, Enterprise Risk Management and Compliance

Route 100
Somers, NY 10589

(914) 766-2215
T/L 826-2215