National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Fwd: NSF/Foundation Initiative on IT

Subject: Fwd: NSF/Foundation Initiative on IT
From: Carl Beck (
Date: Sat Mar 05 2005 - 08:43:25 EST

>To: NBER Family in Productivity, Labor Studies, IO and Economics of
>From: Ernie Berndt
>Re: NSF/Foundation Initiative on IT, Organizational Economics,
>>Julia Lane from the NSF asked that I pass on to possible interested
>>researchers in the NBER family information about a new initiative at the
>>NSF, to be done together with certain private foundations (such as Sloan)
>>on factors affecting the adoption of cyberspace infrastructure
>>investments (e.g., information and communications technologies) and their
>>impacts. This will be an NSF wide initiative, but economics and social
>>sciences may be able to garner a significant amount of funds.
>The NSF is in the process of preparing guidelines and announcements. A
>related document from Gail Pesyna at the Sloan Foundation is
>attached. Should you wish to contact Julia Lane at the NSF, her email
>address is