National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER Monetary Economics Program Meeting, April 16, 2004

Subject: NBER Monetary Economics Program Meeting, April 16, 2004
From: Lita Kimble (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 11:27:01 EST


TO: Potential Authors

FROM: Laurence M. Ball and Christopher D. Carroll, Organizers

DATE: January 7, 2004

RE: Call for papers, NBER Monetary Economics Program Meeting

The next Monetary Economics Program Meeting will held on Friday, April 16,
2004 in Cambridge. The meeting will be scheduled roughly from 8:30 in the
morning until 4:30 in the afternoon and will be preceded by a dinner on
Thursday evening.

If you have a paper you would like to present, please send a copy of the
paper by February 6, 2004 to:


                        Conference Department

                        Attn: ME submissions

                        1050 Massachusetts Avenue

                        Cambridge, MA 02138

You can also send submissions electronically to Please
send electronic submissions in pdf

Please contact the NBERs Conference Department if you have any further
questions. They can be reached at 617/868-3900, fax 617/864-1825, or email

We look forward to receiving your submissions.