National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Mainz Workshops and Summerschools 2012

Mainz Workshops and Summerschools 2012

From: Brandau, Silke <>
Date: Thu, 1 Mar 2012 08:21:55 +0000

Dear colleagues,

it is our pleasure to announce a series of workshops and summer schools at the Department of Economics of the University of Mainz.

The events cover issues ranging from labour economics via macro and econometrics to behavioural economics. Guest lecturers come from Stanford, Chicago and other universities. The first workshop is on 30 April, the last summer school ends on 31 August.

There are two calls for papers which are attached below for your information.

For more information on schedules, summerschool details and all other information, please go to

We are looking forward to welcoming you and/ or your students here.

Alejandro Donado
Andrey Launov
Daniel Schunk
Klaus Wälde

Call for papers - Search, Matching and Unemployment

The Department of Economics at the University of Mainz, Germany, invites submissions for a one-day Mainz Workshop in Labour Economics, which will take place on April 30, 2012. The workshop intends to provide a platform for discussion of new ideas in the structural modeling of labour market search and matching frictions. Particular emphasis will be made on (but not restricted to) unemployed search and benefit systems. Keynote speech of the workshop will be delivered by Prof. Melvyn Coles (University of Essex).

The deadline for submissions is March 1, 2011. Authors of submitted papers will be notified of the decision shortly thereafter. For submission, please send your paper as an email attachment to Andrey Launov.

University of Mainz will provide accommodation and reimburse economy class travel expenses for the authors whose contributions were accepted to the workshop.


Call for papers: Research Workshop: "The future of trade unions"

The Departments of Economics at the University of Mainz and the University of Mainz, Germany, invite papers for a one day workshop on 13 June 2012 in Mainz on "The future of trade unions". Our keynote speaker is John Pencavel from Stanford University.

There is no doubt that trade unions influence economic acivities of a country. There is quite some dispute, however, whether the influence of trade unions is positive or negative. Critics and standard economic theory emphasize that trade unions are responsible for unemployment as they push up wages above the market clearing level. Supporters also stress positive contributions: unions provide a "collective voice" (Freeman and Medoff, 1984), they can be seen as the precursor of the modern welfare state (Brugiavini et al., 2001, ch. II.2.1), they play a " constructive role <...> in providing individuals with an opportunity to participate in fashioning their work environment" (Pencavel, 2005) or they collect information, improve occupational health and safety at the workplace and thereby increase output and welfare of an economy (Donado and Wälde, 2011), to name just a few positive examples.

It is the objective of this workshop to bring together economists who also see "the good face" of trade unions (or of any social group more generally speaking). Society is more than a group of individuals, it is rather a group of groups who mostly contribute in some useful way to society. We welcome analyses of union behaviour (or social groups more generally) both from an empirical and theoretical perspective.

The deadline for submissions is 22 April 2012. Authors of selected papers will be notified of the decision shortly thereafter. The Department of Economics can cover travel and accommodation costs for all speakers and discussants.

Please send your paper as an email attachment to Alejandro Donado.

Received on Thu Mar 01 2012 - 03:21:55 EST