National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: My role in the NBER Law and Economics Program

Subject: My role in the NBER Law and Economics Program
From: Rob Shannon (
Date: Thu Dec 07 2006 - 15:16:32 EST

Hello everyone:

This email is to inform you that, after having spent about 20 years as
director/co-director of the law and economics program, I have decided to
step down (sadly, I'm getting old and tired). The program will now be in
Christine's capable hands. In any case, I very much appreciate the efforts
that all of you have devoted to participating in the program and I look
forward to continuing to attend program meetings myself.



Professor Steven Shavell
Harvard Law School
Cambridge, MA 02138

phone: 617-495-3668
fax: 617-496-2256


webpage: (My publications may be
downloaded from my webpage.)