National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Call for Papers NBER ITI winter meeting

Call for Papers NBER ITI winter meeting

From: Stephen J. Redding <reddings_at_Princeton.EDU>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2020 17:56:00 +0000

Dear ITI group,

Thank you very much again to Laura Alfaro and Costas Arkolakis for organizing a wonderful ITI summer institute this year. I know how much work they put into the organization to make the virtual format a great success. Thank you to them for an outstanding and diverse program.

The virtual ITI winter meeting will take place on Friday-Saturday 4-5 December, 2020. This email serves as the call for papers.

Please upload your submissions before midnight Eastern time on 30th September 2020 to the following web link:

Please also note that we have an exciting upcoming virtual conference on international trade policy and institutions (organized jointly with Bob Staiger) on 11-12 September 2020, which was rescheduled from last Spring because of COVID-19:

If you did not already sign up for this conference, but would like to do so now, please reach out directly to Brett Maranjian:<>

Finally, next year’s ITI summer institute will be organized by Laura Alfaro and Pablo Fajgelbaum.

I hope that you all have an enjoyable and productive summer.

Best wishes to you and your family in these difficult times.

With Best Regards,


Received on Mon Jul 27 2020 - 15:04:58 EDT