National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: FW: Several announcements

FW: Several announcements

From: Robert Feenstra <>
Date: Fri, 18 Jul 2014 20:02:11 +0000

Dear ITI group:

Let me thank Steve and Arnaud once again, as well as all the participants, for such an interesting and thought-provoking summer institute. Next year, Arnaud will be joined by Dave Donaldson in putting together the agenda (with the ITI session occurring again in the first week of the summer institute, just after July 4).

Let me also remind you of a few upcoming dates:

Winter meeting, Stanford University, December 5-6, 2014 (Friday-Saturday morning)
This will be organized by Gordon Hanson and you can expect to receive the call for papers in August/September.

Spring meeting, NBER in Cambridge, March 20-21, 2015 (Friday-Saturday morning)
Notice that these dates are a bit earlier than normal.

Finally, I attach a call for papers for a conference that the Bank of England, Centre for Macroeconomics, and CEPR are jointly organizing: "International Trade, Finance, and Macroeconomics" on December 18-19, 2014. It will be hosted by the Bank of England.


Robert Feenstra
Department of Economics
University of California,
Davis, CA 95616
Home page:

Received on Fri Jul 18 2014 - 17:33:33 EDT