National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: FW: Call for papers and future meetings dates

FW: Call for papers and future meetings dates

From: Robert Feenstra <>
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 17:05:48 +0000

Dear ITI group:

There are several items to report about future meetings, so let me describe them chronologically:

1) Winter meeting 2012, Nov. 30 - Dec. 1, SIEPR, Stanford

This e-mail is the the call for papers (or abstracts) for this meeting, which are due on OCTOBER 1. The NBER now has an electronic submission of papers. Please submit these by October 1 to:

2) Spring meeting 2013, March 22-23, 1050 Mass. Ave., Cambridge

These dates have just been set (the following weekend was not available at 1050).

3) Summer institute meeting 2013, Cambridge

Let me announce that Eric Verhoogen and Steve Redding will organize this meeting, and thank them in advance. You will recall that I had sent around several questions to be voted upon, one of which concerned the most desired week for the summer institute. I attach the results of the ballot in an Excel sheet, with the names of respondents deleted. You can sort these results in various ways. On the question of the summer institute week, about 75% of people voted for the first week, simultaneous with IFM and the ITM working group. I have informed Jim Poterba and Carl Beck about this, so now there will be some discussion to see whether the first week is actually available (preferably at 1050). I will keep you informed about the outcome from those discussions.

4) Winter meeting 2013, December 6-7, San Francisco Fed

A second question on the ballot concerned the desired west coast location for the winter meeting. The largest number of votes were cast for the San Francisco Fed, so that meeting has been scheduled for December 6-7, 2013. Still, a fair number of people indicated that they preferred SIEPR at Stanford or just moving around a bit. So I will leave the location for 2014 flexible at this time.



Robert Feenstra
Department of Economics
University of California,
Davis, CA 95616
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Received on Thu Aug 16 2012 - 13:05:48 EDT