National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Looking for a Seasoned Assistant or Associate with strong Empirical skills

Looking for a Seasoned Assistant or Associate with strong Empirical skills

From: M. Scott Taylor <>
Date: Thu, 15 Dec 2011 09:24:59 -0700

Dear Colleagues,

My Dean got into the holiday spirit, so yesterday we were granted approval to hire an Associate Professor.

We are looking for someone with strong empirical skills (I.e. teaching part of a graduate econometrics sequence is not much of a stretch for them), and a track record in terms of publishing.

We are NOT looking for a new Assistant professor, but an Assistant a couple years out may fit the bill. The Associate label doesn't imply tenure at our institution, but a tenured offer could be negotiated.

If you know of a seasoned Assistant with a track record who is looking for a lateral move, or a more accomplished – but still young - Associate who fits the bill please ask them to contact me and we will proceed from there.

My preference would be to hire in international or environmental economics, but the search is open to all fields with the one proviso of strong empirical skills. There will be an accompanying ad placed soon.

Sorry for the interruption and thanks in advance,



M. Scott Taylor

Professor & Canada Research Chair
Research Associate NBER, ITI & EEE Programs
Department of Economics, SS 428, University of Calgary
2500 University Drive, N.W.
Calgary, Alberta Canada T2N1N4
Phone: 403-220-8912
Fax: 403-282-5262

Assistant: Ms. Amanda Lottermoser
Phone: 403-220-8039
Received on Thu Dec 15 2011 - 11:24:59 EST