National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Research summary for the NBER reporter

Research summary for the NBER reporter

From: Robert Feenstra <>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 11:44:07 +0000

Dear ITI group:

I attach a research summary of the ITI program that will appear in the next NBER Reporter, which covers all the research since the last summary appeared in late 2005. In practise, recent research ends up getting more attention, and I apologize that in this summary I do not deal with foreign direct investment. I will ask the Bureau to link the working papers to their publication outlets when that is known. If you notice any factual errors in this summary, please do not hesitate to contact me.



Robert Feenstra Phone: (530)752-7022
Department of Economics Fax: (530)752-9382
University of California, e-mail:
Davis CA 95616 Data:
Home page:

Received on Mon Apr 11 2011 - 07:44:07 EDT