National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Grad students attending the summer institute

Grad students attending the summer institute

From: Robert Feenstra <>
Date: Wed, 14 May 2008 11:16:18 -0700

Dear ITI group:

Like last year, the NBER is opening the summer institute for attendance by graduate students from outside the Cambridge area. Lunches will be provided for these attendees, but no other expenses; it is expected that the nominating faculty will be able to assist with travel and lodging. We already have a substantial number of attendees given that quite a number of papers include participants from outside the NBER. But we can include a small number of graduate students, too. If you would like to nominate someone, please send the information to me by May 23 (the end of next week), and I will coordinate these nominations with the organizers, Peter Schott and John McLaren.


Robert Feenstra Phone: (530)752-7022
Department of Economics Fax: (530)752-9382
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Received on Wed May 14 2008 - 14:16:18 EDT