National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: NBER Reporter article

Subject: NBER Reporter article
From: Robert Feenstra (
Date: Mon Jan 31 2005 - 11:59:00 EST

Dear ITI group:

I have attached a summary of ITI research that I have prepared for the NBER
It starts from the last summary in winter 2000/2001, but I cover 2001 only
and concentrate on 2002-2004. My apologies that I am not able to cover all
or topics.

If you have a look at it, please let me know if your papers have been
and I will include that information along with the WP number in the
notes. Also,
please copy Jennifer Dayton Barucci at NBER (at ) on the
messages to me with your journal references for WPs, so the NBER website
references can be updated.

Please also let me know if you find any errors in this writeup.

                 Best, Rob

Robert Feenstra Phone: (530)752-7022
Department of Economics Fax: (530)752-9382
University of California, e-mail:
Davis CA 95616 Data:
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