National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Call for Papers: NBER Productivity meeting, March 4, 2005

Subject: Call for Papers: NBER Productivity meeting, March 4, 2005
From: Wolfgang Keller (
Date: Thu Dec 16 2004 - 21:11:23 EST

Productivity in the Open Economy

The Spring 2005 meeting of the NBER Productivity program will be held at
Cambridge, MA, on March 4, 2005. We are particularly interested in papers
that examine productivity issues in an international context. This includes,
but is not limited to issues such as

- Fundamental sources of international productivity differences

- What is behind the evolution of cross-country productivity gaps in the

- Measurement and estimation of international productivity differences

- How productivity differences affect trade, foreign direct investment,
   and other cross-border activity

- The influence of cross-border economic activity on technology diffusion
   and productivity growth

- Domestic technical change versus technology adoption from abroad

If you have a paper (or draft) that you would like to present, please send
a copy of it by email to both Ernie Berndt ( and
Wolfgang Keller (

We look forward to hearing from you!

Ernie Berndt and Wolfgang Keller