National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: senior position, gams workshop

Subject: senior position, gams workshop
Date: Tue Oct 08 2002 - 17:03:01 EDT

Dear Colleagues,

I have two announcements. First, economics at the University of Colorado
in beautiful Boulder has a senior position, associate level, which is
advertised in the JOE. While it is unrestricted by field, we are
especially interested in international trade and open economy macro, due
to high student demand and existing expertise in these areas. You can
contact me for information (but formal applications are needed to be

Second, we are running a beginners workshop for numerical simulation
modeling and applied ge modeling here in Boulder, February 24-28. No
previous experience is assumed. We want to attract individuals who want
to use numerical methods both as a theory simulation tool and those who
want to do cge policy modeling. There will be three days of general
instruction and exercises, and on the final day we divide into three
sections, focussing on trade, environment, and dynamics respectively. The
web site giving details is:

Thanks for your time.

Jim Markusen