National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Prashant Shukla - Simon Fraser. please see comments about ASSA

Prashant Shukla - Simon Fraser. please see comments about ASSA

From: Denis Healy <>
Date: Mon, 01 Dec 2014 11:05:30 -0500

>From: Prashant Shukla <Prashant.Shukla_at_Rotman.Utoronto.Ca>
>Hi Denis,
>This is Prashant again. I hope this email finds you well. Attached
>please find my application for the NBER PIE Postdoctoral Fellowship
>Program. I am applying to be considered for the position within the
>Innovation Policy Group.
>Also, I would be very grateful if you would consider informing me if
>I have been shortlisted for an interview by mid-December? The reason
>is, since I am not on the academic job market for tenure-track
>positions this year, I was not planning on standing ASSA in January
>2015. Therefore, I would need to secure funding before hand.
>Alternatively, I am also available for a phone interview if that
>works for the decision committee. Please let me know what you think.
>Thanks so much; looking forward to hearing from you.
><>Prashant Shukla
><>SSRN Papers

Received on Mon Dec 01 2014 - 11:04:46 EST