National Bureau of Economic Research
NBER: Message to NBER IO members

Message to NBER IO members

From: Rob Shannon <>
Date: Wed, 18 Jan 2023 12:49:56 -0500

Hi everyone,

Hope everyone had a good winter break.

Two quick notes from me:

1. You should have all received the email from
Denis about NBER nominations. If you plan to
nominate one or more candidates, it might be
useful to keep in mind that for any practical
purpose the intensity of the nomination is not a
critical part of the process. A name and two
short sentences would suffice, and a big campaign
does not make a difference. Once all the
nominations are in, I and the NBER IO steering
committee (which is currently Kate, Katja, Mike
W, and Matt G) go through all the nominations,
look at everyone carefully, and do the best we
can to recommend new appointments subject to the
NBER slot constraint (which has been binding for
us every year; there are always more deserving
nominees than slots). In my years of doing it,
the intensity of the nomination was never an
important factor in the discussion.

2. (For those attending the IO meeting in person
next month) As Rob just emailed earlier today,
similar to last year's winter meeting, we will
not have a group dinner in the winter meeting. We
will have instead a happy hour outside SIEPR
immediately after the last talk on Friday. The
group has become too big for any decent venue,
and I also got some positive feedback on this
structure after last year's meeting. With that
said, restaurants get pretty booked here on
Fridays, so you might want to organize a small
group and book something ahead of time.

Looking forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks!

Received on Wed Jan 18 2023 - 13:03:14 EST